II Census of India, 1951 < DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH 34-BASTI DISTRICT _- 315.42 ALLAHABAD: # PluNnNG AND STATIONERY, UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA 1951 1953 BAS CPS FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March, 1952, to supply them for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statiS'tics'with separa.tion fot scheduled castes (i) mohalla/ward -wise for urban areas, and (ii) village-wise fOI rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsiI or urban tract and the request from (he Uttar Pradesh Government came when the slip sorting had been finished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population by mohallas/wards and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately, however, a secondary census record, viz. the National Citizens' Register. in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre· pared mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. The required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' Register. This difference has been accen mated by an order passed by me during the hter count from the National Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District, Raidas and Bhagat as ·Chamars'. (ii) COUnt Bhangi, Khakrob, Sweepers. Harijan. Mehtar. Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikis'. The fact, that some members of the scheduled castes had returned thea caste by names which did not find place in the schedule as notified under section 341 of the Constitution ofIndia, came to my notice during the course of the earlier sorting, but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried to rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the National Citizens' Register. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly set out In the cables that follow. 3. The figures of total population of mohallas/wards have been arnved a I by actual cou,nting from the National Citizens' Register, while the figures of total population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Summary of Urban Population the code number of each town has been given. The first element of the code gives the code number of the district, the .econd the code number of the tehsil (or towns of over one lakh population) and the third the code number of the town (other than a town o.(one lakh population). The key to the code numbers of tehsils will be found in jt&e Summary of Rural Population. RAJESHW ART PRASAD, I.A.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent. Census Operations, July 23, 1952 . Uttar Pradesh LIST OF ERRATA TO DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS OF BASTI DISTRICT A-Errata to column 1, Code no. and name of village (Rural) (a) Addition of new villages Page no. Particulars Additions 5 Under P,trgan,' Binaikpur 31-Amhat. 6 e uder Pargana Bansi I 62-Bardahi Nankar. 6 Ditto I 63-Barahpur. 6 Ditto "175-Bargadwa . 6. Ditto I 76-Bargadwa. 6 Ditto i 77-Bargadhia. 13 Ditto I 322-Semra Mustahkam•. 13 Ditto 1323-Semrahna. 13 Ditto 1 324-Semrahna. (b) Deletion of existing villages 5 DeletB '162-Barda,hi Nanknr a,nd t,he entries against it.' 5 Ditto ' 162-Barahpur Ditto.' 5 Ditto ' 175-Bargadwa Ditto.' 5 Ditto ' 176-Bargadwa Ditto.' 5 Ditto ' 177 -Bargadhia and the entry against it.' 5 Ditto '1322 Semra Mustahkam and the entries against it.' 5 Ditto '1323 Semrahna Ditto.' 5 Ditto 'I 324-Semrahna Ditto.' 6 Ditto '31-Amhat Ditto.' (II) Corrections in existing Code numbers Page no. For Read 5 1146-patila 1 145-Patila. 8 446-Gonda Dih EhtamaJi 546-Gonda Dih Ehtamali. 18 793--Jogiya JoriKuiyan 783--Jogiya JoTiKuiyan. 18 984-Katw a ri 884-KntWIl,ri. 19 I 570-Parsa Lahgra 1370-Parsa Langra. 23 50-Atra 60-Atra. 23 52-Athdaina 62-Athadama. 23 75-Ba durgahia 85-Badurgahna. 23 77-Bagha Dih 97 -Bagha Dih. 26 230-Bhuigawan 232-Bhuigawan. (d) Corrections in existing names of villag'!!> Page no. For Read 5 I 82--Barhai 182-Barabia. 5 319-Bi"manpur 319-Bishunpur. 5 380-Dotftipur 380-Dafslipur. 5 659-Kadia 659-Kapia. 5 I I 48-Pakthauli 1148-Patkhauli. 6 30-Amarha 30-Amghati. 2 List of Erratl:& to District Population Statistics of Bl:&sti District-( contd.) (d) Corrections in exisOng names o~ villages-(cordd.) Page nO. For Rea.d --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 101-Baghi IOI-Bajhi. 6 106-BakUWfi Nan I06-Baku Waon. 6 I 79-Bagaon I 79--Bargon . 7 227-Bhagwatpur 227-Bha(,tautapur. 7 233-B.aain Saha 233--Bl:>ai Sahw8. 7 234-Bbain Sana 234-Bhai Sahwa. 7 236-Bha khiya 236- Bhakuia. 7 337--Cnandra Garha 337--Chadey Gari... 7 361 -Chiligia 36!-Chilihia. 8 39D-Dandio Kunwan 8 395-Dandwa Adhar 395-Dandwa Adhin. 8 460-Dhursi Khurd 460-Dhusri Khurd. 8 505-Gajraulia Kalan 505-Gajraulia Khalsa. 8 539--Oh8rihar 539-GhariBar. 8 545-Gonda Tal 545-Godha Tal. 8 557-Gularihaa Lala 557-Gulriha Raja. 9 634-Kadam Do.ndwa 634-K'adam Danarwra. 9 6'7-Kali Ghat 637-Koili Ghat. 9 651-Kanrajhar 651-Ka nrSahar. 9 656-Koswa 656:-Kaowa. 9 704-Katia Gaon 704-Katia Garori. 9 706-Katra 706--Kathia. 9 712-Keuwal Tal 712--Kawva Tal. 9 723-1\e8hri 723-Khadr". 10 794-·Kolia 794-Kotia. 10 800-Kunija. 800-Kunrja. II) 871-Mahdewa Ghangan 871-Mahdewa Ganga Ram. 11 1068-pachmahri 1068-PaChmohni. II I074-Pagur I074-pagua. II 1087-Pakri urj MWldiala 1087-pakri urJ Mudila. 12 1095-patta Devi I095-Palta Devi. 12 1131-Parsia 1131-Ptl.sohia. 12 I I 56-pender II 56----Pedar. 12 119D-Pirar Sand ll90-Pipar Sand. 12 1212-Raina Tal l2l2-Rainda Tal. 13 I 327-Semarhan 1327-Scmarnar. 13 1349-8ihoria I 349-Sihorawa. 13 I 399-Sana Khari I 399-80n Khar;. 13 1416-8ujanpur 1416-Sujnapur. 14 147S-Tit.aura 1475-Tilaura. 14 I 54-Ba.ghaniyan Buzurg 154-Babhaniyaon Buzurg. 14 246-Banukaha . 246----Baunkaha. 14 374-Biranpur 374-Biraupur. 15 807-Kaithola Jot 807-Kaithwalia Jot. 15 848--Ktrahi Buzurg - 848-----Karoili Buzurg. 15 980--Korai 9SG-Konai. 15 985-Kandara 985-Kondar. 4 List of Errata to District Population Statistics of Basti Distriet-( conid. ) (d) Corrections In e:s:istiong names 01 villages-(eo»td.) Prtge nO. Read 26 I 38-B trgungi 138-BaraUIlgi. 26 I 44--B,lsdiha I44-Basdila,. 26 I 66-Belbahadur urj Gobarh" J 66-----Belbhe,ddarpur urJ Gobarha. 26 295-Dakhhinwa 295-Dakh Nahwa. 26 299-Barhia 299-Darhia. 26 302-D,ira ngwa 302-D"trangwa. 27 483-Jaikari urJ Khajuwaha 483--Jalkara "1'jKhajuwaha. 29 919-Pil"n; 9J9-Pelni. 30 1OO--Banpari 100--Ba,ngari. 31 40 I-Gftura Barh i 401-Gaura BMahri. 31 449-Harwa 449-lIat",o. 31 677-Lahawar 677-Lathawar. 43 29-Ada nd 29-Amda nd. 43 152-Bara Kl-urd 152-Barak}>"!. 43 153-Barari 153-Bani. 43 18S-BauT Bayar 18S-Baur Bias. 44 220--Bhagwani Gher .. 220--Bbawanigarn. 44 227-Bharihia 227-Bharihar. 44 244-Yhastha,n 244-BhagthSn. 44 288-Bhikhan a nd 288-Bbikba Dand. 44 315-Bhuanand 315-Bhu"nDand. 44 329-Bisauta 329 -Bisaua. 44 352-ChhervR 352-Chaarna. 44 366--Ch~1H(.ua Manjerma 366-C}>angara Mangera• 44 369--Chak Pilani 369-Chak Pihani. 44 388--Clohan Raoch 388-Chharanchh. 44 389-Chbacha 389--Chhapwa. 44 394-Chhapiagaud Raj 394--Chapia Anand R~·. 44 452-Dewakasa 452-Dewal»1. 45 472-Dharampur Haili 472-Dharampur paita. 45 480-Dhuui 480-Dharui. 45 504-DihuHa 504--Dibuli8. 45 539-Ekdoga 539-Ekda nga • 45 545-Gobarauti 545-Gobrauri . 45 580-GaundU",_ - 580--Gehundila. ?atti 45 585-Ghanbt _. _ 585-Ghen<,hua. 45 613--Gora Dand 613-Gorya Dand. 45 617-Gunrhwa 617-Gudeakwa. 45 619-Gulaba 619-Gulela. 45 625-Gadarpur 625-Ha;derpur • 45 651-Haopur Bhadlls 651-Haopur Bharari. 45 653-Hoirasohwan 653-Hajra Soh_an. 45 655-Initpur 655-Ina"atpur. 45 674-Jnorha 674--Jamobara. 45 687--Ja}awa 687--Jholwa. 45 69O-Jhind.. 69O-Jhtndia. 45 692--JainKhal 692......lhur Khat. 45 698--J'asidiha 698--Jogi Diha. 5 List of Errata. to District Population Statistics of Basti District-( contd.) (d) Oorrections in existing namos 01 viUages-(conta.) Page 1!'or Read no. 45 735-Kuti 735-Kanti. 45 738-KaI'ai 738-Karja. 46 142-guta Ganga 742-Kant Ganga. 46 150-Karman>t Muafi 750 -KarmuH MusfL 46 752-Karroaidihi 752-Karm>t Kalan. 46 762-Karmaida 762-Karaundn. 46 838-Khundhuda 838-Khukhunda. 46 860-Kolhusara Kontlond 860-Kolhngal·a. 46 864-Konao1'i 864-Kondri. 46 905-Laltawa 905-Lalanwa. 46 908-Lauki Kal" , , 908-Lanki Lala. 46 953 -.Mahin 953--Mahni. 46 984-l\fajhaua t->Ht>iWl' 984-Majhaua Sarkari. 47 ! ! 23-N.~urawiga 1!23-NaurangiR. 47 1 I 77-Pa uwal' I I 77-Panwaria. 47 1245-Pahela, Khurd I 245-Pihula Khor.
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