r ,~~=, -I·O.\lPKI~-'; 'J_'.'~' ( () LJ ~TY .' , .\.-1!']G.-lT/\(.•-l.\L.~ () },'\Ul'RCL\ s~.~ PLTBLIC: ::~~JI LI BI~-\I{ y Title: Ithaca Directory 1978 Call number: LH-REF 974.7 Ithaca 1978 Publisher: Bellows Falls, Vt. H.A. Manning Co. Owner: Ithaca - Tompkins County Public Library Assigned Branch: Ithaca Tompkins County Public Library (TCPL) Collection: Local History (LH) Format: Serial Number of pages: 663 Permission to digitize the Ithaca City Directories published by H A. r.1dnning Co, from 1923 to 1986 granted by Jeffrey C. t.ianninq, August 2010. 2 PUBLISHERS NOTICE ==-1 rr:========"'::iii -$0 "'C »=2-~ I:-' en ..r:~("') W===o o C Ln 2 DRYDEN ~~~ TRUMANSBUR( ~§~ ~:t> AREA ;;;~ Resident Directory and Numerical Telephone Locater including-Harford, Harford Mills, East Freeville, Freeville, Jacksonville and Mecklenburg $15.00 Issued as a Supplement to the Ithaca Area City Directory H. A. MANNING COM PANY eBP~~s CHERRY STREET, BELLOWS FALLS, VT. 05101 (802) 463-3913 LIGHT-POWER 3 LHREF 974.7 Ithaca 1978 Ithaca directory. Manning, US West Marketing - - \ 1----- _ I 00 NO T T/lt"';: (.- ',-...·5-· . \'. "-;'1\,-,' h ... \....iy\ t-'0CKEr Central Library FINGER LAKES LIBRARY SYSTEM ITHACA, N. Y. 'm this roo 4 EDUCATIONAL-SCHOOLS ITHACA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Our Sights Are On His Future THE BOARD OF EDUCATION MARGARET W. HARDING, President ANN W. MARTIN, Vice President MEMBERS: Elfriede Batterman Ruth Siegel Anthony Knapp Kenneth Tillapaugh Mark Barlow Mary McG innis Eunice P. Reed Richard E. Backer, Clerk and Superintendent of Schools Margaret L. Pearce, Treasurer EDUCATION FOR TOMORROW The Board of Education of Ithaca City School District strives constantly to offer an excellent educational program for all students of the community: kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school. CIVIC-THEATRES 4A WHAT A PLACE TO BE! WHAT A PLACE TO GO! ITHACA OPERA DENNIS WAYNF'S DANCERS ITHACA BALLET 10M WAITS CA YlIGA CHAMBFR ORCHESTRA CLAUD! KIPNIS MIME THEATRE ITHACA DANCEMAK ERS KRESKIN THE PORTABLE PLA YERS " ... it's unfinished, ,, its's TOMPKINS COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL wonderful!' . HOME OF CORNELL THEATRE DOWNTOWN --Dennis Wayne CONSllLTING SERVICES "The lucid acoustics of the hall showed off CONVENTIONS adrnirablv the clarity and precision of the ~ (Cayuga Chamber) orchestra', playing," ._, , .. ~. _ QI Oa,,," --Judy Siein The Ithaca Journal ~~~." TIIF TOMPKINS COUNTY CENTER FOR CUlTl,"F c'. THE PERFORMING 'RTS Barbara W, Thuesen, Exec. Dlr. - ''r+Joil' .~ THE STRAND THEATRE J ~c ',- ":.'-, - _. 310 East State Street s-, Ithaca. New York 14850 t'tr-2~~-4383 Box Office 2~2-~174 ~..........-.II!i""''!IO'IEII!WP 48 CIVIC-CANCER SOCIETY AND RED CROSS -~@~ "As kids, we started smoking because it was smart. Why don't we stop for the same reason?" Harold Emery in The Reader's Digest o z ~ o z w foradvice call your American cancer Society C) <t: Tompkins County Unit a:: ::::> 322 N. Aurora St. o I P.O. Box 927 >­ Ithaca, NY 14850 Vl American (]) I 273-0430 t ::::l CancerSociety,® Hours: 9:00-5:00 8 TOMPKINS COUNTY CHAPTER THE AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS • BLOOD PROGRAM • SMALL CRAFT SAFETY • FIRST AID • WATER SAFETY • DISASTER SERVICE • SERVICE TO MILITARY FAMILIES • CARDIOPUMONARY RESUSCITAnON NURSING & HEALTH-(Training For Care of Sick in the Home) GADABOUT-(Transportation For The Elderly & Handicapped) LOAN CLOSET-(Comfort Articles For Patients in Homes) HEADQUARTERS 201 w. CLINTON 273·1900 ITHACA CIVIC-CHURCHES-NURSING HOMES 4C <J~ B~i eluvwh 1019 NORTH CAYUGA at LINCOLN STREET ~Iue IIJ.JUuuJJ, eltwu:J" (Uf. u... e~ IN FELLOWSHIP WITH THE FOLLOWING: General Association of Regular Baptist Churches Empire State Baptist Fellowship THE REV. LLOYD B. HULL, Ph. D., Pastor 260 WESTWOOD KNOLL PHONE 273-2731 You are cordially invited to the following Services: SUNDAY Bible School-9:45 a.m.; Morning Worship-I 1:00 a.m. Young People's Meetings-6:15 p.m.; Evening Service-7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY Mid-Week Prayer Service-7:30 p.m. BIBLICAL EVANGELISTlC PREMILLENNIAL MISSIONARY RECONSTRUCTION HOME, INC. Providing rehabilitation for physically handicapped of all ages. A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZA TlON FOUNDED IN 1926 A Skilled Nursing and Extended Care Facility licensed by Medicare and Medicaid with the following services available: Medical Direction Social Services Skilled Nursing Services Activity-Recreation Services Physical Therapy Dietary Sen ices Occupational Therapy Housekeeping Services Speech Therapy Maintenance Services Laundry Services Outpatient Services in Speech, Occupational and Physical, Therapy Are Also Available Administrator: Michael R. Apa Asst. Adm.: R. L. Clark Mary Hibbard Aide-Auxiliary Volunteers: Carolyn Hill, Pres. Patient Information Handbooks Available On Request 318 SO. ALBANY ST. 273-4166 ITHACA 14850 40 CIVIC-VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION CHALLENGE INDUSTRIES, INC. ....a non-profit, community based corporation dedicated to transitional vocational rehabilitation of the handicapped.... .... for used furniture, household goods and appliances ....for printing jobs large & small ....for direct mailings large & small ....janitorial services "It's Good Business To Hire The Handicapped" CHALLENGE INDUSTRIES, INC. 402 East State Street POST OFFICE BOX 599 ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 Telephone-607- 272-8990 Statistics Show Directory Advertising GETS more prospective buyers per dollar than any other kind of advertising BEFORE the buying public twenty-four hours of the day. THE PUBLIC is using your DIRECTORY on an average of once every six min. utes in every twenty-four hours Display Your Business Properly In Your Local Directory to Get Results 5 MANNING'S ITHACA Including Cayuga Heights Village (ZIP CODE 14850) (AREA CODE 607) (TOMPKINS COUNTY. NEW YORK) DIRECTOR Y By Separate Subscription NUMERICAL TELEPHONE LOCATER CROSS REFERK'CE TELEPItO:\E DIRECTORY 1978 Enumeration Completed December 1977 CONTAINING General Directory of the Citizens, Classified Business Directory, Street and Telephone Directory, Numerical Telephone Locater, Record of City Government, Societies, Churches, Etc., County, State and United States Governments, Courts VOLUME LXXIV SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION O~LY COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY H. A. MANNING COlVIPANY (In if). L/-, /.. _L.( ~ DIRE ORIES r..£LUlL4r~?Q. ~ MAPS and GUIDES CHERRY ST.. P.O. BOX J 17. BELLOWS FALLS. VT. 05101 Area Code 802 463-3913 1905 - Our 73rd Year of Sen Ice - 1978 Member North American Directory Publishers Association COPYRIGHT 1978. by H. A. MAN~~~<r. r:t?-§,.:;'v rINGER L/~d(E;3 U8;~.~\F:;Y SYSTl!M Ith2C.1. N2W Ycrk 6 INTRODUCTION &GENERAL INDEX H. A. M A~~I~G CO., puhlishers of Directories fo: .over 300 C0!TImu~ities, pre­ sent to subscr-ibers ami the general nublir , the latest ed ition of the Citv Dlrect?ry. Confidence in the continued growth, industry, population and wealth, and In the advancement of its civic and social activities, will be maintained as sections of this Directorv are consulted, for the Di'rectorv is a mirror trulv reflecting the community to the world. .. The position occupied bv ,I..\. ~~IXG'S Directories in the estimation of the public throughout the country, has been estahlished bv rendering the best in Directory serv­ ice, with an experienced organization, and haying had the courteous and hearty co­ operation of the business and professional men and residents, the publishers feel that the result of their labors will mr-et with the approval of every user, and that the Directorv will fulfill its mission as a source of authentic information pertaining to the city.' FIVE MAJOR DEPARTMENTS The fiv> major departments are arranged in the following order:- I. THE DESCRIPTIVE SECTIO~ is thp first major departrnent printed on white paper: information about st nt ist ica l review, historical sketch, manufacturing, trade and civic surveys, deluxe advertising displays, and indexes. II. THE YELLOW PAGES co nstitute thr- second major department of the Direc­ tory. This embraces the only complete list of the names and addresses of the business and professional concerns of the citv arr-anged in alphabetical order under appropriate headings - a catalog of all the activities of the city, Preceding this catalog, likewise grouped under appropriate headings, are the advertisernents and business cards of firms and individuals desiring to present a more complete list of their products or services than is possible in the catalog itself. The Yellow Pages represent reference advertising at ih hest. and merit the attention of all buyers and sellers seeking sources of supply or markets for goods, In a busy and diversified community the necessity of having this kind of information up-to-date and always immediately available, is ob­ vious. III. THE ALPH.\RETICAL LIST OF XAMES of residents and business and professional concerns is the third major departms-nt printed on white paper. This is the only record in -xistence that aims to show the name, marital status, occupation and address of each adult re sidr-nt. and the name, official personnel, nature and address of each firm, corporation and organization in the city. IV. THE DIRECTORY OF HOlTSEHOLDERS, INCLUDING STREET AND AVEXl.'E Gl.'IDE, on pink paper, is the fourth major department. In this sr-ction the streets are arranged in alphahetical order: the numbers of the residences and business concerns are arranged in numer-ical order under the name of each street, and the names of the householders and concerns arr- placed opposite the numbers. The names of thr- intersecting stror-ts appear at their respective crossing points on each street. Special features of this section are the designation of tenant-owned homes, the indi­ cation of telephone subscribers at horu.:s and places of business, and the phone number if available. V, THE NUMERICAL TELEPHONE LOCATER, on green paper, is the fifth major department. All listed phones for the area are arranged by exchanges and under each exchange. when available. In numerical order With the name of the phone holder indicated. The NTL is issued as a separate booklet this edition.
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