J . ... - A .V ^ v - ■■■ ■ * ' V - - - . ^ 8ATDRDAT, AFSIL S4,188T' tfatuIirBlnr Etmtttqt Srnilft THE WBATHEE Fcreeaat of 0,.^E. Waatber B aitfori A D O M SPEAKERS DAHCINO EVEBV BATCROAk. NIOBT AT THE LOOK.' THIS A FR E E TMta Rltk BS, Ho- • 9IAPLE OBOVE INN IT SURE DOES/ t t Itod Mm . irtO hold TO ASK FOR BRIDGE ' Stafford Springs, Oonn- BINGO and DANCE in liakor hall “ Eraic" Rock aad His Orchestra. FOOD-SAFETY SNDntRWHrON ENIARGEMENT tt to td o e k . Nd Minimum! No Ooverl WITH EVERY ROLL OP FILM IN D IC A T O R DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 8:30 TONIGHT ■Bllf, J ote Wwigitwi aad THE DOOR WHERE (FOURTEEN PAGES) PBICB THREE O M tli A . IVMglit. th* IMUr a BMm- General Assembly Commit* oC tka MawhMtw High adiool PROVES THE VOUCRNMWiWS Army and Navy Club kUKy. MCt aaity today to r a waak’a tee to Hare Poblic Hear 40c ' ■ tB Waahiagtoa. D. CL NIWFRI6IDAIRE sun; Generous Prizes Awarded! M ABEL'S RATE ilii|te Mtpmwit m f Next Wednesday. Dance to the Times o t Joe Hammand’s AristocratsI BIG CHESAPEAKE plaats to oo* paaoa that Ouaraateed Electrical aad KHKSAFEIVfOHE ELITE STUDIO 989 Mato Street Upataifu GUFFEY VINSON BILL coma iBto the Maachaeter Mechanical ^nto Repairing Admission 25c. a t the ftallwaj Expreie ar' Rear fS Cooper Street TEMFERATURE GALE VERY RUDE ■today. There were 40 boxea, At least a doceii personA all of Established 1921 contalnlag 3A00 plaata, or them prominent In Ontral Connec­ a t 100,000 phuta ticut, will argue at a public hearing AT ALL TIMES of the Roads, Bridges and Rivers T O STATESMEN r r cimmlttee of the Oenaral Assembly SIGNED BY PRESIDENT; th e Maneheeter Mothera chib will ita April aeeeUng Uoaday eve- lu the State House Wednesday, for favorable action on bills provided for SPECIALI DONT M/SS ITU at the Center church houae. LADIES’ RUBBER UR m Congress Party’s Ship HH (neat qieeker will be Mta. Alice the prompt construction of a new FILMS TRY OUR REAL HOME-MADE RAVIOLI TONIGHT! bridge across the Connecticut river LEATHER HEELS___ I t / C tWaUaoe'Troy of Providence, and her On wooden heels. DEVELOPED AND *Veeping Step With between Hartford and East Hart­ PRINTED It’s as good as our Grinders—and everyone knows how ford. by 65 Mile Blow; Legis­ FIXES PRICE OF south' 'I M n. T r ^ (poke before the NATIONAL SHOE REPAIR good they are. Spaghetti and Meat Balls, too. Free ,^ t a a chib eim er In the eea- Those who win speak for the AND SHOE SHINE SHOP 24-HOUR SERVICE 'Frise Tonight! We serve only the two finest beers . aad made a favorable bnprea- bridge Include Mayor Thomas J. 887 Mala Street FUm Deposit Bo;| At lators Knocked About, LINER’S CAT MASCOT Bhe la a graduate of Rhode la* Spellacy of Hartford, President BALLANTINE’S AND RUPPERrS ' REALLY WEARS PAJAB1A8 Measure Marks Second Fod^J College of ftdttcatioa. >a public Charles A. Ooodwln of the Hartford Ston EntranCR DNIVERSHY CITY ■ lea d er, private tutor, play- Metropolitan district, Maurice S. Wife of One Is Injured. Saint John, N. B., April 36 — __ director aad mother ehe baa Sherman, editor of the Hartford The cat's pajamas have become a eral Attempt to Stabini an opportunity to know and ob- Courant, Fran'cts 8. Murphy, pub­ KEMP'S ARMORY TAVERN realty. ■arve many ^pea of young people. lisher of the Hartford Times, Judge L O 0 K 1 I 306 Main Street V. Binello, Prop. The weatherman waa kind to the Washington. April 26.— (A P )—A REBELSSUFFER Molly, the cat mascot of the Dwight Ferry la chairman ot Henry H. Hunt. of Glastonbury, Bitmninons Indostrr, Net^ Men's, Women’s and Children’s firemen of Maacheatar Saturday aa Congressional party returning from steamahlp Philip T. Dodge and a I committee, and Mra S. President Raycroft Walsh of the ^ jZ j2 . t A j 2 . male despite the name, actusdly heada Uia Hat of hoet- Hamilton Standard Propeller com­ tha 40th annlveraary of the South a tour of the Virginia peninsula Manchester department waa observ­ HUNGE^THIRST wears them. Pride of the vessel. Law Effective On Jnne ’ pany of East Hartford, former nAUL docked safely, though belatedly, to­ Molly, wearing the carefully iLayor Frank A. Hagarty of Hart­ "suPERDuir m z m m ed. An exceptionally large number day after riding out wbat mariners tailored and comfortable pa­ terry Ogden, aoa of Mr. and Hm. ford, Ekiward L. Newmarker ot ^ of tke charter members of the de­ said was one of tbe worst spring Rockville, former Senator Kenneth 2 5 jamas, would be lost without Martin OgdM, formerly of Man­ CUTS partment marched from School storms in Chesapeake Bay history. Deserters Report Trapped th'e|u, the ship's crew reports. Washington, April 26.—»1 ia London aad wlD re- F. Cramer of Wethersfield, Judge WITH THE METER-MISER street to the Temple In the parade. Haircut - Shave - Shampoo Some members of the party .report­ Tdgged out In spectacles and (A P)—Piwldelit Roosevelt to-J ahtil after the coronation aer- Rajrmond A. Johnson of Manchester, and Maaaage — An for 91.00. It was remarkable that so few ed minor Injuries. Many were III. He la engaged In the pboto- chairman of the Connecticut River found It neceaaary to ride, only Insurgents’ Morale to Be top hat for formal occasions day si^ ed the Guffey-Vlnadn^ ’ buaineee aad will taka pie- Bridge commission, and Elmer A. 9 Barbera — No Waiting! The ship "District of Columblis. ’ Molly h6^ made more than 80 At­ three being In automobUea. A few a 2,100-ton craft, carried Vice-Pres­ lantic crosslnge. Bill today, marking nuke eoronatioB axerdaea Weden of Manchester, piiesldent of othera that rode were am the borae the Connecticut River B iid n asso- ident Garner and nearly a hundred Cmmbling; Basques Re­ Federal attempt to stabil CULOTTA’S KEMP'S. Inc. drawn apparatus, part of tha old senators and representatives. Gar­ important meeting a t the ciatlott. Barber Shop 94 Oak 8L the soft coal industry—>t FRIGID AIRE SALES AND SERVICE equipment of No. 1 Company. ner, who had gone through tbe I’t Coimell of the T. M. C A. Members of the association from DM Hand Beela time through price fixing i 1 be held Monday afternoon at 4 towns and clUes in Hartford, Tolland storm less disturbed than most, was sist Advance On Bilbao. The old hand reel, the first piece one of the first to go ashora The The new law, which ' and Windham counties are encour. of apps'ratua'owned by the West WINDSOR WINS aging those interested In tbe huUd- ship ran Into the full force of the effective June 1 for a four-y Side Company waa drawn and push­ gale almost Immediately after leav­ aan. Hdward, waa bom laat Ing of tbe bridge as soon as possible, ed luong the whole line of march by 'Madrid. April 26.— (A P )— Twelve period, is a substitute for at the Oak Nnralng Home on ing Old Point Comfort, Va., where to attend the hearing next Wednea- charter members of the departniMit. Beaming, bantam, baJd-beaded Father Divine bent hia bead benignly aa the confetti showered around hla deserters straggled into Madrid to­ original Guffey Coal Act, iny : at! eat to Mr. aad Hra. Manuel U y to support of tbe p r o j ^ al­ abottlders and bis Jubilant angels cheered, sang and laughed at Harlem "Heaven No. 1.” In hla scene of for two days the congressmen and HGHT TO BAN Patrick Fraher, William Dalton, day from the beleaguered Insurgent idated by the Supreme, a t US Aa3Tlum aveaua though they will not bave to speak wild ealebratlon. Tbe Negro cult leader had Just been released from Jail on 9500 bond, posted against his their families made headquarters garrison of 8,(X)0 in suburban tJnl- for It Xrneat Lundin and Benjamin WU' charge of aseaulUng a process server. -- while touring the peninsula. lAst year. son. four of the seven surviving verstty (Sty to tell a story of thirst, Starting at 1:90 p. m., the hearing Hit By 66 Mile Wind hunger and a crumbling morale. m m BOOK Stripped of the labor ch'uter membera of No. 1, were o t an officers of will be held in the Hall a t the House After a short run out of Old Point The twelve, who made their way of Representatives. with the reel while Pehr Peter on, aions to which the court Qraaga, and the third (fomfort. Captain Eddie Ebiton re­ to government lines In western Ma­ j'ected, the new law emi UD win bm held a charter member of No. 5, Wll ported later, a 66-mlle an hour wind drid m response to broadcast appeals !. svanlBg at 7:90 at Odd Fal- A CHALLEHGE! Uam Sandeen. a charter member of 48H0UR11tUCE drove 30-foot waves over the prow by government officers, said the Publisher Agrees lo Take It an enlarged National Bit hiUl. at 7:90 for tbs team and A*. No. 4 and Robert Smith, a charter HAMILTON TO LAUNCH of the vessel. One, which caught garrison, out off from help by a oua Ckial Conuniaaion to I for tbs offleets. member of N a 2, wera the other her broadside, swung her far over screen of steel from government ar­ scribe minimum prices for ( charter members on the band reel and wrecked the dining salon interi­ tillery, mortars and maehme guns, Ont of Pablication; Had For m im - The second hand reel was drawn I FOR N.
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