l' t al owan , r Serving The State University of Iowa . and the People of Iowa City Eiiabhshed m J868.- Five Cents a Cooy ______________.::M.:.:e:.:;m&;=:.:.r..;o::C_A~ssoc= ·=ia:.:;lCd:;;;...:.P.:.re;;s=s_-_.;.;AP;.-;;te;:;asea;;;;,;;;.:.."'~ir.;;;e_ana;;;;;,;_P.;.hOt;;;.;,;o~se;;r;.;v;;1Ce______ ~- ___"""'!'-_"""':'~~"!'" Iowa cily. Iowa. saturdBy. X'prrJ'T.T,. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~.;;;.;.~----~---------- ---------------- .~--- Clear Inlet Channel Senate-House Conferees- foresee any that' "by : party. the its prestige holds ""ith arm leade'rship. SI2,'ing Brings. W,or.k Increase 'fea~~res ,90~o Pari~~ :;:: !,,!. ~~Work on the~ ;Coralville. £ o~,~[Dam. periods. The\i water will be~ reo UP!~~!!!w,J?!~~i~"~!.. they were figured so that embankment outlet works s~pill~. ~~~~~!~~~~~~~The bUi wUl contain theSe two main features : ~. probably the largest construction leased in regulated amounts In iI we have another dry year. as way and re~rv 'r . 1. Support pric. of 90 per cent fot basic crops this year. project in the lowa City area. is order to control flood damages in 1934. the river will stU I have' 01 • 2. A Mil b.nk "I.n under whiCh farmers would be !)BId to take some I ' ilKTeasing in activity w\th the along the river basi n or channcl. a satisfactory flow, " Roehr said. When work Is completed on the of their aeres out of production In an e((ort to cut ~roo surpluses. coming ot aprinll" A surficienl amount of water Roehr said 1934 was one on th' inlet and outlet channels. the TIle Conlerence CommJUee dropped two preYious proposals: . -. The dam Is 0II1l of three major win be rclease(l during dry per· drjest yea'l's on record for this path 01 thc river will be c1lrected 1. A fNtun that would have required producers of all major crops to n" projects. 'The other projects, dl· lods to prevent pollution and to area. through tho outlcl works pIIt some of their aereaie in the proposed soil bank In order to get pllice rectly re.ulUn, t(om the con- preserve fish and wildlife. The dam has one main purpose . supports. struction M tile dam. are aislng George Rochr, resident engin· - to control the waters of the To Ch.ne. Cour.e . ThIs was eliminated beeause ' a compromise corn·Ied grain' pro. ~- Highway 218 and .nlatging Lake eer for the Army Corps of En.- Iowa River. Indirectly. the dam The present course of the rlY- vision requires soil bank partielpa. Macbride. At present. the Army glneers, said that the water lev· will have some control on the cr will be changed by buUding U. 5. To Send tion on these c:rops. The requlre- .. , Corps 01 Enaineers and construc· el below the dam would proba- waters of the Missis ippi River. a coffer dam (tcmporary earth- ment remains. lion companies are working to bly never get as low as it has The Iowa River Is one of the trio e~ daml ~bove the eventual dam 2. AI .. knodcH .ut was a Senate .• finish the three projects. in previous dry years. butaries of the Mississippi. site. foremg the water to flow provision that would have greally To Sfer. ~I_ W... r To Provide Ste.dy Flow The dam, three miles north of through the ouUct works. Top D,·ploma· t increased the "set asi de" of gov ~ , (Dally Iowan l'hol.1 by Ch. ek All•• ) Whim completed. the Coral· "When the minimum require- lowa City on the Iowa River, At the same time this correr . • .•• ernffil!nt holdings of surplus cotton, WORKMEN, USING EARTHMOVING equipment, dig out tho Inlet ville Dam will be used to store ments for release of water to wben finished will consist oC Cour dam Is being constructed above wheat and corn that could be Ig. chonnel .t tho Coralvill. reservoir dam north of Iowa Cltv. Tho flood the dam site. another coffer dam nored In computing the level of ••h control is the structure in the background .nd i, loc ...d on tho will be built below. The purpose To Tehran price supports . eoUt ,Ido of tho Iowa River, The 518.S million !)ro!ect is sch.dul.d for i • of this dam is to keep water from As the committee put the finish· cempl.tlon In tho summer of 1958. Th. ,Ictur. Will t.k .... f.cin", south. backina in to the construction WASHINGTON LfI - The United Ing touches on the bill, Secretary area of the main dam. States annouoced Friday one of Its of Agriculture Ezra Taft Bc'1Sott When lhe coffer dllms arc com· top diplomats will head a delega· cut short a trip home to Salt Lake. Delegates Not Pledged- pleted. workmen will pump the tiOll of U.s. observers at the April City and flew back to Was~onr area locafnd between the two cof· 16 meeting of the Baghdad Pact Eisenhower and Benson bOtb fer dams dry. They will then at Tehran. • have said some provisions in tIic excavate to bed-rock and build He Is lAIy W. HenderSon. deputy measure were unsound and ul\~ _ the main dam on top of this rock undersecretary and vetcran Middle workable, although Eisenhower told CoU~t'y .Demos Back base. East expert. hilS news conference last Wednes· The final s\cp is construction Lincoln White, State Department day that he wouid not Insist 011' or a concrete spillway on the spokesman who made tbe an· perfection. "~ ' west Side of the dam. nOunccment. emphasized however ~.v., Sell I.nk . S"IIIw.y for E_rwency that. "We arc not prepared to ad- The admlnlstratlon has opposed Adlai for President" The spillway will be In opera- here to it - the pact - at this any return to hleh mandatory I Johnson County tiemocrats endorsed Adlai E. Stevenson as Demo· lion If and when the water level time." price supports, While favorln, thc . cratic candidate for president by an o.verwhelming vote at the Johnson of the conservation pool (reser. Henderson, as White put n, soli bank plan. voir) exceeds an elevation or 712 "knows the Middle East area very He and Benson plan to Into a LoATE County Democratic presidential cllnvcntion Friday. well." His selection was dellber- huddle on the dilemma this,0 morn­ S~OW The votc was taken as an indication of prefcrence by the convention feet above sea level. The aver· ately decided upon by President Ing. MeanUme neither bad any Y NITE delegates after a di sputc over proposed vote instruction oC the delegates age levcl of the pool will be Eisenhower and Secretary of Stale comment. to the state Democratic presidential convention in Des Moin~s June 1. 670 feel. The spillway wlll be John Foster Dulles. it was learned, House and Senate havc still to A motion for instruction of delegates was de~jlte(i after II heated dis· In use only In timcs of excessive to demonstrate U.S. support 01 th~ act upon the compromisc. TbJs cussion , . snow. rain Qt lL up-river, 5-natioD' alliance against commun· action II .lCheduled for next week. Earlier in the meeling an unprecedented event occurred when the t ~! The fllghway 218 project. five Ism. even though this country bas SeD. Allen Ellender m·ta.) , first proposed slate of delegates for the slale Democratic presidential , st'l miles north of North Liberty. is 110 Immedia\c plans for joining It. chairman of tbe Senale Agriculture convention was rejected by the group. 'II "'"i'.:>-- ~ another inte.,al part of the Cor· Kenderson's assignment was COmmittee. said nally that either The original proposed slate oC delegates was denied by the group -----,...J -@- I alvllle reaervolr project. The part of a special effort to calm the President Elscnltower "takes It or acter protests of "lack of complete representation" on the delegate " I • _ ,... ~ t> highway relocation is expected to highly troubled Middle East. there Is no farm bill" this session. choosing committee. .. be flnlshed by next December. His presence is expected to allay Oftly Chanco THIS MAP 'HOWS THE AREA COY.,," bv tho 34o.IOl·.c,.. Cor.lvili. ,.... rvoir prolect which will form • C...,.. ... Irl" Plen . f the b Ch I ) , ~ditionlll M.mbers . The Weather perm-Itt ,... '"'" tho ".m to tho p,.... nt Curti, brldg. on HI,hw.y 211. Tho mOlCimllm floocI control At the rclOCaUon site, workmen some 0 iUer Arab criticism a rman Harold Cooley (I).N.C. Additional committee members pool (I.,... MocI .,....... n.ng into low. COIInty) will be flooded only .t, time. of .xtrem.ly high w."r. ' of the pact as well as ease British of the Houae ' Agriculture COmmlt· were tllen nominated by the con­ Tho r ...NtIr Inti dam m.b It nee ....ry to Inen• ., tho .r•• of Loke M.cbrldo, neor tbo dam II .., 1• . GIANT IIUDGE - pressures fOr the United States to tee also predicted Congress ~ould vention body to draft a new slate CO,ld tim•• ih "..1Oftt .iI., (Con tlrlued OIl page 5) join it. not pass another general farm bJ11 of delegates. this year If tbll one is vetoed. Cooley iald the measure ....,111 be Included in the decision oC the called up In the House Wednesday second commlttee was a new pro· and and the outcome there should be posal that the precinct <:ommillee­ GOP Elects Slate,. ' be known quickly. House rules limit man fill all Vacancies in the delco debate on a Senate·H.ouse compro­ gation to the sta te convention. Cloudy mise effort to one hour. Formerly, these vacancies had The measure to be submitted for been filled by the county chllir­ Favorable To Ike acceptance or rcjeaOon by the Seri· man.
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