OFFICIAL GAZETTE of the COLONY and PROTECTORATE KENYA Published Under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

OFFICIAL GAZETTE of the COLONY and PROTECTORATE KENYA Published Under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE KENYA Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya Vol. XXXM.-No. 42 NAIROBI, September 3, 1935 Price 50 Cents Registered as a Newspaper at the G. P. 0 Published every Tuesday -. .I TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Govt. Notice No. 594-Arrivals and Departures ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 944 P~roclamationsNos. 82-83-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance ... ... ... ... ... 945 Govt. Notice No. 595-The Native Authority Ordinance-Establishment of Local Native Council 943 I ) $, ,, 596-The Native Authority Ordinance-Appointments ... ... ... ... 946 ,3 $, ,, 597-The Legislative Council Ordinance-Appointment* ... ... ... 946 ,, 9 I ,, 598-Executive Council-Appointment ... ... ... ... ... ... 946 I , ,, ,, 599-The Local Government (District Councils) Ordinance, 1928-Yomination, Uasin Gishu ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 946 It 9 , ,, 600401-The Local Government (Municipalities) Ordinance, 192%-Nomina- tions, Nakuru ... ... ... ... ... ... ... , . ... 947 I) , , ,, 602-The Courts Ordinance, 1931 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 947 It I) ,, 603-The Companies Ordinance, 1933 - Application for a Licence of the Governor in Council ... ... ... ... ... .., ... ... 947 G(:neral Notices Nos. 1096-1125 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 947 SUPPLEMENT ORDINANCES (No. 3) PBINTBU BY TEE GOVERNMENT PEWTEE, NAIROBI 944 TR E OFFICTAL GAZETTE September 3, 1935 GOVERNMENT NoTlcs N 0. 594 A R RIVALS Name Rank From leare or on Date of leaving Date of Date of arnval lst Appomtment England Embarkation at M om basa J. A. H. W oll Administratlve Oëcer (Cadet) 1st Appointment 27th July, 1935 26th Aug., 1935 W . Keir ditto do do do R. 0 H ennings ditto do do do J. L. H. W ebstcr ditto do do do K. M Cowley ditto do do - do K W . Simmonds ditto do do - do R A. W ilkinson ditto do do ..-. do J. K R Thorp ditto do do .-'- do R E W'ainwright dieto do do .-'u. do F jN Goodbody ditto do do - do J B. Sinclair-l-ockhart ditto do do - do L. E. W hitohouse Education Oë cer Leave do do G .B. Nilrm an Drauglztsman, Local Govt. do do - do Lands an 1 Settlem ent C. '.E. M ortimer Land z ecretarw Loca,l Govt. do 28th July, 1935 4th Aug , 1935 * do Lands and Settlement LM. E%M. bLolatwon )I CDliesrlrkî,c tC lOasms cIe r K U. R. & H. do 271 tsht AJulgy , , 1 !993355 27th Ju-ly , 1935 !( 267:rh1: Aug ., 1935 E. J. B. Gahan District Engineer, K. U. R. do do do do & H. * M arsemes. DEPARTU R ES Name Rank On leave or termination Date of Departvux of appointment A. J. Davenport Postmaster Leave pendinp retirement 22nd August, 1935 H. M clntyre Forester Leav'e 24th August: 1935 k%. M. Prestoa Clerk, Secr'etariat do do J. A. Ellis Assistant Accountant, Public Works Dept. Leave prior to transfer to do .. Cyprus C. J. J. T. Bartôn, 'b, B.'E. Senior Assistant Colonial Secretal'y Leave prior to transfer to Fiji do Lieut. A. H. L. Farzrze.r Company Olce'r, M ilitary Leave do September 8, 1:35 THE OFFTCTAL GAZFTTE V 5 Uolony and Protectorate of >renya PROCLAMATION NO 82 TH E DISEASES O F A NIM ALS ORDINANCE (Ckapter 1 57 o.f M, Rtwised .s'tszlez, Srction 4.) A NrD THE INTERPRETATION AND GENERAL CLAU SES ORDINAN CE (Chapter l of /J:' Reoisrd .li-JlWbzz, Section l 3.) GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 231 OF 1919. PROCLAMA'rI()N. IN EX ERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling me, I llereby declare the area defned in tlqe Schedule hereto to be infected with East Coast Fever, and l hereby further declale the said area shall be known as an f$ lnfected A rea '' for the purpose uf R ules under the D iseases of A lhimals Ordinance. Proclamation No. 65 dated the 10th day of J uly, 1935: is herebyamended accordingly. Given under my hand at Nairobi this 28th day of August, 1935. H . H. BRASSEY-EDW ARDS, CMef Fezsv-fzar.y ogcer. SCHEDU LE # L Date of com mencement . R. or other description Owncr District of Quarantine L, R. No. 2489/2 G. H. Elliot, Esq., Thomson's Fall 1 Laikipia 20th August, 1935 . PROCLAMATTON N O. 83 GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 595 THE DISEASES OF ANIM ALS ORDINANCE TH E NATIVE AUTH OIUTY ORDINANCE (Cltapte'r k5% oj 'IJIc Revhed Edi'tion, S'tlcfitl'rl 4) (Ckapter 129 of f>,: Reriued E diff/'n,) WND AND THE INTERPRETATION AND GENERAIa CLAU SES ORDINANCE THE TNTEEPRETATION AND GENERAL CLAUSES ORDINANCE (.(?/ztIpf e'r 1 of f he f-l:ztl6:6t! Edi'tion,, S6cfîo'ls 13). (Chaptev 1 oj f/lt? Renined Edition). Govsmxm x'r Nolqca No. 231 oF 1919. E STABIZISHMEXT olp A LocAlz NAlrzvl Couyczru. PROCTUAMATTON. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon IN EXERCISE ol the powers thereunto enabling him by section 20 of the Native Authority Ordin- me, (( hereby deelare the following areas to be ance (Chapter 129 of the ReviBecl Eclition), I-liB infeeted areas for the purposes of the DiseaBes ot Exeelleney the Governor in Council has been pleased Animals Ordinance :- to establish a Local Native Council for the South RINDERPEST. K avirondo District, with e:eet from the 1st day of 'September, 1935. ' Farm L.R. Nos. 2420 and 5196, F. T. Bam ber, Msq. , Rumuruti, Laikipia Districi. Governm ent Notices No. 295 and No. 299 of the Farin L.R. Nos. 4633/1%, 2448, 6387, a.ncl 2454/3, 18th July, 1925, are hereby eancellecl, with effeet A. Dykes, Esq., Rum uruti, Laikipia District. from the 1st day of Septem ber, 1935. Fêtrm L.R. No. 2760, M rs. King, P .0 . Nanyuki, N'orth Nyeri District. By Comm and of H is Excellency the Acting Y'tltrm L.R. No. 1232, A. Paice, Esq. , Nan- Governor in Council. yuki, N01-th Nyeri District. Given under my hand at Nairobi this 28th day of Nairobi, August, 1935. This 24th clay of August, 1935. I.I. H . BRASSEY.EDW ARD S, .T. F. G. TROUGH TON, okief F6fcrisczp OFccz. (/lerk fo tl%e S'z8cllfi'pc Council. 9i 4$: - . - . T. HE O- F- .F- ICI. A. - L- . GAZETTE - - - septe. mb.' er 3, 19'35 GOVERNMENT N OTICE N O. 596 Chief Nyabaro s/o Mamwaeha. Alifonsi Nyatingiri s/o Ombiru. THE NATW E AUTHORTTY ORDTNANCE Chief W ambura s/o Mwita. ttl/ltrpftlr 129 oj f/ztl f'ltlri:ecl f'dïfftloz Stlcfk. os js) Kfiihief Nyakimori s/o Makori. ANo , su s/o W ambura. chaeha s/o Matiko. TH E TNTERPIRETATION AND GENERAL Asst. Chief Aoga s/o Angwenyi. CLAUSES ORDINANCE - t(7àrlyl/c?' 1 o.J f/lc Rerined A'd/fion., Section 1B) GovEaxAfEx'r NoTlcE No. 597 AND GOVIIRNMENT XOTIOE xo . 4::, o, 19:6. TH E LEGTSLATW E COUNCIL ORDINANCE APPOINTMENT Lohapter 24 oj f/l: Rerised .E'JïJfo'n,). AzolacqxTxzxa? 'IN EXERCTSE of the powers t'hereunfö qnabling r . m e, 1 hereby appoini the persons name(j. kn the IN VIR.PUE of the powers vested in hizn by Sehedule hereto to be members cd the South (sCeelataiopntt )r 1294 of the Legislative Council Ordinance Kavirondo Locsal Native Couneil, wiih effect from tl of the Revisetl Ecliticm), His Exeellency the 1st clay Of September, 1935. 'lt) Acting Governor has been pleased to nominate- Governm ent Notiee No. 315 of the 18tl1 April, AMBALAIU .BUAILALBUM Pz&xTlsL, Eso. , 193.5, is hereby caneelle d ,with effect from the 1st iO aet as one of the M ernbers of the Legislative day of Septem ber Couneil for tho Tnclian Eleetottl Area in plaee of , 1935. J agannath Bhavanishanlter Pandya, Esq. , an Nairo .j)y , Eleeted M em ber for the said Eleetoral Area, now Thi absent from the Colony and. Protectorate, during s 23rd day td Augusf, 19B5. suc !.j absenee, subject, however, to the provisions s . 1-1. LA FONTATNE , of the aforesaid sectîon of tlle Legislative Couneil Aciing Chïc/Naiire CozrH.pzi88fo?1e?'. Orclinanee. Nairobi, 26tla August, 193.5. J. 1P. G. TROUGH TON, SCHEDULE. jo?. AcLittg cfolonigl Npcrpjcryy. 'SOTJTH KAVIRQNDIJ LOCAL XATW E'CIW NCIL. ' - ' - cuef Pau l o Mboya s/o.Akqyq... -. -.. .. GovsRxMsx'r Noaacs No. 598 zsaaka okeyo s/o Mictamga. tiakobo olua s/o otieno. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. chief Gideon M agak. Alapolx'rxlxq?. Pius Abala s/o Opiyo. I-us ExcElLluExcv the Aetir. ig .' Govertoé ï hag Ngade s/o Amuoyo. been pleasecl to make the fotlowizlg provisional ap- chief Nyanjong. poilltment :- Laurènt omburo s/o Jonyo. wvsasas sswyswz M ajiwa s/o Ogol assaz pxw s, ssq., chief tsaaka o go.n-o 0/0 W anga. to be temporarily an Unomeïal M ember of the ' Gideoll Nyandongo s/oosore. Exeeutive coulwil of the colony and Protectorate of Pankarasius Olwero B/o Otieno. lfenl''l in the place of J'agannath Bhttvanishanker chief A.cliang s/o Oswago. Pantlya' ESt1., now absent from the Colony and chief Kamaria s/o Otlunclo.. Proteetorater subjeet to the proxisions contained in clliefsimion onyonyi s/o Ongoro'. the Tnstruetions uzlder tlle ltoyal Sign Manual and chief ' simi.os w asqnga .s/o Kwaeh. Signet, dated the 29th day of M arch, 1934. chief x asuku s/o Matunga. xairobi Chief Orèro s/o Ouko. 26th August, 1935. J'. F. G. TROUGH TON,. Chief Got s/o Ngome. jov Aciing co/oajtz/ soovotàvy. Chief Ondiek s/o Ayieta. - - - Ebrahim Ponclo s/o Kabuoch. ,-. chief Ogutu s/o Gor. GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO 599 chief Daudi ojuok s/o Odunga. ryus y Mathayo Danga s/o Midua. socwyw oovyiuxvxxT tplsTlRlcT chîef Pius Olima s/o Oehieng. COUNCTLS) (ZRDINANCE, 1928. Chief Maucha B/ù Flkaeha.. ' 1X' EXERCISE of tlke poweru conferred upon Owiti s/o Moto.

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