VOT..XXTX. ELY, NEV., SATURDAY. MARCH 21. 1806 NO. 40 #T I Skinner J A. 100 WHITE WHITE PINE COUNTY Stanford Mill. PINE NE WS Jackson, A Kind. 1,700 ! 1,000 Steady, 40 Jennie A A Black Rock Co... 270 Henry. DR. M. J. Mining Stearns, M rs AT. 200 DAVIS, Chris. ,780 TAX LIST. ■lessen, Stein, M*-s HOP Jolly, Mrs l)D. 100 August. AMD SVRCBOH Published Stein, Charles. 50 every Friday evening by For tho I .Tones, H M. 1,600 pHYSILIAN Year 395. Stoekle, (J 1’. .. to Justenson, Wm. 580 ELY, NEVADA. ; SuUins, I M..... 180 L. L. ELLIOTT. The following ia the total valuation Swallow, James. 380 Keegan, Patrick. 625 Swallow, George. 3,570 Residence Offin# o* U*4» on which the sevetal Si gjtf persons* firms, Kie cl. F .J A Co. 200 Hyman, Thomas 170 street. Frank. 80 hereinafter aro Roll, V corporations, named Kenned Geo.,. Terms of v. 3,870 I, W E. 150 Subscription. Kent A Shaw. 100 | Taylor, assessed by the Assessor for tho year Taylor, Geo H. 100 on* K Wm ......j.... 300 Copy, one year by mail.|5 00 rsey, Thatcher and 880 On* Kim estate of. 106 George Co... Copy, six months by mail. 3 00 1895. Rate of Tax #3.45. Taxes Wong, 270 Roeo. 160 | Tippett, John. Ons Copy, three months by mail. 2 00 i Kraiguez, due November D«- Tilford, OB. 400 I 4th, delinquent Xj i Togunni, Jos.... 1,980 Offical Blank* j cember 2nd. *1895 Lagan, PatriCK. 140 ! Tognetti, Petro.. 840 JOB PRINTING. Lani, Lottie. 40 I Tucker, SG. 1,515 OP AJ.L KIND Laurensoti, Wm. 355 i Treece, A B. no THE NEWS Office is supplied with every Adams & Leavitt, L. 200 for all Keating.f 12,580 V KToatjy KJxocuterl m # facility executing kinds of Job Ahern Nora..“>;}<) Luito, C. 200 Printiing in first-class and at ! Van Valkenberg, RY. 70 style Ahern, 275 Lockwood, J II. loo 1 living rates. Orders Jerry. Verzan, John. 815 TTowra OR)**, solicited. Allen, G II. 2JO Lowell, Mrs Thomas. l ilt Anderson, J F, Estate of. 1,185 Lower & Owens. 100 | W Luchasi, Mrs Abigo. 140 Warlick Calvin. !)70 Various s. 13 Topi Lun Sing. 200 W ard Beetdief Con Mining Co. 2,."or Baker, Geo IV dtsons. 5,805 Lyons, \V G. 6,000 Wayne Frank. loo NOTICE. Cincinnati Price Current: The to- Lyons A Carnot on 1,000 Wall, C. 220 Baker, llarry 1,96)0 PERCH \RE1) TIfK INTIE* Bamhriek, Til. Watson, A K estate of. 150 tal cf common roads in this 1,030 JSutZL Plage outfit of ('has. be* length John. 750 Wedekind Bros..'. 200 nAYlN’O Lampman Barry, tween Ely and we will continue t# is W II. M ath ewson, Bro. 825 Welty, 1. 140 Wells, country, mostly bad, 1,309,000 Bassett, 1,430 all kinds of freight ommeneiutf Bassett, K Mathewson, J B. 1,155 Weber, I'eter. 200 carry (i miles. L.3,930 June first) at the same rate as Mi'S A. 2S0 M Athewson, C A. 5,750 Weber, l'C. 875 charge* Bates, heretofore Mr. also sam* Beaton, A. Marco Medin. 885 Weber, J.- 705 by l.ampnmn, The Milwaukee & St. 1,490 fares for as Chicago, Malson, Wm. 080 Mrs J. 275 charged passengers heretofore; Beck, Chris. 1,680 Weber, Hatisfaetion Paul railroad Mrs Chris. 74o Masonic building. 200 Well Annie Co. guarantied. reports gross earnings Beck, I Mining 1,100 A share of the le * M allot.v, IV i). 1,260 White River Land A Stock Co. public patronage sell* for January of 83,328,922, an in- Becktel* Henry. olo 30,20!) ited. Bennett, Peter. 645 Marriott, James 11. 1,070 I W neatly, J. 75 Persons ordering goods will hare all ee* crease of 8435,244 as compared with Bird, B B. 630 Maddalena, Geo. I).... 340 Williamson, J B. 1,000 " sisrnments marked care K. A W. P. T. Co. John. Maddalena, Mrs George* 1). 700 A Trustee. 1,280 the same month of last year, and net; Borehert, 3,710 Wells. Nee. M. F 800' Metzger, < i urge.... 100 Williamson A MeDermid. 000 Boyle, ELKO A WHITE PINE TRANSPORT* an increase of Metzger, Mrs George... 175 Willis, B P estate of. 450 $787,713, $148,253. Briggs, KB. 205 TJON COMPANY. Brown, John. 110 Minolctti, Julius. 2,800 Withington Building. 310 The tonnage through the Manches- Buehannou, Frank. 140 Millick, R A 280 Winnen, John. 300 myl9- 11. P. MILLER, Manage!. Mil lick, A .1.,. 750 i ter Canal Jai Burbank, Willard. 1,500 William's, Stephen. 1,840 Ship during nary, 1890, H S. 300 JT ■» Bnrke, Wm.,.3,270 Miller, j Wearne, 2,(Hid _ was 138,941, against 112,875 in Jan- : Barrington* R W. 2,120 M’ng, Charley. 250 j Wearne, John. tr.to Miller, Mrs B F. 580 ! WoodruirA Kunar.. 300 uary, an increase of Bush, it■•nry. 70 1895, 20,00(3 Kusii, Mrs A. 300 Miles, J F. ..-. 2. 0 YVrigilt, A R. 850 tons. Bertsch, Fred, estate of. 350 Mar Young. 1. 0 j Wray, C. 20 Hews, Moore, .1 1.. 00 New York Jo«eph.5,635 Y Journal qf Commerce: Biges M rs i, F. 4,470 Mongerson, John. 5:10 LKCiiAL NOMCfel II Velland, John. total Bonner, Patrick... 20.1 Mollison, P. 2,240 2,000 output of gold from the Rand Y (ieo Bibbins, G HA. 40 Mollison, Fine. 670 oung, 1,000 T1IK DISTRICT COURT O'fr TH# district during January is officially Moon. I C. Ho Young, Mrs M. 2,000 rINSTATE of Nevada, Fourth Judicial Di** C F 3.70 at Murphy, X..'. Z trict. Comity of White 1‘ine, in the UttlMf reported 148,178 ounces, compar- Mrs Neil.. 1,700 of tlic Estate ot Cameron, Jacob. 2,190 Mnovo, 100 with 178,428 ounces in Decem- I M unroe, Daniel. 300 Z.irgo, Joseph. ing Campbell,Angus I* 435 i Zadow, Wrn...... 1,040 h us tilcil li is petition wi it the Clerk of fialtf M A No 1. : or a j !>.. .. 30 rir, 1,21-7 Court for to Itim of ber, decrease of 30,250 ounces. Canpbell, /, .(low, Lon is. .. o .o the issuance of Fetters Campbell. Allen G. 10li Muir, Mrs A. 200 Administration in said Estate, and that For November the amounted t Muir, A—No 2.. yield Campbell, Mrs \V I).. 3,910 2,270 Mondav. tiio 20th of 1895, at tha Martin White CO. PBRSOSUt PROPBltTY. day May 195,218 ounces, and for the Erst t iampb-d', A I) 390 Mining. 5,065 Court R.oomol said Court iti the Town of Cannon, PH. 3,0(0 M!o Ely in said County and State has been ape month of last it was 5 ,... 4C0 year 177,40 Andrews: George. >'s Carlson; John A... 2 >0 M" \ lev M... 610 p ii ted tin' time and place fur bearing Tiles ..... C It",V,-, A Itarry 1,870 ounces, so tha hist month’s total was Tpe." ,o\ bew.;.. 135 I ai l petition for th" issuance of said Lettar,- McAllen, Dennis.».... 200 W A ... 21*) ftuinm.Mi M <fc M Co... 3,700 .. of Administration in said Estate, when and ounces less than that, fur the McCardv A Hutton. 4,3.77 aid.ro. Peter", r. 275 29,285 C lase, A eto.-l .:. 70 j .f.. where interested F A .. 380 any person ma; appear MoDeririid, j Chnnevlor, K it. oo until of last Clark, F M 1,530 Mel)a ISO and contest the issuance of the same. corresponding year. laid, Atoms X..... ; !).•:•.rdet! I iioimvs. 850 Clevelan 1, A 0.12,950 A B..... Wit tic my hand this 15tli day of April lJ'ffc McDonald, 1,200 i Davis, M.l .... 14o *. Boston The fevenue C 'ben, Mrs P DO M"Doii James. Transcript: .r'd, Si,960 , Samuel... 2!H) Collins A Dali,,. 300 Forman, ; ska I, M. IF CAR Aiili AN, th a*r, 12 full months of tho McDonald, 1) C. 170 Freeh ill, Mike A Pat..-. 870 during Collins, D K..,.. i.rf5 * Clerk of said District McDonald, A, 5.70 : Couit, TI A Kly. Freeh ill, John. 5(H) la v was ac- Comins, 7,360 McKcrnan & D >vl« 40 McKinley $125.551,129, W (‘omis At 'rli' k. 40 M K 160 > -Kllen. Glasscock A cording t t oe figures published by ('•i-m.'i-s Mrs Ellen i'. 'o I Marriott.3,5.0 McDonald A Harris 1,080 | II Miiilton, Milt. Hi the of toe Ciif.i .no Jo l’l .. ... 310 W bureau statistics ot Treas- McGiH. N 6,500 11 annul.. If ■) I.' Tf'-PCEONOI'S .>1 '! h >s HO 50 M"*riD, Mrs W XT. 2,880 Deck ury Tho total revenue Cowlov, || J. 210 Kathan, 1,575 Department. M cKuight, 1 .1. 200 Dick 1 King, All. 120 during tho 1 : full mouths of the res- (town >vnr, \ A .1,400 M' Kcr-mn, Phil. 210 orbi'id .A Rulki’ski, I,.. 2it) Cum Osceola Cold <& Silver Me .1 John. 185 TrarSe Murk, wnt tariil ua< 1 ichaels, Lockwood, A B_. go 51,391,39,',?i co.diiig Minin cay. Comp 3,000 Me Menomy, H 2(400 Mead, Wrielit A Co. to the f'n -:-,, J H. 50 4,800 same authority. McNulty, jamefe 2(005 0,7 Curii'-. Airs' .fa nes. lot) Moore, Arthor. Me; >inic, James P.
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