t eFran kIln News-recorD..phone:725-3300 10cents per copy; $4.50 per year Vol. 20. No.4S November28,1974 Twosections, 24 pages Council acts on rents, garbage, building ban By Brian Wood people whohad cometo protest. She Bruce Hamilton, from the En- municipal service for largely NewsEditor said it was "unfair" that the council vironmental Commission,condemned econmnicreasons. The equipmentwas had acted against the wishesof the the movefrom an environmental reperled ie bad shapeand somehad to In what was probably the most garbagedistrict residents. standpoint. ’q’his action virtually be replaced. Therewore also legal ..... confusingand shortest public session Albert Kosculicz,another resident, eliminatesthe possibilityof recycling threats that the townshipwould be of the year, the Franklin Township told the councilmentheir decisionwas garbagetown-wide," he pointed out, forcedto serviceall apartmentsin the Councillast Thursdaynight votedto "based on legit)" and he said "once "it was very short-sighted." district too. It was judged that endthe garbagedistrict by January1, their bills dropin price they’ll thank homeownerswould fare better with they passeda 6 per cent rent freeze yOU." VotedNo private collectors. throughout the township and even Eugene Szabo, a memberof the Residents of the garbagedistrict approvedan extensionof the building township sewerage authority, Counethnan William Howardwas have betweennow and the end of the moratoriumalong the Delawareand chastized the councilmen for not the onlyone to vote nayon the issue. year to find their ownservice. The l~aritan Canal. creating a plan to ease the transition tle said he had"attempted to put off garbagefee will not appearon their Thiswas all donein a little less than from public to private garbageser- the vote" and charged the council tax bills oextyear, an hour’s time. vice. To CouncilmanAttilio Lattanzio "has not given anyinformation to the Anothercontroversial issue, the rent The reason for the confusionwas a he stated, "We’vebeen sold downthe people." hearing the councilwasconducting on river." The council voted to end the (See COUNCIL,Page 41 charges that 1weFrank/in pogcemen beat a suspect after an arrest last Spring. (Seerelated story on this page.) Began Wednesday "We’reall terrified now’ These hearings began Wednesday Four men armed with shotguns shotgun blast. Apparentlywhile the telephoue, "there’s been too much uight but ran longer than the council terrorized and robbed the family of family was lying on the living room publicity already.We’re all terrified expected. Accordingto the mayor, David Itamflton on Weston Road floor the four debatedwhether Io shoot oow." JosephMartian, the council wasbound Sundayafternoon, at one time even them or just tie them up. They did by lawto finish the hearingswith the debaring whetherto "shoatthem or tie neither. samemen they started with. So in- them up", according to Franklin The daughter was sent to look for steadof holdingthe rest of the hearing police. money,and according to police, the Friday or this weekthey had to con- Thepolice said that Mrs.Hamilton robbers only cameaway with around Christmas linue the next night, whenthose seven answeredthe door around 4 p.m. at $200. They also 1oak two rifles councilmenwere available. their hometh the secluded, wooded belongingto Mr. Hamilton. Originallyset to beginat 8 [9.m.,the area of town, and was asked by a Police said the menwere described magazine council meetingwas adjourned four or young manat the door wearing a as four whitemales, 17-20 years of age, five timesuntil the policehearing was green army jacket and holding a &’essedin dungareesand green army ended around1[:30 p.m. Councilman shotgun if they could shoot skeet jackets. Threeof themwore ski masks is inside BruceWdliams then hadto adjourn hehthdtheir home. over their heads, action on at least 14 items on the The family was unable to supply a agendanot pressingfor action, stone better descriptionof the menbecause A40-page Christmas issue of The Police said that whenshe told them they were.ton scared. PacketMagazine is includedwith this they had to reach a verdict on the they did nol Ownthe propertythe man police caseafter the meeting. Twentyminutes after they came, Franklin News-Record stuck the gun in her ribs andpushed the menleft andtold the Hamiltansto Whenthe council finally got around his wayinto the house,with the three to the garbagecollection vote, there stay on the floor for ten minutes, Theantique tey Santa on the cover others following. Fifteen minuteslater they got up, sets the themefor the issue: toys. werestill somepeople in the audience Mr. and Mrs.tfamilton wereforced dissatisfiedwith their action. wentnext doorand called the police. Twentydifferent, staff-writthn stories to lay dowein the living roomand Sufar, police are baffled as to why discuss psychology,design, safety, their 16 year-old daughter, Robin, Anunidentified student at SampsonSmith School performs TermedUnfair the menpicked that houseto rob. They selection, buyingand historic valueof onthe parallelbars during an athtetio night at theschool last lockedherself in the bathroom.Police haveoo idea of motiveand report no toys. Thereare also letters to Santa . said the menthen smashedin the door Up and over , week,For another photo, see inside this issue, Ilelen Verhage, a Democratic leads to newspapers.The family did from youngsters throughout the 16- (Cliff Moorephoto) and broughtthe girl downstairs. not hear anycars leave whenth1) four town region served by the seven committeewomansaid the length of Theythen tore twotelephones off the the meetinghad "driven away"many disappearedfrom the home. communitynewspapers in The Packet wall and destroyed another with a SomersetCounty Sheriffs canvassed group, as well as interviews with the woodedarea behindthe homewith parentson thdir opinionson toys. bloodhounds Monday, bul police More than 80 attractive ad- declinedto say if anythingwas found. vertisements from shops throughout Mrs. Hamiltonwas too distressed the 1ri-ceuntyregion offering readers Copguilty of assault, anotherresigns Wednesdayte talk about the incident. plenty of gift ideas for everymember "I’d rather not," she said over the of the family. ByBrian Wood assaulting AnthobyTenbroeck, 28, of long days of testimony, whichran NicholasNicoletfl, testified that they early marring hourson a domestic NewsEditor Somervillewhile on the wayto police from 8 p.m. Wednesdayto 1 a.m. the saw the officers’ patrol car emerge charge. Thenthey claimedthey drove headquarterslast May1,t. next morning and then from 5:30 from the SampsonG. Smith School straight back to headquarters After two days of hearings, one tits partner that night, Patrolman Thursdayevening to almost 11 that perking lot across from the station followingthe other policevehicle. Franklinpolice officer was suspended MalthewWoranicki, 29, offered his night. The count}hues then wherethey took Mr.Tenbroeek out of PatrolmanRebasso and Nicoletti an for beating a prisoner and another resignation to the council whenthey deliberatedon the matteruntil about2 the car and pummeledhim with their the other hand,told the council they resignedto avoid beingfired for the told himhe wouldbe fired if he did not in 1he mernthg. fists andflashlights. hadleft the scene lasl andwitnessed sameoffense. resign, accordingto the officer’s at- Darieg1hose hearings, whichwere the patrol car with the prisoner At around 2 a.m. Friday morning, torney, GeorgePauk. attended by manyof the membersof PatrolmenKish and Woronickihad disappearat a highrate of speed down the Franklin TownshipCouncil judged the police department,two Franklin arrested the Somerville manat an The council’s decision capped two tfamiltonStreet. Whenthey arrived at PatrolmanRanald Kish, 23, guilty of patrohnen, Peep Rebasso and aparhnent on Parkside Street in the headquarters the other ear was not there. Soonafter, it emergedfrom the drivewayaeroas DeMottLane. Board opens to empty room Scene redone Duringthe hearingthe councilmen walked out to the carport and The Franklin TownshipBoard of During the business portion the acceptance of some CXluipmeuland "I think that substitutesare just as reenactedthe scene. Apolice officer Educationheld its lanst-atlandedand board membersapproved a revision in materialsthat wasdooated to the tligb imparIantas the regular teachers and took a patrol car to SGSand drove out sharlest meeting yet Mondaynight. its by.laws which makes all ab- SchoolScience departmcatfrom the weshould hire fully certified people the entrance while the councilmen Whenboard presideut Samuel stentionscount as no.votes,regardless Colgate.Palmolive, ItCh and for those jobs," he explained, "When observed it from the location Wdliamsongaveled the meetil~ to of whetherthe abstainerspeaks for or American-Cyanimidcmnpanies. the teacher is absent the students PatrolmenNiculetti andRebasso had start 1herewas pot a single personit} againstthe topic. lnchided in the cquilnncat was aa deservethe very best wecan get for parkedflleir policecruiser, the audieuee. Board member Mr.Wflliamson explained later that assortnmntof glassware, voltmeters lhmn." PatrolmanRebasso also said when IfuymandMesiah asked him to open 1he old regulations allowedthem to and Spcctrophotometers, tie addedthat with the current job officer Woroulckitook the prisonerout Ihe session Io 1hepublic ante moreat counta personns votingfor a motiouif Board members also approved marketbeing poor, there are enough of the car at headquartershe told him the endill case anyouearriyed
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