AS IT LOOKS FROM HERE | [ February 19, 1948 ] IN TWO SECTIONS Everyone Can Give Something PART ONE Under the sponsorship of the Short Hills-Glenwood PTA Township wide drive for used clothing for overseas relief 4 j|] ke conducted on February 25, 26 and 27. Especially needed are shoes, coats, galoshes, suits, trousers, shirts, un­ MIL L B URN derwear, dresses, skirts, blouses, sweaters, diapers, caps, felt 1 ats gloves, scarfs, neckties, handkerchiefs, aprons, quilts, a n d blankets, sheets, pillow cases, towels and wash cloths. This clothing when collected will be turned over to the \merican Friends Service Committee, a Quaker organization, nhich packs the clothing, ships it to Europe and Asia and ITEM distributes it at the organization’s expense. Cooperating with the PTA are the Boy and Girl Scouts SHORT HILLS of the entire Township, the Short Hills Country Day School and Buxton School. Although originally a project of the Short Hills and Glen- wood Schools, these other groups have voluntarily joined in S I X C E N T S COP7 the collection plans and the support of residents in all sec­ F o u n d e d 18 8 8 PubUrhcd every Thursday at M ILLBU R N , N. J. tions of the Township is being sought. Fliers are being dis­ tributed to homes of residents with no children attending Hills Country Day School. Teen­ cither the Short Hills or Glenwood Schools requesting dona- 157 Students agers will' help sort clothing. School Board tSiis and collections will be made by the students themselves Several troops will establish Address Change "shops” to shine donated shoes from these, homes. ~ - - and replace laces where necessary. Certainly with a list of needed clothing such as men­ Short Hill* Postmaster Cahill To Get Bids this week issued an urgent re­ Make Honors Brownies and Scouts have made posters, and they will participate tioned above, every home in the Township can contribute quest to all patrons in the Short Blds for the construction of the One hundred and fifty In the sewing kit project and do at least one item. Clothing may be delivered to either the Hills delivery area to notify students from the seventh thrdUgh various other supplementary Jobs. addition to the South Mountain I iobart avenue or Glenwood School or, if this is impossible, their correspondents of their the twelfth grades at Millburn School and the construction of a The Item will be glad to inform the proper person that you correct address prior to March High School were named on the >:: ★ 1 when delivery will start. If combination stadium and field have something to donate and will arrange to have your gift honor roll this week by Principal house on the new athletic field will you wish mall delivery, the cor­ Robert E. Faddie. The eleventh be received by the Board of Edu­ picked up at your home. rect street address must be on State L a w grade with 40 students qualifying cation at Its next meeting on ★ ^ all incoming mail. If you re­ for honors, led all other classes in March 22 at Washington School. tain a post office box, the num- number of students. Second place Change Urged Advertisements for bidders appear Mill burn Avenue Traffic Problem bfr must be on incoming mall. numerically went to the eighth elsewhere in this issue. Addresses such as John Smith, grade with 3S honor student*. Bond Issues for the two projects VVe hate to keep mentioning this subject, but every time Short Hills, N. J., will not be SEVENTH GRADE Placing the amount of the de- we drive out Millburn avenue, or make the mistake of trying sufficient. Forms for notifying James Boyd, William Brown, NEW LETTER CARRIERS FOR THE SHORT HILLS POST OF­ flclency of basic state aid to were approved by the voters a to cross that thoroughfare, we are forcibly reminded that correspondents of change of Charlotte Cliff, Helene Ebel, Wel- FICE shown in front of the post office boxes'which they will replace public schools in the school budg- year ago at the same time the Is- et rather than in the municipal tor the Glenwood School addl- something needs doing, lest we soon have real troubles. address may be obtained at the ma Jean Gero, Joyce Gordon, Wil­ in part on March 1 when home delivery service will start. The four post office free of charge. liam Herkner, Douglas Holmes, men who will deliver mail for the first time in Short Hills history arc budget was urged by the Town- tlon- n0" under construction, was We refer, of course, to traffic difficulties there. We don't left to right, George E. Dcdeckcr, George P. Parker, Michael A. La- ship Committee Monday night 8JP™V“ The South Mountain Peggy Ann Hunt, Donald Kirby, addition was estimated to cost know whether the question can be solved on a local level, or Roberta Lampe, William Lewan, Rocca and William T. Doyle. (Gordon Roth) when It passed unanimously a resolution to that effect. $118,000 and some $80,000 is avail­ whether it requires County action, Millburn avenue being a Sandra Oechler, Bernice Schenk- * able for the combination stadium county road. We do know, though, that we have seen enough man, Marilyn Schwarts, Mary child Engine and Aeroplane Cor­ The resolution stated that un­ and field house. Bids will have to pedestrian accidents, and near-accidents, to make us positive Anne Winterer. poration as Security Director and der the present state law a come wen within these figures as Protest Civil EIGHTH GRADE Executive Manager of Industrial P.T. A. Clothing municipality in which a school architect’s fees and possibly that something should be done. Burtram Anderson, Grace Apte­ Relations. district is located must place In ft c]er|< 0f the works salary will The two main-danger points at present are at the post kar, Gloria Becker, Marlene Boll- The program was conceived and its municipal budget the amount nave to be paid from them in ad- office and at the A & P store. We don’t think it advisable to Service Bill lat, Betty Bull, Marjorie Burrell, arranged by program chairman Drive Feb. 25 of the deficiency which Imposes ditlon t0 the actual construction urge the installation of traffic lights at these points, because Laureen Carver, Myrna Cherln, John Huntoon. Alfred Geissler is a hardship upon the taxpayers coats - Protest against a bill introduced Residents of Millburn Township that undoubtedly would serve mostly to impede the free flow Carol Damitz, Kathleen Donovan, president of the Millburn club, al­ and tend* to distort and obscure The gouth Mountaln addttlon „ in the State Legislature by Assem­ Herbert Fischer, Thomas Gldley, though next Tuesday’s special will be asked to donate used cloth­ for the taxpayers readily under- ned tQ cmtain four addlt|onal of traffic. The problem seems rather to find some method of blyman Mehorter to allow the Geraldine Hennett, Patricia Hen­ meeting will be presided over by ing and shoes February 25, 26 and standable information regarding room(, gnd thc contract will caU convincing drivers that Millburn avenue is not the new eight- Civil Service Commission to ning, Carolyn Kauxmann, Ruth Rotary District Governor Adolph 27 for the relief of destitute child­ the total amount of money which fof the remodc|ing of one of the ren and their parents in Europe lane freeway of which we have heard so much recently. Would charge all governmental agenclea Kesselman, Thomas Kiengle, Bar­ Klein of Newton. is required to be raised by taxa- prescnt claM rooms into a health bara Koch, Spencer Letts, Nancy At this Tuesday's meeting of and Asia, announced Mrs. A. D. tlon. a blinker Jight at these points help to slow cars down? We under Its supervision for services Power, president of the Short room, office and store room. One MacDonald, Joan Mellen, Laurcta the club, movies of the 1947 World The Senate and General As- 0f the new class rooms will be an iihniitedlv are undermanned in our police department, and Hills-Glenwood PTA which is rendered is contained in a resolu­ Morgan, John Pfaltz, Ruth Philips, Series were shown, and Parke sembly are requested in the res- activities room for such activities therefore cannot rely on patrol cars to halt the epidemic of sponsoring the project. The drive tion unanimously adopted by the Carol Plppett, John Power, James 'Carroll, general manager of the olution to consider the effects of as music, crafts, etc. The addl* will be undertaken by children in speeding. The problem seems one of giving warning to Township Committee Monday Raaaweller, Judith Reutllnger, Newark Bears, and Bill Skiff, the present low to the end that tlon will be at the Southern Slope drivers that they are approaching a congested zone, and Carol Reyle, Robert Robbins, field manager of that team, spoke the Short Hills and Glenwood night. school*. Also cooperating are the a revision be made so as to re- drive and Mountainview road end Mary Gay Rockefeller, Theodore briefly. Hove municipal budget* of the of the present buildtng. therefore should reduce their speed. Thevbill would allow a charge of children in the Buxton Country Rodgers, Rose Schenkman, Arthur additional burden. The plans have been so drawn \nother matter which seems to have been bungled since $5 per employee and In the case Day School, the Short Hills Coun­ Schmauder, Ann Schneider, Nata­ Finance Chairman Junge point- that toilet facilities and a drinking the great snow is the failure to clear the snow or»to ban of Millburn would amount to some lie Sllversteln, Nancy Sparnon, try Day School, the Millburn Girl Scouts, and the Millburn Boy ed out In explaining the resolu- fountain can be used during- vaca­ parking in front of the apartments on the south side of Mill- Anne Von Thaden.
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