Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville The Ohio ndeI pendent Baptist 9-1990 September 1990 (Vol. 63, No. 8) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/ ohio_independent_baptist Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, and the Organizational Communication Commons Recommended Citation "September 1990 (Vol. 63, No. 8)" (1990). The Ohio Independent Baptist. 424. https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/ohio_independent_baptist/424 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ohio ndeI pendent Baptist by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cedarvilie College 453] OFFICIAL ORGAN \ T H E O H IO x O h io _flsiociation o/ .......... - J Li 1 n1 M d ur Mu*MM* e p e n d e*** n* X l<\eaufar (Saptisl eA // BAPTISTD i l l JL J IO E / VOLUME 63, NO. 8 September, 1990 “OUR VISION FOR THE 90’S: IMPACTING OHIO FOR CHRIST” — O.A.R.B.C. ANNUAL CONFERENCE — October 22, 23, 24 CaIvaiyJ aptistajfueh (G-a -R.B.c .) 2486 Anderson Star cKii^ o Z 'z ttr ° A m «<*».*. D e a r Merrbers o f - " ' PellOWshi °UrSlster Churches- Webster ■, 033 many vSri»j S‘ cannot aff i or notf meanin9s and int_ ™ *” » P P 0 « ^ 5 p » . c h ■ » * PO,S93S . We encoura ° renew our feU0^ ^ his becomes*1 $ ^ * to be a that ye ale ^ ' tberefor„ . "snap 0ne WJ>h intinj.te in With the ^ve fello^.f tend this year's a ^ x : ^ si> GaryA- N0rri s d ‘that in Pastor — ----------- have the „ See back page ------ !!!L E 2fn*>erice.-. r , for more information ~— 1— ^°iossians 1 ;iq The third Annual “One Accord” DAY OF area fellowship is unable to plan this activity, consider joining PRAYER, sponsored by the Ohio Association of Reg­ SUNDAY, with another area O.A.R.B.C. Church for such a service. Some ular Baptist Churches, will be held on Sunday, Sep­ churches are using this afternoon service in place of the normal tember 30, 1990. This special day has been designated evening service. Others may choose to participate in an afternoon by the Council of 12 to be held each year on the last SEPTEMBER service and still conduct their own evening service. For a sug­ Sunday of September. gested format for such a service, please contact Pastor Ken Floyd. “Prayer is the sincere, sensible, affectionate 30th 3. ASSOCIATION SUNDAY OFFERING: pouring out of the heart or soul to God through Consider having an Association Sunday in conjunction with the Christ in the strength and assistance of the Holy DAY OF PRAYER observance if you have not had the oppor­ Spirit for such things as God hath promised, or tunity to do so this year. This day would provide your church according to the Word of God for the good of a practical way to praise God for our rich heritage by receiving the church, with submission and faith to the will a special offering for the O.A.R.B.C. General Fund. Pastors are of God.” John Bunyan also encouraged to share with people history and information During this year’s DAY OF PRAYER, again all concerning our O.A.R.B.C. Fellowship. pastors and peopleware encouraged to devote their attention to prayer for our FELLOWSHIP, its 4. PRAYER BULLETIN: CHURCHES, PASTORS, MISSIONARIES, and Use the specially designed O.A.R.B.C. prayer bulletin insert to SPECIAL NEEDS. Several suggestions are therefore pray for specific areas of need. This bulletin includes special offered to help make the DAY OF PRAYER a items of prayer that are appropriate for a special prayer service. meaningful time for our churches: A master copy of the prayer bulletin has been included in the DAY OF PRAYER packet sent to each church. 1. 11:00 AM. TIME OF PRAYER: All churches are asked to set aside 11:00 A.M. in 5. RE-EMPHASIZING PRAYER: their morning services as the time for “one accord” Pastors and people are encouraged to use this day prayer for our national and state fellowships. Thank as a time to re-emphasize the importance of prayer Him for His work in our Fellowship and pray for the in the life of individual believers and the local continuing work of your church and sister O.A.R.B church. Renew your commitment to participate in Churches, especially in your area. Many have com­ the regular prayer meetings of your church. Renew mented on the special blessing it has been during the your commitment to making prayer a regular part last two years’ DAYS OF PRAYER to realize that our of your daily schedule, seeking a closer time of hearts were united together for the same purpose at the fellowship and growth with God. same precise moment before the Lord. DAY OF PRAYER packets have been mailed to all O.A.R.B. Churches. If your church has not re­ 2. AREAWIDE PRAYER SERVICE: ceived a packet, please contact Pastor Ken Floyd, Consider having an areawide DAY OF PRAYER Education Chairman of the Council of 12 and co­ service with sister O.A.R.B.C. Churches in your ordinator of the Annual Day of Prayer, Box 80441, area. An afternoon or evening prayer and praise Canton, Ohio 44708. service helps our churches to appreciate other brethren in their Please join with us for this very special day of area who are laboring diligently for the cause of Christ. If your prayer and fellowship with our Lord and His people! area is planning such a service, by all means participate! If your 2 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST September, 1990 BURNS MORTGAGE summer, the new building was dedicated to the Lord. “The next event of the Program of As I See It Progress was the remodeling of the old building to give much needed educational A View from the Desk of space. The Lord made it possible to com­ plete this $210,000 job debt free. LAWRENCE FETZER “And now the Lord is giving us this STATE REPRESENTATIVE building debt free. The twenty-year $335,000 loan has been paid off seven years early! How we rejoice in God’s ENCOURAGING AND EDIFYING On July 29, Clintonville Baptist Church in marvelous grace!” To my thinking, it is marvelous privilege to be a part of an association like the O ARBC and Columbus burned its morgage during the morning service. The burning was preceded the G ARBC. Over the years of my ministry, so many benefits have come to me through the as­ by a reunion picnic on Saturday, the 28th. NOTICE sociation, that I have come to value it highly. I am forever grateful for the many outstanding STATEMENT REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF people I have had the honor of working with. They are some of God’s choicest servants. More than 300 former and present members attended the picnic. AUGUST 12,1970; SECTION 3685; TITLE I continue to be excited about our associations, both state and national. God has raised up Pastor George Hattenfield lit the match to 39, UNITED STATES CODE, the GARBC and our O ARBC for such a time as this. The potential, and the challenge of our set fire to the $325,000 mortgage which was MANAGEMENT & CIRCULATION OF THE work, are immense. My prayer is that we will not fail to meet the challenge, and reach our ful­ entered into in 1977 to finance construction OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST lest potential. of a new sanctuary, church offices, library, PUBLISHED MONTHLY (except combined It is out of this desire to be our very best for the Kingdom of God that our Council of twelve sound room and the remodeling of an adjoin­ issues December/January, February/March, last year presented a VISION STATEMENT to our churches at the annual meeting of 1989 at ing apartment building. The mortgage was May/June and July/August) at 30 S. OaK St., Willoughby Hills. Throughout this year I have been using this column to elaborate on that paid off seven years prior to its due date. In London, Ohio 43140. statement, so as to clarify its Biblical basis and its far reaching implications. addition to this, the church remodeled its LThe names and addresses of the publisher Here again is the statement as adopted by the messengers of the churches: older building and purchased a new grand and editor are: piano and paid for these from current income Publisher - The Ohio Association of Regular VISION STATEMENT without borrowing funds. Baptist Churches, P.O. Box 28221 We are the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches. We are dedicated to the building Shown in the photo as Pastor Hattenfield Managing Editor - Mrs. Merle E. BrocK, Colum­ lights the mortgage are, left to right: Robert bus, Ohio of New Testament churches committed to fulfilling the Great Commission locally and 2. The owner is (if owned by a corporation, its throughout the world. No one of our churches can accomplish this alone. We draw together to Hamilton, Pastor Hattenfield, Ken Ostrum, names and addresses must be stated and also strengthen and sharpen one another through mutual encouragement and edification. As a fel­ Paul Scheiderer, Dewey Cantrell, Glenn immediately thereunder the names and ad­ lowship we will impact our state and the world for Christ. Hutchison and Russell Paine. These men dresses of stocKholders owning or holding 1 ************************************************************************ were members of the Board of Deacons when percent or more of total amount of stocK. If not the mortgage was signed.
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