V t ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ V" X No. 151. JU LY , 1911. i Llanblethian, Cowbradge, and Welsh [ St. Donats 1 PARISH MAGAZINE.! LLANBLETHIAN CHURCH. WELSH ST. DONATS CHURCH. Sundays: Holy Communion, First Sunday in the Sundays:—Holy Communion every Fourth Sunday month, 8 a.m. ; Third Sunday in the in the month at 10.15 a.m. month at 11 a.m. Matins and Sermon 11 a.m. Evensong and Sermon, 3 p.ru. Evensong and Sermon 6 p.m. Week Days: -During Advent and Lent, 7 p.m. Week D ays:—Wednesdays, Evensong & Sermon 7.30 Children’s Service last Sunday in the mon that 2.30 p.m. Sunday School he tore the Son '.ly Services. c o w b r i d g e ; CHURCH. SACRAMENTS. SERVICES. Holy Communion:—Every Sunday at 8 a.m., and e , ( Matins and Sermon at 11 a.in. Thursday at 8 a.m.. First Sunday in a^s 1 Evensong and Sermon at 6 p.m. the month at 11 a.m. Holy Days 8a.m. Thursdays:—Evensong and Sermon at 7.30 p.m. Holy Baptism: —Sundays at 4 p.m., Thursdays at 7 Daily : Evensongs G p.m. p.m. Any other time by arrangement. Matins & Litany on Wednesdays & Fridays, at 11 a.m N on The Clergy will be glad lobe informed of cases of sickness and distress. Banns of Marriage should be sent to the Vicarage. CLERGY. R e v . I. R o b e r t s , M.A. (Vicar), Surrogate for granting Marriage Licenses. R e v . G. T hom as, L.D. R e v . J. L. D u H ea u m e. B.A . CHURCH WARDENS. ( Mr. D . T h o m a s ( M r . K . J o n e s , ... .... ! Mb . F. W. D cnn. Cowbridge • Welsh St. Donats Llanblethian (Mr_ e U sher. M r . W . T . CtWYn . | M r . T . W il l ia m s . OrganistMr. F. K napton. O r g a n i s t - M r . J . P . M a r k s . Organist r—Miss J o n e s . HINTS TO WORSHIPPERS. I. Always be in your seat before the Service begins. II. Always kneel reverently during the Prayers III. Always join heartily in the Singing. IV. Always contribute as much as you can to the Offertory, remembering the gift is to God and not to man. I PRICE ONE PENNY. t -r-Jh, Gibbs S i Brown, P rin ters' T-"vn H a" flnnavo. Cowb-idKC. OOWBRiDGE, LLANBLETHIAN, AND WELSH ST. DONATS PARISH MAGAZINE. SUNDAY SCHOOL FESTIVAL. The Vicar will be away during the first fortnight The annual Festival of the Sunday Schools of the of this month, and on Sunday, July 16th, his duties Deanery was held in St. Mary's on Wednesday in will be taken by the Rev. Harold Thomas, B.A. Whitsun week, when a large number of scholars To celebrate the Coronation and to show the from the various parishes in the Deanery were members of the Llanbiethian Choir some tangible catechised by the Vicar of Newport. The answers appreciation of their faithfulness and services. Mr. to the questions were exceptionally good and the and Mrs. F. W. Dunn, The Cross, gave the adult teachers must have been gratified with the results choristers an excellent supper in the schoolroom of their efforts in teaching the specified subjects. last Tuesday evening. It was a large and happy After the service Miss Thomas, of Crossways, very gathering, and while the occasion will be long re­ kindly entertained the children to an excellent tea membered as an enjoyable one, it will also stand in the Town Hall. Mr. Goulden catered for the out as an event which tended to bind still more .100 children and teachers. The Clergy of the closely the unity, harmony and faithfulness of the Deanery tender their warmest thanks to Miss Llanbiethian choir. We are grateful to Mr. and Thomas for her kindness in entertaining the children Mrs. Dunn for their thoughtfulness and kindness in and teachers. entertaining the choristers. THE CORONATION. AN APPEAL. Whatever may be the faults and idiosycrancies The Vicar would be glad if volunteers would come peculiar to Cowbridge and the district the inhabit­ forward and fill the bass and tenor vacancies in St. ants were not lacking in their sense of loyalty to Mary’s Choir. After years and years of service the the throne during coronation week. Thanks to the older choristers feel that they must give up and Mayor (Councillor D. Tilley) whose powers of make room for the younger ones. It would be organization, as we know, need no comment, and wrong to surmise, leave alone to make the state­ the large body of workers which assisted him, ment, that the musical ability of the town is not everything connected with the coronation celebra­ what it was. Shall we “ wait and see ” ? tions passed off most successfully. Space will not The annual '* summer meeting " of our branch of admit of our dealing with any details, but the the Mothers’ Union will be held this year, through arrangements for the opening of the baths, the the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. John, on the grounds Service in St. Mary’s, the procession of the children, of Marlboro’ Grange, on Wednesday, July 26th. the tea on the Gypsy field followed by the sports, There will be a short cervice and address in Llan- the babes competition and the dance in the Town i blethian Church at 2.45 p.m. before proceeding to Hall, were all so excellently arranged that the Marlboro’ Grange. whole town, with perhaps the exception of the ! The annual Sunday school treat will be held on usual chronic grumblers here and there, are delight- j fully satisfied, and are grateful to the Mayor and the first Wednesday in August. his responsive Committees for their efforts. Last, The Misses E. Llewellyn, C. James and E. James, but not least, our grateful thanks are due to the were confirmed by the Bishop in Llantrisant subscribe-s for their srenerous help towards the Church, on Thursday, June 1st. celebrations. MARRIAGES An interesting wedding took place in Llanbiethian j June 22nd, in Llanblethian Church, Robert W’m. Church on Coronation morning, when Mr. Robert i Thomas to Mabel Silk. Thomas was married to Miss Mabel Silk. The BAPTISMS. Service was choral and there was a large congrega­ COWBRIDGE CHURCH. tion of friends present. Mr. Robert Thomas is a Maurice David Llewellyn, son of Thomas and familiar figure amongst us, for he is not only a Marian John. chorister, and faithful Sunday school teacher, but Elvert Thomas, son of Henry Giles and Nellie Elizabeth manages the Children’s Bank at Uanblethian Sun­ Tucker. Wm. Gilbert John, and Sarah Dorothy Wilsena, children day school. We yvish the young people every of William James and Annie Caroline Yates. possible good wish for their future welfare. On Dorothy Mary, daughter of William and Dinah Jenkins. Tuesday evening Mr. Thomas was the recipient of BURIALS IN COWBRIDGE. two'handsome wedding gifts: an oaken tea tray Alfred Morgan Sloper, aged 54 years. Evan David, aged from the Sunday school teachers, and a Caroline 74 years. Jane Seward, aged 66 years. Mary Harkett, timepiece from the Choir and friends. aged 68 years. w Have NEW TEETH Fitted by TEMPLAR MALINS 5, Queen Street, CARDIFF. LLANBLETHIAN, COWBRIDGE, AND WELSH ST. DONATS PARISH MAGAZINE. G. Durston, WYBERT THOMAS, Family Butcher, Building Contractor and LLANBLHTHIAN, Monumental Mason, AND .High Street, COWBRIDGE. Opposite the Post Office, COW BRIDGE. Orders promptly attended. Country Orders Estimates for all classes of work in the trade P'ee. delivered weekly. Encaustic and Mosaic Tile Floors supplied and laid at lowest WM. KNAPTON, prices. FOR HIGH CLASS High Street Studio, COW BRIDGE. Bread, Cake and Confectionery, Enlargements in Black and White, also finished in Oils and Water Colour. GO TO All orders promptly attended to. Studio open daily. GOULDEN’S W. ft. PH ILLIPS, THE MODEL BAKERY, High Street, Cowbridge Plumber, Gasfitter, Hot Water & Sanitary Wedding, Birthday, and other Cakes made to Order. Engineer, Metal Worker, etc., ONLY THE BEST INGREDIENTS USED. COWBRIDGE. nr FAMILIES WAITED UPON DAILY. —:o:— All orders receive prompt attention. ESTABLISHED 1851 MRS. E. BEYAN, E. J . WARREN, TIVY HOUSE, COWBRIDGE. Painter, Glazier, Paper Hanger, HoiiHe HIGH-CLASS GROCER, Decorator. &c., Best Makers’ Goods always in Stock. East Gate House, COWBRIDGE. MP* Agent for Palethorpe's Royal Cambridge Sausages, as supplied to her late Majesty the Queen. Estimates Given. A Iso a large Assortment of Chocolates & Sweets. Telephone: Cowbridge P.O. 29. All Orders receive prompt attention. T. J. YORWERTM, ARTHUR JOHN & Go. Auctioneer and Valuer, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COWBRIDGE. Furnishing & Builders’ Ironmongers, Valuations made for Probate and other purposes. Implement Agents, HIGH STREET, COWBRIDGE. W. Giles, HAULAGE CONTRACTOR, COWBRIDGE. Speciality: CUTLERY and ELECTRO PLATE P. GRIFFITHS, COWBRIDGE SCHOOL. Family Grocer, &c., Cowbridge Agent for Dunmore’s celebrated Cambridge Sausages and Head Master: Rev. W. FRANKLEN EVANS, Pies. W. and A. Gilbey’s Wines, Huntley and A SSISTEDbva Staff of Oxford Graduates in High Honours Palmer’s Biscuits, &c. Crosse & Blackwell’s manufactures. resident in the School House. Scholarships of £50-. £60, and £80 (classical), gained at the University College. S. Wales, St. David’s College, Lampeter, and Jesus College* A trial of his L i, 1 (i, 1/8 and 1/10 TEA Oxford, respectively since 1885. is solicited. LLEWELLYN'S COMPOUND ESSENCE OF SQUILLS. E. T, DAVID, The most valuable Remedy known for all Disorders of the Throat, Chest, and Dungs.
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