Public Document Pack Cabinet Date: Wednesday, 18th October, 2017 Time: 7.00 pm Venue: Council Chamber - Uttlesford District Council, Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden, CB11 4ER Leader and Chairman: Councillor H Rolfe Members: Councillors S Barker, S Howell, V Ranger, J Redfern and H Ryles Other attendees: Councillors A Dean (Liberal Democrat Group Leader and Chairman of Scrutiny Committee), J Lodge (Residents for Uttlesford Group Leader) and E Oliver (Chairman of Governance, Audit and Performance Committee) Public Speaking At the start of the meeting there will be an opportunity of up to 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions and make statements subject to having given notice by 12 noon two working days before the meeting. AGENDA PART 1 Open to Public and Press 1 Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest To receive any apologies for absence and declarations of interest. 2 Minutes of the Previous Meeting 7 September 2017 1 - 12 To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2017. 3 Questions or Statements from Non-Executive Members of the Council (standing item) To receive questions or statements from non-executive members on matters included on the agenda. 4 Matters Referred to the Executive (standing item) To consider matters referred to the Executive in accordance with the provisions of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules or the Budget and Policy Framework Rules. 5 Reports from Governance, Audit and Performance and Scrutiny Committees (standing item) To consider any reports from the Governance, Audit and Performance and Scrutiny committees. 6 Refugee Working Group (standing item) To receive a report from the Refugee Working Group. 7 100% Business Rates Retention, Essex Pilot Scheme (report to follow) To consider the Essex pilot scheme for 100% business rates retention. 8 Grant for Harlow College 13 - 16 To consider the grant for Harlow College to provide the proposed Technical and Professional College at Stansted Airport. 9 Air Quality Action Plan 17 - 74 To consider the Air Quality Action Plan. 10 Article 4 Direction for Local Heritage List 75 - 80 To consider the Article 4 Direction for Local Heritage List report. 11 Review of Enforcement 81 - 158 To consider the Review of Enforcement report and the appended draft enforcement policies. 12 Street Naming and Numbering Policy 159 - 180 To consider the proposed Street Naming and Numbering Policy. 13 Saffron Walden Town Centre Culvert Partnership 181 - 184 To consider the Saffron Walden town centre culvert partnership report. 14 West of Braintree Garden Community Plan 185 - 270 To consider the West of Braintree Garden Community Plan - Issues and Options document. 15 Planning for the Right Homes in the Right Places: 271 - 284 Government Consultation To note the publication of the government's 'Planning for the right homes in the right places' consultation proposals and to consider the draft response appended to the report. 16 Any other items which the Chairman considers to be urgent To receive any items which the Chairman considers to be urgent. MEETINGS AND THE PUBLIC Members of the public are welcome to attend any of the Council’s Cabinet or Committee meetings and listen to the debate. All agendas, reports and minutes can be viewed on the Council’s website www.uttlesford.gov.uk. For background papers in relation to this meeting please contact committee@uttlesford.gov.uk or phone 01799 510548/369. Members of the public and representatives of parish and town councils are permitted to speak or ask questions at any of these meetings. You will need to register with the Democratic Services Officer by midday two working days before the meeting. The agenda is split into two parts. Most of the business is dealt with in Part I which is open to the public. Part II includes items which may be discussed in the absence of the press or public, as they deal with information which is personal or sensitive for some other reason. You will be asked to leave the meeting before Part II items are discussed. Agenda and Minutes are available in alternative formats and/or languages. For more information please call 01799 510510. Facilities for people with disabilities The Council Offices has facilities for wheelchair users, including lifts and toilets. The Council Chamber has an induction loop so that those who have hearing difficulties can hear the debate. If you are deaf or have impaired hearing and would like a signer available at a meeting, please contact committee@uttlesford.gov.uk or phone 01799 510548/369 as soon as possible prior to the meeting. Fire/emergency evacuation procedure If the fire alarm sounds continuously, or if you are instructed to do so, you must leave the building by the nearest designated fire exit. You will be directed to the nearest exit by a designated officer. It is vital you follow their instructions. For information about this meeting please contact Democratic Services Telephone: 01799 510369 or 510548 Email: Committee@uttlesford.gov.uk General Enquiries Council Offices, London Road, Saffron Walden, CB11 4ER Telephone: 01799 510510 Fax: 01799 510550 Email: uconnect@uttlesford.gov.uk Website: www.uttlesford.gov.uk Agenda Item 2 CABINET MEETING held at COUNCIL OFFICES LONDON ROAD SAFFRON WALDEN on 7 SEPTEMBER 2017 at 7PM Present: Councillor H Rolfe (Leader) Councillor S Barker (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environmental Services) S Howell (Cabinet Member for Finance and Administration) Councillor V Ranger (Cabinet Member for Communities and Partnerships) Councillor J Redfern (Cabinet Member for Housing) Also present: Councillor H Asker, Councillor R Freeman (Residents for Uttlesford Group, substituting for Councillor J Lodge). Officers in attendance: D French (Chief Executive), R Dobson (Principal Democratic Services Officer), R Harborough (Director of Public Services), A Knight (Assistant Director - Resources), R Millership (Assistant Director – Housing and Environmental Services), S Pugh (Interim Head of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer), J Snares (Housing and Communities Manager) and A Webb (Director of Finance and Corporate Services). Public Speaking Mr T J Hockley and Mr R Tongue having registered to speak, the Chairman said the order of business would be altered to enable Mr Hockley to speak after declarations and apologies for absence, and to permit Mr Tongue to speak when the item on De Vigier Avenue was considered. Mr Hockley made a statement, a summary of which is appended to these minutes. Councillor Barker said she had visited Mr Hockley at his home, and that when she had been there, the unpleasant odour about which he had complained was not apparent. However, Councillor Ranger had visited earlier and had been aware of the odour. It was possible that the smell was being caused by how the site was run. She had invited Mr Hockley to meet with the Environment Agency and the Council’s Environmental Health Officer for a discussion. The cleanliness of the Council’s vehicles coming into the site was a possible factor, which she had communicated to the Operations Manager, who would ensure checks were put in place that the vehicles were clean. Mr Hockley expressed doubt about such measures resolving the problem. Councillor Rolfe said Mr Hockley and relevant parties should meet on the site to review the position. Whilst the Council did not own the site, the meeting would be a useful step to establishing what mitigation could be put in place. Page 1 Councillor Barker said Mr Hockley had referred to the District Council deciding where its waste was taken, but that in fact Essex County Council directed where the District Council had to take the waste. CA39 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Councillor S Barker declared a personal interest in Great Dunmow Waste Transfer site, as Essex County Council, of which she was a member, had responsibility for that site. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors A Dean, J Lodge and H Ryles. CA40 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 6 July 2017 were received and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. The minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2017 were received and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to an amendment as follows: to delete in the third paragraph of Minute CA29, Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2018/19, the wording “When this happened it would no longer be possible to maintain support for those people presently benefitting from LCTS.” CA41 QUESTIONS OR STATEMENTS FROM NON - EXECUTIVE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL In the absence of Councillor Dean, a statement he had submitted for consideration at the meeting was read out as follows: "At the last Full Council Meeting I was appointed to a task group to oversee agreements with the Army at Carver Barracks related to an agreed grant of £500,000 towards the cost of creating a running track at the barracks. It is intended that there will be public access to the running track as there has been to date for the use of existing sport facilities. I have asked in writing a number of questions about past and current public usage of the facilities, for which some answers have been received. I have also asked questions related to forecasts of planned use by the local public of the running track. No answers have been received from the Army. Moreover, I am concerned that there may be a blockage within this Council preventing the questions being asked of the Army. I will, of course, continue to pursue these matters in the interests of public accountability." Councillor Rolfe said the Cabinet noted Councillor Dean’s comments. Whilst future use of the facility was difficult to predict, it would be in the context of the existing Multi Use Games Area.
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