mixtu e of milbe n 5-o ime and mi!beinycl n Aj 5- Profile Uses and Administration Aoxlme. r rnyd Ad x Moxidectin is an anthelmintic used in veterinary medicine. Niclosamide is an anthelmintic that is active against most saginata), -- !29496- Jo-2 It is also used as a systemic veterinary ectoparasiticide and tapeworms, including the beef tapeworm (Taenia for the treatment of intestinal roundworms and lungworms. the pork tapeworm (T. solium), the fish tapeworm Ve t - OP54ABOI. It is under investigation for the treatment of human (Diphyllobothrium latum) and the dog tapeworm (Dipylidium UNii - 0502PUNOGT '(mill>emycin oxime),· OS3YPP 119C onchocerciasis. caninum); it has also been given for infections with the dwarf (m'lbemycin A5 5-oxime); 6ZWB94628 (.milbemycin A, 5- tapeworm, Hy menolepis nana. For discussions of the oxim e), References. Cotreau MM, et a!. The antiparasitic moxidectin: safety, tolerability, and treatment of tapeworm infections, see Diphyllobothriasis, l. pharmacokinetics in humans. J Clin Pharmacal 2003; 43: 1108-15. p. 145.1, Hymenolepiasis, p. 146.1, and Taeniasis, p. 148.2. Profile 2. Korth-Bradley JM, et al. Excretion of moxidectin into breast milk and The activity of niclosamide against these worms appears to Milbemycin oxime is an anthelmintic used in veterinary pharmacokinetics in healthy lactating women. Antimicrob Agents be due to inhibition of mitochondrial oxidative phosphoryl­ Chemother 2011; 55: 5200--4. medicine. ation; anaerobic ATP production is also affected. Niclosarnide is given as tablets, which must be chewed thoroughly before swallowing and washed down with Naftalofos {BAN, USAN, r!NN) water. Morantel (BAN, ptNN) For infections with pork tapeworm a single 2-g dose is &ay-9002; E-9002; ENT-25567; Naftalofos; . Na a!ofosum; ft given after a light breakfast. Niclosamide is not active Morame!i; Mor<Jntei.um; Moparrren. aphthalo s; Phthalophos: S-940; Ha¢>raJ10<j>oc. · against the larval form (cysticerci) and, although the risk of Tetrahydro' 1-methyi-H2·(J·methyl-2-thienyl) QiN ethyl naphtlph6;alirnido:Oxyphospho•iate. inducing cysticercosis appears to be theoretical, a laxative is �Ylnyf)p(f)-1,4.5,6-yrlmidine. C,6H16NO;f'=34)t.3 . C,,H,6N1S�220.3 given about 2 hours after the dose to expel the killed worms CAS - . .. and minimise the possibility of the migration of ova of T. ATC Vee J491·4f-4. solium into the stomach; an antiemetic may also be given CAS - 20574'50-il. i. ATC\let :-:- -- QPS2AB06. before treatment. QP52A F{J . UN/I. -'- HSIT2P$HSI. For infections with heel or fish tapeworms the 2-g dose of UN!! - lN/03 1 HAXS. Profile niclosamide may be divided, with l g taken after breakfast Morante! Citrate (BANM, p!NNM! and 1 g an hour later. Naftalofos is an organophosphorus compound (see Organo­ In dwarf-tapeworm infections an initial dose of 2 g has Citratd de m ran ; Morante!, Citrate Moranteh citrate phosphorus Insecticides, p. 2158.3) used as an anthelmintic been given on the first day followed by 1 g daily for 6 days. te · · de; MoraritelioCitras; l Mopa>nena L\�rTpade;r. in veterinary medicine. Unless expulsion of the worm is aided by a laxative, portions are voided in a partially digested form after treatment with niclosamide; the scolex is rarely identifiable. Netobimin (BAN, USAN, r/NN) For details of doses in children, see p. 163.1. Ve t - In schistosomiasis (p. 148.1), niclosamide is used as a NOTE.ATC The nameQP52AF0 Exhelm1. has been used as a trade mark for Netobimir\a; Netoblmine; Netobirninum; Sch-32481; molluscicide in water-treatment control programmes. morantel citrate. 6YJMliiH. HetO· 2-(Hitethoxyc:arbonyl-2-r2:nitro-5-{(:Jropylthio )['JhenxiJgua­ Administration in children. Niclosamide may be given · · ·· · Morante! Tartrate (BANM, USAN, p!NNM) nidinoJetMnesutphqnic acid.. orally to children for the treatment of most tapeworm infections. Children 2 to 6 years of age are given half the orantee ty rtraa Morante!, hydrogen(K . C;ii10N.07Sjk420.5 ; tt usual adult dose; those under 2 years of age are given CP-t]OO'i-l!l Mo ante , !i�?Tartrateia d<;:; �Meri) nte l, 8825!i-Ol�{). de; CAS -:-- one-quarter the usual adult dose. Children over 6 years of tartrateMorantel·hid de; regen-tarr \ tarat; Morantel-hydrogentartrat-tartao rat; ATC \'et ---:QP5 2AC06. age are given the usual adult dose (see above). oranteH hydrogenotartras; Moranteli Tartras; M.orantelva­ U!{Of?4N3f.AU. • iV\ UN!! - . m r ntei MopaflTe[la teta rtrat; Tartrate de o a ; Ul<-2964-18; Malignant neoplasms. Studies in animals and in vitro have Profile suggestedi.2 that niclosamide may have therapeutic poten­ Netobimin is a prodrug that is converted to albendazole tial as an antineoplastic. (p. 149.1). It is used in veterinary medicine for the 1. Jin Y, et al. Antineoplastic mechanisms of nidosamidc in acute myelogenous leukemia stem cells: inactivation of the NF- B pathway treatment of nematode, tapeworm, and fluke infections. K A1'CVet - QP52AfQ I. and generation of reactive oxygen species. Cancer Res 2010; 70: 2516-27. 2. Sack U, et al. Novel effect ol antihelminthic nidosamide on S100A4- UN/! '- -5WF759QC3F. Pharmacopoeias. In Eur. (see p. vii) and US for veterinary mediated metastatic progression in colon cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 2011; 103: 1018-36. use only. Niclosamide (BAN, USAN, riNN) 8: (Morante! Hydrogen Tartrate for Veterinary Use; Ph. Eur. Vector control. Reference' to the use of niclosamide etha­ Morante! Tartrate BP(Vet) 2014). A white or pale yellow, Anhydrous Nidosamide;.�ay-235$; Nidosamici; Niclosamida; nolamine (sometimes referred to as donitralide) as a mol­ crystalline powder. Very soluble in water and in alcohol; Niclosarnida. Anielra; N!Giosamicte anhydre; Niclosamidum; luscicide in the management of schistosomiasis. practically insoluble in ethyl acetate. A l% solution in water Niclosamictum anhyctricum; Nikk:Wamld: Niktosamid, fri; Niklosarnid!; Niklesamidi, ve deton; Niktozamid; Nivattekloza­n· I. Yang G-J, et at. Molluscicidal efficacies of different formulations of has a pH of 3.3 to 3.9. Protect from light. nidosamide: result of meta-analysis of Chinese literature. Parasit Vectors mid bezwodnv; bevandetiis; Ni l zam t; USP 36: (Morante! Tartrate). A white or pale yellow, Niktozamidas, ko i 2010; 3: 84. crystalline powder. Very soluble in water and in alcohol; Phenasa!e; Viz mentes riiklozanM; Ht4K1103aMVlJ:\. 2 Di loro nitrosa!icylaAHide: 5-Chloro-lif.(2-chioro+ practically insoluble in ethyl acetate. pH of a 1% solution in : c Adverse Effects and Precautions water is between 2.8 and 3.9. Store at a temperature of 25 nitrophe',5 hnyl)-2-nydrqxyb4'- enzamide. degrees, excursions permitted between 1 5 degrees and 30 C;3H8C!2Np.,;327.1 Gastrointestinal disturbances may occur occasionally with niclosamide. Lightheadedness and pruritus have been degrees. Protect from light. - - 0\S 5(}-65 Z reported Jess frequently. ATC - P02DAOJ. Profile ATC Ve t - QP52AG03 Porphyria. The Drug Database for Acute Porphyria, com­ Morante! is an analogue of pyranteL The citrate and the UNJ! -- 8KK8CQ2K8G. piled by the Norwegian Porphyria Centre (NAPOS) and Pharmacopoeias. In Chin. and Bur. (see p. vii). tartrate are used as anthelmintics in veterinary medicine for the Porphyria Centre Sweden, classifies niclosamide as the treatment of gastrointestinal roundworms. Int. permits the anhydrous substance or the monohydrate probably not porphyrinogenic; it may be used as a drug of under the title Niclosamide. first choice and no precautions are needed.1 Ph. Eur. 8: (Niclosamide, Anhydrous). Yellowish-white to I. The Drug Database for Acute Porphyria. Available at: http://www. drugs-porphyria.org (accessed 06110/ll) Moxidectin (BAN, USAN, r/NN) yellowish, fine crystals. Practically insoluble in water; slightly soluble in dehydrated alcohol; sparingly soluble in CL-301423; MoksidektHni; o Moxidectlna; i ectin«; Mox, acetone. Store in airtight containers. Protect from light. Pharmacokinetics MOKCi1,q€KTMH, . idectinum; Moxidektin; . M x d . • . Niclosamide is not significantly absorbed from the 55)-5-0-Demethyl- ,3-dlmethy!but"l· 28-deoxy-25-[(El� l Niclosamide Monohydrate (BANM. riNNM! gastrointestinal tract. enyl}-6,28-�poxy(6R, 1 -23-oxqmifbemycin {EJ ,2l0-rrtethylox· • Niclesamid-Monohydrat: N( os arnida onq- idratada; iri1e. e · M m c,,H"N0;;=639.8 Niclos4mida rnonohldrato; CtNiclosa ide Monohydrate;'h ....... ............. ........... ..... .... 113507-06-5. Niclosamldum monohJ�drkum; Ni o ami . monohycMt; ProprietaryPreparations (details are given. in Volume B) . ATCi\5C -Ve t·- Niklosamidimonohydrqatti; Ntklosa.mtl<lctmono.s cjhyorilt: Nikloza­ Belg.: Yomesan; Braz. : Atenase; QP54AB02. midi!s monohidratas; Niklezamid'monohidrat; HMK11o3aMVlA Single·ingredient Preparations. MeHOrVl)1par. Fin.: Kontal; Fr.: Tredemine; Ger.: Yomesan; Gr. : Tredemine; NOTE.UNII --TheNG/JS.43 names 1 Cydectin,Y09. Equest, and Zermex have been Yomesant; Hong Kong: Leo-99t; India: Niclosan; Israel: C,H8CI)'l,P4.H,0=345.1 used as trade marks for moxidectin. Yomesant; Ital.: Yomesan; Mex. : Overoidt; Neth.: Yomesan; S­ Afr. : Swed. : Thai. : Pharmacopoeias. In Eur. (see p. vii) and US for veterinary Yomesan; Yomesan; CB�99; Leo-99t; Mano­ ATC..:_P 02DAOI. verm; Shors Mesant; Sinchoni; Sinper- Tabs; Telmitin; Topida; use. UN!! - 202'25fll 145. Unicidet; Utosamide; Yomesan; Turk.: Yomesan; UK: Ph. Eur. 8: (Moxidectin for Veterinary Use). A white or pale Pharmacopoeias. In Bur. (see p. vii). Yomesan. yellow, amorphous powder. Practically insoluble in water; Int. permits the monohydrate or the anhydrous substance very soluble in alcobol; slightly soluble in hexane. under the title Niclosamide. Multi-ingredient Preparations. Thai. : Anson; Heroanson; Taenia­ cide; Zenda. USP 36: (Moxidectin). A white to pale yellow powder. Ph. Eur. 8: (Niclosamide Monohydrate). Yellowish, fine ; Practically insoluble in water; very soluble in alcohol; crystals. Practically insoluble in water; slightly soluble in PharmacopoeialPreparations slightly soluble in hexane. Store at a temperature of 2 dehydrated alcohol; sparingly soluble in acetone. Protect BP 2014: Niclosamide Tablets. degrees to 8 degrees. Protect from light. from light. The symbol t denotes a preparation no longer actively marketed .
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