.,.,., ::::::: : ',,,.,,,,,,,' ::::::: Vol. 98 No.8 University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware Tuesday, October 1, 1974 COPE Members Resign Council Protests Lack of Administrative Support By JEFFREY C. GOnSEGEN and CAROL TRASAnO w1sh to point out that we were not going to examine "the faculty" or "the administratiOn" of The members of the Council on Program a program but the whole program Evaluation t COPE) have res1gned en masse Worthen stressed that he favored evaluation because of "lack of support ... by a group composed of equal nur;nbers of faculty In a letter to President Edward A. Trabant and administratiOn. He felt that "academic units dated September 20, 1974. the Counc1l res1gned would tend to cut academic units last·· in the "due to the Jack of trust and support for the upcoming budget crunch smce nine of the ten proposals set forth in Senate Bill 105 (COPE COPE members were faculty. Charter) and Section IV B.5 of the Handbook for The origmal charter. wh1ch spec1fies the goals. Faculty. .. This section of the handbook lists the make-up. and procedures of COPE was goals of COPE: to advise the Provost. and to unanimously adopted by the University !-'acuity provide periodic in-depth evaluations of Senate. of which the president. provost. administrative. academic. and service programs. vice-presidents. deans and elected faculty are The problem developed when the committee members. When asked m an interv1ew. neither attempted to establish priont1es for evaluation Provost Leon L. Campbell nor Worthen could through the use of questionnaires. These recall how they had voted "Program Review Questionnaires" were sent to Several proposals have been put forward m the head of every acad~mic and administrative regard to possible future evaluatiOn committees program. While l'l1VSt faculty responded. only a In a letter to COPE. Tr.abant suggested two such few administrators returned the questionnaires. plans. ··One IS that a special university group be according to Dr. Edward E. Schweizer. COPE appointed by the Pres1dent to evaluate PEDAL POWER-A survev to diM·over \\hat route-; (.'\'clists use chairman. administrative offices and the1r operatwns w1th on campus will be (.'Onductt·d toda~. The information will be used In a Jetter dated Jtme 10. 1974. to the (Continued to Page 2) to determine the possible net'd for university bike paths. membership of COPE, Vice President for Student Affairs John E. Worthen questioned that committee's abihty to fairly appraise the admimstration. He said. "It does not seem Study to Gauge Bike Path Necessity appropriate or reasonable that a committee almost wholly comprised of members from academic units would expect to evaluate student Survey Designed to locate Routes Traveled by Cyclists on Campus affairs units ... dec1ded to take this :-.tep .. Worthen challenged the propriety of the fact By MARY ANN LOnUS E A. Trabant durmg the he1ght ot that "faculty, whose areas of expertise are m the energy cns1s expressmg a Stressmg that th1s survt·y 1s lUst teaching, research and academic administration, Because of the mcreased number concern with b1cyde transportatiOn "a cog m the wheel to e\·cmual would propose to evaluate professionals whose of cychsts on campus. a survey to Trabant stressed that actwn destgmng... he hoped th.tt the areas of competence mvolve primarily student determine the necess1ty of should be taken to facJht1ate results could be used to reach a affairs administration. psychological counseling, un1versity bicycle paths w11l be walking and bicyclmg on campus. final deCISIOn residence hall administration. non-cognitive conducted tomorrow. seeing them as transPQrtatwn The survey will be conducted m student development. health care. food service. Jerome T Posatko. senior modes people would use more conJunctum w1th Conan Furber and and student records and financial aid planner. explained that the survey read1ly as the energy crunch stu<knts from the c1v11 engmeenng administration... is designed to discover the routes continued. department Posatko noted that the Trabant expressed anxiety that a committee most cyclists take and when. About Posatko hoped that at least 1000 to unn·erstty would save a such as COPE (mainly academic in membership) 12.000 forms will be distributed 3000 w1ll partiCipate in the surveys considerable sum of money by would tend to evaluate administrators rather than throughout campus. he added. and noted that a 20 to 25 percent cmploymg 1ts own resources to administrative programs. He said Sunday that Every ' dormitory student and response would be "good... The Implement the study instead of an this would lead to a "real·management problem­ fac\llty member will recefve a form resultmg statistics will be examined outside consultant a short circuit. .. in the mail. Forms will also be to determine the possib1hty of a If the un1vers1ty approves a However, COPE stated in its resignation letter available at entrances of main system of on-campus bike paths. campus b1ke path system. Po?atko to Trabant that ··it had been COPE's wish that all classroom bwldings, the Commuter "This is a feasibility study to will begm work on 1ts des1gn. He programs were to be examined by individuals House and the Student Center determine what the.pnmary cost of noted that he IS currently whose competence covered the whole spectrum Posatko explained that his office such a system would be, .. Posatko examimng several b1ke-way of administrative and academic expertise. We received a letter from President said. "The university has not yet systems in other un1vers1tJes 'Posatko smd that hnes could be painted on eXJsting paths to d1v1de pedestrian and bicycle traffic at a minimal cost However, the future Personal Use of Campus Mail Prohibited of the program will not be decided until the results of the survey have By MARY CHURCHILL "Besides that," Collins continued, "we were finding a lot of been studied. he added. Students are no longer allowed to send Christmas cards. peanut butter sandwiches and crackers being sent through the In case of rain. the survey will be birthday cards or other personal correspondence through the mail." postponed until Wednesday, Oct. 9 postage-free Campus Mail due to a revision in policy this past The brown interdepartmental envelopes tWill be mandatory Most students. when asked. felt July. for student use of the system. These envelopes are available that b1ke paths were a good 1dea According to Edward F. Collins, supervisor of Campus only at Central Store "We need them. You almost get Mail "Students can onJy use Campus Mail if they use brown There is a poSsibility. however, that students w1ll be able to kille d because there's no mterdepartmental mail envelopes Otherwise, they will need to obtain these envelopes through the1r hall directors, Collins cons1deratwn for b1ke nders. · · use a 10 cent stamp and drop the letter. in the regular U.S. Mali. noted. stated cyclist Marc1 lnden We will not· pick up any mail from students that is not m For example, Collins explamed. "Suppose Sigma Nu or Some students noted that " vou interdepartmental envelopes.'' another social fraternity was going to have a beer bash and JUSt can't ride bikes on campus ... The revision in the policy of the Campus Mail now makes it wanted to make it known. They could not use the Campus Mail and expressed concern over having onJy for official organizations of the university doing official for advertising this event. because this 1s not considered to park their bikes at one location business. It is no· longer for the personal use of any students, official school business. · and walk. Collins said. "On the other hand, if a couple members of Sigma Nu were Others viewed the system as "not Collins attributed the change in policy. at least in part, to doing a student evaluation of certain professors and wanted to that important. but it would be student abuse of campus mail. Collins explained that "too send evalua~ions through Campus Mail to a random group of good, depending on how much it much mail was leaving and returning to the same dorm." students, that would be all right." he said. costs ... Page 2 REVIEW, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware October 1 . 1 97 4 ... COPE Members Submit Resignations (Continued from Page 1) COPE representation on this new group. Another Dr. Eugene Chesson, Jr. chairman of the civil suggestion is that COPE be invited to send engineering department and ex-COPE membe~:: . BETTY FORD representatives to view the process whenever noted that "the faculty Senate gave a charge Surgeons at Bethe-Sda Medical Center removed First Lady Betty non-academic programs or offices are being to the committee. what the committee understood Ford's right breast Saturday after a lump found during a routine evaluated by outside groups and-or be privy to to involve a review of the entire university. And I physical was determined to be cancerous. these reports." think the COPE Committee felt that if its scope President Ford flew to the hospital from the White House by Former COPE member Dr. Lucia Palmer of should not include the entire university. then it , helicopter to visit with his wife .after the operation. He then the philosophy department expressed the hope would be better for the Faculty Senate to restate ·returned to Washington to deliver a speech at the White House that COPE and the administration can " reason the charge to the committee and that a new conference on inflation. where he told delegates that doctors had together to see what really went wrong." Palmer committee be established to carry out this new "assured me that she came through the operation all right. " also suggested the implementation of two <;harge ... Surgeons who performed the operation said there was no initial committees.
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