> -• . (■ •'y ii X FR ID A Tf, 8, i v n JPAOB TWHNTY-TWO • 1- iia n rlfp i^ r lEvipfting % raUi % A v t n g g / D M t N e t P t s m Ran I W I m Waak. Bndad ' 5 George "Dordle" Davidson, was The Weather being led down to tha basement, M ) (VI I U /\ M I M I Inly 11, lin ‘ Fair, want/ tonight About Town Norris Hits 'niere were at least two ways '* H m ♦—ohlny atatt' ct Bt patchy fog by dawn; low n1 fo? getting to the boMment fMj. DAILYN' 70. Sunday moetly eurniy, itCuT's 'BpUK)0|)al dhuroh wUI Farr’s Views There were two pouages Into HOURS Omnibus'OfiR 14,890 inMt TaMiayi at T:S0 p.m. in hot; high In low aoe. the flreroom, one along the 1 0 - 6- piBaiiosdflui.lUgitIO Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm ilia OuUd IUM»n at tha ohuroh. north side of the boilers, 'the VmM Tri.«72-eflE On State Cut other along the south, out of VOIa LXXIfX, NO. 286 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) - Tha- Aav. Amoid Weatwood, Jon Norris, demOoitWtlo town sight of each other. "Zip" wipi MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4*J1971 (Olnaeified Advartlaing on Pnga IS) PRICE FIFTEEN UENtl (nlnlatar at the Unitarian Unl- "bordle" entered alcmg the D1 COUPAGK C U m S araaUat floolety, will conduct a director, says he Is "ou^hged” north alley and could not see •nuiiiNo nr MDPnMon at recent statements by Mayor firaioa Sunday at 8:16 a.m. on anyone leaving by the- south. cmBB ^ AMD MBQWini AF OMA Ifadlo . Jetton WINF. Tha pro- James Farr about the cuts by “Dordle" didn’t get.lloked be­ dODOTIATIONS cause there wasiyt any whip • 7 1 4 7 1 3 fm m la aponacred by the Man- Oorvemor 'Ihomisui MesklU In aid The Miss Wilkinson who stored below decks, but a sym­ i^haatar Area C^ounoU at Church- there. No Herald to cities and towns. taught seventh grade was a pathetic girl might be seen S K ( ' /\ I i I ) ^ aa and the Clergy-Aaaooiatlan.of carefully leaving her geography It Is not known M "Zip" evpr Maa|(Bheatar. /' In a prepared statement Nor* small woman who., wouldn’t learned or suspected what hap­ Monday Country Must L^ad on top of her deck when she rls says, " I hope the oitlsens weigh much , over a hundred, pened to hts whip. But he would supposedly had to leave the Because of the Labor of (Manchester are as ^outraged That was q\ilte a handicap room. have known If Immediately on . Mlipah-Spancer Clrole' of arrival he had opened the door Day holiday, The Herald South United Methodlat Church- as I was when I rea^ MAyor when some of\ the bigger boys If a teacher was finally con­ B'arr's recent statement con­ to peer Into the glowing fire­ win not publish Monday. will have a workahop meeting like "Swet" Ryan and "Hassle” vinced that a case was be­ box under the holler. Have a happy — and tnieaday at 10:80 a.m. in cerning Oovernor IDfeaklll's ac­ yond her control, the culprit tion In taking over a quarter Tryon tiled to take advantage safe holiday; drive care- In All Fields: Nixon Suaannah Wealey Houae cf the was sent to Mr. Verplanck, the of a mUllon dqllars away, from of It. By hooking their toes In church. Membera a n reminded principal. Usually one or two fulty and we’ll see you the Town of (Manchester by theMron desk legs and grasping WASHINGTON (AP)— to bring aandwlches. Deaaert Gu^t Caller very earnest talks by-him got NURSERY SCHOOL again on Tuesday. reducing tee ADM and bloc the' edges of the desk tap, they President ^-Richard Nixon’s and coffee will be aervad. Hoet- could bo about as pliable as a-' we^yward lad straightened Bill Dann of Ridley (Park, Pa. grants." I 8nd Obngregatlonal Church latest speechmaking forays eaaea at« Mra. John VonDeok, will be the guest calltnr at the Mr. Pohlman's cigar store In­ O.K. That falling, there was OPENINO FOR THE FAIX,' "In the'first place the posi­ around the country have Mra. Loula Champeau, Mrs. regular dance of the Mahehes- dian. Then an attempt at "shak­ one last resort not generally tion of mayor In Manchester Is 4 Yr. Olds • Pre-Kindergarten found him arguing that Nevln Decker and Mrs. Chris­ ter Square Dance Club tomOrr^ ing up" showed most of Its ef­ known and very seldom resort­ dewdtewn inAtwtensr.,1___ to preside over the Board of the United States must tine Valentine. row from to p.m. at thti' fect on the ^aker. ed to. There was a buggy whip CALL MRS. DEWEY 8 11 Directors and to be ceremonial II .....iisatiirilay onlyi Big Dinner strive to be "No. 1’’ in all 'Verfdaneje School. Mr. and Mrs. Stymied thus once, she hanging In the tire room front 648-8886 Russell White - will cue the head of the town. In -his capa-; grabbed a geography book froip of the heating boilers In the areas or cease to be a great Rockville Bmblem Club will city,. hi#, statements as mayor basement. nation. rounds. 1, * , the , next desk in back and Comes Off meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. are In fact-slhlbinents on-be­ brought it down so hard that the Mr. Verplanck was not one “ Let It not happen to Amer­ at the Ellks Homo on Park St. Dann has been calling for IB half of-the Boitrd of'Directors. ica," he iutld. „ years and has called up and would-be hero relaxed and was who could bring himself to will­ E L A S T IC After a business session, there Why I and all 'the other direc­ ready to , listen to reason. fully injure anyone, especially a Smoothly Nixon struck thla theme In will be a wine tasting social down the Blast Coast and as tors were not contacted prior • STOCKINGS two appearances Friday, at the far west as Detroit, Mich., and Thereafter |when such an epi­ youngster. But in those days of By ROBERT A FA8CE which is open to members and ,^to the release ed his statement sode appeared inevitable, pre- WHEEL. CHAIRS dedication of an Air Force mu­ Akron, Ohio. He Is club caller knee pants a few little switches ME. 98C ( guests. Refreshments will be is a serious breach of ethics causlons were noted at the next on the calves made a very last­ CHK3AGO (AP) — For all the seum near Dayton, Ohio, and In for clubs in New Jersey, and ARTHUR DRUR served. Mrs. Allen Beaveratock In my opinion and cannot be desk In back. If occupied by a ing impression. R hurt! 26.000 guests, a dinner which a speech to 40,000 members of Pennsylvania and Is on the staff Is In charge of the program. | permitted to pass unchallenged. boy, the books were carefully One day one of O. C.'s friends, was billed as the "wofld’s larg­ the Associated Mdlk Producers of the Jug Bind Bara Pocono Our form of government re­ est party" operated aipoothly Inc. in Chicago’s vast Weekend, the Dover October and had the down-home atmos- Sam Hbwltt will be guest ^ quires that all nine members McCormick Place convention Festival and the Clean, N.Y., of the Board of Directors parti­ pherb of a Sunday church so­ hall. honor at an' <men house Satul*- Spring Festival. cipate. In the decision making cial. • •» . He told the dairymen’s organ­ day at 7 p.m. and Sunday from Committees for the evening process to Insure fair repre­ "This Is wihat I call a real isation, the largest farm coop­ to p.m. at the home of his 1 0 are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ka- sentation to all the people of nice get together," said IlUian erative In i(s field, that "Amer­ Sister, Mrs. Fannie Hewitt Kie- pitke, door duty; Mr. and Mrs. the town." Segebrecht of Stoughton, Iwis. ica Is Na the world In pro- blah, 24 Hawthorne St. Hewitt Martin Keideriing,^ refreshment “ It’s nice being here with all ductlvltjF/^ liiagrculture." .' plans to soon return to West chairmen and Mr. and Mrs. "Secondly, the mayor's state­ these fctfm folk." ment smacks of poUUoal chi­ His new economic policies, he Palm Beach, Pla. William ijUnne and M^. and More than 40,000 dairy farm­ said, would bring "a new pros­ Mrs. BYank Klsonas, assistants. canery on the state level in ers, milk handlers, haulers and trying, to ball out the gavemor' perity for farmers and for all proceaaera, all members oif the Mystic Review, NABA, will — i>erhapa the mayor is'more Americans without Inflation have a potluck -TMsday at 6:30 Sunset Club will have Its first Asaociated Milk Producers, and without war.” concerned about the fortimes of Inc., arrived In Chicago early p.m. at Odd BWUows Hall. Mem- meeting of the season Sept. 17 the state GOP than the local "Let us be No. 1 by seeing Friday for the group’s annual that our farmers get their fair Mrs are reminded to bring at 1:30 p.m. at the Senior Clti- citisens who elected him. The artlcles for a kitchen social. sens Centpr. T convention. (More than 28,000 of share of America’s Increasing increased ADM and bloc them attended a buffet dinner prosperity," he added. grants passed by the state leg­ in one room at McCormick The chlefexecutive had mads islature and cut by the gover­ Place convention hall, where similar appeals as he visited nor certainly would!have been President Nlxon'i was the fea­ five states en route to OUifor- ATWOOD'S SAFE & LOCK CO.
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