- -V r. f r ' * &!{iS^&!£&* jis<x •I JANUARYl^r"*' Being Sought Greatest Enemy called Tea •t* 10 ! New Jersey Advocate Abiorblng The Rahway Newi-Herald, the successor of The Union Democrat, Established 1840* ERIAL1JO.1898 fAY, UNION COUNTY, N. J., TUESDAY AFTERNOON. JANUARY 3,1928 R. HOUGH ARLE6 A. WHILE NEW YEAR CLAftfC Gim I&JCY WATER m MAYOR ASKS ANNEXATION OF CLARK; ABVOTISRG KP Falkenberg's body rose out of JEtSEYKEWS While her friendft BEHER FORM OF CITY GOVERNM ringing out the old yi hg, only to fall back when the ing tho-nov, Mis* Ruti| tn<..loosely tied by the girl, came tretir^^faiiffhr*. jnm^-*°d-allowed ^i*~burUen_Ui- Esiin^ted Cost of CoDstinctidn Mrs.. John VFalktM?ber&5|l *i[- Into tho water. Melssner sum- Moose ChristmasTarfy^ Would Join ~WtiirTbwn8Hip~f6r~Benefit-6f' BoulevarBoulevardd , Clark Tow&J d the others of the searching Is $1,647,238 Was Enjoyed by Many solace from despondencj-| pa-y find after grappling for some Both Municipalities; Declares for Govern- ti tho girl's body was finally by III' health, in the Icy tho r—to-the Hurtac-*'^-_•Uuticrtakcr __aMie—3oiuLXjyi3trnas_:p3y.._ i . held which her body ^ -M- Pettlt took tharRe of the All previous building records in this three Moose organizations was ; u »t reeU ho me ^Thursday • A S.?PrPX- morning. I: £' xepln . and lateMn the day_Couniy rity were eclIpsed_liu4327ITaccordiaK h to the records of John T. Bedow, night. Gifts were distributed by that MI.13 Falkenbw^T lh"IJ6i made an examtiia- Claus in the person of Past reservoir In her car, of the body, hi- verdict being building In.sp*ictor. Permits were Is- Santa Dictator Leonard M. The annexation of Clark Township and a change in Kalkirnbei Hucd in the year ju'bt closed for con // /•• of Carmen's is did not drown, carried out as tol- tow ropo from her car of atructlon at an estimated cost of $1. A prograpg m the form of Railway's government were the outstanding G47.23S, which exceeds the figure for lows. Piano solo. Miss Marion Ber- **o her body would be girl's car was found a note , recita- and Jumped _ through a she declared that "every- sen;_«. _. hlfMayor ThoThoss. Ulkm^JLawrence Kiel; song. Dorothy Patersuu; Daniel X Rommel, Xt\T rFfiHceB&erjr^W ft;t despondent to the extent of big building _ Rah toe dancing, VirginiaStntzlen: Tecita- chamber yesterday. d her ashjciateg at Levy-V to live. She a?keil to be rtnUy Wnlters: tiiatio solo. Miss Common" Council "in the for \W;£ii sht* war. dulii^. \\-- uav's first apartment house, a l nacl w now motiun (Jrace Kettner; recitation, Julia Kom- co!»4 to th" report broadcast over and j y Sh& school, new business" structures mp'l; song and dance, Mary Ryan; morning. tb a^lJ by the Ual'. recitation, Daniel X Hummel. Jr.; iic-tv church buHtlfnr~ Jeavinjr for the th Btji was reported missing, she was ["" Mor" " tha, n . ,-n „ orl .l, of. pnv• *te mMe airct m a muskrat coat, red and « S^.OUO *' J , ? i^rSIi^n: AanViieuLuT iiiio\ benefits onioth, the mayor believes. A- .\ Vr&rr.b&e* xnrtKrrrhlat-k-velvet^ f. dss-trowu silk storkinps am!-brown |f"r n}l^Hi]. alul commercial .uses *eiectioii. Miss. Henriettu Bergen:|government by six eouncilmen and a.mayor, ejected at At f jur o'clock Sunday ( o>l 5 Tne figure for dwell- 1 slie.v* She was a brunette with blue| / ~'-~^: S^^ provide a less cumbersome, more efficient e J- ' was noticod on the „ .-.- *. - ... «... ,. rt!lr.£s,„ _ wa..„s. ,..009.1:50$1. ; for the , new >»K--£ver tin- Carmen- itlt nrfeTa,ind-approximauay-iu-c feel. <^Q^^i^^^^^^ifittlontuiad-rfc tUyBrcnrnTrsoTigs; of city affairs, in upper end of tlie reservoir, if huW; In height. modelings for 5'hun'he^, $40,770. Refreshments-were-served, dancingi-T-*---;--• • ':alll evt-ning that CMr .- Ii^ Falfccnbors is survived by iu>r- A largo portion of the " and general sociability werei enjoyed JHIS Opinion. ifcnr>' GrotberoT Cl-T atn! four Dictator Bernhard wlmrner was gen- Other Recommendations _Hln_i:Ubmitting the annual raes3age and olbers started r:-N eral chairman and had charge of tho Other recommendations of Mayor en - January 2. 1027,' reference -was le to i*Iy ifaroaRh the refreshments; entertainment, H. G. Fyffe—were: - --- - • made to ihc- City Manager form;'of h (hi* bridge. Kettner; music, Miss Marion Burgc-n. That eight streets be paved. government. Through -a misunder- appro That-money be appropriated for the xona e otliem did not c 000 to John J. Stamler, of Elizabeth, Th& three organizations were rep- standiug an impression was created nJKht. and iht fir will be held from resented by committees as follows: «*e of the Safety Council. that a change to this form of gov- % were never built. The school build- That the State be urged to bear its Julflll was yesterday t'erlate'hom*."Tomorrow afternoon^ at ing and the church properties are Uahway Lodge, No. 1P.63. Loyal Order ernment was advocated. Not so,— xo o'clock ami it is i that of Moose—Bernhard Wimmer, H. G.share of the cost of tunnels for pedes- city, it OHicer Paul Mflssr of St. exempt from taxation. The total value the was that it was i hhince tb t -nuspendpu from; the of (.-T H- A. I- Sadtler. tit buildings that will return no reve- trians under Lincoln Highway. Churrh il nappe nue to ther'city Is"in" " tlierop: tuautd, will u! j^r.o.ooo. - Is in a The chief church building programs w...ru> $23,000 for the new Sunday hard wim, the theaters or Railway. adopted in 1SG5. The school building., of the- First Baptist William Welgl, Mrs. Leon Brown, Mrs. That George M Gage. fci\. be Ji Moose 1 1 o have a citizens' com- TOSSED liifiH Howard Van Allen. JiGeorg Me Hand, in-li7l M-ii, LU.iili-i-'-"' i •• I niiHlflinf: the Lutheran Church in fepresent" Rahway in Railway -Valley j mittee study the merits or city man-- 7*7 Dictator Fred Wimmer. [(*ainpl)tli street, and $2,000 for work Trunk Sewer matters I agement and submit its recommenda- our atlit vnrk on St. Paul's. Commis- tions. f OHHEATEPi Other outstanding building features Entertains Church Choir That the State HU'Ir.vay fair, with be urged to make good its prom-j "Fromjny observation while in pub- -/•] if thv year were: Baumann Brothers* is* of a $3.-500 system of traffic kig- lic °niee lher« ia nothing moro apnar- zntnt and $14,000: remodeling or In Honor of Miss nals at the Six Roads. ! ent than the necessity for a change in Irving street, $12,000 jIy mg ^ Th» holidav spirit prevailed Fridav! That a bus inspector he appointed.appointed, ; m the present methods of handling M-flty-afld SUtches Required to ,- ,. an'd~"c1ubroom. $6,000 ieht at he ho of Mr and Mr^l - That the citv dumps be moved• t-o a' city business. The present Common i! ani:id Wuitt tailo- ravenue shop ,"arid~"clubroo for Harry Werbetskm y That te p 1 \v!!l iam A Ransom of S4 Pater.oi ' morre isolateisolatedd locatilocatioon or that im:m- Council is too cumbersome a body to Falls oi Uwa Woncd in Cheek ! ;:ml George Yurchukf H. WThe e new more isolated location or that im:m- j function efficiently—a smaller govern- tdwulliiigs ranged from »3,00u to $10.-streett? , where a«^dinne dinner of thethf- men-Oratiomem n be employed. That the appearance of the Vail plot i"S body iu my opinion would produce A permit recently taken out on of Tth e SSecon d Presbyteria' n choir he improved by removing old sigi v work has been done as'yet held in honor of Miss Mary • •• - better and more- satisfactory results. was J.- GL'O!^ F.02M.-O<:. ..f llo 144th j which no ig. Miss Ewing was unit- weeds. s'entatio"IL isn mwas-.eliminatey thought, it dwar dan repred six- trvet. J.»mau-.i. 1.. I., haihald t-.MUMiI siiicheslileiR'Ss j i< f«»r the remodeling of the corner ax rate be kept down, but councilmen and a mayor elected to r>rtiinff m.a 1 - piuiK-Tiy at Main and Bridge streets of the choir, and- is uaken in his 1 *• £t ch»'fk >>>u*nlay nf •'.•wlv.-incpmpiit and - _ LiiJ '^t-of - $S»,00(h^L^Eatri'loL-?*f mrssion-'- omce, the muyor~nrTJreslde^33~preffi- -er -^« 4>ijsc^--n$p%figg^# ?aJ11;rnonn at x\w HIi11 wITy' 1 {i»-rftrJtr^o-pt san^-devclopment." _, dent" of the body-and -"with..privilege 1 thf* permit and is to in Mexico. uound I .'-' rt'cvived when nut The evening was pleasantly passed That money be appropriated to con-to vote on all matters, a salary to be •*i-a (kntraj «r*ww- The buht cos«* duct the campaign of the Rahway Har- in scsociaal diversions appropriate to , paid all officials, it would insure •with- Christxna.s. J. J. Hoffman Imperson- bor Commission for a deeper and lout question greater efficiency and un- 5>;:S^ *S'^^"^^i \>,*Wf; aceordin, ,o «he inspects Claus and distributed • wider river. Imited benefits to our peoples. In that month permits ated Santa various !. ThThat accountants examine the meth- taken fur the 5100,000 Major Theater sifts Music and games of "Railway is growing with leaps and Koins south, cut tu-ros- him to enter j ods employed in tlie city oilices to de-bounds.
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