DNA repair proteins - m echanism s and functions H ans E. Krokan, Institute of Cancer R esearch and M olecular M edicine, Norw egian U niversity of S cience and T echnology, T rondheim , Norw ay DNA w as assum ed to be inert and not subject to dam age and repair J . W atson and F. Crick (1953): “It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairing w e have postulated im m ediately suggests a possible copying m echanism for the genetic m aterial.” F. Crick (1974): “W e totally m issed (in 1953) the possible role of enzym es in repair,… … … I later cam e to realize that D N A is so precious that probably m any distinct repair J . W atson F. Crick m echanism s w ould exist.” M utations are required for m alignant transform ation, w hich follow s tw o paths Gatekeeper pathway Caretaker pathway Mutation of a 2nd Mutation of a 2nd Mutation of a Mutation of a caretaker gene gatekeeper gene caretaker gene → gatekeeper gene allele leads to → → allele leads to allele allele genetic instability tumour initiation Caretaker genes: Genes required for DNA repair, DNA replication and detoxification of carcinogens Gatekeeper genes: Genes for protooncogenes and tumour suppressor genes *Adapted from Kinzler and Vogelstein, Nature 386:761-763 (1997) DNA R EPAIR G ENES AND CANCER Rare human cancer forms: Xeroderma pigmentosum - skin cancer; deficiency in one of at least seven different genes for nucleotide excision repair (NER) Fanconi’s anemia - leukemia and solid tumors; four complementation groups, chromosome breakage, genes not identified Ataxia teleangiectasia - mostly lymphomas. Very sensitive to ionising radiation. Mutation in ATM- gene. Function not clear Bloom’s syndrome -many cancer forms. Mutation in BLM-gene, a RecQ helicase-gene homologue More common human cancer forms: Early onset hereditary breast cancer -Mutation in BRCA2-gene, responsible for 50% of these cancers. Brca2 protein may be an essential cofactor for HsRad51, involved in repair of double strand DNA breaks Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) - 5% of all colorectal cancers. Deficient mismatch repair. Mutations in hMSH2 (45%) or hMLH1 (45%) most common Hereditary colon cancer with polyposis - hMYH-mutations (Y165G and G382D), (not frequent) Sporadic colorectal cancer – defective mismatch repair genes in 12-15% of all cases Sporadic lung cancer: - Low activity of DNA glycosylase hOGG1 and some SNPs enhance risk, Mutations in other BER enzymes genes enhance risk of lung cancer in smokers (APE1 and XRCC1) DNA Dam age and R epair - Overview From : H oeijm akers 2001, Nature 411:366-74. S PONT ANEOU S DAM AG E OCCU R S FR EQ U ENT LY II I. Loss of base: Depurination → AP-site ( 10 000/cell/day ) Depyrimidination → AP-site ( 500/cell/day ) I II. Deamination: Adenine → Hypoxanthine ( 10/cell/day ) Cytosine → Uracil ( 500/cell/day ) I III. Oxidative damage: Guanine → 8-oxoGuanine ( 10 000/cell/day ? ) Thymine → Thymine glycol ( 500/cell/day ? ) I IV. Alkylation damage: Guanine→ O6-methylGuanine (spont./induced) Adenine→ 3-methylAdenine ( spont./induced) Consequences: 1. Mispairing in replication (mutation) 2. Block of replication (cytotoxic) 3. Block of transcription (cytotoxic) 9ase excision repair (BER ) 0 123 rem oves dam aged or inappropriate bases that do not Short patch Long patch 5‘ 3‘ cause helix distortion • Damaged base excised by DNA glycosylase, leaving AP site 3‘ 5‘ Unmodified Reduced or oxidised • D eficient BER m ay cause cancer AP-sites AP-sites and im m une deficiency AP-sites cleaved by APE1 (stim. by Polβ) APE1 APE1 β β • Im portant for developm ent 5‘-deoxyribose- Strand displacement and phosphate resynthesisby Pol β/δ/ε, - polβ: em bryonic lethal RF-C, PCNA XRCC1 removed and new nucleotide filled in by - X RCC1: em bryonic lethal β Polβ/XRCC1 β RFC Pol • hM Y H -def. : colorectal cancer Strand ligationby Flap cleavage by FEN-1 XRCC1/LIG3 XRCC1 • hO G G 1-def.: lung cancer LIG3 • hU N G : defect antibody 1 nucleotide patch Ligationby LIG1, aided m aturation (defective CS R and by PCNA/FEN-1 S H M ) LIG1 • m U N G : B-cell lym phom a (late) 2-8 nucleotide patch • m U N G : Increased postischem ic brain injury (Endres et al., 2004) U R ACIL IN DNA 0 S pontaneous deam ination of cytosine O NH 2 N H N U :G O O NH NH Cytosine U racil 0 Enzym atic deam ination of C by AID in B-lym phocytes 2"ym atic deam ination of C to U is an early step in affinity m aturation of antibodies - recently discovered 0 Incorporation of dU M P during DNA replication (quant.dom .) dTTP, dCTP, dGTP, dATP d U T P U :A H ow m uch uracil in DNA ? H ow im portant is nuclear U NG 2 for rem oval of uracil ? T he structure of U NG catalytic dom ain is 10 years in 2005 Catalytic dom ain of U NG com m on to U NG 1 and U NG 2 Flipping of uracil into tight fitting pocket U racil in DNA analyzed by alkaline elution or com et assay p b 6 0 6 2Fs - alk. elution 1 0.8 / s e t 0.6 i s -/- -/- . Exp. 1, Ung s 0.4 -/- U ng n Exp. 2, Ung e s 6 - 0.2 +/+ M EFs: 0.6 per 10 bp , or ~3600 G Ung N per dipl. genom e; U 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Liver: ~900 per dipl. genom e p UNG [ng/ml] b 6 Cellspecific 0 1 A lk. elution / +/+ s 0.3 Ung e -/- Low in sperm atozoa t Ung i n=6 s . 0.2 n=5 s n e +/+ s - 0.1 n=4 n=6 U ng G n=3 N n=3 M EFs: Below detection level U 0 Hepatocytes Splenocytes Spermatozoa (0.02 ± 0.05 per 106 bp); -/- ) A t least 10-fold low er than U N G U 200 Com et assay n=9 A +/+ ( n=6 Ung l -/- e 150 Ung v e l 100 l i n=9 c n=6 a 50 n=8 r n=8 U 0 Kidney Liver Spleen Testis M ore uracil in DNA of proliferating than in nonproliferating cells p b 0.8 Ung +/+ 6 -/- 0 6 2Fs Ung 1 / 0.6 s Alk. elution e t i s e 0.4 v i t i s n e 0.2 s - G N 0 U Exponent. 8 days of 24 h 72 h growth confluence after replating ) 3 - Ung +/+ 0 Prim ary splenocytes 1 -/- Ung x 25 300 M Com et assay P ) 250 U C 20 ( A ( . l 200 p e r 15 v o e l c 150 l i n i 10 c a 100 r d U h 5 T 50 H 3 0 0 LPS + ConA LPS + ConA Conclusions U ng2 is very im portant for rem ovalof uracilfrom D N A , but even w hen U ng2 is not present uracilis eventually rem oved H igher uracilcontent in proliferating cells points to dU M P incorporation as a m ajor quantitative source U ng2 very im portant for rem ovalincorporated uracil T his does not exclude a role in repair of deam inated cytosine H ypothesis: Does BER take place in organized, preform ed com plexes? Answ er: Probably yes Assay for short- and long patch BER 1 2 3 Substrate U/G AP/G C/G pGEM-3Zf(+) 3199 bp A HMW U/G (or U/A, AP/G, AP/A) Short-patch BER B HMW BamHI XbaI HincII PstI 5’GATCCTCTAGAGTUGACCTGCA3’ 3’CTAGGAGATCTCAGCTGGACGT5’ Long-patch BER short-patch long-patch (8-mer) (8-mer) C HMW A B ligation Ligated (22-mer) C Unligated 9ER COM PLEX - AFFINIT Y IS OLAT I0N BY U NG 2 ANT IBODIES PU101 PU1sub kDa 1. Prepare cell extract from H eLa cells 2. M ix extract w ith PU 1sub-D ynabeads (param agnetic) 34.6 30.8 (PU 1sub is specific for N -term inal non-catalytic part 25.5 of U N G 2 and does not affect U N G -activity ) 1 n 2 1 n 2 i i G G G a a G N N N N m m 3. W ash beads 4 tim es w ith excess buffer o o U U U U d d . t t a a C C 4. Incubate beads w ith plasm id containing uracil, A P- Common site or nick at defined position, dN T Ps, D Unique Common C-term. N-term. N-term. (catalytic 32 (35/44 aa) (42 aa) 227 aa) [ P]dCT P/dT T P, A T P and appropriate buffer UNG1 5. Isolate D N A , cleave w ith restriction enzym e, UNG2 analyze by PA G E for short-patch or long patch BER PU101 PU1 PU1sub U NG 2 is the m ajor enzym e for U /A and ”sole” enzym e for U /A Substrate U/A PU 101 (anti-U N G ) com pletely inhibits U /A UNG2-ARC Extract repair and U /G repair by repairosom e PU101 + + + + (U N G 2-A RC) PSM1 + + + + HMW PS M 1 (anti-S M U G 1) has no effect on U /A 60 min or U /G repair in repairosom e U/G U/G PU 101 also com pletely inhibits U /A repair Substrate U/G in extracts, but only partially inhibits 10 min U /G repair 60 min Even in extracts anti-S M U G 1 has a partial y t effect on U /G repair i BER v BER i t 10 min 10 min c a 60 min 60 min R 1 E 1 B e v 0.5 i t 0.5 a l e R C P 0 P P P P P C P P o S U U U 0 U S S S o n M 1 1 1 1 M n M M t 0 0 0 0 1 t .
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