EDITIORIAL NOTES Yet again we have reached the time of retrospections and resolutions. In a festive mood, we are celebrating our 16th anniversary. We are bidding adieu to the year 2014 and opening up arms for the New Year 2015.On this remarkable day, we have published 'CAAN Souvenir 2014' for sharing of knowledge, ideas and opinions among all. In retrospection of the turbulence in our aviation sector over the past, we must acknowledge that the future is fluid unlike the frozen past. It flows as per our shifting and changing daily decisions and the present events.It can be shaped up in accordance to our determination. Sometimes the difference between a happy successful outcome and a dismal failure is only a slight shift in percep- tion. Considering this fact, we have realized that past evidences have renewed the calls for stricter scrutiny and commitment to address the situation. Moving ahead with our unfaltering efforts, we are sure to smoothen up our journey to safer aviation. Resolution is the first step to achievement. We know that opportunities originate from challenges. We thus resolve to transform all the challenges into opportune events and emerge stronger and safer in the days to come. We are hopeful that the year ahead will not only meet our expectations, but surpass them. Finally, I, together with the Publication Committee, would like to express sincere gratitude to the writers and contributors as well as everybody providing their valuable suggestion and support to this souvenir. Wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year!!! Patron (Director General) Coordinator Mr. Debendra K.C. ( Dy. Director General) Chief Editor Ms. Ritcha Sharma (Deputy Director) Editors Mr. Raj Bahadur Maharjan (Deputy Director) Mr. Ram Chandra Subedi ( Chief) Corporate Planning & Monitoring Dept. (Deputy Manager) Mr. Kashi Nath Poudel Publisher (CAAN) Babarmahal, Kathmandu Phone : 4262416 Email : [email protected] [email protected] Website : www.caanepal.org.np Printed By: Morang offset Press Sukedhara, Kathmandu Sukedhara, Kathmandu 01-4372431, Layout : Prem Lama The opinion views manifested in the articles are those of writer's. CAAN is not responsible for any negative consequence from ideas so expressed. Table of Contents Messages Editorial Ó Publication of Accurate Aeronautical Data Rajesh Raj Dali 1 Ó Necessity of Optimum Utilization of Capacity Development of CAAN Project Mohan Adhikari 7 Ó Wildlife Hazard at TIA and Its Management Ramesh Man Joshi 9 Ó Effective and Qualitative ANS & Aerodrome Service For Safe Operation of Civil Aviation Through Aeronautical Information Service Shishil Chitrakar 11 Ó TIA DRP Exercise-2014: An Awareness and Preparation for Disaster Response Pilot Lt Col Man Bahadur Karki 14 Ó The Golden Era of Civil Aviation…..Performing Your Duties In The Old yet Cozy TIA Birendra Kumar Singh 16 Ó Economic Regulation of Airports and ANSP Shaligram Poudyal 18 Ó TIA SLOT Management During SAARC Raj Bahadur Maharjan 21 Ó SOFIA- A Step Towards Effective CAAN Safety Oversight Raju Shrestha 23 Ó Aviation Security Law: Development Appraisal Narayan Prasad Giri 25 Ó Status of CEs of Nepalese Safety Oversight System and associated LEIs Suwarn Raj Upadhyay 29 Ó The Error Chain Nabin Pd. Acharya 33 Ó Burning Issues of Controllers Murari Prasad Paudel 37 Ó The Systems Approach of Training Development Shyam Kishor Shah 39 Ó ICAO- USOAP & Nepal’s Stand Umesh Kumar Panthi 41 Ó Civil Aviation Security, Some Features of Japan Khageswor Aryal 44 Ó Training, Trainee and Subject-Matter Narayan Bahadur Rawat 46 Ó Turbulence and Its Effect in Flying Govinda Prasad Paudel 49 Ó Aviation Environment in Nepal: Legal Provisions Mukesh Dangol 51 Ó State of Air Transport 2014 Maheswor Bhakta Shrestha 53 Ó Terminal Management and Customer Service at TIA Suneeta Shiwakoti Bhardwaj 59 Ó A Dissertation Work on “Occupational Health and Safety Ground Staffs TIA” Sujita Maharjan 62 Ó Running In When Others Run Out Madhusudan Thapa 66 Ó $3UR¿OH$YLDWLRQ3ROLF\IRU1HSDO Kunjan Shah 69 th Publication of Accurate Aeronautical Data Introduction International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has published Annexes as Standard and Recommended Practices under the Chicago Convention. Annex 15 Aeronautical Information Service (AIS), together with Annexes 4 (Aeronautical Charts), 11 (Air 7UDI¿F6HUYLFHV $HURGURPHV DVZHOODV,&$2 Rajesh Raj Dali Documents 9674 (World Geodetic System — 1984 Fomer Director General, CAAN (WGS-84) Manual, 8126 (AIS Manual), 8168 (PANS OPS) and other supporting materials spell out the requirement for member states to develop and establish a process to ensure that the aeronautical Purpose data, provided by the aerodrome operators for the publication either in the Aeronautical Information It was assessed that a major reason for the loss Publication (AIP), Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) or of data integrity was the way in which aeronautical RWKHURI¿FLDOSXEOLFDWLRQLVYHUL¿HGIRULWVDFFXUDF\ information was originated, processed, transmitted and integrity. and delivered from the point of origination to application in an end-user system. So quality data It is the quality of the information that made available required for the purpose of listing of aerodrome to end-users (pilots, controllers and their support GDWD FHUWL¿FDWLRQ RI WKH DHURGURPHV IRU GHVLJQ systems etc.) which determines the effectiveness of DQG GHYHORS ÀLJKW SURFHGXUHV IRU SUHSDULQJ PDSV the data-chain in terms of safety, interoperability and and charts; for conducting safety evaluations; and as an enabler for the introduction of new concepts for area navigation (RNAV), required navigation and technologies. There are various methods that performance (RNP) and airborne computer based can be used to originate process, collate, store and navigation systems, Aeronautical Authority should distribute aeronautical information within existing DGRSWDSURFHVVRIYHUL¿FDWLRQRIDHURQDXWLFDOGDWD and evolving environments. which will enable Aerodrome Operator to meet their safety responsibilities. 7KXVWKH¿UVWSUHUHTXLVLWHLVWRHQVXUHWKDWTXDOLW\ 7KHSURFHVVHGGDWDDIWHUYHUL¿FDWLRQZLOOEH selected data is correctly originated, with originators being for quality assured and then shall be published in the obliged to comply with appropriate standards AIP and other associated documents. published and regulated by Aeronautical Authority established by the States. This is particularly Requirements for Aerodrome Operators important because the quality of data cannot easily be improved post origination. Secondly, there Aerodrome operator shall need to provide accurate are many chances for aeronautical information to information of their aerodrome and environs become corrupted during the data process. This is DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH W\SH RI RSHUDWLRQ LGHQWL¿HG E\ mainly due to errors introduced at each transaction DHURGURPHFODVVL¿FDWLRQLVVXHGE\WKH$HURQDXWLFDO point through manual intervention or automated $XWKRULW\ 7KH SXEOLFDWLRQ ZLOO EH EHQH¿FLDO IRU conversion between different data standards/ WKH DHURGURPH XVHU WR GHYHORS WKHLU FRQ¿GHQFH SURWRFROV )LQDOO\ UHLQIRUFLQJ WKH ¿UVW WZR SRLQWV due to level of accuracy of information to reach VSHFL¿F UHTXLUHPHQWV UHJDUGLQJ WKH ³TXDOLW\´ RI prescribed safety standards and requirements. aeronautical data/information must be valid. In this Aeronautical Authority should also issue guidance FRQWH[W ³TXDOLW\´ VKRXOG EH WDNHQ WR LQGLFDWH WKH for the aerodrome operators regarding the process required accuracy, resolution, integrity and timeliness RIDHURQDXWLFDOGDWDFRQVLGHUHGDV³'DWD&KDLQ´ZLWK of each constituent part of the system. The quality the following main stages: system employed by Aeronautical Authority shall a) Data Requirement provide users with the necessary assurance and b) Data Origination and Association FRQ¿GHQFH,QDGGLWLRQLWUHTXLUHVWUDFHDELOLW\E\WKH F 'DWD9DOLGDWLRQ9HUL¿FDWLRQ use of appropriate procedures during each stage of d) Data Storage GDWDSURGXFWLRQRUGDWDPRGL¿FDWLRQSURFHVVHV e) Data Extraction and Compilation f) Data/Information Promulgation g) Alternative ‘Delivery’ of Data h) Data Use th 16 Anniversary 1 Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) Data collection and control to the next intended user in a standard format. Raw aeronautical data containing positional information The aerodrome operator should notify to Aeronautical can originate from a number of different sources as Authority regarding any changes in the physical follows: condition of the aerodrome due to accidents, LQFLGHQWV FRQVWUXFWLRQV ZRUN PDLQWHQDQFH ZRUN En-route. deviation from standards and new obstacles which is found during daily inspections and safety related The surveyed positions of navigational aids and reports from other sources that may affect the safety communication facilities are normally provided by of aircraft operations. the owner/operator (ATC) of the equipment. During the collection of data at an aerodrome if any situation arises, which may have an immediate effect a) SID, STAR, Instrument approach procedures. on the safety of aircraft operations then it will be The calculated positions are normally determined UHSRUWHGLQWKH¿UVWLQVWDQFHWR$LU7UDI¿F&RQWUROOHU E\WKHDLUWUDI¿FVHUYLFHSURYLGHUUHVSRQVLEOHIRU $7& E\UDGLRRUWHOHSKRQHDQGWKHQFRQ¿UPDWLRQ the procedure, in coordination with the technical by NOTAM. In most cases aerodrome conditions or branch dealing with the procedure design. new obstacles that need to be reported immediately are detected during the daily serviceability b) Aerodrome/heliport. The surveyed positions of inspections. The aerodrome operator shall notify
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