Group 0 General Information - Automotive GENERAL: This group contains information applicable to all other groups. Such items as lubrication, trouble- shooting of entire coach, storage, towing, and a description of the part number structure used by the Recreational Vehicle Division are included. SPECIFICS: As applicable ...Cleaning of Coach ...Grouping Key ...Jacking of Coach ...Lubrication of Coach ...Parts Structure Key ...Parts Tables (bolts, screws, nuts, tubing, wire, etc. ) ...Preventive Maintenance ...Servicing of Coach ...Specifications of Coach ...Storage of Coach ...Table of Contents ...Tools and Equipment ...Towing of Coach ...Troubleshooting of Coach FMC Corporation Motor Coach Division HFMC 333 Brokaw Road Box 664 Santa Clara California 95052 REPAIR PARTS LIST GROUP. MODEL All GROUP 0 GENERAL INFORMATION SCOPE All repair parts will be shipped F.O.B., FMC/ MCD Santa Clara, California Plant. This Repair Parts Catalog lists all serviceable parts required for motor homes floor plans "A", NOTE "J" and "M" built by FMC/MCD. It is divided into functional groups as indicated on the frontis- Always provide model and serial num- piece of this catalog. The functional group ber of coach and, if applicable, model system used by FMC/MCD is designed to enable and serial number of component for you to quickly find and order repair parts for which part(s) is ordered. your coach. For example, Group 9 "Brakes- Service, " contains a complete listing of all EMERGENCY PARTS ORDER serviceable brake parts used throughout the coach whether applied to the front or the rear When ordering repair parts on an "Emergency" brakes. basis, call FMC/MCD after you have filled out the Parts Order form number RVD-67 (refer to PART NUMBERS instructions given below). Be prepared to give the following information when placing the call FMC/MCD uses a 5 million series of numbers for by telephone: item identification for both production and ser- Sold to vice of its vehicles. Items that are exclusively Shipping Address components of a purchased assembly use an ROOD Routing suffix added to the basic 5 million series part Coach Serial Number and Model Number number. Included in the description of the part (if applicable) is a vendor code and number to further identify Odometer Reading (if applicable) the part and assist in local purchase if neces- Part Number (s) sary. The key to the vendor code is contained Description of Part(s) in this group. Quantity of Each Part Your Purchase Order Number ILLUSTRATIONS Your Name (person ordering the parts) Illustrations, keyed to the item description, are Follow up by immediately sending the completed included where feasible to aid you in correct parts order to FMC/MCD. Make certain your identification and selection. However, all items Purchase Order number given over the telephone are not illustrated and a careful reading of the is identical to the one which appears on the con- item description is recommended to keep order- firming Parts Order to eliminate duplication of ing errors to a minimum. orders. Also write "Confirming Order" in the space at the bottom of the form just above the QUANTITY words "Subject to Terms On Reverse Side. " The quantity column indicates the total amount ROUTINE PARTS ORDER used per coach for that particular application rather than the quantity per assembly. Routine ordering of repair parts is accomplished by utilizing the same "Parts Order" form num- ORDERING PARTS ber RVD-67. Fill in all applicable blanks ac- cording to the instructions below and forward the Repair parts can normally be ordered in either original (top) copy to FMC/MCD. The second one of two ways. They can be obtained in "emer- copy will be retained by the Dealer or Service gency" situations (where the vehicle is unable to Outlet as a record of the parts ordered. Be sure be operated) from FMC/MCD by telephone to be the form is signed and the purchase order num- followed with a Parts Order form to confirm the ber is included in the spaces provided. order. Or they can be ordered under normal situations for restocking of the Dealer's or Ser- 1. Enter Dealer or Service Center purchase vice Outlet's supply and for situations where the order number. vehicle does not require the part for immediate repair to make it operable. 2. Enter date parts order form is prepared. FMC Corporation Motor Coach Division ISSUED. •FMC 333 Brokaw Road Box 664 Santa Clara California 95052 REVISED C4, 9/76 0-1 PAGE REPAIR PARTS LIST GROUP. MODEL. All 3. Enter name and address of Service Center 19. If parts are being ordered for a specific or Dealer. vehicle, enter vehicle serial number. 4. Enter address to which parts are to be 20. Enter signature of authorized dealer or shipped, only when address is different than in service center representative. "sold to. " 21. Enter each page number and total num- 5. Enter name of carrier and indicate ber of pages used for order. whether shipment is to be made surface or air. 6. Enter date parts are requested to arrive NOTE at destination. All orders should be clearly printed. 7. For FMC/MCD use only. All orders and shipping dates will be confirmed by FMC/MCD. Forward 8. Enter resale number. all orders to: 9. Enter number of part being ordered. FMC Corporation Motor Coach Division 10. Enter amount of each item being ordered. Service Department P.O. Box 664 11. Enter FMC/MCD part number (if avail- Santa Clara, CA 95052 able). 12. Enter name of part being ordered. PARTS RETURNED FOR CREDIT 13. Enter Dealer or Service Center net price Credit will be allowed for all new and unused re- of each individual part. pair parts providing the Dealer or Service Outlet has obtained prior approval from FMC/MCD. 14. Enter total price of line item. These parts must be returned to FMC/MCD, transportation prepaid. The invoice number and 15. Enter total parts prices. date on which the parts were originally purchased must be indicated when requesting credit for 16. Check appropriate box and enter tax, if returned parts. any. Credit will be made in accordance with prices 17. Enter total of number 15 and 16. established by the appropriate original parts in- voice. A ten percent (10%) deduction to cover 18. If parts are being ordered for a specific restocking may be imposed. Damaged or out- vehicle, enter vehicle model number. dated parts will not be accepted for credit. FMC Corporation Motor Coach Division ISSUED- •FMC 333 Brokaw Road Box 564 Santa Clara California 95052 REV.SED C4. 9/76 PAGE 0-2 REPAIR PARTS LIST GROUP . MODEL. All • •ft JM^l FMC Corporation PAKT5 OUPER YOUR ORDER NO DATE » •••• Motor Coach Division 4 • ••^•1 333 Brokaw Road Box 664 Santa Clara Califor89505n 2 /^?\ © 0 H L s-^ 1 0 © • T T 0 0 SAME AS "SOLD TO" UNLESS SHOWN ABOVE ROUTING X —N . D SURFACE QDEALER SERVICE CENTER xTx © DOWNER CT) \~J ITEM UNIT NO. QU ANT1 TY PRICE EXTENSION © ® © ® ® ® SUB TOTAL VEHICLE MODEL NUMBER VEHICLE SERIAL NUMBER © TAXABLE ® ® B RESALE ® SIGNATURE PAGE PAGE SUBJECT TO TERMS (20) TOTAL OF V — / ON REVERSE SIDE © TO FMC SD-157 FMC Corporation ISSUED- 4/73 Motor Coach Division •FMC 333 Brokaw Road Box 664 Santa Clara California 95052 REVISED C4, 9/76 PAGE 0-3 REPAIR PARTS LIST GROUP. MODEL. All VENDOR CODES B AB Atwood Bowen Mobile Products Division BE Bendix Brake 1400 Eddy Avenue 1217 South Walnut Street Rockford, Illinois 61101 South Bend, Indiana 46620 ABP Arrowhead Brass Products BM Braund Mfg. 5142 Alhambra Avenue 730 East Michigan Avenue Los Angeles, California 90032 Battle Creek, Michigan 49016 AC AC Spark Plug BO Bowers Manufacturing Company Division of GM Corporation 67th and Avalon Boulevard Flint, Michigan Los Angeles, California 90003 ACAM Aeroquip Corporation BU Bussman Manufacturing Division AMB Division 2538 W. University Street Jackson, Michigan St. Louis, Missouri AD Alemite BY Burndy Electrical Division of Stewart Warner Corporation Yale Boulevard and Ash Street Springfield, Illinois 62705 AI Atlantic India 571 W. Polk Street CAS Car ling Switch Inc. Chicago, Illinois 60607 Suite 800 1428 Brickell Avenue AL Alsons Products Corporation Miami, Florida 33131 525 E. Edna Place Covina, California 91723 CCMI Chrysler Corporation Marine/Industrial Division AMB American Bosch P.O. Box#l P.O. Box 2228 Marysville, Michigan 84040 Columbus, Mississippi 39701 CG Carr-Griff Mcorporated (Shurflo) AMP AMP Incorporated 11400 Cerritos Avenue East P.O. Box 3608 Anaheim, California 92605 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105 CH Cole Hersee ANB Anderson Company 20 Old Colony Avenue 1075 Grant Street South Boston, Maryland 02127 Gary, Indiana 46440 CHA Champion Spark Plug AS Acme Specialty Manufacturing P.O. Box 910 2298 Smead Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43601 Toledo, Ohio 43606 CI Imperial Cal Products ASC Automatic Switch Company 150 E. Stevens Avenue 56-A Hanover Road Santa Ana, California 92707 Florham Park, New Jersey 07932 COL Coleman Company Incorporated ASD Arrow Safety Device Recreational Vehicle Heating and Air Conditioning Division AW Audiovox West Corporation Wichita, Kansas 67201 476 Carlton Court South San Francisco, California 49080 CP Caso Products Corporation FMC Corporation Motor Coach Division ISSUED. 333 Brokaw Road Box 664 Santa Clara California 95052 HFMC REV.SED C4. 9/76 PAGE 0-4 REPAIR PARTS LIST GROUP. MODEL. All CR Chicago Rawhide EV Evans Products Company 900 North State Street 701 Ann Street, N.W. Elgin, Illinois 60120 Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502 cs Chicago Switch 2035 Wabansia Chicago, Illinois 60647 FC Fisher Controls Company P.O. Box 900 McKinney, Texas DE Delta Electric Marion, Indiana FK Frigiking Incorporated 17300 So. Marquarot Avenue DEL Del City Cerritos, California 90701 908 S. W. 5th Oklahoma City, Oklahoma FR Fram Corporation 105 Pawtucket Avenue DI R.
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