GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! Partly cloudy and slightly warmer with scattered thundershowers. Tomorrow continued cloudy and OWGJIl cooler. High today about 85. Low tonight about 60. £l\abu.hed 1868 VoL 78, No. 296-AP News and WirepholO Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, Sept. 5, 1946-Five Cenl8 -......- ipping' Strike Pia ns ~------------~~~--~---f~~~---------~----------~------~~----------~- U.S. Liberty Ship' Walkout Set Wrecked in Storin EAM Challenge to Greek For Today Report Two Killed B)' L. S. CHAKALES eight wounded when a Communist charred that the presence of paring a "serious threat" to the When Ves_el Goes l\THENS (JP)-A leader of the band attacked three carloads of Brlilsh troopS In Greece at the peace of the Balkans. 2.Day LOIS in Value Republican National Unionist par­ victory celebrators on a road be­ InvltaUon of the Roy.Usi-dom­ Dmitri Manuilsky, the loreign Estimated at Nearly Aground off Bordeaux ty accepted yesterday the validity tween Sparta and Arakova Mon­ lnated pverament eoDsututed minister who brought charges In All Ports of Sunday's plebiscite recalling day. Interference with the pleblsc.ll.e. against Greece Aug. 24, told the Five Billion Dollars BORDEAUX, France (R'I - The King George J 1. but the leWst Indict Z Papetll In London a British foreign security council that "sinISter" Favors Transferring United States Liberty Ship David national liberation front (EAM) The public prosecutor, mean­ office spokesman said yesterday border Incidents provoked by a B), JOHN F. CREliTEIL Seamen, Operators Caldwell was grounded and wreck: said it would challenge the elec­ while, said indictments would be some British troops are being Greek government backed by bri­ Site From New York ed during a heavy storm in the tion before the Greek supreme drawn against two Athens news­ wit.hdrawn from Greece In a gen­ tish troops In Greece proved bls NEW YORK (R'I - Buyers put Both Ask Reversal To Paris or Galleva Gironde estuary yesterday and court. papers-the extreme leftist. Elef­ eral Middle-East regrouping, but charges. the brakes on tbe skidding Itock Of Wage Decision tirst reports said that at least two Former Premier Panayotis Kan­ theria Eliada, organ of the EAM there was no general withdrawal With the Greek ambassador to market yesterday, but not In time NEW YORK (JP) _ A natlon- persons were killec:t. ellopoulos, unionist leader who and the Communist KKE, and the in prospect. Immedialely. The the United Natlons 'and the Bri­ By A. I. GOLDBERG Seven memebrs of her 50-man to prevent a further loss In stock wide shipping strike set for today had opposed. reestablishment of leftist-liberal Eleltheria - on spokesman added the current par­ tish delegate ready to speak. the values of around $415,000,000. -and already underway yester- PARIS (JP)-Russla proposed crew reached shore and were the monarchy, urged all parties to charges of publlshing "articles In­ tial withdrawal had "no political co uncil adjourned unlll yesterday In a churning _ion that broke day In some PaCific coast ports­ lISt night in the foreign ministers rushed to Hospitals in Royan and ,tand together to preserve Greece. sulting to the king and author­ significance," adding tha t the at 8:30 B. m. (CST). COQncil that the Unlted Nations Rochefort. A French hydroplane, "We no& only IIhould Adapt ities. " decision to withdraw some of the all recorda for the breadth ot will proceed on schedule, AFL ,eneral assembly session be post. flying low over the wreck at dusk, ounelves and help sa.ve Greece, Immediately arler the govern­ British forces was made "some ManuHsk), openefi his cue trading and ..~ 3,020,000 shares maritime leaders said last night, 23 but a110 must live the republic. alralnst tbe Greek rovel'lUllell& chanie bands and estabUah a new despite a wage stablllzation board paned from Sept. until Novem- dropped rubber life rafts and life ment announced the results of weeks ago," with an accusation that the Brt· high for volume since May 21, offer to consider a rehearin, of Its ber· and translerred from New preservers. under the k.lnribJP," he IIld. Sunday's plebiScite, Greeks were The troops were used to quell tlsh authOrities in. Gl'ftCe were 1940, the average price of stocks disapproval of a pay raise granted York to Parls Or Geneva, Ameri- Crowds watcbing from the shore Authoritative EAM sources said warned that penal laws protecting the December, 1944, civil war ill seUlnr up "monarchist band." on the New York stock exchangf\ by shipping owners. can Informants said. said they saw .a number of sea- the EAM challenge would be based the 'king Irom "slights, inSUlts and Greece, when radical mUitary In MllCedonJ.. slid by • fracUon of a point into "For my part," said Harry Lun- 1l1e 2%·hour debate brought no men struggling in the water. on cbarges ot fraud, violence and derision would be enforced. Un­ elements of EAM challenged the When 'Manultsky ended his. a new low for more than a year. deberg, head of the AFL Sailors aareement on the two-point pro. French merchant s hip pin I falsification to circumvent the will der the terms of the law, passed Greek government. statement after two hours and 40 Only a late, sharp rally prevent- Union of the Pacific, "the board poul, the informant sald, but the sources said the David Caldwell, of the people. The case will be in 1837, newspapers could be minutes, the Greek representative ed a greater forenoon dip from can reconsider • decision to ,0 'mlnisters did agree with a French out of Hampton Roads, Va., snap­ heard about the end of September. indicted. to the United Nations, Ambassa- holding UP to the close, back to sleep." proposal to call in China and the ped her anchor cbaln, went a­ In London, friends of the mon­ EleCtherla EJlada published Greece Held 'Serious dor Vassili Dcndramis, agreed to I..oIIes which r.nred In the Lundeberg's statement, made in UnIted Nations assembly presi-I ground and broke in two on the arch said his plans to return articles following the plebiscite speak today. extreme to '11 • share never. San Francisco, was matched I" dent, PaUl Henri Spaak, when the shoal. would not be aflected by the chal­ interpreting it as an <tctual victory Sir AIl'xander Cadogan. British theleN were onl)' • shadow of New Yo rk by east CODst leaders of .The French news agency iden- lenge. A Greek oWcial said the for Repu blicans. It stated that Threat' 10 Balkans delegate rebuked by Manullsky at Tu•• ,'s, when' the m.rket laf. the SUP and the Seafarers Inter­ LIE CALLS MEETINO tified four of the crewmen who challenge would "affect only a few urban centers had voted against the start of hi s statement, prompt· lered 1&11 _i violent b/JU 'lational union, also AFL, who said Ireached shore as Chester Frendy, districts and cannot offset the fact George, who might be "king of By FRANCIS W. CARPENTER Iy asked the floor after Dendramls, .Inee 1.St .nd • 1_ In ,toek they stood on their previous de­ LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y. (JP) Frank SchuLmeister, James Festus that 70 percent of tbe Greek the mountains, but not of all , LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y. (JP)- The saying that "my government haS value. esUmated by IlaiJlUclanl cia ration to go on strike unless Despite Russian opposition, Meulkern and a man named Eis­ people voted for the King's re­ Greece." Soviet Ukraine formally charged been indicted almost as much us at weD above $4,500,000,000, the WSB reversed Its pay decIsion . secretary-General Trygve Lie terling. The home towns were turn." Lenlst SJIOkesmen, pleadlnr last night in a blistering statement Greece" and he wanted to answer. The AFL strike, union leaden last night called the United not givE:D. The agency said the The ministry of public order themselves to continue the firM delivered by its foreign minlster ManlJilsky charged that punitive Many In wall street were puz- claimed, would Idle "",ott lour were placed in a hospital at said 11 persons were killed and .,.Inst the monarchy, han th!lt the Greek government is pre- (See GREECE Page 5) ded. Brokers advanced at least workel'1l and tie up ever" pori Nations general assembly to , hal! a dozen reasons why the mar- • meet in New York Sept. 23 on Royan. ------------~ ----------------------- ---------~----- ket was toboUanln,. The dlf- in the United Stales. While al- schedule, with President Tru­ Giant waves caused French most 3,800 se.men of the P.­ Inan invited to be first speaker. coast guard boats to turn back, as (/culty, however, was that difter- clflc oalt already had len Ulelr the storm gained In violence. Hindu-Moslem ent experts advanced different Job , the renel'll lIhutdown wa. Shortly alter the ship ran reasons, IlDd there was little or no not seheduled to atar. unUI council discusses the matter again. Political Roundup unanimity of opinion. around 10 a.m. (CST) toaaT. aground. one of her anchor chains The debate In the reconvened parted and what appeared to be Some broillel'1l had open I, In New Orleans, Harry Bridges, Council climaxed a day in which wooden crates and boxes were Riots Subside * * * * * * * * * btamed lDteraaUonal complJea- president of the International ~ce conference delegates renew­ tossed into the sea. UODI lUld unolflclal lalk 01 a Longshoremen and Warehousemen ed In commission boundary argu­ Mead Nominated President Plans poulble lulllte war, b.' otbers unlon (CIO) said his union would A number of sailors were seen By G. MILTON KELLY CommiHee Starts ments involving Italy and Yugo­ to plunge or fall into the water as claimed ilIe ea._ were ahnOit cooperate with the S afarers In­ Silvia, Greece and Bulgaria, and the ship lurched.
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