6 5 7 Designed by Laima Adlyte Laima by Designed Lithuanian language editor - Jolanta Budreikiene Jolanta - editor language Lithuanian 250 years (1185-1435) (1185-1435) years 250 Formation of the Battle of Tannenberg (according to Voigt, 1836, and Jucas, 1999, 2009) 1999, Jucas, and 1836, Voigt, to (according Tannenberg of Battle the of Formation 18th-19th centuries, restored and preserved in 1794-1994 (Zamki panstwa krzyzackiego (2009)) (2009)) krzyzackiego panstwa (Zamki 1794-1994 in preserved and restored centuries, 18th-19th altogether. The conclusion one may draw from the description of the battle by Jan Dlugosz is that Jogaila Jogaila that is Dlugosz Jan by battle the of description the from draw may one conclusion The altogether. Knights lasting for for lasting Knights Marienburg Castle was built in the location of the former Baltic Prussian Castle: 1276 – 15th century, rebuilt in in rebuilt century, 15th – 1276 Castle: Prussian Baltic former the of location the in built was Castle Marienburg the battle it was clear that a large portion of the Polish Royal Army had not participated in the battle battle the in participated not had Army Royal Polish the of portion large a that clear was it battle the war with the Teutonic Teutonic the with war Role of the Lithuanian troops. troops. Lithuanian the of Role Chronicle of the Conflict the of Chronicle , by the end of of end the by , the in evidenced As tinued fight with the splintered enemy troops. The battle was ended by overtaking the Order’s camp, a a camp, Order’s the overtaking by ended was battle The troops. enemy splintered the with fight tinued hideout for the part of the Teutonic Knights who had run away from the battle. battle. the from away run had who Knights Teutonic the of part the for hideout Lithuanian defensive defensive Lithuanian Main battle places of of places battle Main - con after Tannenberg of Battle the during victory full a won troops Polish and Lithuanian the Both from imparted knowledge of tactics known for a century or even more. more. even or century a for known tactics of knowledge imparted from and Jogaila. Therefore, the delusive retreat tactics used in the Battle of Tannenberg might have resulted resulted have might Tannenberg of Battle the in used tactics retreat delusive the Therefore, Jogaila. and Kestutis and Algirdas knew about this practice. Thus, they might have imparted it to their sons Vytautas Vytautas sons their to it imparted have might they Thus, practice. this about knew Algirdas and Kestutis homewards” (Schutz. SRP, II, 520; Vyg. Marb., 1999, p. 229). Here we can also observe the delusive re delusive the observe also can we Here 229). p. 1999, Marb., Vyg. 520; II, SRP, (Schutz. homewards” treat of the Lithuanian forces aimed to splinter the enemy army and kill the chasing Teutonic Knights. Knights. Teutonic chasing the kill and army enemy the splinter to aimed forces Lithuanian the of treat - anians, forced to dismount [their horses] and killed; therefore, the remaining warriors ... soon turned turned soon ... warriors remaining the therefore, killed; and horses] [their dismount to forced anians, - Lithu by surrounded were they forces, Lithuanian tle of Tannenberg (sculptor Kalinauskas) (sculptor Tannenberg of tle too far from the rest of their army in pursuit of the the of pursuit in army their of rest the from far too - Bat the of Anniversary the for Medal Anniversary in die flucht die in ). “When the attackers went went attackers the “When ). (Ger. away the Battle of Sventoji – Pabaiskas. This ended the 250 years of the challenging war for freedom. freedom. for war challenging the of years 250 the ended This Pabaiskas. – Sventoji of Battle the 1353, the incoming troops of the bishop and kom and bishop the of troops incoming the 1353, tur killed many Lithuanians and forced them to run run to them forced and Lithuanians many killed tur The Livonian Order, which did not participate in the Battle of Tannenberg, was defeated in 1435 in in 1435 in defeated was Tannenberg, of Battle the in participate not did which Order, Livonian The - the territory of the Order in Barta near Reshel in in Reshel near Barta in Order the of territory the region where strategic military battles took place. place. took battles military strategic where region troops of Algridas and Kestutis were devastating devastating were Kestutis and Algridas of troops Medvegalis, and other centres. The entire Baltic region between the Dauguva and Vistula Rivers was the the was Rivers Vistula and Dauguva the between region Baltic entire The centres. other and Medvegalis, noeuvre also used in the 14th century. While the the While century. 14th the in used also noeuvre The centre of the freedom fights was the Nemunas River basin, in particular, the right bank down bank right the particular, in basin, River Nemunas the was fights freedom the of centre The V., 2005, p. 317-318.). 317-318.). p. 2005, V., stream from Kaunas, and the Lithuanian ethnical lands with Vilnius, Trakai, Kernave, Kaunas, Veliuona, Veliuona, Kaunas, Kernave, Trakai, Vilnius, with lands ethnical Lithuanian the and Kaunas, from stream - ma a was troops the of retreat delusive The free seaside strip and Palanga with the symbolic Birute Hill was preserved. was Hill Birute symbolic the with Palanga and strip seaside free Book. - the world-scale aggressor at the western Lithuanian and Samogitian lands for centuries. In addition, a a addition, In centuries. for lands Samogitian and Lithuanian western the at aggressor world-scale the (see Aizkraukle Battle in 1279, described in the the in described 1279, in Battle Aizkraukle (see Livonian Chronicle, Mindaugas Mindaugas Chronicle, Livonian poetry lines of the the of lines poetry hundred years of fighting, prevented the Baltic heritage from suffering huge further losses, and stopped stopped and losses, further huge suffering from heritage Baltic the prevented fighting, of years hundred served in their battles waged back in 1208-1279 1208-1279 in back waged battles their in served sibility of the Order’s aggression. In 1422 the Peace Treaty was signed in Meln as a result. This ended a a ended This result. a as Meln in signed was Treaty Peace the 1422 In aggression. Order’s the of sibility - ob be can armies Prussian and Lithuanian the of the significance of the international role of Lithuania and Poland and the role of their rulers Vytautas Vytautas rulers their of role the and Poland and Lithuania of role international the of significance the noeuvre was related to Tatars (Blaszczyk, II, 2007). 2007). II, (Blaszczyk, Tatars to related was noeuvre - pos any liquidated and Knights Teutonic the of power the undermined triumph The allies. as Jogaila and The delusive withdrawal as part of the tactics tactics the of part as withdrawal delusive The joy the support of the Roman Empire, Dukes of the German lands, as well as kings of England and France. France. and England of kings as well as lands, German the of Dukes Empire, Roman the of support the joy Importance of the triumph. the of Importance The global scale victory in the Tannenberg Battle emphasised emphasised Battle Tannenberg the in victory scale global The - ma possible only the that consider and intentional ever, the bulk of historiography largely considers this episode to have been a manoeuvre. In particular, particular, In manoeuvre. a been have to episode this considers largely historiography of bulk the ever, tural links between Lithuanians, Sudovia, and old Yotvingian lands. Nevertheless, the Order continued to en to continued Order the Nevertheless, lands. Yotvingian old and Sudovia, Lithuanians, between links tural battlefield (Nadolski, 2003). However, some still up still some However, 2003). (Nadolski, battlefield - un was retreat Lithuanian the that opinion the hold historiography about this episode and persisting derogation of the role of the Lithuanian troops. How troops. Lithuanian the of role the of derogation persisting and episode this about historiography - because this is my inheritance”. In 1421, the Lithuanian representatives emphasized the territorial and cul and territorial the emphasized representatives Lithuanian the 1421, In inheritance”. my is this because - - he wanted to showcase the Polish role as the more prominent one in the battle. There is still confusion in in confusion still is There battle. the in one prominent more the as role Polish the showcase to wanted he the battle (Jučas, 1999). Notably, the victory was won won was victory the Notably, 1999). (Jučas, battle the However, much later in his description of this delusive retreat and counter-attack, the Polish historian historian Polish the counter-attack, and retreat delusive this of description his in later much However, - when the Lithuanian army came back to the main main the to back came army Lithuanian the when Jan Dlugosz wrote that Lithuanians withdrew “till they reached the territory of Lithuania.” This was how how was This Lithuania.” of territory the reached they “till withdrew Lithuanians that wrote Dlugosz Jan land and I will claim its territory till Osa [i.e. all the Prussian lands until the Vistula River, including Pamede], Pamede], including River, Vistula the until lands Prussian the all [i.e. Osa till territory its claim will I and land tions with the Teutonic Knights he said to the Knights in no uncertain terms, “Prussian land was my father’s father’s my was land “Prussian terms, uncertain no in Knights the to said he Knights Teutonic the with tions manoeuvre led to victory in the entire battle. battle. entire the in victory to led manoeuvre tautas, known to Jogaila, and leading to the victory in in victory the to leading and Jogaila, to known tautas, part of the Teutonic Order’s army, and a counter-attack on the enemy.
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