3EOPHT4K PAAOBA B I43AHT O JI O III KOI I,IH C TI,ITYTA xxxrx UDC 949.5+7.033.2+877.3(0s) yu ISSN 0534-9888 INSTITUT D,ETUDBS BYZANTINES DE L,AcAoETum SERBE DES SCIENCES ET DES ARTS RECUEIL DES TRAVAUX DE L,INSTITUT p,ETUDBS BYZANTINES XXXIX R6dacteur LJUBOMIR MAKSIMOYIC Directeur de I'Institut d'6tudes byzantines Comit6 de r6daction: Jean-Clqude Cheynet (Paris), Evangelos Chrysos (Athdnes), Sima CirkoviL, Jovanka Kalit, Angeliki Laiou (Athines/Cambridge, Mass.), Ljubomir Malcsimovii, Radivoj Radii, Ninoslava Radoievic, Peter Schreiner (Kdln), Gojko Subotit, Mirjana Zivojinovi| Secrdtaire de la r6daction: Bojana Krsmanovic BEOGRAD 200r / 2002 yAK 949.5+7 .033 .2+87 7.3 (05) YU ISSN 0584-988 B I{3AHTO JIOIIIK?I 14 HCTI4TYT CPIICKE AKAAEMI,IJE HAYKA I,I YMETHOCTII 3BOPHT4K PAAOBA BI43 AHT O JI O IUKO f VIHCTI/TYTA XXXIX i YPeAHI{K JbVEOMNP MARCNMOBNN ALrpeKTOp BUganronourKor uHcrrrryra PeAarquonu oA6op Mupjaaa )Kueojuuoeuh, Joeaurca Ratuh, Auzerturcu Jlaujy (Atrtuna/Ken6puy, Mac.), Jby6ouup Maxcuuoeuh, Paduaoj Paduh, Huuocnaea Padoueeuh, fojrco Cy6oinuh, Cuua huprcoeuh, Eeaueenoc Xpucoc (Amuua), )Kan-Krcd IIIexe (Ilaprc), Ileitep lllpajnep (Kenn) Cerpemp pe4axquje Eojaua Kpcuauoeuh EEOIPAA 200t / 2002 Ore, 2002. roAlrHe, cycrr{qy ce ABe snavajne roAr{runr,rrle 3a Haruy rry6nNra- qnjy. flporercno je cro roArdna og polena feoprzja Ocrporopcror, rBoprla 6eorpal- cKe BrBaHToJromKe rrrKoJre, ocHrrBaqa Br,rganronoruKor r{Hcr}rryra CAHY u yreMe- Jbr,lrBaqa r{Hcr}rryrcKor 36opuura paAoBa (3PBI4). Tarofe, rryrux rreAecer roAr,rHa rrporeKJrojc o4 uojaae npBor 6puja 36opurra. Osoje rperryrar y KoMe ce ca unje- tetou ceharrao cBor )ArureJba, Kao r{ EefoBof HacneAHrrKa Ha AyxHocrLt ypeAHrrKa 36opnma, aKaAeMLrKa Eoxugapa @epjauvuha, qJraHoBa pe4arqnje - IIsaHKe Hzro- najoauh, (Dpane Bapuruuha, fopAane Ea6uh, Boj*rcnana J. bypuha, I,.I,sana bypuha - I{ ayTopa rojrx ruure nervra rvrely naua. Ca saxnannouhy r{ )KeJboM 3a AaJby ca- MlrcJII,rMoMTTCJIIIMO Ha MHoreMHOre ayrope,ayTope, AouaheAOMang uU crpaue,CTpaHe, xojuKOJrr cyCy cnojurvrCBOJITM [puno3r,rMa rtnn 36opnnx. Hera oBu cKpoMHr{ peAoBH 6ygy hommage cBr{Ma tuuwa, arvl'r nonoca rrrro HacraBJbaMo rpaA[qujy xoja ne ocraje 6es o,qjera Ha HaruLrM r{ rrpocropuMa. Pedarquja CAAPXAJ _ TABLE DES MATIERES Angeliki E. Laiou, Methodological Questions Regarding the Economic History of By- zantium -------- 9 Aueenuxu E. Jlaujy, Merogononrrarrtrana eKoHoMcKe ucropuje Busanruje - 22 J6y6ouup Marccu-rvtoeuh, Terrrarcxu aojnzqz y rrsanrujcroM ApyrurBy - rrpfinor rroBoM rrporlenr.rnarry upo6neMa - - 25 Ljubomir Malcsimovi1, Thematic Stratiotai in Byzantine Society - a Contribution to a New Assessment of the Subject - 45 Bacwt fpsenee, CryguitcKr{rr MaHacrzp u Brnrapr.rre [pe3 cpeArroBeKoBr.rero (VIII-XIVe.)--- 51 Bacwt fiysenee, Cryanjcxu MaHacrnp u Eyrapu y cpeArf,eM rery (VI[-XIV rer) - - 66 Vlada Stankovit, The Alexios Studites'Pakiarchate (1025-1043): A Developmental Stage in Patriarchal Power - 69 B,tada Cilauxoauh,llnpujapxar Alercuja Cryavra (1025-1043): roqeraK rropacra nar:pujapurujcre uohr.r 86 Ninoslava Radofevii, Les allophyloi dans la correspondance des intellectuels byzantins du XIIe siEcle - 89 Hunocaaea Padoweeuh, llnouneueuuqfi y [pelucrllr ausanrujcrux ilHTeneKTyauarla XII sexa - 101 Bojuctae Kopah,Vcrpaxuuare ocraraKa xpaMa cB. flanre.nejruona y Humy- - 103 Itojislav Korat, Fouilles des vestiges de I'dglise Saint-Pantdldbmdn ir NiS 115 Epauucaae Toduh, @pecrce y Eoropoguqn flepunaerlrrv vr flopexJro Oxpz4cre apxuenucxonuje--- 147 Branislay Todi6,Frescoes in the Virgin Peribleptos Church Referring to the Origins of the Archbishopric ofObrid 16l Ivan Stevovii, Byzantium, Byzantine Italy and Cities on the Eastern Coast of the Adri- atic: the Case of Kotor and Dubrovnik 165 LIean Ctueeoeuh, Busarruja, Bzaanrujcra Llrar.uja u lpaAoBlt ua ucrounoj o6anz Ja4pana: cny.raj Koropa u.{y6ponnzKa - - - 180 Mirjana Zivojinovii, L'irrigation des terres en Serbie mddi6vale- 183 Mupjaua )Ifueojunoauh, Hauognaaane 3eMrBe y cpeAEoBeKoBHoj Cp6uju 195 Dopje Ey6arc, Btaxo efruc<oti uru *naxoeiiucKoil - - 197 Dorite Bubalo, Bishop Vlaho or Wahoepiskop 219 Paduaoj Paduh, Cp6t npe4 lpaAoM caeror ,{urr,rurprja? (Je.qHa wrysujz [uuurpuja Ku4oua y,,Moxo4{u rraJrLtMa y Corryny,,) 221 Radivoj -Radli, serbs in Front of the city of st. Demetrios? (one Allusion from the "Monodium to the Fallen in Thessaloniki" by Demetrios kydones) 224 Mutow Enazojeeuh, cpo4crreua repruunoaorzja u xr.rjepapxuj a ,,na*apa y cilvcfiMa Koscraurusa (Dunoso([a r{ 6eroBro( ca"pJreu"ra 225 Miloi Blagojevii, The Terminology of Kinship and Hierarchy of Rulers in the writ- ings of Constantine philosopher the and hls Contemporaries _ _ _ 234 Nada zeievii, The Italian Kin of the Tocco Despot: some Notes about the Relatives of Carlo I Tocco 237 Hada 3eveeuh, vltanujaxcra pog6rana Aecflora Tora: xerorurKo HarroMerra o po$aquua Kapna I Tora - 247 cfrapody6\ee. \miana flpegcrara crapo3aBer'or Beceleuna y onrapy parauuqe 249 Tatjana ^ou - - starodubcev, La repres6ntation de Betsaleel dans I'espace sanctuaire i Ravanica 261 Zbornik radova Vizantolo{kog instituta HHHÇH, 2001/2002. Recueil des travaux de l’Institut d’etudes byzantines, HHHÇH, 2001/2002 UDC: 949.5.02 : 33(091=773) ANGELIKI E. LAIOU METHODOLOGICAL QUESTIONS REGARDING THE ECONOMIC HISTORY OF BYZANTIUM* “The Economic History of Byzantium”, now in press, has been discussed on the basis of new archaeological data, a broader historiographical environment and on the economic ideology. The methodological problems concern chronology, theroleofthe state, the relationship between ideology and reality, the significance of smallholdings, the usefullness of modern economic theory. The economy was a mixed one, providing some of the important needs of the people. First, allow me to express my very great pleasure at being here today. Belgrade was, is and remains one of the most important centers of Byzantine studies in the world, continuing the tradition of the great George Ostrogorsky. And, of course, the ties between Serbian and Greek Byzantinists have always been close, based on mu- tual esteem and affection. We hope that our collaboration will remain productive in years to come. The project I should like to discuss, on the economic history of Byzantium, is one which has been in preparation for some years. I thought that it might be appro- priate to give the first presentation of this work in Belgrade, the home of George Ostrogorsky, whose studies of the Byzantine peasantry and Byzantine agrarian rela- tions or feudal relations have informed scholarship for such a long time. Seven years ago, I thought that the time was ripe for attempting to write the economic history of Byzantium. To implement that thought, a committee of advisors was selected, consisting of C. Morrisson, Ch. Bouras, N. Oikonomides, K. Pitsakis and myself. The committee set up the structure of the work, and solicited contribu- tions from about 30 scholars. This, then became a collective enterprise. The project is now completed, the English edition, published by Dumbarton Oaks, is being printed, and the Greek edition, to be published by the Cultural Foundation of the Na- tional Bank of Greece, will follow. The project turned out to be immense: the edition * The lecture pronounced at the Institute on December 18th, 2000, at the time the Economic His- tory of Byzantium was expected to be published. 10 Angeliki E. Laiou will take up two or three volumes in English and certainly three volumes in Greek since Greek is a more expansive language. The need for an economic history of Byzantium seems to me to be evident. There have been many good studies of various aspects of the Byzantine economy. The Russian school of Byzantinists, working in a long tradition that goes back to the 19th century, has done systematic and extensive work on the agrarian economy, es- pecially focusing on the peasantry, while Michel Kaplan’s massive study Les hommes et la terre a Byzance, du VIe au XIe siecle (Paris 1992), is based on an ex- haustive survey of the sources. Indeed, the agrarian economy, as well as relations be- tween the state and the economy are the best studied; among the works on the sec- ond topic, I include the recent book of our lamented colleague, N. Oikonomides, Fiscalite et exemption fiscale a Byzance, IXe–XIe siecles (Athens, 1996). There is no reason to detail here the bibliography on other specific issues. It has been excellent, but nevertheless, there no synthetic work has been attempted to date. Two efforts have come closest to this desideratum: Michael Hendy’s Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy c 300–1450 (1985), and the two volumes of Hommes et Richesses, published in Paris between 1989 and 1991. A. Harvey’s work, Economic Expansion in the Byzantine Empire, 900–1200, published in 1989, deals only with the central period. All are very considerable pieces of scholarship, but none is inclu- sive. And yet, there are developments, which make the attempt at a synthetic work not only possible, but also imperative. First, the very existence of sporadic publications, including archaeological ones, since archaeology has suffered a welcome shift that places emphasis on the economic meaning of archaeological data, begs for large interpretations. Secondly, there is a broader historiographical environment, which we ignore at our peril. The historiography of western medieval Europe in particular has undergone great trans- formation, starting with Duby’s seminal contributions. The chronology, the evolu- tion, the structures of the medieval
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