THE STANDARD SOUTHERN THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION NEWSPAPER Dally «Kd Sndar* carrier d«Uvery, 12 eeau weekly. V.,1. XLVX—No. 347. ATLANTA, GA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1914. —SIXTEEN PAGES. Slaitle cople* em the afreet* aad at newaBtanda. fi cento. BIG ALLIGATOR WITH THREE BURNS AIDS HOG IN ITS .STOMACH CONFESSES THEFT "Sleeve" Situation Reaches Poetry Stage; HllERTA AGREES KILLED NEAR CAIRO OF \7 000INTFNOFO' Members of Park Board Are Standing Pat Felham, Ga., May 27.—(Special.)—A. FINED AND BOUND R. Humphrey* »nd Frank Tennlaon TO YIELD POWER war* exhibiting on the streets of Pel- ham today a foot of a large alligator, wtolch they killed In the Ochlochknee WHAT ARE WE| TO OVER BY RECORDER river, ten miles south of Cairo, Mon- 'FOR ATLANTA BANK day, while there on a fishing trip. N£*T_? The alligator measured 10 feet and 4 inches. Wlhen skinned and cut open Detectives Are Charged he was found to contain a half-grown Oscar Williams, Express It Is Said Dictator Has With Operating in Atlanta hog. ' Messenger, Admits Steal- HORRJ&LEJJ Communicated His Deter- Without Permission of the ing 7 Packages Containing 7IZIL mination to His Delegates Police Board and Chief. in All Nearly $5,000. TA-HAR.! "\ at Niagara Falls and Also TOBACCO BANNED | ANOTHER / SLEEVELESS to Washington. CITY'S LAW IS ATTACKED DETECTiVES RECOVER ISUIT! ~) BY PRISONER'S ATTORNEY BY PRESBYTERIANS *r $3,000 BURIED IN BOX ENTIRE AGREEMENT Southern Assembly Op- BY THE MEDIATORS Judge Powell Declares Or- poses Use by Ministers and Thefts of Packages Unno- ON ALL MAIN ISSUES dinance Is Unconstitution- Church Officials — North- ticed Until Sum Sent Lo- al — Cases Against Mc- ern Assembly for Grape cal Bank Was Missed. Predicted That Peace Pro- Worth and Sears Are Dis- Juice at Communion. Williams Out Under Bond tocol Will Be Signed With- missed. in a Week—Points Yet to Macon, Ga,. May 27.—(Special.)—Os- Kansas City, May 27.—The general car Lee Williams, a 24-year-old ex- TV. "W. ("Boots") Rogers, an operator assembly of the Presbyterian church in Be Taken Up Relate to In- press messenger for the Southern Ex- ^~ -r^lP^siii of the local Burns Detective agency, the United States (southern) went on p-ress company, and member of a prom- •who has been assisting Dan S. Lehon, record late • today as opposed to the ternal Problems—Carranza inent family at Fort Valley, has been southern manager of the Burns Inter- use of tobacco among clergymen, can- park board, who have taken it enthu- board goes ahead and steels its obsti- May Send a Representa- national Detective agency, in investi- didates for the ministry and church arrested here on a charge of larceny AN EXPOSURE. siastically upon themsedves to defy nate self against changing it. gating the alleged illegal and "frame- officials. after trust. In conneotlon with the The naked hills lie wanton to the most anything from petitions on up to "In the first place," Commissioner tive to Niagara Falls. up" methods said to have been pur- Rev.-J, S. Lyons, Louisville, Ky., re- theft of J4.900 from the express com- breeze; the deep-seated grudge that is likely Green continues, "a majority of the sued 'by the Atlanta police in securing pany made up of seven different pack- The fields are nude, the groves to take root In Piedmont's loyal pa- people are under a misapprehension tiring moderator, recommended on be- as to what the regulations really are. evidence against Leo M. Frank, con- ages, all of which were stolen at dif- unfrocked; trons. Vcra Or us. May 27.—"Reports reach- half of the committee on bills and over- Mayor Woodward, who quite ob- The board, when it considered the victed of the mujder of Mary Phagan tures, that the assembly reply In the ferent times. Bare are the shivering limbs of bathing rules, sought to regulate the ing1 here today tih'roiigh private souices shameless trees; vlously hasn't forgotten .that he once was fined $100.75 by Recorder Nash negative to an overture that it should Williams was arrested on a warrant was a. boy, has taken a stand In sup- costumes in order that deuency might declare President H'Uerta has commit- What wonder Is it that the corn ,^ Broyles Wednesday afternoon in po- discourage tobacco. from Warren county, issued at Camak, port of the irate bathers. He avers be maintained-at the lake arid to pre- ted himself specifically to turn o\ er i« shocked? vent bathers using suqh suits as were lice court and bound over under toond Overruled Dr. Lyons. and has confessed, and returned $3,250 that the sleeve rule impresses him the government to a commission of j considerably on the order of comic disported last season. of 5200 for violating a state statute. "This is a convention," he said. "Wa of the money. The balance he has '% for one, will not stand for a prominent members of various factions Rogers was charged -with! operating not given up, and claims that $900 of By Britt Cral«._ opera stuff Harken to his words, ye did not meet here to quibble over small faithful followers. change in the rule unless it i_an be In the republic, such as has been sug- as a detective In, the city without the matters of personal hab.it, but to settlej" was given by him to Fred Tlhomp- The aSbove poetic outburst of the "It's just for the world 'like comic shown that a hardship has been im- gested at the Niagara conference He permission of the police 'board and the some of the great questions troubling son for aafe Beeping and that Thomp- versatile Mr. Sam W. Wilkes discloses opera. If a man or boy goes to the posed upon the 'bathers. Honestly, I believe that the rule is a good one and is said also to have agreed to relin- chief of police. The state case againsf son refuses to give up the money. the face that the "sleeve" situation at lake with a suit that is Immodest, let our church." should be allowed to stand. I can't quish power to anv sou-Lessor such a him -was similar in character, being in Thompson was arrested today on cont- Piedmont park has reached the rhyme the policemen or the park attendants The assembly overruled Dr. Lyons plaint of the express company and a see that it Is going to hurt anything, :-ommissioii mi^ht select violation of an act of the general as- and verse stage.. eject him. Everyone who goes to and adopted the overture. charge of gaming made against him. but, on the contrary, it will dignify The report further sa\ s Huerta's dp- sembly of 1892, making it' a misde- It's a "bare." that poem!, You'll ad- ipark or place for public amusement our popular resort." When the committee on systematic It is <elai.med Ghat Williams lost should behave himself. If they don't, termination has been communicated id meanor for persona to operate aa de- some of the money to Thompson in mit it, providing, of course, that you're A reply to this—If given by a Pled- beneficence presented its report sev- they should be In Jail, monteer—could be in query of who- the Mexican delegates and probabH di- tectives fn the state without first se- a gambling game. Thompson has in not artistically Jealous. It Is plainly. "Bu_t _ my impression Is that a ma- curing permission from lawfully con- eral commissioners, led by the Rev turn made an accusation against Wil- ever heard of a dignified swimming rectly to the Washington government Egbert W. Smith, Atlanta, Ga., execu- evident that Mr. Wilkes does not agree | jority of the 'bathers"do"behave *them- pool? However, there are no Pied- stituted authorities. liams, charging him witih gambling. wlth the 'beloved park*, board on the ! selves. There is no sense in burden- The.'belief is held in the capital th.it tive secretary of the foreign missions moniteers around., and the accusation the M"exiea.n peace delegates will be Two Others Fined. The arrest of Williams followed the question of sleeves. Ing a large majority with an Irksome must go unchallenged for the present. committee, pleaded that no change be discovery of the loss of a package con- named to represent the Huerta faction Following the trial of "Boots" Rog- In submitting this (particular verse, rule in order to keep a check on the And McDonald Says. made In the handling of the funds of taining $2,000 and sent from the Bank fellows who occasionally misconduct on the proposed commission and that ers, the case against C. C. Tedder, ol the -writer insists that the park board Then, added to other calamitous the women's auxiliary. Finally the «.t Sparta to tth« Lowry National bank, themselves. I believe In decency, of they may return soon to Mexico (*it\ a similar character, was tried, and recommendation that a change be made refrain from being overly shocked at sayings, Commissioner C. C. McDonald in Atlanta. Up to that time none of course, but I am also a great believer It also is thought that possiblj iep Tedder met with the same fate. was stricken from the report and an the other packages stolen by Williams its theme. The board, however, gives in common aense." had this to assert: 'I think that the exposure of the L. P. Wnitfleld, another Burns oper- appreciation of the service rendered by had 'been missed. In addition to the no assurance In this respect.
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