The original documents are located in Box 1, folder “12/02/74 - Brunch for Get Well Volunteers” of the Betty Ford White House Papers, 1973-1977 at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Betty Ford donated to the United States of America her copyrights in all of her unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON November 2 9, 1974 Dear Mrs. Ford, Re: Brunch for Get Well Volunteers -- December 2, 1974 Attached is a suggested scenario for your Brunch for Get Well Volunteers -- approved ------ disapproved ---- - Thank you. Nancy L. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MRS. FORD: Event: Brunch for Get Well Volunteers Date/Time: Monday, December 2, 1974 ll:OO a. m. Number of Attendees: 220 ladies Schedule of Events: ll:OO a. m. Your guests will arrive through the Diplomatic Reception Room and will be escorted to the State Dining Room. ll:05 a. m. Nancy Lammerding will escort you to the State Dining Room where you will mingle informally with your guests. Buffet Brunch will be served to your guests from round tables in the State Dining Room. NOTE: Your guests will be the Congressional and Senate wives, GOP Club, American Cancer Society, American Red Cross and White House volunteers who helped with answering your get well mail. (Guest list is attached. ) ll:45 a. m. You will be escorted to the Family Quarters. As your guests leave the White House, they will r eceive a silver Betty Ford pen. NOTES: White House tour officers will be available to answer questions as your g uests look through the rooms. Army String Ensemble will be positioned in the Grand Hall. Military Social Aides will be present. There will be press coverage. A White House photographer will be present. Pat Howard November 29, 1974 GUEST LIST FOR THE BRUNCH TO BE GIVEN BY MRS. FORD FOR THE VOLUNTEER LADIES ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1974, AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK, THE WHITE HOUSE: GOP CLUB Mrs. Jessie Allen Miss Ann Babington Mrs. Irene Davis Ball Mrs. George E. Callas Miss Ruth E. Campbell Mrs. John O. Cobb, Sr. Mrs. Fern R. Dayhuff Mrs. Olive H. Denn Mrs. Barbara D. Dimock (President, League of Republican Women of D. C.) Mrs. Sabina Engel Miss Margaret I. Geist Miss Carolyn Golen Mrs. John V. Hansen Mrs. Jayne Hausam Mrs. Walter C. Jacobs Mrs. Casey M. Jones Miss There se Karger Mrs. John C. Kato Miss Henrietta E. Langer Mrs. Helen DuShane Luber Mrs. Mary Llewellyn MacKie Miss Margaret Matheson Mrs. Robert W. Michie Mrs. Elizabeth I. F. Murphy Miss S. Irene Neikirk Miss Lois Niswonger Mrs. Elena R. Porrata Mrs. Samuel M. Powell Miss Mary M. Singleton Mrs. Barbara R. Yates Mrs. Harry F. Young AMERICAN RED CROSS Miss Helen Armstrong Miss Alice Bandy Mrs. Carl F . Belleston Miss Sara Bamberg Mrs. Martha Busse Mrs. Evangeline L. Buysse Mrs. Lucille Capp Mrs. Thomas J. Craven -2- 12/2/74 Mrs. William V. Davis Mrs. John B. Drury Mrs. E. B. Duffy Mrs. Myron G. Fincher Miss June Geraghty Mrs. Frederick W. Gibb Mrs. John Greason Miss Vivian Griffith Mrs. Edna B. Groves Miss Laura I. Hammann Miss Rachel Hebert Mrs. Frank Herron Miss Catherine Hough Mrs. Louise S. Jaeger Miss Betty Jelinek Miss Elizabeth M. King Miss Gladys Kiniery Mrs. Glenard Lipscomb Miss Sarah M. Mann Miss Frances L. Menges Miss Mary Helen Merrill Miss Barbara Pathe Mrs. T. Alfred Pilson Mrs. Fleurette Sequeira Mrs. Faye C. Simonton Miss Edith Srriith Miss Phoebe Steffey Mrs. Perry R. Taylor Miss Beulah White Mrs. Rowland S. Wilson AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Mrs. Christa Barry Mrs. Ralph E. Becker Mrs. James F. Bell Mrs. Dan W. Blaylock Mrs. Marcel Carmi Miss Catharine M. Degnan Mrs. Hamilton P. Dorman Mrs. Parker Dorman Mrs. Wayne E. Dorman Mrs. Thomas G. Edison Mrs. Harold D. Fangboner Mrs. William Funderburk Mrs. William A. Hanewinckel Mrs. R. Justis Hanks -3- 12/2/74 Mrs. Raymond T. Hanks Mrs. La Verne Harden Mrs. Richard Irons Mrs. E. Felix Klaman Mrs. Wallace B. Knapp Mrs. Paul H. Krogh Mrs. William P. McCahill Mrs. James A. McClure Miss Mary Mc Gugin Mrs. Lanier P. McLachlen, Jr. Mrs. Daniel L. O'Connor Mrs. Alan Follin Mrs. S. David Rubenstein Mrs. Babette Share Mrs. Henry T. Simmons Mrs. John M. Simms Mrs. Lily M. Stone Mrs. Russell M. Tilley, Jr. Mrs. Arthur Tritsch (Executive Director of D. C. Division) Mrs. R. L. Tull Mrs. Ralph E. Ulmer Mrs. Daniel C. Walser, Jr. WIVES OF SENA TORS Mrs. Harry F. Byrd, Jr. Mrs. Clifford P. Case Mrs. Robert Griffin Mrs. Mark Hatfield Mrs. Jesse Helms Mrs. Ernest F. Hollings Mrs. Claiborne Pell Mrs. Hugh Scott Mrs. Ted Stevens Mrs. Herman E. Talmadge WIVES OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. W. L. Armstrong Mrs. LaMar Baker Mrs. Linda Shriver Breeding (daughter) Miss Nancy Broomfield (daughter) Mrs. William Broomfield Mrs. Elford Cederberg Mrs. William Frenzel Mrs. Tennyson Guyer Mrs. Craig Hosmer -4- 12/2/74 Mrs. Jack F. Kemp Mrs. David T. Martin Mrs. Wiley Mayne Mrs. Robert McClory Mrs. Charles Mosher Mrs. Melvin Price Mrs. Albert Quie Mrs. John J. Rhodes Mrs. Howard Robison ( Mrs. Fred Schwengel (former representative) Mrs. Garner E. Shriver Mrs. William Stanton Mrs. Charles Thone Mrs. Larry Winn, Jr. Mrs. Wendell Wyatt OTHERS Miss Barbara Ahl Mrs. W. J. Armstrong Mrs. W. Bruce Arnold Mrs. William H. Ayres Mrs. Erne st Barcella Miss Aldene Barrington Mrs. Robert Benner Mrs. William F. Boardman Mrs. William Brewer Mrs. John W. Byrnes Mrs. Patricia Coombe Mrs. Karl W. Corby Mrs. Clarke Daniel Miss Dorothy E. Dunnigan Mrs. Kenneth R. Dye Miss M. Genevieve Edwards Miss Lexie Ellis Mrs. Julie George Miss Roseha Kae Guyer Mrs. Kim Hallamare Mrs. Corwin A. Hansen Mrs. John Y. Harrison Mrs. Ruby Haskin Miss Mary Hassing Miss Edele P. Hauber Mrs. Webb C. Hayes, III Mrs. Reuben Horchow Mrs. Harlan A. Hosler -5- 12/2/74 Mrs. Catherine G. Hughes Mrs. John S. Ingles Mrs. John Kyl Mrs. Mildred Laning Miss Bonnie L. Larash Mrs. Verna Larash Mrs. George Lawrence Miss Helen Lewis Miss Jeannette B. L'Heureux Miss Louise Jane Long Mrs. Clark Mac Gregor Miss Rose C. Mango Mrs. Joe Mattson Mrs. Jack J. Melick Mrs. Samuel Mitchell Mrs. Cyril Muromcew Mrs. Joseph Nasca Mrs. Clarke Newlon Mrs. Richard H. Nicolaides Mrs. E.A. Ostermann Mrs. Francis E. Pearson, Ill Mrs. James T. Quattlebaum Mrs. Vivian Redmon Miss Agnes Ricciardi Mrs. J. Harry Portch Miss Nanie Smith Mrs. Vesta Smith Mrs. John T. Snively Mrs. John M. Snyder Miss Libby Starnes Miss Mary E. Starnes Mrs. Harold L. Stowell Miss Margaret Tappan Mrs. Thomas Taylor Mrs. Carroll Thomas Miss Lelah Thomas Mrs. M. W. Topping Mrs. Kenneth Tuggle Mrs. Kendell S. Turner Mrs. David Tweedie Mrs. Thomas Urdahl Mrs. Dominic P. Vaccaro Mrs. John R. Van Slycke Mrs. William F. von Bargen Miss Margaret Walker Mrs. Louis V. Watwood Mrs. Robert N. Winston Miss Polly Woodville BRU~ 1 Ci:.{ AT THE '.'l:1iTE:.: HOUSF: rvlm cby, Df'C(!T'tber 2., l ')7·~ at eievc>n o'clo,.:k ~ Lrs. J '-'5 sie Allen ?vi LS::; A:1n .Babin;p:on lvL· s. Irene i)avis Ball Mrs. George E. C-ilb.s .Miss Ruth E. C ampbell Mrs. John 0. Cobb Sr. Mrs. Fern R. Dayhuff Mrs. Olive H. Denn i\11.i.ss Lois Niswonger 1\!Irs. Barbar a D. Dimock, Pres. , League of Republican Women of D. C . Mrs. Sabina Engel Miss Margar et I. Geist Miss Carolyn Golen .J'/lrs. John V . Hansen .Nirs. Jayne Hausam Mrs. Walter C . Jacobs :l-!lrs. Casey M . Jones .1\!Iiss Therese Karger Mrs. John C . Kato Mis .::i Henrietta E. Langer Mrs. Helen DuShane Luber Mrs Nfary Llewellyn MacKie Ntiss Margaret Matheson :.N;rs. P.obert V!. Michie Hrs. Elizabeth I. F. Murphy Miss S . Irene Neikirk .Ivlrs. Elena R . Porrata Mrs. Samuel M. Powell Miss Mary M . Singleton lvfrs. Barbara R . Yates lVlrs. Harry F . Young American Red Cross Miss Helen Armstrong Mi.ss Alice Bandy Mrs. Carl F. Belleston :tvEss Sara Bamberg "tvtrs. Martha Busse 1v1rs. Evangeline L . Buysse .i'virs. Lu..::ille Capp Mrs. James A. Cleek - 2 - 12/2/7/± :vfr'>. Thomas J. Craven \L-;.;. 'dilliarr. 'v. Davis \,{r.s. John B. Drury , fr_-;. E. B. Ddfy 1'.::rs. lv1yron G. Finch r 1\1,s ~> Jun Ge,_ -ignty }.,fl·::;. Frederi--k W . Gibb rv1i>:> s Frances L. 1v1enge s Miss Mary Helen Merrill :tvliss Barbara Pathe Mrs. T. Alfred Pilson l'vir s. Fleurette Sequeira Miss Betty Jelinek Miss Elizabeth M . King Miss Gladys Kiniery Mrs. Glenard Lipscomb Miss Sarah M . Mann Mrs. John Greason Miss Vivian Griffith Mrs. Edna B. Groves l'v1is s Laura I. Hammann Miss Rachel Hebert Mrs. Frank Herron Miss Catherine Hough Mrs. Louise S. Jaeger Mrs. Faye C. Simonton Miss Edith Smith Miss Gl adys Snyder Mrs . Charles Steffey Miss P hoebe Steffey Mrs. Perry R. Taylor Miss Beulah White Mrs. Rowl and S. Wilson American Cance:::- Societv Mrs. Christa Barry Mrs. Ralph E . Becker Mrs. James F . Bell Mrs. Dan W. Blaylock Mrs. Marcel Carmi Miss Catharine M .
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