Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 1 NOVEMBER 1966 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Questions [1 NovEMBER] Questions 1261 Answers:- ( 1) "I have seen the article referred to, and whilst it is true that the Council had been pressing for construction of the Nathan Street bridge for some time, it had also been pressing for the declaration of this section of Nathan Street under the Main Roads Acts. However, it was feasible that a decision on whether or not the road should be declared could not be given until the report of the Townsville Transportation Survey was finalised. Following the study of an advance copy of this report which was made available to the Main Roads Department, University Road, of which Nathan Street is a part, was declared a Secondary Road by notice appearing in the Government Gazette of October 15, 1966. The plans for the bridge, which had already been prepared by the Council, were promptly examined and approved, and the scheme was released for the calling of tenders on October 27, 1966. The time of completion specified in the documents is twenty months." (2) "This does not, in my opinion, con­ stitute sloth on the part of the Main Roads Department, but rather the reverse." FLOOR SPACE AND EMPLOYEES IN GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, BRISBANE Mr. Coburn, pursuant to notice, asked The Premier,- ( 1) What was the total area of floor space occupied by State public servants in all Government buildings, including offices, in Brisbane as at June 30, 1950, what is it TUESDAY, 1 NOVEMBER, 1966 today and what will it be when Govern­ ment buildings presently under construction are completed? Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, (2) What was the number of all State Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair public servants employed in offices in at ll a.m. Government buildings in Brisbane as at June 30, 1950, and what is the number QUESTIONS today? CONSTRUCTION OF NATHAN STREET Answer:- BRIDGE, TOWNSVILLE ( 1 and 2) "The particulars sought by Mr. Aikens, pursuant to notice, asked The the Honourable Member are not readily Minister for Mines,- available and the costs involved in the preparation of such information do not ( 1) Has his attention been drawn to an appear to be justified." article in the Townsville Daily Bulletin of October 22, wherein Alderman G. V. Roberts of the Townsville City Council is reported as saying, inter alia, with regard PROPERTY RESUMPTIONS IN MAIN STREET, KANGAROO POINT to the proposed Nathan Street bridge, "the Council has been pressing for tenders to Mr. Mann for Mr. Bennett, pursuant to be called for a long time", "there has notice, asked The Minister for Mines,- been no delay on the part of the Council ( 1) Is it proposed to acquire further or its consulting engineers on the project" residential properties facing Main Street, and "the bridge will be completed by between the Story Bridge and Shafston mid-1968"? A venue, for traffic design purposes? If so, when is it proposed to effect the necessary (2) If so, are these statements factual acquisition? and, if they are, what was the reason for the sloth of the Main Roads Department (2) When will the people be required to as alleged by Alderman Roberts? vacate their premises? 1262 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions (3) Will the owners be paid fair and COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF NEW marketable prices for their land and homes GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, BRISBANE or will the Department force them to the Mr. Davies for Mr. Lloyd, pursuant to Land Court in the process of acquiring notice, asked The Minister for Works,- these valuable properties at less than their (1) What was the total cost of (a) fair value? construction of new public buildings and (b) additions and improvements to exist­ ing public buildings for the purposes of Answers:- the State Public Service in Brisbane from ( 1) "For the design of the interchange July I, I957, to June 30, 1965? at the Shafston A venue and Main Street (2) What is the estimate of expenditure intersection, it will be necessary to resume on such buildings in Brisbane for the properties on the eastern side between the current financial year? Story Bridge and O'Connell Street. It is proposed to effect the necessary acquisi­ ( 3) What was the level of expenditure tions during the next three months." on such buildings in Brisbane for the period July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1957? (2) "It is envisaged that the construction will commence during the financial year Answers:- I967-68 by which time the properties will ( 1) "The total cost for the purposes of have to be vacated." the State Public Service in Brisbane from July 1, 1957, to June 30, 1965 of (a) con­ (3) "Following service of the Notice of struction of new public buildings and of Resumption, the owners will be invited to (b) additions, improvements, remodelling submit claims for compensation on the and refurnishing to existing public buildings basis of ruling market values and, if was $2,817,082 and $I,502,947 respec­ necessary, these claims will be subject to tively." negotiation with Departmental officers. If (2) "The estimate of expenditure on such agreement cannot be reached, the owners buildings in Brisbane for the current will have the right to have their claims financial year is $290,000 for (a) and for compensation determined by the Land $200,000 for (b)." Court." (3) "The level of expenditure on such buildings in Brisbane for the period from July 1, 1948, to June 30, 1957 was $I,085,804 for (a) and $334,006 for (b)." TEACHERS AND NUMBERS IN CLASSES IN STATE SCHOOLS Mr. Mann for Mr. Bennett, pursuant to TOBACCO GROWING AREAS, DIMBULAH notice, asked The Minister for Education,- AND lNGHAM DISTRICTS ( I) As the Education Department can Mr. Wallis-Smith, pursuant to notice, asked now draw on prospective school teachers The Minister for Primary Industries,- born in the immediate post-war boom birth Further to his Answer to my Question period, why is there still a shortage of of September I, has the survey into the school teaching staff? area of tobacco production been com­ pleted? If so, is the area planted expected (2) What is the number of classes in to fulfil the Mareeba floor quota? Queensland with attendances of thirty or Answer:- more? "The survey is well advanced but not yet completed. Yields will depend upon ( 3) Are large classes one of the reasons seasonal conditions but present prospects for the present discontent among school are good and the Mareeba floor quota teachers in Queensland? should be met." Answers:- ( 1) "The new teachers who entered the WEEKLY VISITS BY DOCTOR TO schools this year were born, at the latest, MT. GARNET in 1946. In other words, the increase in Mr. Wallis-Smith, pursuant to notice, asked births in the post-war period is only now The Minister for Health,- beginning to have its effect." ( I) Have there been weekly doctor's visits to Mt. Garnet since September 15 (2) "5,669." as mentioned by him in his Answer to my Question on September 1? ( 3) "Fewer than one-fifth of the teachers (2) If not, will he consider improve­ have classes numbering more than forty. ments to the medical services at Mt. Some of these teachers may be discon­ Garnet by having a resident matron tented." appointed in the near future to the hospital? Questions [1 NovEMBER] Questions 1263 Answer:- (2) "The amounts allocated to the (1 and 2) "The Atherton Hospitals Board Brisbane City Council from these funds for has advised that visits by a doctor to Mt. expenditure on rural roads in its area were-1963-64, $303,300 (includes Garnet have been made each week $160,300 in Special Grants); 1964-65, since the weekly visits commenced on $143,000; 1965-66, $148,490." September 27." (3) "It is impossible to quote an average cost per mile for any type of road. These EDUCATION OF ASSISTED ABORIGINAL costs depend on such factors as, firstly, CHILDREN IN ISOLATED AREAS type of terrain (that is whether heavy earthworks are involved, whether excava­ Mr. WaUis-Smith, pursuant to notice, asked tion is in rock or soft material and the The Minister for Education,- extent of cross drainage required); ( 1) Is it known how many Aboriginal secondly, paving requirements (that is children, whose parents currently work on whether heavy soils requiring thick pastoral properties, are not within reach pavements or sandy loamy soils requiring of primary schools? thinner pavements are involved, the width and type of pavement necessary to carry (2) If not, will he have a survey made? the anticipated volume of traffic and the availability of paving materials in the area); ( 3) What school hostel accommodation and, thirdly, the area of the State in which is available for (a) Aboriginal children the road is located and to some extent the and (b) non-Aboriginal children from time of the year in which the major isolated country areas? portion of the work is carried out." Answer:- JOINT COAL BOARD'S REPORT ON ( 1 to 3) "Assuming the Honourable COKING COAL SUPPLY Member in his Question refers to assisted Aborigines, I can advise that a recent Mr. Donald, pursuant to notice, asked The enquiry indicated there are 19 children with Premier,- their parents who reside in isolated locali­ ( 1) Has the Queensland Government ties or on pastoral properties and are not been supplied with the Joint Coal Board's within reach of Primary Schools. Although report in which it is asked whether Aus­ adequate hostel accommodation is available tralia has sufficient cheap coking coal to at Church and Government sponsored encourage the growth of the Australian communities to enable these children to iron and steel industry on the scale that the attend Primary Schools, difficulties are market will otherwise permit and, at the being experienced in having parents accept same time, permit unrestricted export? the need for the children to move from their natural habitat for educational (2) If not, will the Government make an purposes, but efforts are continuing in this endeavour to obtain a copy and also direction.
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