The Baptist Herald A DENOMINATIONAL PAPER VO I CI N G THE I N TERESTS OF THE GERMAN BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE'S AND S UNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS' UNION ' Volume Five CLEVELAND, 0 ., MARCH 15, 1927 Number Six Teacher Training Class of Second German Bapt jst Church, Philadelphia, Pa . .. , 2 THE BAPTIST HERALD March 15, 1927 3 What's Happening Read the preliminary announcement and the others had been on the prayer an active part. Last but not least was The Baptist Herdld about the new bi-lingual song book in list of the Men's Prayer Group, which the sumptuous lunch prepared by the la­ "Editorial Jottings" on another page. meets every Saturday evening at the dies and everyone did justice to that. church. The Lord still hears and an­ MRS. HENRY ESCHENBACH, failure in the evangelization of sinners from the The opening chapters of "The Glass Evangelism in the Sunday School swers prayers. Praise his name! Ten Sec. Ladies Aid. Window" in the next number of the N our homeland the Sunday school is th e greatest world? Every effort should be made to win 100% have already desired to unite with the of our pupils for Christ and the church. Moody "Herald." Watch for it. You will like church. evangelistic agency of th e church. It was cre­ it as you go along. Lincoln Evening at Minneapolis I said: "If we can save one generation we have put The B. Y. P . U. of the Humboldt Park B. Y. P. U. ated primarily as an agency for bringing lost souls Meetings at Gillette, Wis., are well at­ Church, Rev. F. L. Hahn, pastor, gave a to Christ. In those early days its workers went out the devil out of business." tended, reports Pastor W. A. Zecks~r. The B. Y. P. U. of the First German very clever radio program on the eve­ Baptist Church of Minneapolis, Minn., into the highways and byways and gathered in the The Sunday school gives us a point of contact to English preaching services have been m­ ning of March 1st. A studio was rigged thousands of non-Christians and non-church attend­ troduced for the first and third Sunday had as a week-end guest Miss Esther neglected and untaught. up behind the kitchen and the program Knapp, daughter of Rev. Knapp of ants. The church should consider every such per­ evening of each month. broadcast over wire through a radio set Today with its amazing development in organ­ Hutchinson, Minn. son in every family rep~·esented in the church and Miss Elizabeth Heide, nurse at the Old in the audience room. The program be­ ization, literature and methods the modern Sunday Friday, February 11, a program was school as a soul for whose salvation it is in a large Folks Home, Philadelphia, Pa., will pay spoke thoughtfulness and good prepara­ given in memory of Abraham Lincoln· · school is still the whitest part of the church's white a visit to her parents in Poland. She tion. The executive and promotion com­ Miss Esther Knapp gave an interest­ measure responsible. And whenever Sunday school mittee of the Chicago Jugendbund had a harvest field. The main business of the Sunday has r eceived a prolonged vacation. She ing talk on "Lincoln's Life as a Chris­ school is still to win the lost to Christ. It is our first scholars profess conversion, the rest of the house­ sails in March and expects to r eturn supper and business session preceding tian.'' Music was furnished by the choir the B. Y. p. U. meeting at which 25 sat hold should immediately be sought out. again in August. and the men's chorus. Bernard Elftmann and greatest task. The scholar's conversion is the at table. The society has r evived fin ely Rev. E. G. Kliese of the Passaic, N. ]., r ecited "Lincoln's Gett ysburg Address" foundation of all spiritual culture. To neglect it - of late. Miss Hulda Brueckman, mission­ may be an eternal calamity to the pupils and a What About Decision Day? church had baptized several on Feb. 27 ary, is a strong booster and helper in and Miss Eva Hensel gave a reading, and reeeived five in church on March 6. the B. Y. P. U. work. "0 Captain, My Captain.'' Miss Anna lasting reproach to the teachers. To fail here is to DECISION DAY in the Sunday school is not in­ Two of the latter came from Germany. Klassen gave a piano solo after which sidetrack the ma.in business of th e school. tended to take the place of the regular revival The choirs of the church are to give a The Committee of the German Section Rev. Knapp closed 'the program with a concert on March 17. of the Pan-Ukrainian Union of Baptists short talk and prayer. There is no group of workers, not excepting the meeting nor to be a miniature revival in itself. It met in Odessa, Russia, in October last Saturday afternoon a group of young ministers, that has a more favorable opportunity is not to be looked upon as a sort of confirmation A new young people's society of 15 and adopted a l:lliOlution stating that folks accompanied by Miss Hensel took a ·for soul-winning work than our Sunday school - day. Some children are in danger at this point. members has been organized in the "the Baptists of German nationality be­ trip to the University of Minnesota. church at San Francisco, Cal., Rev. Wm. lieve in accordance with the Word of God Since the weather was unfavorable for workers. Those who are most susceptible to the Ther e is danger that we may expect too much Ritzmann, pastor. We wish the new so­ (Romans 13) that political authority is a sleigh ride party in the evening, a gospel message belong to the Sunday school. of a single day and so place less stress upon con- ciety a long and prosperous career cou­ of God and that they are under obliga­ party was planned at t he home of Rev. It is generally conceded that the churches receive tinuous effort for the scholar. A single service can­ pled with numerical and spiritual tion to fulfill all civic duties, including Appel, pastor of our chur ch. Games growth. fully eighty per cent of their new members from not atone for a long period of neglect and careless­ military service, in lhe same fashion as were played and refreshments were the Sunday school. Youth is the time when most' ness. There is danger that we shall make too much Rev. Phil. Patzner, who has been pas­ all citizens of the land. They r egard war served thus ending the enjoyable eve­ tor of our First Church in Union City, as a very great evil and welcome every ning. decisions for Christ are made. The children, the ado over-the day as though we could do the most N. J., for nearly five years, has resigned effort for world peace; nevertheless, in Miss Knapp took part in the Sunday boys and girls, the young people, who constitute spiritual work by a sort of wholesale process; in order to accept the call of the church case the government calls upon them to services in singing and speaking. After the largest part of the school, are not yet sinhard- whereas with the child and youth the work should in Leduc Alta., as successor to Rev. E. defend the land, they feel themselves the evening service she r eturned to St. ened and ~abit-boun~. Their minds are receptive be personal, individual and direct. P. Wahl.' Bro. Patzner closes his work bound to take part in such defense, know­ Cloud where she is taking a course in in Union City with the end of April and ing that the r esponsiblity for the shed­ music in the Normal College. a_nd retentive a~d then· hearts.tender. This is God'·.:; Nothwithstanding the dangers, there is a wise expects to begin in Leduc in June. ding of blood in war r ests upon the po­ ADELE ELFTMANN, time for _salvation,_ the best time, the easiest time. and safe path to a gi·eat work of gr~ce in our litical leaders responsible for the out­ They be_hev.e the ~1ble to be the 'Yord of God, They schools by the use of a Decision Day, if we properly The German-speaking Baptist churches break of war." Sec. of B. Y. P. U. of Southern Russia, according to the have faith m t~en· teacher~ .. It is the logical time ~ appreciate and regard it. "Familienfreund," their or gan, have re­ A Dollar Party for the a lert! skilful and Spmt-filled teacher to lead We should look upon it as a climax to a period of ceived permission to hold certain the~l~g­ ical courses in Odessa. The authonties On F eb. 15 the Ladies Aid of the Ger­ The Baptist Herald them to Chnst. special seeking after God. It should not be a sud­ man ~apti st Church, Ableman, Wis., Rev. have gr anted this permission in accord­ den thing1 but a culmination of our teaching, of our ance with the law. These theological H. Rieger, pastor, gave a novel social Published semi-mont hly by the Undeveloped Evangelistic Resources praying, of our personal work in behalf of our courses are the vital nerve of these which bore the name of "Dollar Party.': churches as it solves the provision of It was not only a success socially but GERMAN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY l\ SURVEY made among the Sunday school scholars.
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