DOCUMENT RESUME ED 028 055 RE 001 648 By-Summers, Edward C.. Comp. Recent Doctoral Dissertation Research in Reading, Supplement 1. ERIC/CRIER ReadingReview Series, Volume 2, Bibliography 14. Indiana Univ., Bloomington. ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading. Spons Agency-Office of Education (DHEW). WashingtAn, D.C. Bureau of Research. Pub Date Mar 69 Note- 178p. EDRS Price MF-S0.75 HC-S9.00 Descriptors-AdultPrograms,*AnnotatedBibliographies,*Bibliographies.Colleges.*DoctoralTheses. Dementary Schools, Preschool Programs, *Reading Research, Secondary Schools A listing of 344 dissertations completed in colleges and universities since1966 in the areas of preschool. elementary.secondary. college... and adult reading is reported. Volumes 27 and 28 of "Dissertation Abstractswere reviewed, and dissertations on reading were noted. A comprehensive,analytical abstract was prepared by professionals in reading who worked from the summaryreported for each dissertation. As much as possible of the procedures.design. and condusions of each investigation was included in the abstract.Each entry includes complete bibliographic data and information for ordering copies.Copies of any dissertation listed in the bibliography may be crdered fromUniversity Microfilms. Ann Arbor. Michigan. in positive microfilm or bound ,xerographic form.(CM) Ar NAIN MEI Ar a a ANEWArA. Air Recent Doctoral DissertationResearch in Reading Supplement 1 Compiled by Edward G. Summers Indiana University ERIC/CRIER READING REVIEW SERIES Volume 2 Bibliography 14 Recent Doctoral Dissectation Research in Reading Supplement 1 Compiled by Edward G. Summers Indiana University U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION $i WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON ON ORGANIZATION ORIGINATIrG IT. POINTS OFVIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARily REPRESENT OFFICIALOFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION 01 POLICY. March 1969 The ERIC Clearinghouse on Retrieval of Information and Evaluation on Reading is a national clearinghouse which collects, organises, analyzes, and disseminates significant research, information, and materials on read- ing to teachers, administrators, researchers, and the public. ERIC/CRIER was established as a joint project of the International Reading Association and Indiana University in cooperation with the Educational Resources Infor- mation Center of the USOE.The Clearinghouse is part of a comprehensive information system being developed for the field of education. This bibliography was prepared pursuant to a contract with the Office of Education, U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Con- tractors undertaking such projects under Government sponsorship are en- couraged to express freely their judgment in professional and technical matters. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily repre- sent official Office of Education position or policy. Review Series wascreated to disseminatethe The maciam Reedit% Analysis of infor- information analysisproducts of theClearinghouse. comprehensive mation can takeplace on a broad continuumranging from bibliographies reviews of the stateof the knowledge in agiven area to appear in the of citations on varioustopics. Four genres of documents bibliographies, with ;Aladin& Review Series. The first type includes general interest. The second descriptive abstracts,developed in areas of citations and abstracts, type consists ofbibliographies of citations, or developed on more specifictopics in reading. The third type provides topics in reading using short, interpretive paperswhich analyse specific includes comprehen- the existing informatichlcollection.The final genre examine given topics in sive state-of-the-artmonographs which critically reading over an extendedperiod.of tine. ********4 Recent DoctotalDissertation Researchillteading, Supplement, 1, universities which provides a listing of thesescompleted in colleges and secondary, have pursued research in the areasof preschool, elementary, have been reported college, and adult reading. All dissertations listed Abstracts1 4 publicationof in Volumes XXVII andXXVIII of Dissertation monthly University Microfilms, AnnArbor, Michigan. The Abstracts is a publication which announces summariesof.dissertatioas in cooperation conducting doctoral with the majority of institutionsin the United States programs. reviewed, and theses Relevant issues ofDissertation Abstracts were analytical abstract wasprepared on reading werenoted. A comprehensive /n many instances using the lengthy summaryreported for each dissertation. As much the dissertation itself wasreviewed in preparing theabstract. information as possible onthe procedureso.design,and conclusions of Each entry includescomplete each investigation wasincluded in the abstract. bibliographic data for the thesis. bibliography can be obtained Complete copies of anydissertation in this bound xerographic printi. from University Microfilmsin positive microfilm or prices are included withthe The order number andmicrofilm and xerography citation data for each entryin the bibliography. The order number and Orders Should be author's name must accompany requestsfor dissertations. Road, sent to University Microfilms, AXerox Company, 300 NordiZeeb of $3.00 for any Ann Arbors Michigan 48106. There is a minimum charge applicable taxes. Payments order plus shipping andhandling charges and any billed at the time should not be sent withorders; the purchaser will be dissertations can beobtained of shipment. Further information on ordering by writing UniversityMicrofilms. reading which This bibliography lists andabstracts dissertations in ERIC/CRIER has also have appeared in seraUon Abstracosince 1966. Reading, which lists published Recent DoctoralDissertation Research in reading completed in and abstracts 379 dissertationsin the field of iii avail- colleges and universitiesfrom 1960 to 1966.This bibliography is from the ERIC Document able in microfiche andhard copy reproductions microfiche $2.00, Reproduction Service. The order number is ED 012693, research related to hard copy $11.05. Another compilation of doctoral 1960, is also reading, listing over 700theses completed from 1919 to 19194960, ED 011 4G6, available from EDRS: Doctoral Studies in Readina, microfiche $0.50, hard copy$4.50. The address for the ERICDocument Reproduction Service is: EDRS/NCR, The National CashRegister Company, HU, Payments must accompany 4936 Fairmont Amenue,Bethesda, Maryland 20014. $0.50 to orders totaling less than$5.00. Add a handling charge of be added or tax exemption all orders. Applicable state sales taxes must ordering and an order certificates submitted. Complete information on blank can be obtained by writingEDRS/NCR. 6707 Aaron, Robert Lamar. "A Study of the Relationships of Certain Student Characteristics to the Achievement Gains ofSelected Disabled Readers Who Participated in the Georgia SummerReading Program," ld.D., The University of Georgia, 1967. Major Professor: I. I. Aaron, Vol. XXVIII, NO. 6, 21324. (Order No. 67-16, 192, Microfilm $3.60; Xero- graphy $12.60, 277 pages.) This study evaluated the effects of a7-week summer reading program on the reading achievementof first, second, and third graders. Two hundred and eighty-eight disabled readers, 158 who wereinstructed and 130 who were not instructed, were studied. Pupil family and teacher characteristics were collected on this sample and on72 successful achievers selected by the study teachers. The study revealed that disabled readers who received summer reading instructiongained more in reading vocabulary and in total reading score overthe summer period than disabled readers who did not receive the instruction. After summer reading instruction, boys were not significantlydifferent from girls in gains made in reading vocabulary, readingcomprehension, and total reading score. In the following school year, thesummer-instructed children did not show any significant gain inreading skill over children who were similarly disabled but did not have the summerinstruction. Disabled readers had significantly more brothersand sisters, did sig- nificantly less reading at home, and ownedsignificantly fewer books . than successful achievers. Male disabled readers expressed a stronger like for school than female disabled readers. 6708 Aaronson, Albert Jack."An Investigation into theRelationship between Maternal Attitudes toward Child Rearing and .theSuccess of Boys in Reading," Ph.D., New York University, 1966. Chairman: Dan Dodson, Vol. XXVII, No. 8, 23324. (Order NO. 67-106, Microfiln $3.00; Xero- graphy $5.60, 112 pages.) The 50 most successful boy readers and the50 least successful boy readers were selected from 19 second-grade classesin a suburban school district. The Parent Attitude Research Instrument by Schaifer and Bell was administered to the mothers ofthese boys in order to investigate the relationship of the mothers' attitudestoward child rearing to the success of boys in beginning reading.Mothers of less successful readers scored significantly higher onStrictness and Avoid- ance of Communication.A difference at a level of trend was found for the attitude described as Inconsideratenessof Nusbaid. Differences between the groups appeared to be more in the organisationof attitudes than in the strength of any particular attitude. 1 6709 Abel, Louise Williams. "Social and Moral Values Presented in Children's Textbooks," M.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1966. Vol. XXVII, No. 3, 6954. (Order No. 66-8238, Microfilm $3.00; Xerography $5.80, 120 pages.)
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