92 ALL-AMERICANS • 12 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS • 21 CONFERENCE TITLES GAME INFORMATION GAMEGAME 10:10: ALABAMA (9-0,(9-0, 6-0 SEC)SEC) Opponent: Mississippi State Bulldogs Site: Davis Wade Stadium (55,082) Series: Alabama leads, 72-18-3 VS. MISSISSIPPI STATE (4-5,(4-5, 2-3 SEC)SEC) TV: ESPN ATURDAY OV P M Brad Nessler, Todd Blackledge & Erin Andrews S , N . 14 • 6 . • ESPN Radio: Crimson Tide Sports Network DAVIS WADE STADIUM (55,082) • STARKVILLE, MISS. WFFN-FM (95.3) - Tuscaloosa Eli Gold, Phil Savage & Barry Krauss Satellite Radio: Channels: XM - 200; SIRIUS - 218 THE GAME:GAME: The No. 3 UniversitUniversityy of Alabama football team travels 83 miles up highhigh-- National Radio: None wayway 82 SaturdaSaturday,y, November 14, for a Southeastern Conference showdown with Dan Mullen’s Mississippi State BulldBulldogs.ogs. It will be the 94th meetimeetingng between the two WHAT’S INSIDE schools, but onlyonly the 19th meeting in Starkville. The game is scheduled to kick off Media Services 2 at 6 pp.m..m. and will be broadcast to a national audience on ESPN with Brad Nessler, Defensive Notes 4-5 Todd Blackledge and Erin Andrews calling the action. Eli Gold, Phil Savage and BarrBarryy Off ensive Notes 5-8 Krauss will have the radio call on the Crimson Tide SportsSports NetworkNetwork.. Special Teams Notes 8-9 Awards and Honors 9-10 HEAD COACHCOACH NICK SABAN: AlabamaAlabama headhead coachcoach NickNick SabanSaban (Kent State, 1973) is in Team Notes 10-12 hishis tthirdhird season witwithh tthehe Crimson TiTide.de. He was namenamedd tthehe scschool’shool’s 27t27thh hheadead coaccoachh Opponent Notes 12 on January 3, 2007. SabanSaban hashas compiledcompiled a 119-50-1 (.703) recorrecordd as a cocollegiatellegiate hheadead Coach Saban 13-14 coachcoach withwith a 28-8 (.778) markmark at AAlabamalabama tthathat incincludesludes an 9-0 recorrecordd tthishis yeyearar witwithh Rosters and Depth Chart 18-20 a 6-0 markmark in thethe SEC. He capturecapturedd hhisis 100t100thh career win anandd coaccoachedhed hhisis 150t150thh game Last Time it Happened: 21-24 as a collegiatecollegiate hheadead coaccoachh dduringuring tthehe 2008 campaign. In 2003, SabanSaban lleded LSU to a 13-1 recordrecord andand thethe BCS NationaNationall CChampionship.hampionship. OveraOverall,ll, SaSabanban hhasas coaccoachedhed tthreehree ALABAMAALABAMA CRIMSCRIMSONON TIDE ((9-0,9-0, 6-6-00 SECSEC)) conferenceconference championship teams (1990 Mid-American, 2001 SEC and 2003 SEC) and nine ofof his 12 teams have playedplayed in post-seasonpost-season bowl ggamesames with Alabama alreadalreadyy Sept.Sept. 5 vs. Virginiaginia Tech (7/7)(7/7) Atlanta,Atlanta, Ga.Ga. (ABC)(ABC) W,W, 34-2434-24 SSept.ept. 12 FFloridalorida InternationaInternationall TuscaTuscaloosaloosa (PPV)(PPV) W,W, 40-1440-14 bowl eligible this season. Saban is one ofof two (Bob Stoops) current Football Bowl Sept.Sept. 19 North Texas Tuscaloosa (SEC)(SEC) W, 53-753-7 Subdivision coaches to coach forfor at least 10 years and not susuffff er a losing season. SepSept.t. 26 *Arkansas*Arkansas Tuscaloosa (CBS)(CBS) W, 35-735-7 Oct.Oct. 3 *at KentucKentuckyky LLexington,exington, KyKy.. (SEC)(SEC) W, 38-2038-20 RANKINGS:RANKINGS: The Crimson Tide is ranked No. 3 in both pollspolls this week followingfollowing a 224-4- OOct.ct. 10 *at Mississippi (20/16)(20/16) Oxford,Oxford, Miss. (CBS)(CBS) W, 22-322-3 15 win over No. 9 LSU. Alabama has been ranked as highhigh as No. 1 in the AP pollpoll and Oct.Oct. 1717 *South*South CarolinaCarolina (22/22)(22/22) TuscaloosaTuscaloosa (ESPN)(ESPN) W,W, 20-620-6 No. 2 in the coaches’ pollpoll this season. UA garneredgarnered 11 fi rst-place votes in the APP poll OcOct.t. 24 *T*Tennesseeennessee TusTuscaloosacaloosa (CBS)(CBS) W,W, 12-1012-10 and seven in the coaches’ pollpoll this week. Alabama was ranked fi fth in both the Asso-Asso- Nov.Nov. 7 *LSU*LSU (9/9)(9/9) TuscaloosaTuscaloosa (CBS)(CBS) W, 24-1524-15 ciatedciated PressPress andand USA Todayy Coaches’ preseason polls. It was the hihighestghest preseason Nov.Nov. 14 *at MississippiMississippi State Starkville,Starkville, Miss. (ESPN)(ESPN) 6 p.m.p.m. rankingranking for the Tide since the 2000 season when Alabama openedopened at No. 3. NNov.ov. 21 Tennessee-CTennessee-Chattanoogahattanooga TuscaTuscaloosaloosa TTBABA NNov.ov. 27 *at Auburn Auburn, Ala. (CBS)(CBS) 1:30 p.m. DDec.ec. 5 vs. Florida (SEC Championship)Championship) Atlanta,Atlanta, Ga. (CBS)(CBS) 3 pp.m..m. MISSISSIPPIMISSISSIPPI STATESTATE SERIES:SERIES: AlabamaAlabama holds a 72-18-3 lead over MississippiMississippi State in *Conference*Conference Game - All Times are CentraCentrall a series that dates back to the 1896 season. The series is tied for the second-longestsecond-longest runningrunning series in thethe AlabamaAlabama recordrecord bookbook withwith thethe 2009 season markingmarking tthehe 62n62ndd MISSISSIPPI STATE BULLDOGSBULLDOGS (4-5,(4-5, 2-3 SEC) consecutive year the two teams will play, having met each year since 1948. The two Sept.Sept. 5 JacksonJackson State StarStarkville,kville, MiMiss.ss. (ESPNU)(ESPNU) W, 45-745-7 border rivals, whose campuses are just 83 miles apart, are meeting fforor the 94th time SepSept.t. 12 *at Auburn Auburn, Ala. (FSN)(FSN) L, 24-4924-49 this weekend in Starkville. Alabama has playedplayed more games (93) and has more wins Sept.Sept. 19 *at Vanderbilt Nashville,Nashville, Tenn.Tenn. (FSN)(FSN) W, 15-315-3 (72)(72) againstagainst MississippiMississippi State tthanhan anyany otherother opponent.opponent. AlabamaAlabama snappedsnapped a two-two- SSept.ept. 26 *LSU StarStarkville,kville, MisMiss.s. (SEC)(SEC) L, 26-3026-30 gamegame series losinglosing streakstreak withwith a 32-7 victoryvictory llastast season in Tuscaloosa.Tuscaloosa. OOct.ct. 3 GeorGeorgiagia Tech Starkville, Miss.Miss. (CSS)(CSS) L,L, 31-4231-42 OOct.ct. 10 Houston StarkvilleStarkville,, MiMiss.ss. (ESPNU)(ESPNU) L,L, 24-3124-31 NEXTNEXT GGAME:AME: The Crimson Tide returns home to faceface Tennessee-Chattanooga in Oct.Oct. 17 at Middle Tennessee Murfreesboro,Murfreesboro, Tenn.Tenn. (ESPNU)(ESPNU) W, 27-627-6 their fi nal non-conferencenon-conference ggameame ofof the 2009 season on Saturday,Saturday, Nov. 21. Alabama OOct.ct. 24 *Florida StarkvilleStarkville,, MMiss.iss. (SEC)(SEC) L, 19-2919-29 hashas won allall 10 gamesgames in thethe series againstagainst thethe Mocs, includingincluding a 7-0 recordrecord in Tusca-Tusca- OOct.ct. 31 *at Kentucky Lexington, Ky. (FSN)(FSN) W,W, 31-2431-24 Nov.Nov. 14 *A*Alabamalabama StarStarkville,kville, MissMiss.. (ESPN)(ESPN) 6 p.m. loosaloosa andand a 3-0 markmark in Birmingham.Birmingham. TheThe lastlast meeting betweenbetween tthehe two scschoolshools was Nov.Nov. 21 *at Arkansas Little Rock, Ark. TBA a 42-13 Crimson Tide win in 1994 at Legion Field in Birmingham. It is the fi rst time in NNov.ov. 28 *Missis*Mississippisippi Starkville, Miss. TBTBAA 50 years that Chattanooga will travel to Bryant-Denny Stadium, afterafter ffallingalling to the *Conference*Conference Game - All Times are CentraCentrall TideTide 13-013-0 in 1959.1959. 1 CRIMSON TIDE FOOTBALL MEDIA SERVICES (Mississippi(Mississippi St.St.)) MONDAYMONDAY TUESDAYTUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAYFRIDAY SATURDAYSATURDAY SUNDAYSUNDAY MediaMedia DayDay PracticePractice SECSEC CCoachesoaches ClosedClosed PracticePractice WalkthroughWalkthrough MississippiMississippi St. Off DayDay 1212 p.m.p.m. - CoacCoachh SaSabanban 3:453:45 p.m.p.m. - ViewinViewingg TeTeleconferenceleconference 4 p.m.p.m. ClosedClosed (ESPN)(ESPN) 12:30 p.m. - PePeriodriod No Media AvailabilityAvailability No Media AvailabilityAvailability 6 P.M. CT 10:3510:35 a.ma.m.. SeSelectedlected PlayersPlayers 6 p.mp.m.. - Selected Players PracticePractice CSSCSS REPLAYREPLAY PracticePractice 3:453:45 p.m. 8 p.mp.m.. 4 p.m. ViewinViewingg PerioPeriodd ViewinViewingg PeriodPeriod 55:45:45 p.m. - CoacCoachh SaSabanban No MeMediadia AvailabilityAvailability 6 p.m. - PlayersPlayers MONDAYMONDAY TTHURSDAYHURSDAY 1122 p.m. CT - Coach Saban Press Conference – AlabaAlabamama head coach NiNickck SSabanaban 33:50:50 pp.m..m. CT – CClosedlosed Practice at TThomas-Drewhomas-Drew Practice FaciFacility.lity. will be available to the media for his weekly press conference in the Naylor Stone (NO MEDIA AVAILABLITLAVAILABLITLY)Y) Media Room in the Mal Moore BuildBuildinging at 12 p.m. The audio of Coach Saban’s me- dia briefi ng can also be heard by teleconference by calling (800) 973-1544. Se- 7 pp.m..m. CT – Nick Saban Radio Show at Buff alo Wild WinWingsgs llectedected plplayersayers tthathat hhaveave bbeeneen requesterequestedd 24 hhoursours in aadvancedvance wiwillll bbee avaiavailablelable in tthehe Naylor Stone Media Room following Coach Saban’s press conference at 12:30 p.m. FRIFRIDAYDAY PPlayerlayer requests sshouldhould bbee mamadede by e-maie-mailingling JJoshosh MaxsoMaxsonn (([email protected])[email protected]) CClosedlosed WaWalkthrough.lkthrough. (NO MEDIA AVAILABILITY) or cacallinglling (205) 348-7496 no llaterater tthanhan 5 p.m. CDT on SunSunday.day. SSATURDAYATURDAY MONMONDAYDAY PRPRESSESS COCONFERENCENFERENCE SCHSCHEDULEEDULE PPostgameostgame highlight feeds are available through the University of Alabama fol- 1122 pp.m..m. CoacCoachh SaSabanban lowlowinging all home football games. Coordinates will be available a week priprioror to 112:302:30 p.m. SelectedSelected PlayersPlayers ththee game. 3:303:30 pp.m..m. CT – Crimson Tide Video UplinkUplink – Horizons 2, TransponderTransponder 11 ((12120)12120) ON THE ININTERNETTERNET (Coach Saban and Selected Players).Players). RolRollTide.comlTide.com
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