Pond, Tbny. "Side by Side: Save Time and Money by Information Media & Technology. 22:l (January 1989), Printing Pages TWO-Up with Ventura Publisher." Pub- pp. 21-24. lish! 4:5 (May 1989), pp. 71-72. "Publish! 1988 Desktop Publishing Buyers Guide." Poor, Alfred. "Add-In Boards for the HP LaserJet": Publish! 3:9 (September 1988), pp. 63-138. Post-Purchase Postscript. Adding Postscript to your LaserJet Is More Than Just an Inexpensive Way to Get Publishing with Ventura, Version 2.0. Solona Beach, CA: Fancy Typesetting. The Speed Improvement over an Paining Specialties, 1989. (6 audiocassettes, 45 mins; Apple Laserwriter Can Be Startling." PC Magazine. videotape, 30 mins; 205-page manual) 8:7 (April 11,1989), pp. 205-228. Rahtz, Sebastian. "Database Systems for Textual Data: ----------. "Battling Babel: Word Processing Format An Experiment with Gravestones." Literary & Linguis- Conversion. Preserving Your Formatting Commands tic Computing. 3:l (1988), pp. 32-35. As You Move among Word Processors Is the Forte of These Four Format-Conversion Programs." PCMaga- Randall, Neil. "Determining Literariness in Interac- zine. 8:s (April 25, 1989), pp. 141-144, 149-155. (re- tive Fiction." Computers and the Humanities. 22:3 views of R-DoclX, Version 5.1a; Software Bridge, Version (1988), pp. 183-191. 3.11; Word for Word, Version 4.00, and Word- Link, Version 2.0) Raskin, Robin. "Professional Publishing Moves to the PC." PC Week. 6:13 (April 3, 1989), pp. 101-103.. Porter-Kuchay, Suzanne. "Publishing Adventures with (divided task or group approach to desktop publishing) Ventura Publisher." Proceedings. 35th International Technical Cornmumiation Conference, Philadelphia, PA, Raymond, Darrell R. and Frank Wm. Tbmpa. "Hy- May 10-13,1988. Washington, DC: Society for Techni- pertext and the Oxford English Dictionary: Hypertext cal Communication, 1988, pp. VC76-VC78. Databases Can Be Produced by Converting Existing Text Documents to Electronic Form. The Basic Task in Poswick, R.-Ferdinand. "MIKRAH-COMPUCORD: A Conversion Is Identification of Fragments. We Illus- Linguistic Database on a Microcomputer for the Ma- trateThat This Is Not Always a Straightforward Process soreticText of the Bible." Literary & Linguistic Comput- with an Analysis of the Oxford English Dictionary." ing. 3:3 (1988), pp. 152-157. Communicationsof theACM. 31:7 (July 1988),pp. 871- 879. Potter, C D. "Do Engineers Need Desktop Publishing?" Computer-Aided Engineering. 7:6 ( June 1988), pp. 28- Read, Stephen. "Logical Text-Processingin Philosophy 34. Courses." Humanities Communication Newsletter. No. 10. (1988). pp. 22-23. Potter, Rosanne G. "Literary Criticism and Literary Computing: The Difficulties of a Synthesis." Comput- Reed, W. Michael. "Problem-Solving, Writing Theory, ers and the Humanities. 22:2 (1988), pp. 91-97. and Composing Process Software." Computers in the Schools. 4:3/4. (Fall-Winter 1987-1988), pp. 179-189. Presley, E. C. "Computers and Composition: Integrat- (focus on Writer's Helper) ing Computers into the English Curriculum." Proceed- ings 8th Annual TCEA State Conference: Technology Reis, Charlie. "IBM Software Review: Publisher's Type across the Curriculum. (Dallas, TX. February 24-27, Foundry. If You Want to Create Logos, a Few Special 1988). Austin, TX: Texas Computer Education Asso- Characters, or Even a Whole New Typeface, This Pro- ciation, 1988, pp. 127. gram Is a Marvel." Personal Publishing. 4:7 (August 1988), pp. 40-43,46-51. Priesmeyer, H. Richard. "Integrating Educational Software and Textbook Development." Academic Com- Rettig, Marc and Madelaine Bates. "How to Choose puting. 3:2 (September-October 1988), pp. 32-33,50- Natural Language Software." AI Expert. 3:7 (July 51. 1988), pp. 40-49. Pritchard, John A. T "Optical Character Recognition Reyle, U. and C. Rohrer. Natural Language Parsingand (OCR) and Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR)." Linguistic Theories. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic, 1988. 26- RWPN, May '89 Ristroph, J. H. "Multi-System Font Generation." Roth, Steve. "Ventura Tlirns Two: Ventura Just Gets Computers and Indusm'al Engineering: 10th Annual Better and Better--but Now It's Been Split into a Base Conference for Computers and Indusm'al Engineering. Version and a Hefty Add-on That Total a Steep $1500." (Dallas, TX: March 23-25,1988), pp. 467-474. PC World. 7:2 (February 1989), pp. 106-109. Rivera, Christine. "Champagne Documents on a Beer Rubens, Philip. "Desktop Publishing: Technology and Budget: You Don't Need an Expensive Desktop Pub- the Tfechnical Communicator." Technical Communica- lishing Package to Get Good Results from a Laser tion. 354 (November 1988), pp. 296-299. Printer. You Can Get the Same Results with a High- End Word Processor. Here's How to Do It." Informa- Rubinsky, Yuri and Philip L. Lehman. "Markup Lan- tion Center. 4:10 (October 1988), pp. 16-22. guage Creates Blueprint for Style, Format." Govem- ment Computer News. 7 (June 24,1988), p. 73-74. Robey, Bruce. "Thne Up VenturaPublisher with Power- ful Utility Programs." Typeworld. 13:7 (First April Rundel, Robert D. "JUrbofonts: The Quest for the 1989), pp. 11-13. (reviews of Vtune 1.0, PubStar 1.0, Ultimate Scientific Word-Processing System Continues." Mickey 1.0, and dataTAG) Science Software. 4:2 (April-June 1988), pp. 186-189. Roblyer, M. D.; William H. Castine, and F. J. King. Ruplin, Ferdinand and John Russell. "On Generating "How Effective Is Word Processing in Improving Writ- a German Lexicon." CALICOJournal. 5:4 (June 1988), ing Skills?" Computers in the Schools: Special Issue, pp. 51-62. Assessing the Impact of Computer-Based Instruction. 5:3/4 (1988), pp. 100-103. Ruus, Hanne. "Lexical Data Structures." Literary & Linguistic Computing. 3:3 (1988), pp. 169-176. Rodgers, Richard T "WordPerfect 5.0 Is 'Worth the Wait.'" The Lawyer's PC. 522(August 15,1988), pp. 1- Saffo, Paul. "Publishing Moves beyond the Desktop." 8. Personal Computing. 13:2 (February 1989), pp. 67-72. ---------- . "Automated Calendaring with Wordperfect ---------- . "Desktop Publishing: What's Beyond Paper?' Library" The Lawyer's PC. 6:11 (March 1,1989), pp. 1- Personal Computing. 12:12 (December 1988), pp. 69- 5. 74. Romano, Frank. Desktop Typography with Quark Xpress. ---------- . "The Book on Micropublishing." Personal Blue Ridge Summit, PA: "BibtWindcrest, 1989. Computing. 12:9 (September 1988), pp. 71-72,74. Rosch, WinnL. "APostScript Primer: What It Is, How ---------- . "Desktop Publishing: Backward into the It Works." PC Week. 541 (October 10,1988), p. Sflo. Future." Personal Computing. 12:7 (Julyl988), pp. 59- 60.62. Rosenbaum, Daniel J. "Dial M for Modem, Part 1: The World at Your Fingertips. Catch Up with the Latest in Sagman, Stephen. "Several WP Firms Pioneer True On-Line Information Resources." Publish! 3:6 (June WYSIWYG." PC Week. 552 (December 26, 19881 1988), pp. 46-51. January 2, 1989), p. 63. (focused on Windows-based word processing) Rosenbaum, Daniel J. "Word Processors "Bike on Desktop-Publishing Features." PC Week: Supplement Sakamura, Ken "Multi-Language Character Sets Han- on Desktop Publishing. 6:4 (January 30, 1989), pp. S3- dling in TAD." TRONProject 1987: Open-Architecture S5. Computer Systems. Proceedings of the Third TRON Project Symposium. ed. Ken Sakamura. Tbkyo: Sprin- Rosenthal, Steve. "Buyers' Guide: PC Text Databases ger-Verlag 1987, pp. 97-111. (TAD is TRON Applica- Are Luring Users." PC Week. 548 (November 28, tion Databus) 1988), pp. 95-99. Salkind, Neil J. WordPerfect for the Macintosh. Blue Roth, Steve. "PageMaker at Three: The Program We Ridge Summit, PA: "Bib Books, 1988. Dreamed about Three Years Ago Is Almost Here." Personal Publishing. 4:10 (November 1988). DO. 64-73 RWPN, May '89-27 Salton, Gerard. Automatic TextProcessing:the Jransfor- Went." MACazine. 512 (December 1988), pp. 74-75. motion, Analysis, and Retrieval of Information by Com- puter. Reading, MA Addison-Wesley, 1988. Sears, Richard. "Computer Sessions within the Com- position Classroom: A Report from a Berea College Sans, John C. Handbook of Desktop Publishing: A Computer Workshop." The Computer-Assisted Com- Guidefor Business andProfesswnal People. Piano, TX: position Journal. 3:2 (Winter 1989), pp. 62-67. Wordware, 1988. Sebestyen, Istvan. "Emerging Telematic Standards to Sarno, Lauren. "Treat Your Network Well: Publishing Support Text Communication in Europe." Electronic& on a Network with Ventura at Sheanon Lehman Hutton." Optical Publishing Review. 8 (March 1988), pp. 4-12. Corporate Publishing. 2:42-43. (January 30,1989), pp. 5,8. Sedlock, David. "The Natural Language-Data Base Connection." AIExpert. 3:7 (July 1988), pp. 26-36. Sato, T; J.-I. Aoe, and S. Yasutome. "Contextual Knowledge for Summarizing Japanese Texts and Gen- "Seeing a Student's Text as It's Being Created." The erating English Sentences." Proceedings of COMPSAC Chronicle of Higher Education. 3513 (November 23, 88: The Twelfth International Computer Software and 1988), p. A15. Applications Conference. (Chicago, IL: October 5-7, 1988). Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society Segal, Hillel et al. "WordPerfect 5.0: AGiant Set Up-- Press, 1988, pp. 470-471. Or Is That Quicksand Ahead." Executive Computing. (August 1988), pp. 1-7. Schneiker, Henry. "Postscript: Not Just for Macin- toshes."Digital News. 3:12 (June 13,1988), pp. 11,14. Selfe, Cynthia L. and Billie J. Wahlstrom. "Computers and Writing: Casting a Broader Net with Theory and Schneiker, Henry. "Problems with Font Availability." Research." Computersand the Humanities. 22: 1(1988), Digital News. 3:19 (October 3,1988), pp. 21,23. pp. 57-66. Schwartz,
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