Saint Athanasius Church 160 N. Rengstorff Ave. Mountain View, California 94043 e-mail: [email protected] website: www.stathanasiusparish.com Office: (650) 961-8600 Fax: (650) 968-5633 PASTOR Rev. Walter Suarez PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Rolando Santoianni DEACON Rev. Dcn. Leonel Mancilla MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de Misas Vigil (Saturday): 5:30p.m. (English) 7:30p.m. (Español) Sunday (Domingo): 8:00a.m. (English) 9:30a.m. (Español) 11:15a.m. (English) 1:00p.m. (Español) 5:30p.m. (English) Daily Masses/Misas Diarias: (solo en Inglés) Monday - Friday: 6:45a.m., 9:00 a.m. Wednesdays 6:30p.m. Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. Holy Days: 6:45a.m., 9:00a.m., 7:00p.m (Bilingual) RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES Saturday/Sabado: 4:00 - 4:30 p.m. (English) 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. (Español o Inglés) SCRIPTURE READINGS OR anytime by appointment with a priest/ Wisdom 18:6-9 (117C) También con cita. Psalm 33:1, 12, 18-19, 20-22 Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12 Luke 12:32-48 or 12:35-40 SAINT ATHANASIUS MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF This Weekend’s 2nd Collection will be for the FR. ROLANDO SANTOIANNI Pastoral Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. Father Rolando Santoianni was born in Buenos Aires, Ar- Your support makes a real difference in the faith lives of the people in Africa. gentina. After finishing High School he entered the National Thank you. University of Buenos Aires, where he received a degree in Architecture. He worked as an architect for five years, during this time he taught two professorships in the same University; “Architectonic Design I” and Methodology of Design”. After discerning his Religious vocation, he joined the seminary in the Sat (10) 9:00 Arsenio Mercado Regala — Deceased (†) city of San Rafael, Mendoza (Argentina) and was ordained 5:30 Lina Barrientos — Deceased (†) priest on December 8, 1990. He attended the Pontifical Theo- Sun (11) 8:00 Yolando & Estela Monton — Deceased (†) logical Faculty “Marianum” in Roma, Italy, obtaining a licenti- Ezaltina Pereira — Deceased (†) ate in Dogmatic Theology with a specialization in Mariology. 11:15 Pablo Remberto Menjivar — Deceased (†) 5:30 ________________________________________ Pastoral work: 1991 - 1993 Parochial Vicar at “Saint Nicholas of Bari” Mon (12) 6:45 _______________________________________ church in Ponzano Romano, Italy. 9:00 Alan Jacob Villareal — Birthday (B) 1993 - 2003 Parochial Vicar and Parochial Administrator Tue (13) 6:45 ______________________________________ at “Saint Maximilian Kolbe” church in San 9:00 ________________________________________ Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina. Wed (14) 6:45 _____________________________________ 1993 - 2003 Chaplain at “Isabel, the Catholic” school, in 9:00 Merli de Mesa — Deceased (†) Mendoza, Argentina. Thu (15) 6:45 Fidel B. Avanzado, Sr. — Death Anniv. (†) 2003 - 2008 Parochial Vicar at “Our Lady of Peace” 9:00 _______________________________________ Church and Shrine in Santa Clara, CA. Fri (16) 6:45 ________________________________________ 2008 - 2009 Parochial Vicar at “St. Augustine of Canter- 9:00 ________________________________________ bury” Parish in Toronto, Canada. 2009 - 2018 Parochial Vicar at “Immaculate Heart of †—Deceased; T—Thanksgiving; Mary” Parish and as a Parochial Vicar and S.I.—Special Intention; B—Birthday; S– Sick Parochial Administrator at “St. Anthony” Church in Phoenix, Arizona. 2018 Pastor at “St. Michael Archangel” Church in Death Anniversary Remembrance Wauchula, Florida. Week of August 11 May, 2018 Fr. Rolando joined the Diocese of San Jose as John Anzur Andrew Petravoz a Parochial Vicar at “Our Lady of Guada- Maria Guadalupe Camacho Joe Rodriguez lupe” Church in San Jose, CA. Abigail Castaneda William Glenn Rufino Dasalla Juan Romo July 1, 2019 Parochial Vicar at “St. Athanasius” church in Katherine Glenn Robert Straub Mountain View, CA. Howard Hoodman Adelina A. Silva William Armour Mario Francisco Lopez- Fr. Rolando Santoianni was a professor in the seminaries of the Lillian Olsen Medina Religious Institute that he belonged to in Argentina from 1993 Frances Gamberutti to 2003 and in the United States from 2003-2018 in the sub- jects of History of the Church and Mariology. He has written REST IN PEACE many articles and literary collaborations published in maga- Please Pray for the Sick zines and educational books in Argentina and Chile. He has Jim Cesano, Julie Hidalgo, Gloria Ramirez, Ellen Poso, written books such as “Navidad, Historia y Tradición” (2003), Soledad Jara, Danilo Fidel, JoAnne Arnold, Lucile “Imagen e Iconoclasia - Itinerario del Arte Cristiano” (2010) Bianco, Isaura Aguilar, Romulo Prieto, Bernie Barron. Richard Sanchez, and Henry Sanchez . and “Madre y Señora - Viviendo la Perfecta Consagración a Jesucristo según San Luis María Grignion de Montfort” (2017), all of them published in United States. Remember to honor our advertisers listed in the back of the Sunday Bulletin. Remember to tell them you saw their Ad in St. Athanasius Bulletin! 2 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 11, 2019 “Give to the Most High as he has given to you, generously, accord- The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary ing to your means. For the Lord is one who always repays, and he Thursday, August 15, 2019 will give back to you sevenfold” (Sirach) Saturday/Sábado August 3 5:30 PM $552 7:30 PM $666 Sunday / Domingo August 4 8:00AM $1,212 9:30AM $883.44 We will follow our Holy Day Mass Schedule: 11:15AM $1,581 6:45 AM Mass 9:00 AM Mass 1:00 PM $758.75 7 PM Mass (Bilingual) 5:30 PM $578.25 *There will be NO 5:30 PM English Mass Mail In / Por Correo $250 =========== Total $6,481.44 Horario de Misas de días de obligación: Goal / Meta $7,600 Misa de 6:45 AM Variance/ Diferencia <$1,118.56> Misa de 9:00 AM Misa de 7 PM (Bilingüe) 2nd Colletion—Maintenance $2,488.61 *NO habrá Misa de las 5:30 PM en Inglés PARKING LOT REPAIRS Non-Catholic Adults - We can help answer your questions about the Catholic Faith or help you to Thanks to your generous donations to our Maintenance Fund, we will be able to repair, seal and re-stripe our Parking Lot this enter the Church if you are interested. summer! Catholic Adults -- We can help you receive Con- The parking lot will be CLOSED from Monday, August 19 firmation or First Communion if you missed these to Friday, August 23. Weekday Masses will still be held but Sacraments or if you want to update your knowledge of Ca- attendees will have to use the front doors of the church and tholicism We would love to help you on your journey of park on Rengstorff Ave. or in the shopping center on the cor- faith. Our RCIA process begins in September and is based on ner. The same situation will apply to groups using the church or your questions on matters of faith, spirituality, and Catholi- parish hall in the evenings. More information will be forthcom- ing... cism. This educational and Spirit-filled process allows you to proceed at your own pace with no pressure to become Catho- THANK YOU!! lic or receive Sacraments. For registration information, please contact Mike Cavera of our parish staff at (650) 961- The enthusiastic response of so 8600 ext108 or email; [email protected] many parishioners is a wonderful testament to how we reach out to others. Your responses give us confidence that we will contin- Attention Parents! ue to journey in faith and grow in our understanding of what it Catechism Program means to reflect Christ’s love (John 15:9-17). Thank you for your support of this year’s Appeal. Many people, such as you 2019-2020 in our parish have come together to make a difference. Baptism | First Holy Communion | Confirmation | Continuing Education 1st to 12th Grade Saint Athanasius Parish Our Catechetical team will be accepting registration forms ADA Goal $142.282 for this year in the Parish Hall on: Pledged to Date $161,814.25 Sunday, August 11, from 9 AM to 2:30 PM Number of Pledges Received 169 Saturday, August 17, from 6 to 9 PM Collected to Date $141,093.17 Sunday, August 11, from 9 AM to 2:30 PM Uncollected Pledges $20,721.08 We received pledges totaling 113.7% over our Parish Goal!!!! Requirements: Ages 6-17 years old. Birth certificate, Baptism Please do not forget to continue sending your pledge install- Certificate, Registration Fee (includes books and materials). ments. The deadline for registration for this year’s program is Fri- day, September 20th. Classes begin in September 29. REMINDER: Please contact Deacon Leonel Mancilla, our Director of Reli- Our Parish Office is always CLOSED on Mondays. gious Education at (650) 961-8600 Ext 111, if you have ques- Please reserve your MASS INTENTIONS ahead of time, preferably two weeks in advance. tions about this year's Religious Education Program. 3 BOLETIN HISPANO REV. ROLANDO SANTOANNI ¡Muchas felicidades a nuestros 49 campis- El Padre Rolando Santoianni nació en Buenos Aires tas y 27 consejeros del campamento bíblico (Argentina). Luego de sus estudios secundarios ingresó a la de verano, quienes experimentaron la bon- dad de Dios en la vida salvaje del Safari. Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires obteniendo el título de Nuestros niños participaron de la Santa arquitecto. Trabajó en la profesión por cinco años y durante ese Misa todos los días, disfrutaron de música, tiempo también enseñó en dos cátedras en la misma Universi- skits, manualidades, y comieron nutritivos dad: “Diseño Arquitectónico I” y Metodología del Diseño”. y deliciosos bocadillos, siempre guiados por el Espíritu Santo. Habiendo decidido su vocación religiosa entró al seminario en Queremos agradecer de forma muy especial al Padre Walter, al la ciudad de San Rafael, Mendoza (Argentina) y fue ordenado Padre Rolando, al Diácono Leonel, a Rosa Mancilla y al per- sacerdote el 8 de diciembre de 1990.
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