E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 2015 No. 102 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was victory for the American worker and pass will assert Congress’s authority called to order by the President pro the American middle class. It was not throughout the trade negotiation proc- tempore (Mr. HATCH). easy. Many thought it would never ess. It will ensure that we have the f happen. We even saw corks pop in the tools we need to properly scrutinize facts-optional lobby a few weeks ago. whatever trade agreements are ulti- PRAYER But that proved to be premature be- mately negotiated. It will make clear The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- cause here is what we have always that the final say rests with us. fered the following prayer: known about the legislation we will We had plenty of bumps along the Let us pray. vote to send to the President today. It road—frankly, a few big potholes, too— Eternal Lord God, sustainer of na- is underpinned by a simple but power- but we worked across the aisle to get tions, continue to heal our land. We ful idea: For American workers to have through all of them. That is an exam- claim Your promise that if people of a fair shot in the 21st-century econ- ple of how a new Congress is back to faith will humble themselves and fer- omy, it makes sense to remove the un- work for the American people. I thank vently seek You in prayer as they turn fair barriers that discriminate against everyone who helped us get where we from evil, that You will hear their them and the products they make. are. Now let’s vote again to support the intercession, forgive their sins, and Some may disagree. They certainly American worker and the American heal their land. were not quiet in voicing their opin- middle class by approving the bipar- Use our lawmakers as instruments of ions. It is OK if they do not share our tisan TPA bill. unity. As they model the bridge build- passion for ending this unfair discrimi- f ing necessary to bring harmony and nation against American workers. It is CYBER SECURITY healing to nations, may their positive OK if they would rather rail against example transform lives. Lord, lead our them tomorrow. But a bipartisan coali- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on Senators in righteous paths that will tion in the House and the Senate another matter, here is a headline from keep our Nation strong. Equip them to thought it was time for forward an Associated Press article that ran conduct the work of freedom with jus- progress instead. yesterday: ‘‘Federal Agencies Are Wide tice and humility. We were very pleased to see Presi- Open to Hackers, Cyberspies.’’ That Teach us all to disagree without dent Obama pursue an idea we have headline is scary enough, but read just being disagreeable, to seek to under- long believed in. We thank him for his a little further, and it gets even worse. stand before being understood, to plant efforts to help us advance this meas- Passwords written down on desks. Out- seeds of love to counteract hate, and to ure. We thank all of our friends across dated anti-virus software. ‘‘Perceived inepti- sow seeds of hope to eliminate despair. the aisle for their efforts, too, Senator tude’’ in information-technology depart- We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen. ments. WYDEN most of all. Over in the House, The federal government, which holds se- f I commend Speaker BOEHNER and crets and sensitive information ranging from PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman RYAN for everything they nuclear blueprints to the tax returns of hun- have done. It hasn’t been easy, and dreds of millions of Americans, has for years The President pro tempore led the without them it would not have been failed to take basic steps to protect its data Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: possible. Of course, let me thank Chair- from hackers and thieves, records show. In I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the the latest example, the Office of Personnel man ORRIN HATCH for demonstrating Management is under fire for allowing its United States of America, and to the Repub- such patience, persistence, and deter- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, databases to be plundered by suspected Chi- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. mination throughout this process. He nese cyberspies in what is being called one of never lost sight of the goal. He never f the worst breaches in U.S. history. OPM re- gave up. The people of Utah are lucky peatedly neglected to implement basic cy- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY to have him. bersecurity protections, its internal watch- LEADER The Senate’s work on trade does not dog told Congress. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. end today. I said the Senate would fin- Let me repeat that—‘‘one of the PAUL). The majority leader is recog- ish pursuing the rest of the full trade worst breaches in U.S. history.’’ If you nized. package, and it will. We will take an- are looking for something scary to tell f other cloture vote today to that end. the kids around the campfire tonight, I That process continues. But the key would suggest reading the rest of the TRADE victory for American workers and article. It gets a lot worse. To call this Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, yes- products stamped ‘‘Made in the U.S.A.’’ alarming would be quite an understate- terday’s TPA vote was a long-overdue comes today. The bill we are about to ment. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S4557 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:01 Jun 25, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JN6.000 S24JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4558 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 24, 2015 So when the head of the agency that curity. I have known that for many of 33 short-term extensions forced upon allowed that big breach to happen tes- years, and we have tried. Why have we us by the Republicans in the Senate— tified before a Senate subcommittee not done something on it? Because of 33. How can these agencies plan ahead? yesterday, you would think she would filibusters by the Republicans. We had They can’t. have come with a detailed action plan. a bill that had been worked on for Before this crisis becomes full-blown, You would think she would have an- years that we brought before the Sen- Democrats want to work with Repub- nounced that heads were rolling. You ate. But instructions were given from licans on a long-term reauthorization would think she said this could never the Chamber of Commerce, and the Re- of the highway program. I know there ever be allowed to happen again under publicans dutifully walked down here are Members of the majority who want her watch. That is what the American and voted no, stopping us from moving to do something about this. people expect when a breach happens in forward on the bill. The Chamber The Presiding Officer has a plan to the private sector and information is said—and obviously Republicans take care of highways. Is it a perfect stolen. Why should they not expect as agreed—this is not something for the plan? Of course it is not perfect, but it much from the public sector? But what government. It should be done in- sure is a good step forward to do some- did we hear instead? World-class buck- house. thing about this program, something passing. World-class buck-passing. A Well, my friend the Republican lead- that is long term. complete lack of accountability and er rails against the government, but he This crisis is about jobs, hundreds of urgency. That tired and predicable ex- should also understand that this is a thousands, if not millions, of high-pay- cuse that the absence of leadership can situation which involves the private ing construction jobs throughout the be solved by throwing a few more dol- sector also. We could name 25 compa- country. That is why we challenged the lars at the problem. nies, 50 companies, 100 companies that Republican leader to move forward Well, Congress can certainly look at have been hacked and hacked very with a robust, long-term surface trans- the funding angle. I know we will. But badly, not the least of which are Sony portation bill ahead of that deadline. I am pleased Republicans have joined as we learned yesterday, it was not just and Target. with Democrats to schedule a mark- the old stuff that was breached, it was It is hard for me to comprehend that up—in fact, it is going on right now in the new stuff, too. More money is not my friend, my counterpart, is here the Environment and Public Works going to solve a management problem, talking about the need to do something Committee—on a 6-year surface trans- about cyber security when he is the either. Let’s be honest. This appears portation bill. This, of course, is an au- leader of the Republicans who have primarily to be a management prob- thorization only, but what terrific lem.
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