•• 1 1 •; I- '••"• '•:•;> PAGE TWELVE WEDNESDAY, MAT 29, 184G RAHWAT PAGE-T! Railway Girl Aids Now Pipe Laying SCOUT MOTHERS SON IS HONORED AT from Rahway taking part in V NAME OFFICERS BIRTHDAY PARTY program were: Mrs. Lester The Least We Can Do G. I. Loans The third birthday anniversary School Activities Officers named by UWMothers' Bodwell #and children RAHW&T Rat Studied Bv Board of C. Alan Frederick, son of Mr. Dorothea and Carolyn. Mi^Tf? 14 Club of Troop 40, B/y Scouls, at (Continued from Paee Ten) and Mrs. C. P. Frederick, of 125 the annual mec-t/rTJrneld with Mrs. ford'McGarry and children' P, Is To Visit Their Craves Water Commissioners in Study of West Cherry street was celebrated i470 Broad Stn i Lorraine Ma pet Promi- William Oppenieimer. 580 Sem- sell and Lois, Mrs. Frank ci SUPPORT THE UI r.o further labor disputes will hold during a recent party for young publtoted *. \\ urk Mains inary avenui-Xaie as follows:, and children, Margaret and Entered at the I • i _ in at up production of bulldinc mater- j folks, relatives and friends. Those way THURSDAY. MAY 30th President. M/s. Robert Thomp- JEWISH RELIEF anflcr the acto ; (lollegr Rahway Board of 'Water N ial for low-cost housing, the nous- | M>ri: smx-pros!dent. Mrs. Oppen- ins picture should brighten with- AND DECORATE THEM WITI1 Commissioners are studying bids lieimcr; sL-rretary. Mrs. Richard nnnnnnnininniinnnni: APPEAL One of the outsta-ndintf leaders presented by a number of con- Andrrsun: treasurer. Mrs. .Maurice in the next 12 to 15 months. Am- THE ROUNDSMAN In various activities durinc the cerns for laying iron pipe.s rc- Moran and trustees, Mrs. M. E. erica's vct.eru.ns have been ex- fiScy past year at the Southern Semin- placini^ present concreU' mains tremely patient in the face of pub- High School graduates Increase Keut© ftccotb $1.50. Single Cadett and Mrs Kdwaid* Grmie>. ary. Buena Vista. Va.. has been and for makyi;: branch connec- Mb. Ltioy Thomp-on \\.i>, ;»1- lic and official indifferences to Safe Protection For GOOCrin twenty-five years. Can Baumann's Flowers Miss Edith Lorraine Manet, a se- titms and compU'tin;,' incidental their plight. Now that the non- this be true? Listen. Merging the Rahway Record. Eat. 1622 with the Rahway Newa Eat. 1930 nutU'd to membership. VOL. 124—No. 48 Mei nior, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. I work in the over-all program which Plans were made for sending veteran public are also affected. ? ? ? Published Every Thursday- RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1946 Local Subscription 62.00 a Year In Advance PER COPY FIVE CENTS New Jer s, Pt'luniMr- nml loN of lvHlclinjp; plants John 11- Ma«et of 429 Central • has been adopU-d. The lowest bid 'en .scouts to summer camp in you can look for a concerted effort Your Precious Furs In 1921 they graduated 51 from Assoc suitable for _ avenue. She is secretary of the! was presented by F. Domenick & July. Camp sites were discussed to obtain more housing. In the Bahway High. These were the days Student Council and Little Thea- ! Company, of Bioomfield. the to- but selection was deferred penti- meantrime.-the-veteran-who-ls-not when Carteret had no high.school Wins Nomination j uriher COILSideration. This absolutely in need of housing can yys tt cabinet. the eighth grade occupied floor Primary-Voting Here Is Light;—— 1 bid of $19,447 for a modified pro- will be the club's principal sum- relieve the inflationary pressure Rahway High School mi'- Because of her ath'etic abiliyt From the time.we receive your precious furs un- two of the Campbell street build- ject was also low. Other bidders mer project. The next meeting and competitive bidding for avail- til they come back to you in the Fall, they are she has sen-eel on the baskptball were: W. G. Fritz of West Orange; will be held at the home of Mrs. able housing by remaining where ing now city hail. Death Caused On Moi and swimming teams ;md is a C. Salvatore and Sons, of Orange Ecuvard Grimes of 31G Morton he is for a while longer, if you must safe in our scientifically frigid storage vaults- ? ? ? Carlin-Donovan For Mayoralty member of the athletir board The figures Will Graduate 188 and N- A. K. Bunbee of Trenton. buy, look before you buy and con- safe from summer heat and humidity; safe from $2.lion for U * R Baumann, st Miss Maf/et has participated in went up. In 1931 I. # Tlic contract will involve ten sult a comptent adviser before ravages of moths; safe from fire and_Lhp.ft,- — -men v-Hv-Ri various other coHrjie clubs and JiH-ms. including the installation HOSTESS TO CLUB .sinning any contracts. The service ~rwth -earUre Only Fiftern Perrent o[ By New Prank Class Is Not as Lar^e as Those Held During Past Ten ynd also in organizations. She will graduate | oT~siXt ^ighl and t-,Ve!vc-ineh pipe usinff a bigger Oppose Each Other For Mayor : •h Mm'. John Stebner, oi.717 West ^f this Committee is at*your dis- Registered Vole Is Years—Program IwlwiesT-AlPStudeiit " -V 900ST.CEORCE AVE. this month. , IIU4Utj)ni. jay!n;: of twelve-inch Lincoln avenue was hostess to tlie" And—each fur receives special care before it is and bet ter - paigns whi- posal ~in 11 us or-any~other-veteran school than : Accident Takes Life oTTeri J- Her father is plant service man- .pipe under th*' Rahway River: in-- Monday Niprhl Club.-Mrs. George problem. Cast Here Numbers—Class Dav ing ihe p^s I! ah way, N. J. ager for Merck & Co.. Inc.. and i? "hung 'away'forthe summer_ltjsjnsp_ect.ed_by_ ex. Year Old YoungsLer C sUdlatiuii of branch connections. • Ruddy had high score and the The scout serving on various xnuuicipul side water service laterals, furn- I special -award went to Mrs. Ed- --WitrPohly aj llule'over fifteen —Tclrphont's— — Here _ . .£<^lliencement,exercis.es_for-a-class of 188-candfc- the energy t- boraii and ishing and Tr-plactnjr '30 cubic 'u'ani j;Best". Mrs! Iteii"L"wil'lVmer-~ -and-combed; thenpla"ced on an individual hanger. per cent: of tlie registered vote cast K\hw;*v 7 0711 — T-OTl" yards of concrete masonry in an- 'a.u at the next meeting at her number reached at the polls for the primary Tues- dates will-be held at the Rahway High School auditor- •«\ a time v o Don't take chances. Bring your furs to-us enrly The life of James Machuia'was HARRY F. SUITKR chors, replacing 1.000 square yards j home (il>3 West Grand avenue. 201: and last day, or 1.486 out of 9,776 regis- snuffed out instantly at his home. ium Tuesday evening, June 11. The class numbers 13 . it's smart—it's patriotic to conserve. tered, the results showed that HONORED AT DINNER of six-inch stone shoulders and Pauline Wambach and Mrs. •year dropped to when. which HaTFy V i>uiu>r u-ho "js r/*iirmr; T^rns—oT quests". "Olhers the trick the ten year old young- b oppose President of the Council graduated in 1945, but is nation. Tl from duty as head of tlie plant seven-incli p'-nr: run on macadam were Mrs. Robert ster had planned to scare his Baccalaureate c protection at Merck & Company. •pavement. Mrs. John Boro.s. Mrs. Today High Ralph.. Kocher Dennis P. Donovan for the mayor- mother with resulted in what po- still smaller than those of a few called dan Inc.. after thirty-seven years of J Edward Collins, Mrs. Hickman, Minimum Charge $3. Principal Ralph N". Kocher an- alty race in November. Carlin lice belie" ve j,o be a broken neck. years back which hit over the 200 himself, a duty, was the £uest of honor at :Mr~. Kdward SchoufT. nounces the list of candidates to heads the, Democratic ticket and Sermon Sunday mark. " ~' Donovan the G.O.P. city ballot. According to the story of the With several members of the _t_f a testimonial dinner t,n von at the Which includes insurance policy against Fire . Fcepivo diplomas on June 11 th mother. Mrs. Alexander.Machuta. ii is of th Cranford Youth totals 188. But this is not the fiu- The city Tuesday gave Arthur E. Ri>v. John M. Jaqueth to Give graduating class being gifted in Chrysler-Plymouth Elks Club Members of the Pl.tnt Theft and Moths . Phone EL.2-4600 and a bond James locked himself in the bath- CONGRESSMAN CASE The scout Protection Organization a! ure for comparison. Disccoll 896 votes in his success- Message to Graduates • music, the program this year will o (Cuntinui'tl froni Pairt* Nine) ful campaign for the G.O.P. nom- room, and when his siste.r was of "this city who was successful in take on a musical tinge in con- and traine -MciLkJa—iv.nu^ iiis iioi.Lij TiKiy-i^-—.T=^r-- ed messenger will call for your fur coat. seni-to- take-her-bath -ten -minutes- Down in Carteret they intend Tnarion Tor "governor and' only 418 The annual commencement week trast to the traditional spoken troop actix presented him with a potable : .....urw.t havinn license in his pos- for Harnld Hoffman who opposed later she could get no response ond term in Congress by defeating parts usually presented by the Owners Attention!! radio receiver and a .vcro.l.
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