JANUARY. 1927 M'TCH SYDNEY. THE AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Offers you endless opportunities, for there is LIMITED. health, wealth and content to be won in this Authorised Capital • S5.000.000 Capital Paid-up and Reserves - £2.(85.303 great land. Aflorfoatr Assets at 30th June. 1926 -SI6.789.590 Directors: Six MAHK SHKI.DON, K.H. K., Chairman; But here, as elsewhere, success and fortune FKANK N. YAKWOOD; DUNCAN (JAKSON : H. R. LYSAOHT. O.B.K. mainly follow wise planning and thrifty GKOKQK J. 8i.v. LL.D.; LIKUT.COI.. T I.. F RUTUCDOK. practice. General Manager: C. M. C. SHANNON. Chief Inspector for New South Wale*: VV. G. HUM- Let Australia's own Bank help you both. Its officers are read/at all times to extend to Head Office, Sydney (Corner George and King Streets) BRANCHKS AND RKCKIVINU OFFICIOS AT 151 you any assistance within their power, and the FLACKS IN NKW SOUTH WALKS. Bank's efficient service will be available to you BRISUANK:—281 Queen.»t. Chief Inspector for The Navy Lieague Journal Queensland—L. AVKYARD. Manager-G. H. HOWKI.I- in whatever Jistrict you make your home. BRANCH KS AND RKCKIVING OFFICKS AT 27 FLACKS IN QUKKNSLAND. Vol.. VII. No. 9. SVIJNKV, JANUAKV, L»J7. I'KICK 3D There is a Commonwealth Savings Bank MKLHOURNK:—325 Collins si. .Manager—M. B. FINNKY. ADKLAIDK:—35 Rundle st. Manager—R. T. MOOIMK. Agency in every Post Office and full branches FKRTH:—73 St Georges Terrace. Manager—A. C. DIBDIN in the principal towns. LONDON :—37 Threadneedle-st.. K.C. 2 Financial Props. Manager—A. F. JENKINS. Agents throughout the rest of Australia, Tasmania and Now Zealand, and at all Chief Cities throughout the World HIS is the first issue of the JOURNAL in 1927. By the aid of many zealous and public-spirited Let us speak a little on our financial status, advertisers the JOURNAL is run with a small margin KVKRY DINSCRIPTION OF HANKING T Commonwealth JBank of Hustralia HUSINKSS TRANSACTKI). therefore, at the beginning of this fresh of profit, and is distributed to members free of f Guaranteed by the Commonwealth Government) period ; and thus have done with it—but not, we charge. There is no gainsaying the publication's hope, to forget it or dismiss it from our minds supreme usefulness. It brings the general sup- during the following months. porters of the League into constant touch with the activities and fortunes of the various Sea Cadet The Navy League in N.S.W. relies primarily units, and keeps all au fait with the latest news on the annual subscription of its Fellows and and development of our mighty sea-arm of defence. Members. Our third main source of revenue is by means If, by any chance or reason membership of holding functions, e.g., an Annual Ball ; a When Making Your Will Appoint declines to any marked extent, the League's Matinee Concert at a theatre, and affairs of like resources are seriously diminished thereby. Special nature. It will be readily seen that apart from as Your Trustee donations, both from public and private bodies actual financial profit these functions give a further and individuals, necessarily fluctuate from year to resulting good. Through them Navy Leaguers an organisation whose experience and year ; but under this heading there is a dependable integrity lend themselves to capable and may meet socialiy, and a feeling of unity of pur- minimum of income forthcoming. The average pose be nurtured through these contacts. secure.administration of trust Estates. per annum taken over a period of years is not so large as might be supposed, having regard to the Committees of lady supporters have worked hard THE PERMANENT TRUSTEE League's work and its sponsoring of such an im- and unsparingly in the past for their success, and portant boy organisation as the Navy League Sea has never refused to lend a hand in the details of Cadets. In the wider view, this human material organisation and publicity and the conduct of COMPANY OF N.S.W. LTD. is of vast significance to the Commonwealth, and selling campaigns. has estates .under control exceeding in many indirect ways. In the narrow view We are thus dependent on a yearly income from £11,000.000. A special Act of Parliament direct benefits are easily discernible. A number the various sources set out above. Out of this, renders the whole of the Company's of our boys join the Navy and our Mercantile beyond Headquarter expenditure, we have given in capital and assets — over one million Marine; and their moulding and training in the kind to and financed our branches of Sea Cadets, pounds—liable for the protection of enabling these to get established and into working clients' interests, thus ensuring absolute Sea Cadet units prove of great value to the autho- security. After 39 years' service, the rities and ship owners. swing. Company possesses a wealth of experi- WUNDERLICH LIMITED We have no capital fund, and, whatever may be ence rarely acquired by an individual. Baptist Street. Redfem, Sydney The greater percentage, of course, do not go to the case in the future, our policy relies solely in the Arrange an interview. Booklet free on WUNDERLICH sea, and no inducement is held out to the cadet to simple collection of monies as they become due request. Art Metal Ceilings do so. If with the training, backed by a natural and the relative expenditure to carry on directly J. W. BARNES, K. V. T. WHITTLE, inclination and the acquiescence of the boy's the purposes of the League. Manager. Assistant Manager. parents he does go to sea, we may truthfully say The end to be striven for is the practical rea- that the League has been b's trainer and adviser in lisation of our aims and objects ; the means whereby 25 O'CONNELL SHEET, SYDNEY. the start of a career. So much, therefore, for our these may be attained are the collective energy and 4 work along these lines. support of all individual members of the League. 2 THE NAVY LEAGUE JOURNAL. THE NAVY LEAGUE JOURNAL. 3 MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSURANCE Why Tonga still has three old Naval Guns. COMPANY LIMITED Captain Croker's Attack on a Heathen Stockade. AN AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE COMPANY. When New South Wales was asked to send Troops. ESTABLISHED 1878 BV THOMAS IM'NHAHIN. fpivector*: A. K. JAQUK8. CHAIRMAN. C. C. OALK THKO. J. MAKK8. J.M.ATKINSON. I,. J. IIAVIKS. *T**HREE guns of a pattern used in the British men associated with the heathen party. In FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT and WORKERS' COMPENSATION X Navy nearly a century ago still lie on the describing the enemy's position Van Dorrop said : island of Tonga, far out in the South Pacific. INSURANCE " This village or position had been strengthened They are the relics of an almost forgotten battle PUBLIC RISK, BURGLARY, BOILER EXPLOSION, MOTOR CAR, PLATE GLASS, in a manner which implied some knowledge of the fought there in 1840, at a time when heathenism FIDELITY GUARANTEE, LOSS OF RENT, LOSS OF PROFIT'S, PLUVIUS (RAINFALL) principles of military defence, and there is reason was making a stand against the new religion intro- INSURANCES, AGRICULTURAL INSURANCES, CROPS, STACKS AND FENCING. to suppose that at least two or three white men duced by the Wesleyan missionaries. WOOL INSURED FROM SHEEP'S BACK TO WAREHOUSE. had assisted in the construction of it. The work Be Patriotic. Insure Australian Property in an Australian Company The story of the fight is still preserved in a consisted of a stockade, formed of the trunks of despatch, dated July 25, 1840, which Governor cocoanut trees, covered by a mound of earth and HEAD OFFICE: 16 MARTIN PLACE, SYDNEY. Gipps sent to Lord John Russell. He states that having a ditch (partially wet) in front of it. T he KELSO KING. MANAGER. Her Majesty's sloop FAVORITK had returned to gateway was strongly barricaded also with the Agencies In all Suburban and Country Centres Sydney on the previous day as a result of her trunks of cocoanut trees and defended by a car- commander, .Captain Croker, and two seamen ronade- The party within are supposed to have having been killed, and the first lieutenant, one of consisted of 400 to 500 persons, of whom perhaps the mates and 18 seamen wounded in a conflict fifty were armed with muskets." with the natives of Tonga. Against this formidable position Captain Croker Interstate Steamship Sailings As First Lieutenant Dunlop, who was acting advanced on the morning of June 24, 1840, with commander as a result of the death of Captain his 90 seamen and marines and his three guns, Croker, was still dangerously ill from the wound accompanied by the crowd of Christian natives. that he had received, the account of the incident He advanced without the firing of a shot to within Modern Passenger was given to the Governor by the Second Lieu- about 100 yards of the stockade and came to a Regular Passenger and Freight Services tenant Van Dorrop. parley with the holders of the fort. Steamers: He stated that when the FAVORITE called at As a result of the parley Captain Croker was KATOOMBA Tonga in the course of a cruise in the South to all Australian Ports. admitted within the fortification and was honorably Pacific a war had been going on for some time CANBERRA permitted to retire unhurt. He gave the defenders between the Christian natives and those who a fixed time for deliberation but when it had ZEALANDIX BUILT FOR SPEED AND COMFORT.
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