THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAY 30, 1902. 3549 Light Railways Act, 1896. - , - Theiright Railways Act, 1896." ~ - ; .",. t BARKING LIGHT RAILWAYS Light Railway Commission.—May,'.1962.'- '-" • (EXTENSIONS). SOUTHEND-ON-SEA AND DISTRICT LIGHT ' OTICE is hereby given, that the Urban -. RAILWAYS: "'. , ' . N District Council of Barking Town, in the OTICE! is hereby given, that application is . comity of Essex, intend to make application in N intended to be made in.the month of May the month of May, 1902, to the Light Railway instant to the Light Railway Commissioners by. Commissioners for an Order, under the above the Mayor, Aldermen, ani Burgesses of. the, Act," authorizing the following Light Railways, borough of Sonthend-on-Sea for an Order, under . which are wholly within the Urban District of the Light Railways Act, 1896, authorizing .the , Barking Town, and parish of Barking, in the following Light Railways. in -the county of said county, viz.:—. Essex:— "•••'..•' : Railway No. 1. Commencing by a junction at Railway No. 1, situate partly ior the parishes j the termination of the Barking and Beckton of Prittlewell ani Southchurch in the borough! of-' Light Railways in Gascoigne - road, passing Sonthend-on-Sea, and partly.in the parish of thence along Axe-street, Broadway, North-street, South Shoebury in the urban district of Shoe- London-road, and terminating at the boundary buryness, 'commencing in Marine-parade in % of the urban district of Barking Town by a junc- line with the west side of. Pleasant7rQad and tion, with the existing tramways of the East Ham terminating in Ness-road at the junction of roads, Urban District Council. near to the Cambridge Hotel. m. '-••••,. Railway No..2. Commencing in the Broadway Railway No.'2, situajte in, the parish of Soutfr- by a junction with Railway No. 1, and passing church, commencing At the termination ,pf the thence into and along East-street over the level existing railway in Southchuroh-road near to crossing there of the London, Tilbury, and Holy Trinity CnnicU,.._and. terminating at the Southend Railway, along Longbridge-road, and junction of .Southchurch-road with -the roads terminating at the point where that road inter- leading co Great Wakening and ShoeburynesVat sects with Wakering-road. Bourne's Green or Croxson's Corner. - •} "^Railway No. 8. Commencing by a junction • Dated this 28th day of May, 1902.- ." • -\ with Railway No. 2, passing thence along Long- The Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses 'of the* bridge-road, Fanshawe-avenne, and Ilford-lane, borough or Southend-on-Sea. .- to the -boundary of the Urban District of Bark- WILLIAM H. Ssrbw, Town .Clerk, South-. ing Town, at Loxford Br'dge by a junction with end-on-Sea, Solicitor for the" Order. ' '~ the authorized tramways of the Ilford Urban SHARPE, PARKER, PRITO HARDS, BARHAM, • District Council. and LAWFORD, 9, Bridge-street, West-, Railway No. 4. Commencing in Axe-street minster, Parliamentary Agents. , by a junction with Railway No. 1, passing thenc6 along 'Axe-street, and terminating therein at a point opposite to the site of the proposed Light Railway Commission.—May, 1-902. - -. ' carsheds_3'80 chains west of the intersection of CRYSTAL TALACE LIGHT RAILWAYS, the centre lines of Axe-street and Ripple-road. OTICE is hereby given, that application js-j Railways Nos. 2A and & being two small loop intended to be made in the month of May, ,- lines from the Broadway into East-street, and 1902N, to the'Light Railway Commissioners by- Gascoigne-road into Axe-street respectively. the Crystal Palace Light Railways and Tramways • .Dated this 26th day of May, 1902. Company Limited' (hereinafter called '• the £ro- f E. H. LISTER, Clerk to the Urban District moters").for an Order under the Light Railways* Council of Barking Town. Act, 1896, for the following purposes or .spme'of . Public Offices, Barking. • them (that is to say):— • ' •'.•... ; To authorize the Promoters to construct, work, ^ The Light Railways Act, 1896. .and use the light railways in the Bounties of ] Light Railway Commission.—-May, 1902. Surrey, London, and Kent, hereinafter desraribad,.- MAIDSTONE CORPORATION LIGHT (that is to say):— . •: RAILWAYS. Railway No. 1.- A railway situate ia-the OTICE is hereby given, that application is parishes of'St. Giles, Camberwell, and St. Mary's, N intended to be made in the month of May Lambeth, and Lewisham, in the opunty ,-Qt'7 instant, to the Light Railway Commissioners, by London, and in. the. parish of Pefcge, in the.j the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the county of Kent, and parish of-Croydon, in. the: borough of Maidstone, for an Order under the county of Surrej7, commencing at-a point in.' Light Railways Act, 1896, authorizing the follow- Lordship-lane half a chain or thereabouts north? ing light railways in the county of Kent:— westwards from the'junction, of Cry stal-Palace J Railway No. 1. In the borough of Maidstone, road with Lordship-lane, and thence running in 7 • commencing in High-street, at or about the a south-easterly direction along • Lordship-Ian^, junction of that street with Week-street, and to the junction of Lordship-lane with Sydenham-'; terminating in Tonbridge-road at the point at hill, thence along Sydenham-hill and .Crystal; which the borough boundary crosses that Palace-parade in a southerly direction,-and ter-r road near to the " Fountain " Inn. urinating at the intersection of Crystal Palace;* t • Railway No 2. In the parish of Barming, com- parade "and Anerley-road. • . mencing in the Tonbridge-road by a junction To empower the Promoters to cpnstrucfc- with Railway No. 1 at its termination above junctions between the intended railways and.'any, described, and terminating in the sains road lines of the County Council of London,' the-. at East Barming, at a point 20 yards, or London, Camb'erwell • and -Dulwich Tramways, thereabouts, north-west of the Bull Inn. and the Croydon Tramways, now or hereafter,' • Dated this 28th'day of May, 1902. authorized. " . .•:-.•'.: i. r The Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the The proposed railways are intended;.to. be.; borough of Maidstone,. constructed.on a gauge of 4 feet.- 8^ niches, and; HERBERT MONCKTON, Town Clerk, Maid- will be worked by .means-of electrical or-fuGh; stone, Solicitor for the Order. other motive power as. the Order may authorize. • - SHARPE, PARKER, PRITCHARDS, BARHOI, • . .For the purposes of the railway, .it is proposed • .. and LAWFORD,.9, Bridge-street, West- to acquire lands having- a: .total" area?_Qf 1 acre minster, S.W., Parliamentary Agents. 3 roods..
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