Weather Forecast Home Delivery Star Is Bunny with high about 84 today. Tomor- V The Evening and Sunday row to ah subscribers fair, warmer. (Full report on Page M ■ A. ^ delivered by carrier M A-2.) ■ at $1.20 month when 4 Sundays; , 4 * per Tempera tore* Yesterday. ■ ■ ■ ■ $1.30 per month when 5 Sundays. Noon ... 78 .. 77 8pjn. llpjn. .. gg m W jU I F Night Final edition. $1.30 and $1.40 *P-“---™ *pm' -W Midnight 88 jjy per month. 78 10 4p.m... p.m. ..68 la.m. 65 ▼ ■ 'w Telephone ST. 50M. V -S J WITH DAILY EVENING EDITION___An Associoted Press Newspaper___ 96th Year. No. 256. WASHINGTON, I). C., SEPTEMBER. 12, 1108 ^liO PAGES: *_TX&l. TEN CENTS. DOf/T^ETANY^rOQLlSHIDEAS Berlin Turning Point Seen Near, THAT WE LACK UNITY HERE AT HOME Queuille Forms New Coalition With to U. N. Now Appeal Likely; French Cabinet Braces for Red Premier Will Submit City Rally Today List of Ministers To Assembly Tuesday American and Western Powers Top in Reich Told to By th» Associated Prass Army Expect — Are of PARIS, Sept. 11. Premier British Officials Targets Henri Queuille formed a new co- Worst if European War Starts alition French cabinet tonight. Here Demonstration Mr. In Parleys Queuille. a Radical Socialist U. S. Lacks Planes, Guns for Real Punch, iconservative* will serve as finance By th« Associated Press By Garnett D. Horner in of Maneuvers minister as well as premier. Robert 2 Generals Find Survey BERLIN, Sept. 11.—Riot-torn Schuman of the Catholic Popular There were indications strong for Republican Movement *MRP» was th« Associated Press did at the close of the last war, Berlin braced itself tonight last night that efforts to settle By named foreign minister. * * * that that we have air a Communist demonstration. the Berlin crisis in negotiations GRAFENWOEHR, Germany, is, The Socialists dominate the coal- superiority. That will not be true Under the slogan "anybody who with Russia are nearing a defi- Sept. 11.—Two’ American gen- ition with five of the 15 ministries. in the next war. certainly not in doesn't march tomorrow is a Nazi," erals told officers of the United They were given the key posts of nite turning point. the initial the Communists were reported to Division to- phases." Interior, which controls the police, An unusual series of conferences States 1st Infantry have ordered even children to turn Gen., Milburn also told the offi- and National the State coincided to the worst if war Defense, which directs at Department day expect cers to explain down to the last GI out for a Sunday rally against the if direct negotia- the army, navy and air forces. The with reports that breaks out in Europe, saying just why the division is practicing Western powers. fail to bring im- Ministries of Labor. Industrial Pro- tions in Moscow American soldiers lack the planes to fall back. American officials frankly stated the Soviet block- duction and Public Works also went mediate lifting of he thftt the situation had -become and guns that make up a real The problem, asserted, pits— to Socialists. of Berlin, the Western powers ade or will next week—a supposed "highly dangerous," with Germans the over punch. pit Mr. Queuille succeeded in forming were to turn issue under one prepared The were Gen. force too strong for one division to meeting power to demon- Nations. speakers Maj. a cabinet after Gen. Charles de to the United handle. strate against another power. and Prank W. Milburn, division com- Gaulle had repeated his call for a Secretary of State Marshall The Sabbath demonstration is set mander, and Brig. Gen. John The maneuver problem assumed national election. his top advisers conferred separately for the about a McKee, foimer commander of the a striking force of great power from Lustgarten, half with Chairman Vandenberg of the mile and Left 37th Division. the East, w-ith the United States inside the Soviet sector of Right Ignored. Relations Committee, Infantry Senate Foreign to the Berlin. The rally was called to pro- In his centrist Mr. in all The opinions came out of a sur- infantry trying delay sweep forming regime a leading Republican figure test anti-Russian mass vey of the famed division's conduct towards the Rhine. Thursday’s Queuille ignored both the Com- foreign policy matters, and British which touched off street in a three-day mock-war in which Except for a somewhat ‘‘com- meeting munists and the De Gaullists. The Ambassador Sir Oliver Franks. an attitude on the air fighting. next hurdle comes when he submits about their it got kicked around by "ag- placent” phase, Nothing was made public i lav Hits Demonstrations. gressor” force. The maneuvers re- Gen. Milburn found little criticism the names of his ministers to the talks except that they concerned After the most violent week in sume next Monday, when a mythi- of his forces. National Assembly, probably Tues- the Berlin deadlock. the Soviet cal six divisions will not at- 79-day-old blockade. Gen. India Mohamed Ali Jinnah Dies at day. only He said it was the "best division Reported 71; silent. Lucius D. American Troops IT. S. Officials tack, but according to plans, win. Clay, military Assembly approval would end | I ever have seen, and that includes said: officials a tight- on a Gen. Mil- governor, Fiance's governmental crisis which American kept Standing hillside, all those that oft in the last that Jumped "Mass demonstrations are not the Pakistan lipped silence od the reports burn said to his staff: Moslem Governor General of began August 28 when Andre Marie's w'ar." to solve the Berlin Invading the West Is ready to put the issue "In the next war, if we get way present regime resigned over the issue of The 26th Infantry Regiment, com- situation.” Leader of Moslems up- to the U. N. if the direct nego- hopped on, we will not have air wages. manded Col. Sam T. Williams, The Americans to imi- tiations collapse. They do not want and artillery superiority, so every by planned State of Mr. Queuille has offered F'rance chance of a came in for special praise. Its 1,000 tate the British and ban any dem- Hyderabad Heart Attack a stern of reduc-7 to impair any possible one must go on the assumption that Victim; program budget men marched 14 miles at four miles onstrations in the American sector negotiated settlement with Moscow we have no air support at all and tions and increased taxes in an at- fu- an hour at, the within "incident of the Rus- Action Police Funeral Is a by public discussion of possible we must dig' in, camouflage and night, split aggressor range" Only Foray Today tempt to get the nation back on crossed the sian Both British and ture moves. fight a delaying action." lines, and up "enemy" boundary. aound financial basis. He has out- Americans that it Tp Marauders, »y the Associated Pre»* In Rome, however, two other lead- Gen. McKee said: intelligence. acknowledged Fight lined a policy much the same as was difficult to anti-Com- KARACHI, Pakistan, Sunday, ing members of the Senate Foreign "We have operated in these ma- This alone saved the division from prohibit New Delhi Asserts that which caused the downfall of munist outbursts in view 12.—Mohamed Ali Relations Committee, Senators Con- neuvers apparently the same as we a mythical smashing defeat. altogether Sept. Jinnah, the Marie cabinet and before that chive to oust nally of Texas, and Hatch of New of the Russian-backed (Map on Page AS.) governor general of Pakistan, of the first cabinet headed by Mr. Mexico, both Democrats, asserted the elected city government. died here last night at 10:25 p.m. Schuman. be referred Western German police mobilized that the crisis should 'Atomic By the Associated Press Karachi time, of a heart attack. Mr. Marie a Radical Socialist, la the direct Soviet Hits Absence Army Expert' strong forces to guard the sector to the U.N. if negotia- 11. The 71-year-old Moslem leader vice premier and minister of justice boundaries a in- KARACHI, Pakistan, Sept. fail. against possible in the new cabinet. tions —The office of will be buried with full military Hatch said the Berlin vasion of demonstrators from the Hyderabad's Senator honors in the Pakistani Mr. Queuille fell going into Elyse* Certain Red Got Eastern zone in Pakistan to- Capital situation is a "threat to world peace" Of Marshall, Bevin Spies rally. agent general Palace to inform President Vincent the the at 3 p.m. today. and a* such should be taken to Germans Growing Bolder. night quoted Hyderabad Aurtol of his cabinet. Asked later The premier, in a message broad- U.N. if all other efforts at solution The Germans, long split along radio as saying that Indian whether he had cast to the nation, called on the Injured himself, the break down. From Colonies Vail Reveals East-West lines, this week grew troops are reported to have en- said: Parley Secrets, people "not to yield to grief but to 64-year-old premier "No, but Senator Connallv suggested that bolder as a result of the four-power tered Hyderabad territory. themselves to the cause it's an omen.” Four for- rededicate ‘‘reunion r.ow of the Big Probe Member Indicates snarl. For the first time they physic- was said to have Note States Willingness The invasion and service of Pakistan." He con- Others In Cabinet. eign ministers might precede refer- ally attacked Russian troops, show- occurred after Hyderabad's Nizam tinued: In Mr.
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