iE~itrb iGnrally f nr QHn.ar J£nral QLnurragr Serving 'Ihe Central Penquis Jlrea Vol. 6, No. 23 Thursday, June 8, 1967' Ten Cents Williamsllur• Fire Burnin• SO Acres Smoke in upper part of photo shows where fire was burning Tuesday afternoon. Land above the unidentified pond has all been ' burued. Canadian Pacific tracks are in lower right. We wish to .think Mr. Neil Daggett, Mr. Perle Morrison and Mr. Rob- ert Hathorn for their efforts in securing the above aerial photo and the one on page 16 for us. See Page 16 I Page2 THE TOWN CRIER THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday evening by the TOWN CRIER PUBLICATIONS. CJrliLo eommunitv We hope to be of help to the citizens of the·towns in our coverage through NEWS, INFORMATION, ~o~pitaL .:new-' AND LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING. We accept no financial responsibility for errors The monthlymeetingofthe Hospital Trustees will be Monday, in advertising but will gladly print corrections. June 12, at the Bangor Hydro-Electric Company offices. Copies of most photos appearing in THE TOWN Census for May was lOJ% of capacity. CRIER mav be obtained through our office. Receptionists are: Friday, Vivian Wibberly; Saturday, Pearl If you have news or available photos of any sort Dayand Sheila Decker; Sunday, Ruth Cockey and Maxine Scan­ we urge you to call an edito_r or drop in. Dead­ lon; Monday, Lucille Richardson; Tuesday, Maril;>el York; line will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate Wednesday, Hilda Brown; Thursday, Muriel Quimby. copy received earlier in the week. Classified ads 50 cent minimum including up to ADMISSIONS WEEK OF MAY 29TH: 12 words, 3 cents for each additional word. Dis­ MILO: play ad space by the column inch. Wilfred Dugas Irene Thompson Merlene Madore Candida Rey William Cross BROWNVILLE: EDITOR - Joanne Brigham Alice Badger John T. Kirby Milo 943-7384 Eddie Annis William J . McLeod Dorothy Bushway Aseneath Badger If you want to BUY, SELL, Thomas Poole Tina Sickler RENT or SWAP,· try "Town Gladys Lydston Nina Davis COMMENCEMENT WEEK Crier" Classified. Jeffrey Williams BRADFORD: OPENS AT P.C. H.S. Daniel Madore Lenora Jones Commencement Week began FOR SALE Penny Lyford Grace Cook Sunday, June 4, at 8 p.m., at Six room house in Milo at 47 Merle Dean DOVER-FOXCROFT: the Community High School River side Street- - r easonable Serena King Carol Durant Auditorium with the following price . If interested, write me Guila Leonard Becky Durant program: at Clinton, Maine. MIDDLETOWN, CONN. Processional -- led by the A.M. McNair Lillian Kriwokulski Class Marshal, Gregory For­ DISCHARGES: tierwithMichaelBurgess, pi­ MILO BARBER SHOPS MILO: BROWNVILLE: Summer Hours -effective anist; Invocation and Scripture Jeffrey Williams Elmira Devoe June 17th - Saturdays only reading--Rev. William Jow­ Lloyd Goodine Francis Butterfield 7:30 a . m. -l:OOp. m. ett, Parkman Baptist Chur ch; Kenneth Greenlaw John Kirby Hymn; Introduction of Speaker Eddie Annie Betty Sickler by Principal, Ferdinand Ro­ Irene •Thompson Barbara Sickler and baby boy mano; Address--Rev. Edward Merlene .Madore William McLeod MILO-DERBY .HEALTH G. Ernst, Hammond St. Con­ DOVER--FOXCROFT: Tina Sickler gregational Church, Bangor, COUNCIL TO MEET Ruth Perkins BRADFOH.D: An emergency meeting of the Maine; Hymn; Benediction-­ Becky Durant Lenora Jones William Jowett; Reces­ Milo-Derby HealthG:>uncil will Rev. Carol Durant Grace Cook be held at the home of Mrs. sional. LAGRANGE: MIDDLETOWN, CONN. Dawna Perkins on Thursday, Bessie Freese Li.llian Kri wokulski June 15, at 7:30p.m., for the TREWORGY STORE purpose of electing officers. MANAGER HONORED AT GUILFORD DINNER The Woman's Society of Employees of the Treworgy Mobil ''Safety Pays'' Stamps Christian Service, Helping Store in Guilford entertained Hand Chapter, Methodist at din11er Thursday evening in Church will meet Thursday, honor of Mrs. Doris Kallgren, Ill •tOOO.OO June 8, in the Chapel at 7:30 who has retired after 12 years p.m. The officers will be hos­ as manager of the store. Mrs. 0100.00 tesses. Kallgren was presented with a gift from those present: Mrs. •50.00 Food Sale at IGA Store, Fri­ Wilma Harrington, Mrs. Dor­ day, June 9, beginning at 3:00 othy Fortier, Mrs. Myra Mc­ p.m., sponsored by Methodist Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Youth Fellowship benefit send­ Treworgy of Milo and Mrs. ~ ing members to MYF Camp. Kay Drinkwater. 'fRIANGLE SERVI~E Guilford, Those wishing to place orders Maine in advance, please contact MargaretA. Martin, 876-3193. THE TOWN CRIER Page 3 Boys·&irls State Del QLqurr~ Nrw.s MILO KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES MILO, MAINE SUNDAY, JUNE 11 PublicBibleLecture-2 p.m. Use Your Tongue For Good ­ by H. Allen Watchtower Stuqy - 3 p.m. Mildness a Christian Re­ quirement TUESDAY, JUNE 13 Bible study with aicl of book 7 p.m. Life Everlastingin Freedom Girls State delegates from Milo High School will be Susan Sturtevant, Brenda Perry, Carla of the Sons of God - Chapter 9 Hamlin, Louise Cunnungham, Shelby Cockey and Susan Rhoda. "The Places of Man and Wom­ an in God's Arrangement" THURSDAY, JUNE 15 Ministry School 7 p. m. Service Meeting 8 p.m. UNITED BAPTIST CHURCH MILO, MAINE Last Sunday Children's Day was observed at the church. Children had special parts in the morning service, four re­ citations were given and 40 children sang in the three choirs, Tiny Tots, Sunbeams and Torch Bearers. Evening service was donducted by the children; Jonathan Cockey was song leader, a girl's trioin­ cluding Shelby Cockey, Becky Bunker and Ruth Elaine Bunker sang. Scripture was read by Kathy Rhoda with prayer by Charles Chessa; recitations andsongs by the Primary De­ John Lyford, Greg Jose, David Sharrow, Donald London and Asa Pickard will be attending partment of the Sunday School Boys State along with Roger Shepardson who is absent frnrn photo. (Photos by Mike Brigham) under the leadership of Myrna Ricker, Department Superin­ tendent. A film strip, "Sky is Clarence Robinson, Dale Wib­ MILO HIGH SCHOOL ANNOUNCES DELEGATES TO the Limit" showed places of berly, Philip Bunker and Carol GIRLS' AND BOYS' STATE interest in Bible countries Conley Jr., with prayer of dedi­ Mr. Harry Diehl, principal of Milo High School, announced which are to be studied about cation by Martha Carlson. The that the following students have been selected as delegates to inV.B. S. The offering was re­ service was conducted by a Girls' and Boys' State: ceived by four young men, Cont'd on Page 4 Cont'd on Page 4 I . Page 4 · THE' TOWN CRIER M. H. S. ANNOUNCES GIRLS-BOYS STATE DELEGATES Gregory Jose, son of Mr . & Mrs. L. P. Valente, ,spo_nsored Cont'd from Page 3 by the Lio1i's Club. Activities: Science Fair 1, 2 , 3 ' . .. ·. ·' Susan Rhoda, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Earl Rhoda, sponsored ' . Fx·ench Club 2, 3 · by the Pleasant River Grange. Asa Pickard, son of Mr. & Mrs. James Pickard, .spopsored Activities: Softball 1 , 2 French Club 1, 2 , 3 by the Lion's Club. Basketball 2, 3 Sec. of Band 2 Activities: Scl.ence Fair 1, 2," 3 Historian of class National Honor Society French Club 3 Band 2, 3 Junior of the Month Chorus 1 Band 1, 2, 3. Science Fair l, 2, 3 Brenda Perry, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Perry,. spon­ of Christian fellowship, pro­ sored by the American Legion Auxiliar y and P.P. Parley. CHURCH NEWS gram and refreshments. For­ C ont'd from Page 3 Activities: Basketball!, 2, 3 Breeze Board 2 mal gowns are optionaL . · Majorettes 1 Science Fair 1 trio, Lori, Sara and Jonathan WED:N'ESDAY: Vice President 2 Cockey, accompanied by Cheryl On account of graduation; Shelby Cockey, daughter of Rev. & Mrs. Carlton Cockey, Cockey and the benediction by prayer meeting will be at 7:00 sponsored by the Nurses' Guild and Daughters of American Jonathan Cockey. to 7:30p.m. Revolution. THURSDAY: Activities: National Honor Society COMING EVE ms: Trinity Choir. rehe'arses. Treasurer 3 Science Fair 3 SATURDAY: Majorettes 3 Drama Club 3 At 7:30 p.m. men's prayer SANGERVIllE Susan Sturtevant, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Sturtevant, and Bible discussion time. UNITED CIRCLE sponsored by the American ;Legion Auxiliary and Friends. SUNDAY: The United Circle met Thurs­ Activities: Cheerleading 1, 3 Class President 3 9:40a.m. Sunday School day afternoon with 14 present~ Basket}Jalll, 3 Student Council 3 11:00 a.m. Worship Service It was reported that 58 sick . Softball !, 2, 3 F. H. A. 3 with dedication of V. B.S. off­ calls had been made. Cards Fl'ench Club 1, 2 Junior of the Month 3 icers, teachers and he.lpers, were signed and sen,t to six Chorus 1 Drama Club 3 also pr esentation of New Test­ persons who are ill. Concer_n . Science Fair 1, 2, 3 Junior Prize Speaking 3 ament to each of the High School was expressed for Mrs. Char­ Regional Science Fair 2 graduates from our church; lene Edes, Mrs. Myrtle Tit­ John Lyford, son of Mr. & M.rs. Merle Lyford, sponsored by sermon topic is "The Other comb, Mrs. Louine Cole, Mrs. the Derby Impr ovement Society. Side", a message for the grad­ Dolores Hunt, Mrs. ;Betty Jqr­ Activities: Science Fair 1, 2, 3 Baseball 2 uates. All graduates are in­ dan and Mrs. Reitzel. J . V. Basketball 1 Track 1, 2 vited to attend. There will be The Vacation Bible School Varsity Basketball 2, 3 no evening service at the was discussed. The Circle vot­ Roger Shepardson, son of Mr. & Mrs. Arno Shepardson, spon- churclf; all are invited to the ed to serve r efreshments to sored by the Derby Improvement Society.
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