U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior § 17.11 and 1018–0094. The Service may not con- term ‘‘Entire’’ means that all popu- duct or sponsor, and you are not re- lations throughout the present range of quired to respond to, a collection of in- a vertebrate species are listed. Al- formation unless it displays a cur- though common names are included, rently valid OMB control number. We they cannot be relied upon for identi- are collecting this information to pro- fication of any specimen, since they vide information necessary to evaluate may vary greatly in local usage. The permit applications. We will use this Services shall use the most recently information to review permit applica- accepted scientific name. In cases in tions and make decisions, according to which confusion might arise, a syn- criteria established in various Federal onym(s) will be provided in paren- wildlife conservation statutes and reg- theses. The Services shall rely to the ulations, on the issuance, suspension, extent practicable on the International revocation, or denial of permits. You must respond to obtain or retain a per- Code of Zoological Nomenclature. mit. We estimate the public reporting (c) In the ‘‘Status’’ column the fol- burden for these reporting require- lowing symbols are used: ‘‘E’’ for En- ments to vary from 2 to 21⁄2 hours per dangered, ‘‘T’’ for Threatened, and ‘‘E response, including time for reviewing [or T] (S/A)’’ for similarity of appear- instructions, gathering and maintain- ance species. ing data, and completing and reviewing (d) The other data in the list are non- the forms. Direct comments regarding regulatory in nature and are provided the burden estimate or any other as- for the information of the reader. In pect of these reporting requirements to the annual revision and compilation of the Service Information Collection this title, the following information Control Officer, MS–222 ARLSQ, U.S. may be amended without public notice: Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, the spelling of species’ names, histor- DC 20240, or the Office of Management ical range, footnotes, references to cer- and Budget, Paperwork Reduction tain other applicable portions of this Project (1018–0093/0094), Washington, DC title, synonyms, and more current 20603. names. In any of these revised entries, [63 FR 52635, Oct. 1, 1998. Redesignated at 72 neither the species, as defined in para- FR 48446, Aug. 23, 2007] graph (b) of this section, nor its status may be changed without following the Subpart B—Lists procedures of part 424 of this title. (e) The ‘‘historic range’’ indicates the § 17.11 Endangered and threatened known general distribution of the spe- wildlife. cies or subspecies as reported in the (a) The list in this section contains current scientific literature. The the names of all species of wildlife present distribution may be greatly re- which have been determined by the duced from this historic range. This Services to be Endangered or Threat- column does not imply any limitation ened. It also contains the names of spe- on the application of the prohibitions cies of wildlife treated as Endangered in the Act or implementing rules. Such or Threatened because they are suffi- ciently similar in appearance to En- prohibitions apply to all individuals of dangered or Threatened species (see the species, wherever found. § 17.50 et seq.). (f)(1) A footnote to the FEDERAL REG- (b) The columns entitled ‘‘Common ISTER publication(s) listing or reclassi- Name,’’ ‘‘Scientific Name,’’ and fying a species is indicated under the ‘‘Vertebrate Population Where Endan- column ‘‘When listed.’’ Footnote num- gered or Threatened’’ define the species bers to §§ 17.11 and 17.12 are in the same of wildlife within the meaning of the numerical sequence, since plants and Act. Thus, differently classified geo- animals may be listed in the same FED- graphic populations of the same ERAL REGISTER document. That docu- vertebrate subspecies or species shall ment, at least since 1973, includes a be identified by their differing geo- statement indicating the basis for the graphic boundaries, even though the listing, as well as the effective date(s) other two columns are identical. The of said listing. 11 VerDate Nov<24>2008 11:18 Dec 02, 2009 Jkt 217222 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217222.XXX 217222 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFR § 17.11 50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition) (2) The ‘‘Special rules’’ and ‘‘Critical column list all the regulations of the habitat’’ columns provide a cross ref- two Services which might apply to the erence to other sections in parts 17, 222, species or to the regulations of other 226, or 227. The ‘‘Special rules’’ column Federal agencies or State or local gov- will also be used to cite the special ernments. rules that describe experimental popu- (g) The listing of a particular taxon lations and determine if they are essen- includes all lower taxonomic units. For tial or nonessential. Separate listing example, the genus Hylobates (gibbons) will be made for experimental popu- is listed as Endangered throughout its lations, and the status column will in- entire range (China, India, and SE clude the following symbols: ‘‘XE’’ for Asia); consequently, all species, sub- an essential experimental population and ‘‘XN’’ for a nonessential experi- species, and populations of that genus mental population. The term ‘‘NA’’ are considered listed as Endangered for (not applicable) appearing in either of the purposes of the Act. In 1978 (43 FR these two columns indicates that there 6230–6233) the species Haliaeetus are no special rules and/or critical leucocephalus (bald eagle) was listed as habitat for that particular species. Threatened in ‘‘USA (WA, OR, MN, WI, However, all other appropriate rules in MI)’’ rather than its entire population; parts 17, 217 through 227, and 402 still thus, all individuals of the bald eagle apply to that species. In addition, there found in those five States are consid- may be other rules in this title that re- ered listed as Threatened for the pur- late to such wildlife, e.g., port-of-entry poses of the Act. requirements. It is not intended that (h) The ‘‘List of Endangered and the references in the ‘‘Special rules’’ Threatened Wildlife’’ is provided below: 12 VerDate Nov<24>2008 11:18 Dec 02, 2009 Jkt 217222 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217222.XXX 217222 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFR wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFR VerDate Nov<24>2008 11:18 Dec 02,2009 Jkt217222 PO00000 Frm00023 Fmt8010 Sfmt8010 Y:\SGML\217222.XXX 217222 U.S. FishandWildlifeServ.,Interior § 17.11 Species Historic Range Vertebrate population where en- Status When Critical Special Common name Scientific name dangered or threatened listed habitat rules MAMMALS Addax ............................................. Addax nasomaculatus ................. North Africa ................................. Entire ........................................... E NA NA Anoa, lowland ................................. Bubalus depressicornis ............... Indonesia ..................................... ......do ........................................... E 3 NA NA Anoa, mountain .............................. Bubalus quarlesi .......................... ......do ........................................... ......do ........................................... E 15 NA NA Antelope, giant sable ..................... Hippotragus niger variani ............ Angola ......................................... ......do ........................................... E 15 NA NA Antelope, Tibetan ........................... Panthalops hodgsonii .................. China, India, Nepal ...................... ......do ........................................... E .............. NA Argali .............................................. Ovis ammon ................................ Afganistan, China, India, Entire except Kyrgyzstan, Mon- E 15, 475 NA NA Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mon- golia, and Tajikistan. golia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. Do ............................................ ......do ........................................... ......do ........................................... Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and T 15, 475 NA 17.40(j) Tajikistan. Armadillo, giant .............................. Priodontes maximus .................... Venezuela and Guyana to Argen- Entire ........................................... E 15 NA NA tina. Armadillo, pink fairy ........................ Chlamyphorus truncatus ............. Argentina ..................................... ......do ........................................... E 3 NA NA Ass, African wild ............................. Equus asinus ............................... Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia ............ ......do ........................................... E 3, 22 NA NA Ass, Asian wild ............................... Equus hemionus .......................... Southwestern and Central Asia .. ......do ........................................... E 3 NA NA Avahi .............................................. Avahi laniger (=entire genus) ...... Malagasy Republic ......do ........................................... E 3 NA NA (=Madagascar). Aye-aye .......................................... Daubentonia madagascariensis .. ......do ........................................... ......do ........................................... E 3 NA NA 13 Babirusa ......................................... Babyrousa babyrussa .................. Indonesia ..................................... ......do ..........................................
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