E1490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks July 23, 1997 The program has grown to include over 300 Kenya Walker; Shantee Washington; Bryant [LeRC]. The Mars Pathfinder mission is one in students, including a class from the Harrity El- Webster; Pauline White; Kelly Whitehead; Eric which LeRC has an important role. The geo- ementary School in Philadelphia and students Whitney; Bill Wilcox; David Williams; Paul Wil- logical experiments being carried out by the in Hartford, CT, and Cambridge, MA. To date liams; Tamika Williams; Tashieka Williams; Sojourner rover on Mars were formulated by 67 of the original Say Yes students have grad- Theresa Williams; Marvin Wilson; Christopher LeRC scientists. The Lewis team is also a uated from high school, with 19 matriculating Wood. major participant in microgravity research. The at 4-year colleges and 21 at 2-year colleges. I hope that all Members will take time to near zero gravity experimentation has been This number far exceeds the expectations of learn more about this important program and successfully used over 80 times on 30 dif- educational experts for students from similar its successes as our Nation moves forward in ferent missions. Eleven NASA Lewis experi- economic backgrounds. its effort to revitalize education for all students. ments are part of the microgravity science lab- The stories of these students, dubbed the f oratory aboard the space shuttle. These ex- Belmont 112 by the Philadelphia Inquirer in periments will be invaluable in providing a periodic articles about the program, have SALUTING NASA bridge between present operations and those touched the lives of many Philadelphians and operations to be conducted in the near future inspired other sponsors to reach out to urban HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH aboard the ISS. students. OF OHIO As impressive as all of these programs are, It is because the success of programs like IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES perhaps NASA's biggest achievement lies in Say Yes to Education, that I introduced the Wednesday, July 23, 1997 the fact that all of the above has been con- 21st Century Scholar Act, H.R. 777. This act ducted while reducing spending. would notify elementary school students at the Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- The Appropriations Committee proposed a poorest public schools in the country that they port of the excellent work being done by the fiscal year 1998 budget of $13,648,000,000. would be eligible for the maximum Federal scientists and engineers at the National Aero- As each fiscal year budget passes, projected Pell grant award if they complete their high nautics and Space Administration [NASA]. NASA future spending shrinks. Productivity, school education and gain admission into a NASA is an extremely important public agency however, has been maximized. The Earth Ob- postsecondary institution. In addition, my legis- and its vast array of work including space, serving System program, for example, was in lation would make available tutoring and science, aeronautics, global environment, and fiscal year 1991 forecast by NASA to require mentoring services to these students through education, benefits the Nation on a number of $17 billion of public funds through the year the existing Federal TRIO programs. The 21st levels. 2000. In the fiscal year 1996 budget plan this Century Scholars Act implements the efforts of Under the direction of Administrator Daniel projection had been reduced to $7.2 billion. successful private early intervention programs, Goldin, current NASA operations are both dy- NASA has managed to achieve more with such as Say Yes to Education, on a national namic and productive. Mr. Goldin has been an less. scale. agent of positive change and reform. Pro- One reason for the NASA success story is To mark the 10th anniversary of the Say grams are being carried out faster and cheap- the cooperative interaction with commercial in- Yes to Education Program, a reunion of stu- er. His dedication to the international space stitutions and the links forged with their inter- dent participants and sponsors will take place station has promoted an atmosphere in which national counterparts. By collaborating with in Philadelphia on July 26, 1997. nations from around the world have been will- private sector organizations, NASA has been I am pleased to honor the original Belmont ing to work in partnership. His efforts in seek- able to restructure certain of its operations Say Yes to Education students by entering ing the inclusion of the Russian space agency while still achieving the desired results. For their names into the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: are particularly noteworthy. They demonstrate example, the technology generated by NASA Allen Alexander; Eric Alexander; Tanyell Alick; the impact that the space program can have in detecting and tracking tornadoes, has been Dana Baynes; Jerell Baynes; Majovie Billups- on international relations, encouraging co- used by commercial weather stations. Such Bland; Maurice Boone; Christopher Bradford; operation toward peace. A United States and links have produced a catalyst enabling more Mitchell Bronson; Shermika Brown; Walter Russian joint space program is something that research and development to be undertaken. Brown; Damion Caldwell; Tabitha Casper; could never have even been dreamed of when Mr. Speaker, NASA is the unparalleled Sekou Clark; David Cox-Sims; Kimberly cold war divisions were prevalent. The pro- world leader in space technology, enabling Creamer; Zengo Daigre; Zeno Daigre; Jahleel gram highlights the mutual interests and mu- this country to maintain world leadership in Daniels. tual benefits of peace shared by our two great science technology and in aeronautics re- James Davis; Solomon Davis; Troy Davis; nations. search and in space exploration. I salute the William Dorsey; Frank Duckett; Craig Dunston; Of the many missions which NASA is cur- thousands of NASA employees who help to Anita Edwards; Micah Ellison; Jalina Evans; rently working on, Mars Pathfinder, which make the program possible. Mark Ferguson; Vedia Fisher; Tolanda For- landed on July 4, 1997, is the highlight. The f tune; Craig Freeman; Gregg Freeman; mobile geological studies of Mars which are Joelena Fuller; Lamont Goings; Ayenna currently being carried out, are extremely inno- NIKOLAI IVANOVICH GETMAN: Gomez; Yasmeen Grantham; Steven Guilford; vative and educational. I would like to com- ARTIST OF THE SOVIET GULAG Antoinette Harper; Mack Harvey; Mildrianne mend the brilliant scientists and engineers of Hatten; Jerwayne Haywood; Kenneth Hilliard; NASA for the success of this mission. HON. TOM LANTOS Charles Hollerway; Micah Holliday; Jermaine NASA's international space station [ISS], OF CALIFORNIA Horton; Nicole Huff; Carol Jackson; Eugene phase I, has sought to collaborate inter- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jackson; Tamika Jackson; Carmen James; national efforts in order to place into orbit and Aronda Jenkins; James Johnson; Ravenel monitor American astronauts in space. Wednesday, July 23, 1997 Johnson; Crystal Jones; Chantel Jones-Akers; NASA's Mission to Planet Earth [MTPE] and Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Marvette Leatherberry; Sherlina Leatherberry; the Earth Observing System [EOS] have pro- recognize the accomplishments of Soviet born Christopher Lee; Latasha Lighty; Nickia Little; vided, and are continuing to provide, key data artist, Nikolai Getman, a refugee of the Soviet Genise Mace; Cedric Mallory; Richard Mat- on the Earth's global climate change. The pro- Gulag, the immense series of prison camps thews. gram, designed by the talented engineers and that extended across the length and breadth Percy McKitthen; Charles Miles; Dellshon staff of TRW, headquartered in the Cleveland of the former Soviet Union. His paintings have Miller; Sonny Miller; Vanessa Mitchell; area, endeavors to evaluate the interaction be- given us a unique insight into the ghastly life Jarmaine Olliviere; William Payne; Ronald tween the elements and the effects of natural of the Gulag. This exhibition, a collection of Pierce; Aaron Pitt; Shaheed Purnell; Joanne and human-induced changes on the global en- paintings depicting life at the Gulag, is of im- Randall; Nicole Randall; Kemeika Richardson; vironment. In the past the program has helped mense historical importance. Over the past Rodana Robinson; Juanita Rollerson; Quentin us to understand about the ozone layer and several months the Jamestown Foundation, a Ross; Katrina Scruggs; Edwin Seals; Marc the effects and causes of destructive natural nonprofit organization which focuses on the Seymour; Michael Shenoster; Harold Shields, phenomena. At this time there are a number former Soviet Union, has raised funds to bring Jr.; Orion Sistrunk; Tanisha Smalls; Cornell of scientific instruments aboard various space- these paintings to the United States and save Smith; Jumar Smith; Larry Smith; Rodney craft which are monitoring climatic trends. them from possible destruction. The paintings Sowell; Janine Spruill; Dorothy Stewart; Jer- A driving force behind the success of will be available for viewing in the Rotunda of emy Summers; Iva Supplee-Tate; Bradley NASA's missions is the work carried out by the Russell Senate Office Building between Torrence; Horace Torrence; Montara Tyler; the Cleveland based Lewis Research Center July 21 and July 25. July 23, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1491 In 1946, Soviet police imprisoned Nikolai 1998, H.R. 2160, language is included stipu- to share our rich heritage with over 1 million
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