United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,945,049 Hamaya et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 31, 1990 (54) METHOD FOR PREPARING MAGNETIC 0187.192 11/1983 Japan ................................... 435/168 POWDER 60-172288 9/1985 Japan. 2055092 3/1987 Japan ................................... 435/168 75) Inventors: Toru Hamaya, 1-D, Daiichiseifuso, 62-171688 7/1987 Japan. 5-5, Minami 1-chome, Meguro-ku, 62-294089 12/1987 Japan. Tokyo 152; Koki Horikoshi, 39-8, 2192870 4/1988 United Kingdom ................ 435/168 Sakuradai 4-chome, Nerima-ku, Primary Examiner-Herbert J. Lilling Tokyo 176, both of Japan Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, 73 Assignees: Research Development Corporation; Maier & Neustadt Toru Hamaya; Koki Horikoshi, all of Tokyo, Japan; a part interest 57 ABSTRACT The present invention relates to a method for preparing 21 Appl. No.: 343,263 magnetic powder comprising homogeneous and fine 22 PCT Filed: Aug. 18, 1988 particles using an alkali-producing enzyme. The object of the present invention is to provide a method suitable (86 PCT No.: PCT/JP88/00814 for preparing magnetic powder comprising relatively S371 Date: Apr. 14, 1989 small particles, for instance, fine particles having a par ticle size ranging from 50 to 500 nm. The present inven S 102(e) Date: Apr. 14, 1989 tion relates to a method for preparing at least one mem (87. PCT Pub. No.: WO89/01521 ber selected from the group consisting of iron oxides, iron hydroxides and iron oxyhydroxides which com PCT Pub. Date: Feb. 23, 1989 prises the step of alkalizing a solution containing iron 30 Foreign Application Priority Data ions utilizing an alkali-producing enzyme and a sub Aug. 18, 1987 (JP) Japan ................................ 62-20485 strate of the enzyme. According to the present invention, there can be pro 51) Int. Cl. ................................................ C12P3/00 duced magnetite (Fe3O4) and maghemite (gamma 52 U.S. Cl. .................................................... 435/168 Fe2O3) useful as magnetic powder as well as goethite 58) Field of Search ......................................... 435/168 (alpha-Fe0(OH)), hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) and lepido (56) References Cited crocite (gamma-FeO(OH)) useful as the starting materi U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS als thereof. The magnetic powder can be used as the 4,385,119 5/1983 Blakemore et al. .. ... 435/168 materials for magnetic recording and magnetic fluid; 4,394.451 2/1983 Blakemore et al. .. ... 435/168 carriers for bioreactors; those for magnetic separation of cells and biopolymers; and those for microcarriers of FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS medicines. 0684.552 4/1964 Canada ................................ 435/168 0744701 10/1966 Canada ................................ 435/168 16 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Jul. 31, 1990 Sheet 1 of 7 4.945,049 TT: | ENVÅGWEW@v?AW__-- 22 ALI -1941'2 SO U.S. Patent Jul. 31, 1990 Sheet 2 of 7 4,945,049 F. G. 2 (XO, OOO) U.S. Patent Jul. 31, 1990 Sheet 3 of 7 4,945,049 2.' 62 2.] Gl ScC) U.S. Patent Jul. 31, 1990 Sheet S of 7 4,945,049 2/69G9 19/9 G’9|- HNVHGWEW@Hv?AW 22 ScC) U.S. Patent Jul. 31, 1990 Sheet 6 of 7 WEH9VWOELI | ScC) U.S. Patent Jul. 31, 1990 Sheet 7 of 7 /(9|-} XOO^| Sco 4,945,049 1. 2 ones and specific examples thereof include chlorides, METHOD FOR PRE PARNG MAGNETIC sulfates, nitrates, lactates, oxalates, fumalates, ammo POWDER nium sulfates and ammonium oxalates of iron (including both ferric and ferrous salts). FIELD OF THE INVENTON In the method of the present invention, the aforemen The present invention relates to a method for prepar tioned solution containing iron ions is alkalized with an ing magnetic powder and more particularly to a method alkali-producing enzyme and a substrate thereof. for preparing uniform fine particles of magnetic powder The term "alkali-producing enzyme(s)' used herein utilizing an alkali-producing enzyme. means an enzyme capable of forming an alkali substance 10 through a reaction with the substrate thereof and, for BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION instance, hydrolases and oxidoreductases can be used. A method which comprises adding a precipitant to a Further, the invention encompasses a method in which metal salt solution to form precipitates of a metal hy the solution containing iron ions is alkalized using a droxide has been used to prepare magnetic powder. bacterial cell capable of producing an alkali-producing However, when the precipitant is externary added to 15 enzyme. Examples of hydrolases and substrates thereof such a solution, the concentration of the precipitant in which can be used in the invention are listed in Table I the solution becomes instantaneously and locally high and oxidoreductases and substrates thereof are shown in and the resultant precipitates are likely to cause impuri Table II. In addition, bacteria which produce urease ties uptake even if the concentration of the precipitant is serving as an alkali-producing enzyme are exemplified low and it is added in small portions with stirring. On 20 in Table III and examples of other bacteria capable of the contrary, use of a homogeneous precipitation producing an alkali-producing enzyme are shown in method makes it possible to provide pure and compact Table IV. precipitates. This homogeneous precipitation method is a method in which a precipitant is gradually produced TABLE I in the solution by a chemical reaction such as hydroly 25 Hydrolases and Substrates Thereof sis. According to this method, the concentration of the Enzyme No. Name of Enzyme Substrate precipitant is, always maintained at an extremely low asparaginase L-asparagine level since the produced precipitant is immediately glutaminase L-glutamine consumed. As a result, the incorporation of impurities omega-amidase omega-amidodicar 30 boxylate into the resultant precipitates and the amount of bound amidase monocarboxylate water are maintained at a low level because the precipi urease lea tated particles slowly grow with time and precipitates beta-ureidopropionase N-carbamoyl-beta of small volume is prepared. alanine Among the homogeneous precipitation methods, the ureidosuccinase N-carbamoyl-L-alanine 35 biotinidase biotinamide most frequently used is an urea method in which a metal nicotinamidase nicotinamide hydroxide or oxide is prepared utilizing a hydrolysis 3.5.20 citrullinase L-citrulline reaction of urea. The urea method is used to prepare a alpha-(acetamidomethy- alpha-(acetamidome lene)-succinate thylene)-succinate hydroxide or an oxide of iron. hydrolase However, it is found that the particle size of powder 5-aminovaleramidase 5-amino-n-valeramide of such an oxide or the like prepared by the homogene D-glutaminase D-glutamine ous precipitation method is large. Accordingly, an ob glutaminase (aspara- L-glutamine/L- ject of the present invention is to provide a method ginase) asparagine peptidyl-glutaminase alpha-N-peptidyl-L- which is suitable to prepare magnetic powder consisting glutamine of a relatively small particles such as fine particles hav glutaminyl-peptide L-glutaminyl-peptide ing an average particle size ranging from about 50 to 45 glutaminase 500 mm. urease (ATP-hydroly- rea zing) DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION formiminoaspartate N-formimino-L-aspar deiminase tate The present invention relates to a method for prepar arginine deiminase L-arginine ing at least one member selected from the group consist 50 allantoate deiminase allantoate ing of iron oxides, iron hydroxides and iron oxyhydrox agmatine deiminase agmatine formiminoglutamate N-forminino-L- ides, which comprises a step of alkalizing a solution deininase glutamate containing iron ions using an alkali-producing enzyme cytosine deaminase cytosine and a substrate thereof. adenine deaminase adenine 55 guanine deaminase guanine BRIEF EXPLANATION OF THE adenosine deaminase adenosine ACCOMPANYING DRAWINGS cytidine deaminase cytidine AMP deaminase AMP FIGS. 1 and 3 to 7 are X-ray diffraction patterns and ADP deaminase ADP FIG. 2 is a photograph illustrating the particle structure 3.5.48 aminoimidazolase 4-aminoimidazole of the product obtained in Example 1. pterin deaminase pterin dCMP deaminase dCMP MOST PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS FOR dCTP deaminase dCTP deoxycytidine deaminase deoxycytidine CARRYING OUT THE INVENTION guanosine deaminase guanosine The present invention will now be explained in detail. 3.54.17 adenosine phosphoric AMP 65 acid deaminase In the method of the present invention, a solution ATP deaminase ATP containing iron ions is used. The solution contains either pyrithiamin deaminase pyrithlamine ferric or ferrous ions or both of these. The sources of creatinine deiminase creatinine these ferric and ferrous ions are not restricted to specific 1-pyrroline-4-hydroxy-2- HPC 4,945,049 3 4. pared by alkalizing a solution containing iron ions utiliz TABLE I-continued ing an alkali-producing enzyme and a substrate thereof. Hydrolases and Substrates Thereof Products obtained by alkalization vary depending on Enzyme No. Name of Enzyme Substrate the reaction conditions. The reaction conditions herein carboxylate deaminase 5 mean the kind of iron ions (whether they are Fe2+ or blasticidin-S deiminase blasticidine-S cepiapterin deaminase cepiapterin Fe3+), ratio (molar ratio) of the concentration of Fe2+ nitrilase 3-indole-acetonitrile to that of Fe3+, the amount of enzymes and substrates ricinine nitrilase ricinine thereofused, the state of the reaction system (whether it cyanate hydrolase cyanate is oxidation or reduction system), temperature and the O like.
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