tudentalleges rape Vandalism threatens Procrastinator Tawna Mitchell The victim w.is a freshman fuqxmenr editor in chief at Montana Stace. The rape al­ legedly occurred after a party Homelessness has never been much of a prob­ held at Lambda Chi Alpha fra­ ternity had ended. Lambda Chi lem in Bozeman. wouldnotconunenton the situ­ Last week, however, it almost became a reality ation. for Montana State's Procrastinator Theater. According to the police re­ The Procrastinator, which is sponsored by ecall was made at approxi- port, the victim told Steve ASMSU Films, has been showing films in 125 3:05 Saturday morning. Crawford, the officer in charge, Linfield Hall since the 1980s. According to J.T. , the crime was commit- Bock, problems began last spring when instances of een 2:40 and 2:55. perry vandalism began to coincide with Procrasti- i===---===:...___::....:....=::...._-----=Ph,=.ot=o=b=y=::ee=n=c~rott...,,::i naror showings. According to Bock, tensions rose ErikaSpringerandCharlieSchinkle guardtheProcrastinator. last year when a window was broken during a Films committee at that time and discussed the issue. showing of Pulp Fiction. However, according to Marlow, the situation got "The place was left in pretty bad condition," worse instead of better. Bock said. "I didn't see it myself, but I just couldn't "This fall, the problems really began to inten­ believe that our staff didn't do anything." sify," Marlow said. "What really began to tip it over Clayton Marlow, the associate dean of the depart- the side is we had students jimmying open doors ro ment of agriculture, serves as the building supervi- laboratories and going in and using telephones. sor for Linfield Hall. According to Marlow, the While that can be annoying, the problem is that the problems went beyond just a broken window. laboratories that they were gaining access to that way "We had a large window broken in a stairwell, contained radioactive tracers, so there was a real and then there was complaints from the faculty and health hazard." the secretaries working around the audirorium," Marlow continued to receive complaints from Marlow said. "There was a lot of trash and paper faculty members who teach in and around the Linfield and bottles left lying around." auditorium. Problems ranged from trash left in class- The bottles in question included beer and wine bottles, which are not permitted in the Linfield auditorium. Marlow met with members of the see Vandalism page 2 Association review-s accredation is not receiving funds consistently nals they rake the most expensive enough to plan long term budgets, ones and flop those off without any Eiq)Qnenr reporter and MSU's ability to cope with de­ thought ro the important ones," ferred maintenance or repair on old Anderson said. "It would be similar A meeting was held Monday to buildings. to downsizing the workforce by discuss Montana State's direction in According to the Interim Re­ firing the president, the provost and retaining its accredited starus. port for Reaffirmation of Accredita­ other people from the top. "Wadlow IfMSU was not accredited, stu­ tion, MSU has adequately began ad­ felt the library was doing an ad­ dents would be unable to receive dressing all of the concerns. equate job of pursuing alternate federal student loans or sources of income. federal aid, and faculty "Pve learned of steps members could not receive ''We don't need a tunnel, we being taken by campus ro federal grants for projects. augment the library budget, Joan Wadlow, chan­ need a library." with private fundraising for cellor of University of example, deans will earmark Alaska at Fairbanks, was -Tames Anderson, professor of physics a certain percentage to the tl1e representative for the libraty," Wadlow said. accreditation committee. Anderson thought that Wadlow held the meeting to let A major issue discussed was the MSU money was being misused. people give their comments. condition of the libraty. According 'We don't need a rwmel, we The Northwest Association of to James Anderson, professor of need a library," Anderson com­ Schools and Colleges reviews insti­ physics, the library is severely under­ mented. tutions evety 10 years, to decide who funded, particularly tl1e journals. Wadlow will visit other admin­ recievcs accredation. Anderson believes the library curs istrators and deans and the North­ In 1990 MSU received accredi­ out tl1e most important periodicals west Association of Schools and tation but the committee was con­ first. Colleges committee will go over her cerned about rwo major issues: MSU 'When they decide to cut jour- report in December. Featt..1res Sports Tuesday: Snow in the mountains. North winds. High in the 20s. Reaching Fall Rodeo out begins Students volun­ Wednesday: Periods of snow, windy. teer to make a dif­ Thursday High in the 20s. ference Page 9 I Page 17 2 Page Tuesday, October 31, 1995 A 5M U Exponent Internet overload o Solutions considered for ne Marcus Hibdon Exponent news cdiror The uper information highway may soon find nself in a traffic jam at Montana Srate "The number of users has grown exponentially this year," Tom Gibson, interim director of the informanon technology center said. " What we're looking at 1s rhe modem banks right no'' are full ~ 100 percent unlization for some 20 hours a day." G1b!>On said that the current s\'srem isn't sen ID the tudents' and faculn"s need. Current!\', new alternatives are being earched for. "\Ve are looking at a commercial earner to pre v1de remote access to rhe \'Stem," Gibson said. According to Gibson, the need came from rhe growing technology of the Internet and the growt demands of students and facult\'. "The need that we hear from the srudencs and faculn· 1s char we want access to the Internet and want to use the Web," Gibson said. "We \\ant tO able to do ir so they can run it from rhe comfort 1 the residence hall rooms, homes Or whereYer the\ busine"" According to Gene Rau, head of user scr' h.C one of the m~ht noteworrh\ 1mpr0Ycmcnts I' the addmon of a graphic "eb bro" ser. "( urrentl\', ,tudenrs do nt•t haH' acce" to the capab1ltt1cs of the \Veb:· R.rn s.11d. "\\'1th th1 ne access, the enhanced dial 111 aLCe-s, the' "111 ha' e cap.1bility given they ha,·e the equipment to h.we Phoco by Nathan Howwd Internet access." Voodoo Hot Dog plays at the Monster Mash m the Baxter The event attracted many students to celebrate Halloween early Ho" eYer, both Gibson and Rau speculate th. this year because the holiday falls on a weekday. The Monster Mash is an annual costume party. Traditionally, a costume minimal fee nu\' have to insulled for dial m use: contest is held This year, the grand prize was a ski package to Bridger Bowl and the group prize was a sleigh ride and dinner "There may' be a fee but not spenficall\' for t for eight. see Internet page 8 v andalism __________________ from p rooms and hallways ro susp1c1on of the building will be left m d1sarr ay said. "Students won't be allowed as well as at the Rialto but we u e mean we'ye got residenc breaking and entenng m several for classes on Monday morning. to !me up mside, but we're gomg the Procrasnnator cheater's 35 mil­ bemg corn up~ we\·e gor­ laborarories. Recently, the issue According co Lashaway, the mess to adiust the nmes so the orher limeter equipment co show most first time ~ince I came l finally came to a head. often extends beyond just the audi­ show should be out by the nme of our films 111 Lmfield,'' 1 eff 1980-we'\'e got a report "What really npped it for me roriwn 1rself. students start arriving ...... exp lamed. rupnve behavior m clas~ro was rwo weeks ago, somebody de­ "When you have access to In addition, Bock himself will Accordmg to Patti Inskeep, think ifsrudents themseb·C! liberately plugged one ofthe urinals Linfield 125,' there are no barriers begm each show with a plea to direcror ofstudent actiYi nes. there just start saving, 'this is o m the men's bathroom and wedged ro wandering through the entire audience members to be respectful are no other cheaters on campus \'ers1t\', these are our bu the handle down and flooded the facility," Lashaway explained. of che building. According co that could hold the Procrastina­ our das rooms, we're no bathroom," Marlow said. "It would uwhile most offices and labs are Bock, the Procrastinator is still on tor. The screen will not fit in the to tolerate this cype of be have gotten even worse, had the locked up, somenmes, things can very thin ice. Johnson Hall cheater, and the pro- that's what I'm realh' after janiror not literally waded into ir." get tampered with or even iecror cannot be we can JUSt keep On showir According to Marlow, his sus­ something left unlocked." placed at the proper 1es." picions immediately reseed on the After much debate, angle to show the According to Bock, t Procrastinator Theater crowds. Out the group finally reached "I think that this is just an films. is now m the hands of the I of concern for the well-being of his an agreement on the is­ Other potential tinator patrons. building, he began to think seri­ sue. According to Toby overall picture of a bigger prob­ theaters arc gener­ "I JUSt hope chat the: ously about refusing to allow the Morris, ASMSU presi­ ally booked up with realize that ir's up co cher Procrastinator to show their movies dent, it was decided that lem on campus." common-hour ex­ Bock said.
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