![Congressional Record—Senate S5980](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
S5980 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 26, 1999 Press story about India launching air- of the snowcapped hills, looking down at In- In the Commonwealth of the North- strikes into Kashmir against infiltra- dian army convoys, 2,700 feet below. ern Mariana Islands, foreign workers tors. I think we have a lot to learn yet Their command of the heights handicapped have been imported in mass to assem- Indian soldiers trying to evict them, officers about what specifically took place. told The Associated Press. ble goods for export to the United Those details are sketchy and not com- Army officers in the area said the infiltra- States. Taking advantage of loopholes ing in at the present time. tors must have taken months to occupy the in our immigration and labor laws, for- I ask unanimous consent that this ar- posts. They said Indian forces could take eign businessmen use the Mariana Is- ticle be printed in the RECORD. three to six months to clear them. lands as a base to export garments to There being no objection, the article The attacks were carried out within In- the United States. These foreign busi- was ordered to be printed in the dian-occupied regions, Indian Brig. Mohan nessmen pay no export taxes, and their Bhandari said. Troops were expected to take RECORD, as follows: over the intruders’ positions once they re- goods are not subject to textile quotas. INDIA LAUNCHES AIR STRIKES IN KASHMIR treat, officials said. Their workers are paid below minimum AGAINST INFILTRATORS The exchange of mortar and heavy artil- wage levels, if paid at all, and often (By Arthur Max) lery fire in the Kargil and Dras regions has live in deplorable conditions. DRAS, INDIA (AP).—Indian air force jets and left at least 160 people dead, Bhandari said. Women from Asia and Russia are im- helicopters fired on suspected guerrillas in Thousands of residents of the region have ported with the promise of high paying the disputed Kashmir province today, mark- fled to safe villages along the Suru River. jobs in the United States only to find ing the most serious escalation of fighting in The attack came a day after Prime Min- themselves marooned with no means of ister Atal Bihari Vajpayee said all steps in- the region since India and Pakistan tested escape, forced to work as prostitutes in nuclear weapons last year. Pakistan charged cluding airstrikes would be taken to push that Indian aircraft bombed its territory in back the infiltrators. Vajpayee said he the booming Mariana sex trade. the raids today and an army spokesman said warned his Pakistani counterpart, Nawaz This long-running scandal has been the country is ready for ‘‘all eventualities.’’ Sharif, to withdraw the intruders in a tele- exposed once again by the Global Sur- ‘‘We think it is a very grave escalation and phone conversation Monday. vival Network. This American-based Pakistan armed forces reserves the right to Mr. BROWNBACK. Mr. President, I nongovernmental organization which respond,’’ said Brigadier Rashid Quereshi, a want to simply note again that we held uncovers human rights violations sent military spokesman told The Associated a hearing yesterday on what is taking an undercover team to the CNMI to Press. India said the attacks occurred solely gather evidence on the continued use of on its own territory and that they were place in India and on military and po- aimed at what it called Afghan mercenaries litical issues. The United States needs forced labor in the commonwealth. supported by Pakistani forces. The forces to broaden its relationship with India. They have just issued their report had moved into the Indian-controlled Hima- We have a broad-based relationship which was the subject of an ABC News layan region earlier this month and posed a with China which has been strained segment on ‘‘20/20.’’ If you did not see threat to Indian supply lines in the Hima- and stressed. China is an authoritarian the television broadcast, please read layan state, Indian officials said. country. India is a democracy. There the report which I am sending to every ‘‘This is the start of operations and they Senator. will continue until our defense forces reoc- are a number of places that we are sanctioning India where we don’t sanc- Entitled ‘‘Trapped: Human Traf- cupy our territories. Any escalation of this ficking for Forced Labor in The Com- conflict will be entirely the responsibility of tion China at all. Yet these are com- Pakistan,’’ the Defense Ministry said in a parable-sized countries. One has a monwealth of The Northern Mariana statement in New Delhi. democratic tradition, the other an au- Islands (a U.S. Territory),’’ the report Pakistani Foreign Minister Sartaj Aziz thoritarian. There are a number of demonstrates in disturbing detail the said that Pakistan knew nothing about the problems in China that we aren’t expe- continued trafficking of humans for in- infiltrators. ‘‘No one knows where they come riencing with India. dentured labor in factories and sex from and who they are,’’ he said. We need to broaden this relationship trade emporiums in the Marianas. Im- Quereshi said the army rejected Indian plicating organized crime groups from claims. He said the Pakistan army suspects with India and with Pakistan. It is just India wants to occupy Pakistan territory in that at the present time, given what the People’s Republic of China, South that area. has just taken place in the escalating Asia, and Japan, the report estimates India and Pakistan have fought two of of tension in this subcontinent by In- that there are about 40,000 indentured their three wars over Kashmir, which is di- dian military forces, I don’t feel com- workers in the CNMI, earning about vided between them by a U.N.-monitored fortable offering this amendment. $160 million in profits for criminal syn- cease-fire line. More than 15,000 people have I look forward to working in good dicates. been killed in fighting between rebels and se- faith with all of my colleagues to ad- Indentured workers are being used to curity forces in Indian-held Kashmir in the manufacture ostensibly as ‘‘Made in last 10 years. dress the United States-South Asian Pakistan and India, which were partitioned relationship. I note to Members of the the USA’’ garments for export to the when they gained independence from Britain Senate that we will be holding hearings United States. None of these goods are in 1947, tested nuclear weapons in May 1998, in the Foreign Relations Committee to required to be shipped to the U.S. on prompting fears of a nuclear arms race in the look further into what we need to do in U.S.-flag ships in accordance with the subcontinent. Both countries claim all of building this stronger relationship. Jones Act. This duty-free, quota-free Kashmir. India accuses Pakistan of sending Mr. President, I yield the floor. zone in which foreign workers produce militants across the border. high value goods at below minimum A Pakistani army spokesman said the In- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- dian allegations that elite troops were aiding ator from Hawaii. wage is an entirely legal scheme for militants was ‘‘complete rubbish.’’ Mr. AKAKA. Mr. President, I ask Chinese and other foreign manufactur- Indian Maj. Gen Joginder Jaswant Singh unanimous consent that I have 10 min- ers to bypass American textile quotas. told reporters in New Delhi that the infiltra- utes in morning business. The report also graphically details tors have taken up positions four miles in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the increasing use of CNMI’s loose im- side India in the Dras, Batalik, Kaksar and objection, it is so ordered. The Senator migration standards to make this Mashkok mountains of northern Kashmir. may proceed. former tropical paradise a major center Intelligence reports, backed by photos for the booming Asian sex trade. taken by Indian satellites, showed at least f 600 infiltrators, Singh said. The reports also Women from Asia and Russia are being HUMAN TRAFFICKING FOR lured to the Northern Marianas with said they have anti-aircraft missiles, radar, FORCED LABOR IN AN AMERICAN snowmobiles and sophisticated communica- promises of work opportunities in the tions equipment. COMMONWEALTH United States only to find themselves The air force joined the operation because Mr. AKAKA. Mr. President, I rise imprisoned on islands from which there the infiltrators had occupied positions at al- today to call your attention to a scan- is no escape unless they agree to their titudes of up to 16,000 feet, said Air Com- dal in an American commonwealth. It employer’s demands that they become modore Subash Bhojwani, director of offen- is a scandal that involves forced labor prostitutes and sex hostesses. This sick sive operations. In Dras, 100 miles from the state capital of and sex trade workers. It’s not a pretty trade in prostitution must be stopped. Srinagar, Indian army officers said the tar- picture. It is a picture of a tropical par- Loopholes in the Immigration and get of today’s attack was some 70 infiltrators adise destroyed by greed and corrup- Nationality Act and the Fair Labor who had entrenched themselves on the slopes tion. Standards Act of 1938 need to be VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:57 Nov 01, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1999SENATE\S26MY9.REC S26MY9 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY May 26, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5981 plugged as soon as possible. I hope you tience has ended. Conditions in the ernment is wrong in this current law- will join me in ending this deplorable CNMI are a looming political embar- suit.
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