CENTRE FOR EXCELLENCE IN HOMŒOPATHY CONTINUING HOMŒOPATHIC MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICES QUARTERLY HOMŒOPATHIC DIGEST VOL. XXVI, 1 & 2, 2009 Lead me from Untruth to Truth Lead me from Darkness to Light Lead me from Death to Immortality Adyaya I Brahmana 3 Mantra 28 (This service is only for private circulation. Part I of the journal lists the Current literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known homœopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Belgium, Brazil, USA, etc., discipline- wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end. Compilation, translation, publication by Dr.K.S.Srinivasan, 1253, 66th Street, Korattur, Chennai - 600 080, India.) © Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009 CONTINUING HOMŒOPATHIC MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICES QUARTERLY HOMŒOPATHIC DIGEST VOL. XXVI, 1 & 2, 2009 Part I Current Literature Listing ______________________________________________________________________________________ Part I of the journal lists the current literature in Homœopathy drawn from the well-known homœopathic journals published world-over - India, England, Germany, France, Brazil, USA, etc., - discipline-wise, with brief abstracts/extracts. Readers may refer to the original articles for detailed study. The full names and addresses of the journals covered by this compilation are given at the end of Part I. Part II contains selected essays/articles/extracts, while Part III carries original articles for this journal, Book Reviews, etc. ______________________________________________________________________________________ paper addresses the complementary nature of these I. PHILOSOPHY disciplines in some depth, by way of exploration of the topic of suffering, the mirror as metaphor and 1. The Simillimum concept: alchemical correlates. Understanding Aphorisms 275 & 276 LASHKOVA, Zara (SIM. XXI, 2008) 3. Provings, Phenomena and Practice The evolution of Homœopathic knowledge The whole conceptual meaning of the term PITT, Richard (AJHM.100, 3/2007) simillimum in Homœopathy is still improperly and poorly understood. Knowledge of Medicines is an essential part of With reference to § 275 & 276, the author our homœopathic process. Homœopathic provings concludes that the simillimum is an integration of have been the cornerstone of our methodology to four major concepts. ascertain a knowledge of medicines. Verification 1. The similar remedy through clinical experience has been the other 2. The similar potency significant form of our development of knowledge. 3. The similar dose Experience confirms the validity of provings and 4. Proper frequency of repetition [Repetition if takes the knowledge into living three dimensional called for = KSS] reality. It is testament to Hahnemannřs genius that An interesting article. homœopathic provings and clinical verification, in attaining a Ŗknowledge of medicinal powersŗ is as 2. Homœopathy and Jungian Psychology: valid today as in his own time. Kindred spirits However, it can be argued that there are other NOSSAMAN, Nick (AJHM.100, 3/2007) ways to develop our knowledge of medicines and that both homœopathic provings and clinical There is a substantial resonance between experience have certain inherent problems, Jungian psychology and homœopathic medicine. In especially if relied on exclusively. Other, more the latter, we seek to understand the patient in his or phenomenological methods of attaining medicinal her totality by virtue of individualizing features, knowledge have been discussed in recent years, which guide us to the similar medicine. Likewise creating much debate in the profession. This article in Jungian psychology, the symbolic language of seeks to explore the issues around this debate and to the unconscious Ŕ such as is revealed to us in find a reasonable balance in our onion endeavor to dreams, active imagination and synchronicity Ŕ is a explore the knowledge of medicinal powers. It reflection of the aspects of the individual still to be argues that a combination of different forms of discovered. The goal is the same: realization of the Ŗknowledgeŗ gives the most confidence in developing our understanding. 4. Miasms: Energy Forces observed by facial potential of each individual patient in terms of features physical functioning and psychic expression. This BENTLEY Grant (AJHM. 100, 4/2007) © Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 2 Every suppression will have the equal and There is too much of assumption and opinion opposite repercussions elsewhere. (Newtonřs Law) in this article. The author says that Miasms The suppression of local symptoms, which are Influence pathology, facial structure, behavior and manifestations of the inner general disease, affects outlook; therefore know the Miasms of the patient the inner more vital organs. This confirms a Law by the patientřs facial structure. Sample sketch in physics Ŕ Energy cannot be created or destroyed. diagrams are given. It can only be converted from one form to another. The author argues for repetition of a remedy In §203, HAHNEMANN writes, Ŗthis for several days, weeks, months! He says ŖToo pernicious external mode of treatment, has been the many homœopaths, myself-included, have been most prolific source of all the innurmerable chronic misled by the Řsingle dose and waitř policy. maladies under which man groans. Obviously HAHNEMANN saw great benefits in Doctors and patients are unreasonably the continuous repetition of the medicine; otherwise gratified by the disappearance of the local the LM potency scale would not have been symptoms. devised.ŗ Homeopaths can cause suppression by [How is it obvious? Irrespective of what any one focusing on a single symptom without has said a repetition is called for only when called understanding the central disturbance; by giving for by the case in question = KSS] too many doses of a medicine; wrong potency and even poly-pharmacy. 5. Miasmen, zwischen Wahn und Realität Good knowledge of miasms help us to (Miasms, between Delusion and Reality) understand the central disturbance better and with METHNER Roland (ZKH. 51, 3/2007) correct homœopathic treatment, the susceptibility to the miasms reduces and the subsequent This is a brief study on ŘMiasmsř. The author generations are greatly healthier in mind and body. discusses Miasms as propounded by This will reduce the crime rate significantly, help HAHNEMANN (3 Miasms) subsequently the mankind to progress positively and make the expositioned by J.H. ALLEN (4 Miasms, inductive earth a much better place to live in. method), ORTEGA, (3 Miasms) MASI- We need to be careful, responsible and ELIZALDE, SANKARAN, VIJAYKAR (all conscientious when practicing Homœopathy. deductive method), JUS, (4 Miasms) GIENOW (6 A case has been analysed miasmatically and Miasms). These Miasm Schools differ from each the readers are suggested to suggest rubrics, other in fundamentals. As much deep one studies remedy and potency. these authors so much complicated they are. The author has made a study of 250 cases over the 7. Intuition in der Medizin years and also the connection with Cancer. He (Intuition in the Medicine) felt that the fact lies between J.H. ALLEN and NAGER Frank (AHZ, 252, 4/2007) HERING. While Miasm knowledge will help to recognise specific connections between certain The significance of intuition in Medicine is infectious diseases and other diseases, the majority inquired in the light of its historical development of the current authorsř are only their personal and its philosophical classification. The role of observations, fantasies, unproved opinions and Ŗraison de la mathématiqueŗ is valued and inadmissible analogies. An exact verification in confronted with the Ŗraison du cœurŗ. this matter is the need now. Conventional Medicine will find its perceptions in a causal, analytical way, trusting in the delusion 6. A study of suppression, Disease and Healing of measurability. But the alternative Medicine is POTDAR, Swapna (CCR. 15, 1/2008) also one-sided in its own way too, not properly Suppression can happen in many forms. taking into consideration the rational. In Medicine a. An individual may himself suppress his all the four functions of Mind are required: cravings, desires, aversions, emotions, Intellect, Emotion, Sensation and Intuition. Only a needs and thoughts. This may be due to good combination of these ingredients will widen his fear of losing his image from a conflict the technique of Cure to the Art of Healing. of (sycotic) or out of possible consequences (Psoric) 8. Der Archetyp des Spiegels Ŕ Beobachtungen b. A strong thought which is unexpressed. über die Natur von Heilung (The Archetype of c. Orthodox thinking Ŕ suppression at family Mirror Ŕ Observations about the nature of level. Cure) © Quarterly Homœopathic Digest, Vol. XXVI, 1 & 2/2009. For private circulation only. 2 NOSSAMAN Nicholas (AHZ. 252, 4/2007) Results: The conceptions of health and illness of the interviewed patients are related to the idea of To this day no one knows with certainty what vital balance/imbalance mediated by body-mind mechanism is responsible for the healing that takes interaction. Dissatisfaction with conventional place when the similar remedy is prescribed treatment, family influence and suggestions of successfully in Homœopathy. HAHNEMANN others were the reasons for seeking homœopathic himself acknowledged that: 1. It is unknown,
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