\~. THIRD EDITION, ‘ REVISED AND ENLAQGEI). ‘lr . ' DOSE BOOK} REFERENCE TABLES, FOR PHYSICIANS AND PHARMACISTS. Price, 50 cents, postpald. D. o; HAYNES & to, Publishers NEW YORK. -.( TABLE OF CONTENTS. 13’ f3; ' TI—IIRD EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. li‘ I ‘ PAGES 1. DOSE LIST. ......u...... H017 ' This llst gives the doses of some 2600 remedies. including all the Newer Remedies to date and all preparations111 the Pharmacopcelas of the United States. Great Britain and Germany. also all National Formulary preparations. 2. PROPERTIES OF REMEDIAL AGENTS. ....... ....... 17I0v18 ‘ A glossary giving short definitions of , e .. ical propertiesof remedies used in medicine.terms employed to designate the med ‘ '-—<~—\..~.-~—_. E 3 VETERINARY DOSES ..... .. ..... ..... .......... ... ... I9to 23 ' IA posological table of all the i with doses for Horses, Cattle.prominentSheep, Swineremediesand Dogs.used1nveterinary Iiractice E 4..INCOMPATIBLES.. ..... ..... ..... .. ......... .............. 2310 24 -‘ A list of the more important incompatibles Chemical Pharmaceutical and Physiological.arranged in three divisions viz.: .-5. POISONS AND THEIR ANTIDOTES. ....... .......... 24 I0 25 " ' The poisons classified forarequickarranged'reference.in groups with antidotes for each group clearly ' 6i TABLE OF SOLUBILITIES..... .... .. ..... 26h) 33 Showing the solubilities of some 500 different medical substances1n water ‘34:.1‘." alcohol, ether chloroform and glycerin. if" 7'. LATIN WORDS AND PHRASES.. .. ... 34 to 38 t" A list of Latin words and phrases used in prescription writing, with their I, 3 '' ,‘ ."conesponding contractions and English equlvalents . E ‘1 8 TERMS OCCURRING IN FRENCH AND GERMAN PRESCRIPTION8:. 3,9 to 40 fit: tAonsmost complete list of words employed in . " 10 French and German prescrip- ‘j',9. DROPS IN A FLUIDRAM.. .... ........ 4110 42 I; ‘ . A table showing the number of drops in a fluidram with i1, :1 p _ Weight1n grains and grams, for each preparation named. corresponding \ If {19. SPECIFIC GRAVITIES OF OFFICIAL SUBSTANCES... '..........................page 43 .3. - This Ist includes all substances whose specific f . _ . Pharmacopoeia. gravities are mentioned in the 11.. THE METRIC SYSTEM” .. ... .. .............. 441a 4‘5 7 Complete tables Showing the equivalents of ‘ relation of tioy. weightstometa1c, etc. etc. ayoirdupois weight in grams, . -.AVA.a),.17... .1. 12'. TABLE OF PERCENTAGE SOLUTIONS. ................... .page 46' . A table of the morecommon percentage forsuiticient distiled water to make 1 pint.solutions. calculated approximately "“13." TABLE or THERMOMETRIC EQUIVALENTS. ..... ... ..page .46 Fahrenheit and Centigradescales. with instructions for reducing Centi- grade degrees to thoseof Fahrenheit and vice versa. .' roosE EQUIVALENTS. ... .' . ........ .. -3d‘Cover. This table shows at a glance the amount of drug contained1n each teaspoon -fu_I ofany mixturefrom 1 ounce to a quart. COMPILED AND ARRANGED ESPECIALLY FOR USE IN I WRITING ,AIII] IDISPEIISIIIE 'PIIESIIBIPTIOIIS. ” COMPRISING A LIST, WITH DOSES, OF ALL REMEDIES OFFICIAL IN THE PHARMA- :1 I > COPCEIAS OF THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN AND GERMANY, AND I I ALSO THOSE OF THE NATIONAL FORMULARY (REVISED EDITION), TO WHICH HAVE BEEN ADDED MANY STANDARD PREPARATIONS, NEW REMEDIES, SYNTHETIC COMPOUNDS, ETC., A POSOLOGICAL TABLE OF THE MORE IMPORTANT REMEDIES USED _ U IN VETERINARY PRACTICE, ALSO A VAL- UABLE COIJLECTION OF REFERENCE TABLES; n_g;w. COMPILED BY THE PHARMACEUTICAL ERA. u THIRD EDITION. Alum-1......v.-.. REVISED AND ENLARGED. ‘ A NEW YORK: D. 0. HAYNES & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. _,._.._4-__ .-...__.-u-- M . I-“n. .1. .-.«..-: -I. _ 4- «.» L. 4;-‘n«l -74. “7.. «r .—“w m. -»-e._" .d “nun: ”a: A. DOSE LIST DRUGS,CHEHICALS AND PHARMACEUTICALS. Prepared Especially for Reference in Dispensing. In this list are Included all remedies official In the Pharmacopceias of the United States, Great Britain and Germany, also, all preparations contained in the National Formulary, and many others, including New Remedies, Synthetic Compounds, Etc. COMPILED FROM STANDARD MEDICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL LITERATURE. THE DOSES GlVEN ARE FOR ADULTS. The following rules will serve to proportion the dose according tothe age of the patient: dose to be . .. .. .. 1 or 1 drachm (60 grains). For an adult, suppose the .. .... .. 1-12 :‘ 5 grains. A child ‘under % year‘would require ..............}§ ‘ 8grains. 3 “ “ ...... 1-6 “ 10 grains. “ 4 " “ “ 15grains. “ 7 “ “ “ lscru le. “ 14 “ “ “ drac m. “ 20 “ “ % “ scru lee. From20to 60years,thefull dose............ ..... 1 “ 1drsc . Above 60 years an inverse gradation should beobserved. Doses FOR CHILDREN—YOUNG’S RULE—Add 12 to the age and divide by the use. Use the as the denominator ot!_ a. fraction whose numerator is 1. This fraction w 1 represent uotient compared With that for an adult. Example—For a child two years old: t e size of dose The dose is 1-7of that for an adul . 2+12==14. Divide by 2=7. Pharmacopoeia. Anennvunous: U.lain—BritishS.—UnitedPharmacopoeia.States Pharmacopoeia. Gen—GermanN. F.—Nutional Formulsry. gr. Abrastol ........... .......... 15 to 30 gr. Acldum Anticylicum . ..1-250 toto1-10111 gr. Abroma Augustum ............. 20 to 30 gr. Arsenosum—U. S.,S., Br.,Br., Ger...Ger. .1-6010 to 30 gr. Absinthium—U. S., Ger.......... 20 to 40 gr. Benzoicum—U.Borlcum—U. S., Gen, Br. 10 to ‘30 gr. Abstractum Aconiti ............ V4, to 201/2 gr. Borocitricum . .............. 5 ‘to 20 gr. Aspidospermee .............. 5 to 11/2 gr. Caincic ..... ............... 2 to 15 gr. Belladonna: ............................. 1,421 to 3 gr. Camphorlcum 15 to 30 gr. CannabisConil ......................Indies: 1 to 2 gr. Carbollcum—U. S., Br., Ger. 1 to 3 gr. Digitalis ................... 1 to 3 gr. Carbolicum Liquefactum—Br., min. Gelsemii 1 to 2 gr. Ger...... ........... 41 to 46 gr. Hyoscyami ................ to 5 gr. Cathartinicum ...............S., Br., Ger. .1-24 to 1/1. gr. Ignatiae .................... 1 to 3 gr. Citricum—U.Chromicum—U.S., Br., Ger. 10 to 30 gr. Ipecacuanhae .............. 63 to 1030 gr. Cubeblcum .............. 2 to 10 gr. JalapseNucis Vomicee.................................. 1A, to 1A; gr. Dlthiosalicylicum 2 to 3 gr. —._.—.M._.1-At Phytolaccae 5 to 15 gr. Embelicum ............ 3 to 206 mingr. Pilocarpi ................... 6 to 30 gr. Fluoricum Dilutum . 10 5 min. Podophylli .................. 2 to 5 gr. Formicum—Ger.Gallicum—U. S., .....Br. 5 to 30 gr. Senegae .................... 5 to 1510 gr. Gynocardicum ............... 1,§ to 3 gr. Valerianae ................................ 101 to 2 gr. Hippuricum ................ 4 to 15 gr, AcetalVeratri. ......................Viridi 1 to dr. Hydrobromicum Dilutum—U. Acetanilldum—U. S., Br., Ger... 3 to 15 gr. S., r................... 1,9 to 2 fl.dr.. Aceton ......................... 5 to 10 min, Hydrochloricum—U. S., Br., 5 to 10 min. 11.. Acetparatoluld ................. 10 to 30 gr. HydrochloricumGer ......................Dilutum—U. _ Acetum—U. S. 1 t0 4 fl.dl‘. S., Br., Ger.............. 10 to 30 min. Acetum Digitalis—Ger----------- 10 to 4060 min. Hydrocinnamicum. See Acidv ' Ipecacuanhae—Br.......................... 1/4,5 to 2 dr. um Phenylypropionicum. ' ."~. Lobellee—N.Opii—U. S: ..................F. 5 to 15 min. Hydrocyanicum Dilutum—U. .Sanguinaria—N. F. ......... 5 to 60 min. ., r................... 1 to 3fl.ozs.min. an; Scmae-U. S., Br., Ger....... 10 to 30 min. Hydrosnlphuricum Dilutum—.......... 2 to 4 Acetylphenyhydrazin . ...... 374, to 374 gr. Hypophosphorosum...... ......... 10 to 60 min. Acidum Aceticum Dilutum~U. 2 to 4 fl.dr. IodicumU. S . ............... 1 to 4 gr. 5;, Br., Ger.............. gr. ' Lactlcum—U. S., Br., Ger... 1/; to 2 fl.dr. Agsricum -------------------........ 1-31 toto 1%3 gr. Lactlcum Dilutum—B. F. 17$ to 2 fl.dr. AlphatoluicumAnlslcum tonnnurnnnvn. 5t015gr. LRTTCiCum y'ovv'unnnneul'lzt01'6‘1‘0 THE ERA DOSE BOOK. Di- Ammonii Boras ................ 4gr. Acidum t.um—NMetaphosphoricumF.............. 1/2 to 1 fl.dr. Camphorata .. ........ 1 to 3 gr. Nitricumlut Dilutum—U. Si, Br. 5 to 30 mm. Carbolas . ................ 2 to 6 gr. Nitrohydrochloricum—U S. .. 2 to 5 min. Carbonas—U...................S. Br.., Ger. 1/85 to 151%gr.g1. Nitrohydrochloricum Dilutum CarbozoasChloridum—U. S., Br., Ger. 5 to 30 gr. —U. S., ............... 10 to 20 gr.min. Embellcum 1-30 to 1-15 gr. Orthoamldo.................Sallcylicum....... 1/23 to 17 gr Fluorldum ............... .1-24 to 1,4 gr. OxalicumParacresotlcum ........... to 20 gr Formas ..................... 3 to 5 gr. Perosmlcum .................1-16 to 34 gr. HyposulphisHypophosphis............................... 5 to 30 gr Phenylaceticum .............. 1 to 3 gr. Iodidum—U. S. ............. 3 to 10 gr. Phenylpropionlcum—— U. .........S., Br., Nitras—U. S., Br............ 10 to 30 gr. PhosphoricumGer ................. 3 to 7 min. Phosphas—Br. ............... 5 to 20 gr. Phosphoricum Dilutum — U. SallcylasPicras .......................................... 142 to 201 gr.gr S., Br. ............. 5toto 302 gr.min. Succinas ........ ........... 1 to 4 gr Picricum ............ .. 3/414 to 1 gr. Sulphas ..................... 5 to 20 gr PolygallicumPyrogallicum. ........See Pyrogallol. Sulphis ..................... 5 to 20 gr Salicylicum—U. S., Br., Ger.. 10 to 25 gr. Sulphocarbolas .............. 1 to 5 gr Sclerotlcum . to 1 Sulphoichthyolas.T :hyol. See Ich- SulphanilicumSuccinicum arras ................. 51:030 r. Sulphurlcum Aromaticum—U. min AmpelopsinValerianas—U. S. 2 to 8 gr. S., B. ......... 5 to
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