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In print & online at Worth your time. statesman.com/classifieds Worth your support. legal notice legal notice legal notice public hearing public hearing public hearing City of Austin N O T I C E OF COMPETITIVE SEALED NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TO NOTICE OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Purchasing Office PROPOSALS DISCUSS DEL VALLE INDEPENDENT CITY OF LAKEWAY CITY OF LAKEWAY Advertisements for SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUB- ZONING & PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING & PLANNING COMMISSION 9/28/2020 HHS CTE Renovations LIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL In Financial Integrity Rating System of CITY OF AUSTIN PLANNING COMMIS- The City of Austin Online Vendor Reg- Pflugerville ISD Texas (F.I.R.S.T. ) SION ON October 13, 2020 AT 6:00 Notice is hereby given that public hear- Notice is hereby given that public hear- istration and Solicitation Advertising P.M., AT City Hall Council Chambers, ings will be held by the Zoning and ings will be held by the Zoning and details and document packages are Pflugerville ISD will accept Competitive Del Valle Independent School District 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, Texas TO Planning Commission on October 13, Planning Commission on October 13, available at this website: https://www. Sealed Proposals from qualified con- will hold a public meeting at 6:15pm CONSIDER A CERTAIN PROPOSAL TO 2020 at 9:15 AM. Because of Governor 2020 at 9:15 AM and City Council on austintexas.gov/financeonline/finance/ struction firms until 2:00 p.m., October by Live Stream on October 20th, 2020. RESUBDIVIDE LAND PURSUANT TO TI- Abbott’s Temporary Suspension of October 19, 2020 at 6:30 PM. Because Bidders/Proposers may be required to 20, 2020, in the lobby of the PISD Ad- TLE 25, OF THE AUSTIN LAND DEVEL- Open Meetings Laws issued on March of Governor Abbott’s Temporary Sus- document efforts to solicit MBE/WBE ministration Building. Address all sub- The purpose of this meeting is to dis- OPMENT CODE, OF 1981, AS AMEND- 16, 2020, the meetings will be conduct- pension of Open Meetings Laws issued or DBEs to comply with the City’s mittals to: cuss Del Valle Independent School Dis- ED, AND CHAPTER 212.015 OF THE ed via videoconference and there will on March 16, 2020, the meetings will MBE/WBE ordinance. If required, de- trict’s rating on the Financial Integrity TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, AS be no in-person attendance. be conducted via videoconference and tails will be included in the solicitation Craig Pruett, Director of Purchasing Rating System of Texas (F.I.R.S.T.) AMENDED. THESE HEARINGS WILL there will be no in-person attendance. package. For more information contact Pflugerville Independent CONCERN THE PROPOSED Citizen Participation on the following the Small & Minority Business Resour- School District Video/Audio Conferencing Notice: Due RESUBDIVISION OF ALL OR PART OF item will occur via telephone at which Citizen Participation on the following ces Department at 512-974-7600. 1401 West Pecan to the public health threat of COVID- THE EXISTING SUBDIVISIONS LISTED AS time all persons wishing to do so will item will occur via telephone at which A. CONSTRUCTION ADVERTISEMENTS - Pflugerville, Texas 78660 19 and pursuant to the Governor Ab- FOLLOWS: be allowed to speak for or against the time all persons wishing to do so will ALL CONSTRUCTION SOLICITATIONS. bott’s Temporary Suspension of Open following: be allowed to speak for or against the The following construction related so- The anticipated budget for this project Meetings Laws issued on March 16, ** Due to Coronavirus Preventive following: licitations will be received prior to the is estimated at $760,000. The scope 2020, this meeting will be conducted Measures the meeting may be held on- A request from Carlson, Brigance & date and time indicated for the follow- and schedule for this project as cur- via Live stream, which will be audible line and viewable at https://www.atxn. Doering, Inc. on behalf of RH Lakeway A request from Real Property Professio- ing project(s) at the Capital Contract- rently defined is described in the Pro- to the Board and public. tv beginning at 6:00 p.m. Development LTD., owner of approxi- nals, owner of approximately 1.994 ing Office, One Texas Center, 505 Bar- posal Document. 9/28, 10/5/2020 mately 9.6 acres of land located south acres of land located at 1303 Teck Cir- ton Springs Rd., Ste.1045-B, Austin, TX 0000595881-01 1. Easton Park Section 1B Amended of Highlands Blvd at the intersection of cle (Mountain Top Acres, Block A, Lot or received electronically via Austin Fi- Proposal documents may be obtained Plat: C8J-2018-0212.1A; Case Manager: Baldovino Skyway and Highlands Blvd, 6) for approval of a Re-Plat for the nance Online, then publicly opened vir- by contacting the Pflugerville ISD Pur- Sue Welch; Phone Number: 512-854- for a variance to Section 28.09.013 of property. tually one hour after the time due. chasing Department by email at craig.p Due to the current outbreak of 7637. the Lakeway Code of Ordinances per- 9/28/20 1) Zilker Metro Park - Maintenance [email protected]. Documents can also COVID-19 (Coronavirus), and for 2. Easton Park –B, Lot 1, 2, 4, and 6 Pre- taining to cut and fill requirements. 0000597772-01 Barn Replacement (CIP). IFB 6100 be downloaded from the district the safety and welfare of both our liminary Plan; C8J-2018-0212; Case 9/28/20 CLMC821. For info Kalpana Sutaria, 512- website at: http://www.pfisd.net//site/D employees and our customers, Manager; Sue Welch; Phone Number: 0000597778-01 NOTICE OF SITE PLAN VARIANCE 974-7225. A Vendor Conf will be held efault.aspx?PageID=259 the physical offices of the 512-854-7637. at Virtual at 1:30P on 9/28/20. Offers Austin-American Statesman at 3. Easton Park, Section 1B Amended NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUB- due prior to 2:00P on 10/22/20. Compli- Pflugerville I.S.D. reserves the right to NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS LIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE 305 South Congress Avenue will Plat, C8J-2018-0212.2A; Case Manager: CITY OF LAKEWAY ance plans due prior to 2:00P on waive any formalities and to reject any be closed until further notice. Sue Welch; Phone Number: 512-854- CITY OF AUSTIN PLANNING COMMIS- 10/22/20. Offers will be opened on or all Proposals. ZONING & PLANNING COMMISSION SION ON October 13, 2020 AT 6:00 7637. CITY COUNCIL 10/22/20 at 3:00P. We will be available by email and P.M., AT City Hall Council Chambers, 2) Electrification Infrastructure Phase 3 Project Schedule of Events by phone during our regular office THESE SUBDIVISIONS ARE LOCATED 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, Texas IDIQ (CIP). IFB 6100 CLMC818. For info • Request for Proposals Released Sep- Notice is hereby given that public hear- hours of 8am-5pm every weekday. WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF ings will be held by the Zoning and Laurie Thering, 512-974-7035 or laurie.t tember 28, 2020 As we adjust to this new way of THE CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS, OR WITH- ** Due to Coronavirus Preventive [email protected]. A Pre-Bid Ven- • Pre-proposal Conference October 06, Planning Commission on October 13, Measures the meeting may be held on- doing business there could be a IN 5 MILES OF THE CITY LIMITS. A 2020 at 9:15 AM and City Council on dor Conf will be held via Microsoft 2020, 10:00 a.m. delay in our response time, but a MORE DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE line and viewable at https://www.atxn. Teams at 10:00A on 9/22/20. Offers due • Due Date for Proposals October 20, October 19, 2020 at 6:30 PM. Because tv beginning at 6:00 p.m. representative of the paper will EXISTING SUBDIVISIONS AND OF THE of Governor Abbott’s Temporary Sus- prior to 2:00P on 10/8/20. Compliance 2020, 2:00 p.m. return your email or call as PROPOSED RESUBDIVISIONS ARE CON- plans due prior to 2:00P on 10/8/20. Of- • Board Approval Expected November pension of Open Meetings Laws issued SP-2019-0561C soon as possible. TAINED IN FILE NUMBERS LISTED on March 16, 2020, the meetings will fers will be opened on 10/8/20 at 3:00P. 19, 2020 ABOVE. YOU MAY EXAMINE THESE 3) Cepeda Renovation Project (CIP). IFB • Notify Firm November 20, 2020 be conducted via videoconference and Variance Requested: Request to vary Thank you for your understanding, FILES AT THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES there will be no in-person attendance.
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