Editorials ..................................... 4A Op-Ed .......................................... 5A Calendar ...................................... 6A Scene Around ............................. 9A Synagogue Directory ................ 11A News Briefs ............................... 13A WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 44, NO. 14 DECEMBER 6, 2019 8 KISLEV, 5780 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ KCOA’s 8 over 80 honorees for 2020 The Kinneret Council on The 8 over 80 honorary din- Aging, a nonprofit agency that ner will be held in the Delaney provides ongoing programs Dining Room at Kinneret and services to residents of Apartments and will benefit Kinneret Apartments, has the KCOA which provides announced the honorees for programs and services for their 2020, 8 over 80 Gala to residents that are not included be held on Sunday, March 1, in the resident’s monthly 2020. rent. These programs include “This is our community’s monthly music performances, premiere event honoring onsite weekly exercise classes, older adults and we are truly movie nights, cultural activi- inspired by the number of ties and holiday celebrations outstanding individuals, who as well as excursions includ- continue to contribute to our ing trips to local stores and community and promote the area restaurants. KCOA also Jewish tradition of Tikkun continues to fund the popular Olam,” said Lynn Fenster, 8 twice-monthly food pantry, over 80 chairperson. “This which provides an abundant Getty Images/JTA montage event celebrates the spirit of grocery bag to residents at no Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Sen. Bernie Sanders. Behind Bloomberg: Wall Street in the 1960s. Behind Sanders: older adults, honoring their cost to them. This program Jewish salespeople on the Lower East Side of New York City in the 1890s. lives and respecting their offers an array of healthy foods individuality.” to residents, many who enjoy The honorees for the 2020 cooking their own meals. Cur- event are: Jes Baru, Barney rently over 120 residents are Bloomberg or Bernie: Which Jewish Chepenik, Joan Forino, Elaine participating in this program. Gamson, Harry Lowenstein, Honor these inspiring older Henry Schilowitz, Sandi adults by taking out an ad or candidate do American Jews want? Solomon, and Harriet Weiss greeting in our Tribute Book It is a privilege to recog- or by becoming a sponsor of By Ami Eden Democratic presidential candidates, al- Back then the Jewish street wasn’t nize these outstanding and the event. Kinneret Apart- most always by overwhelming margins— Democrat. It was decidedly socialist. dynamic individuals,” said ments provides affordable, NEW YORK (JTA)—First Bernie Sand- hence sociographer Milton Himmelfarb’s Take 1920, the last time a Democratic Sharon Weil, executive direc- independent senior housing ers. Now Michael Bloomberg. This cycle’s famous quip that American Jews “earn nominee failed to win the Jewish vote. tor of Nonprofit Operations in downtown Orlando. For Democratic primary is shaping up to be like Episcopalians and vote like Puerto That year the Republican, Warren G. for the Kinneret Council on information on the facility the all-time greatest troll of white nation- Ricans.” His point was that even as they Harding, not only recorded a landslide Aging. “These are active and or to find out how you can alist Twitter—a battle royale featuring grew more affluent during the post-World victory, but according to the book “Jews inspiring individuals who con- donate to KCOA, please go to both a Jewish socialist from Brooklyn War II era, the overwhelming majority in American Politics,” is believed to have tinue to live lives of remark- www.KinneretLiving.com or and a Jewish billionaire who made his of American Jews stayed true to their won 43 percent of the Jewish vote. Only able achievement, vitality and contact Sharon Weil at 407- fortune catering to Wall Street. outsider roots by casting their ballots about 20 percent of Jews voted for the civic engagement.” 425-4537 ext. 211. Talk about trope bait! for liberal candidates. Democrat, James Cox. It’s not necessarily just the anti- But the story is a bit more complicated. The real Jewish story that election year Semites who will be triggered. The fight In 1880, there were only 250,000 Jews was Eugene V. Debs, the Socialist can- between Uncle Bernie and Mayor Mike in America, most of them of German didate for president (and Sanders’ hero). Canada has a has the potential to tap into a century’s and Portuguese origin and fairly well Debs did 13 times better with Jews than worth of Jewish dinner table political established. By 1920, thanks to decades with the rest of the electorate, finishing arguments and set off a vigorous debate of immigration, the total had spiked to a close second in the Jewish vote with 39 over the past, present and future of 4 million, with five out of six American percent—compared to just 3 percent of Chanukah stamp American Jews and their politics. Jews hailing from Eastern Europe. Many the overall vote. (JNS)—Canadians hoping Since President Franklin D. Roosevelt, of these new Jewish immigrants arrived to add a little Hanukkah decor American Jews have been voting for with next to nothing. Candidates on page 14A to their envelopes or gift pack- ages this year are in luck, as Canada Post has issued a new Competition provides $1 million in grants holiday stamp to its roster this year. The new stamp was created Canadian stamp marking to combat BDS and Israel delegitimization by Lionel Gadoury, principal Hanukkah 2019. and director of strategy and By Michele Chabin Kraft have launched a compe- tions working against the beyond the security situation, creative services at Context offers stamps for the Muslim tition that will award grants Boycott, Divestment and not only in Israel but around Creative in Toronto. and Hindu holidays of Eid and TEL AVIV—The Genesis to Israeli organizations on the Sanctions, or BDS, movement us as well,” Britavsky said. His illustration features Diwali, respectively. Prize Foundation and 2019 front lines of the war against to those promoting a positive Organizations in the competi- a white menorah on a back- “We are very much aware of Genesis Prize laureate Robert anti-Semitism and efforts to image of Israel. tion should be presenting “a ground shaded in blues and the changing demographics delegitimize Israel. “We see our role as being realistic, truthful, positive purples, and flickering yellow in Canada, and our stamp pro- Kraft, the Jewish business- a catalyst in helping to bring view of Israel. We want to give flames. gram is continuously evolv- man, philanthropist and NFL about the change we want to voice to Israel and to Israelis It is meant to explore “the ing to ensure that we reflect team owner who received see in the world,” said Ste- who are working hard and relationship between light and the cultural diversity of our this year’s $1 million Gen- ven Rakitt, president of the making the world better.” dark,” Canada Post explained country,” said a spokesperson. esis Prize, previously had Genesis Prize Foundation. Upon receiving the Genesis in a release. “Combining a As for postal customers in announced he would use the “We bring together philan- Prize in June in Jerusalem, stylized menorah with layered the United States, the U.S. prize money to support efforts thropists to respond to the Kraft not only committed patterns and nuanced hues Postal Service continues to to combat anti-Semitism. most critical issues in our to forgoing the $1 million that range from bright yellow make Hanukkah-themed This week, the Genesis community. Given the sharp monetary award and direct- to deep purple, the intent is to “Forever” stamps available. Prize Foundation announced rise in anti-Israel sentiment ing it toward projects fighting evoke a sense of reflection and Two designs are currently details of how the money around the world, there is no global anti-Semitism and contemplation.” available for purchase, includ- will be distributed: a grants question that we feel a respon- efforts to delegitimize Israel, This isn’t the first time ing a 2018 design featuring competition called “Speak sibility to focus on combating but he also announced a $20 that Canada Post has issued a silver menorah on a blue Out for Israel.” this scourge.” million personal donation a Hanukkah-themed stamp. background and framed with Nonprofit Israeli organiza- To be considered for this to seed the creation of the They did so back in 2017 green motifs that was issued in tions that educate Jews or year’s competition, organiza- Foundation to Combat Anti- and, prior to that, had a lim- conjunction with Israel Post. non-Jews around the world tions should be working in a Semitism. Philanthropist Ro- ited number of Hanukkah The other design, from 2016, about Israel in a positive and unique and innovative way to man Abramovich later added stamps, created through the features lit menorah in front of engaging way will be eligible. show the real face of Israel. $5 million, and an anonymous company’s “Picture Postage” a window set against a snowy The minimum grant amount Too often that face is over- donor committed an addi- custom stamp service. Those, winter backdrop. awarded will be $50,000 and shadowed by anti-Israel pro- tional $5 million. however, were available only grant terms may last up to paganda, said Sana Britavsky, In October, the foundation in select markets. two years. Genesis Prize Foundation’s announced that it had hired as In addition to Hanukkah The goal behind the “Speak deputy CEO in Israel. its executive director Rachel and Christmas stamps, which Out for Israel” competition is “We want to enlarge the have been offered in Canada to shift focus from organiza- conversation about Israel Grants on page 15A since 1964, Canada Post also PAGE 2A HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH NEWS, DECEMBER 6, 2019 Congregation Beth Sholom in Leesburg December events Friday, Dec.
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