Removal Action Report US Forest Service, Blue River Administration Site Blue River, Oregon Prepared for: US Forest Service, Willamette National Forest McKenzie River Ranger District Report Date: August 2012 PBS Project No. 76127.000, Phase 0004 Removal Action Report US Forest Service, Blue River Administration Site Blue River, Oregon TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1 2.0 SITE LOCATION AND SETTING ..................................................................................... 1 2.1 Location ............................................................................................................... 1 2.2 Physiographic Setting......................................................................................... 1 3.0 PREVIOUS SITE STUDIES .............................................................................................. 2 3.1 Assessment and Evaluation of Remedial Options ........................................... 2 3.2 Waste Determination ........................................................................................... 2 4.0 REMOVAL ACTION OBJECTIVES AND APPROACH ................................................... 2 5.0 SAFETY ............................................................................................................................ 3 6.0 SUMMARY OF FIELD ACTIVITIES.................................................................................. 4 6.1 Monitoring Well Abandonment – May 2012 ...................................................... 4 6.2 Soil Excavation – May 2012 ................................................................................ 4 6.3 Soil Excavation – June 2012 .............................................................................. 5 6.4 Used Oil Area Soil Confirmation Sampling – May and June 2012 .................. 5 6.5 Soil Backfill – July 2012 ...................................................................................... 6 7.0 USED OIL AREA SOIL CONFIRMATION SAMPLE FINDINGS ...................................... 6 7.1 Initial Sampling Results – May ........................................................................... 6 7.2 Final Sampling Results – June........................................................................... 6 7.3 Evaluation of Results .......................................................................................... 7 8.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ...................................................................................... 7 10.0 LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................................... 8 11.0 SIGNATURES ................................................................................................................... 8 12.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 9 SUPPORTING DATA TAB 1 FIGURES Figure 1 – Vicinity Map Figure 2 – Site Map Figure 3 – Wood Post Excavation Area Detail Figure 4 – Used Oil Excavation Table of Area Detail TAB 2 TABLES Table 1 – Solid Waste Disposal Summary Table 2 – Summary of Soil Analysis APPENDICES Appendix A – Site Photographs Appendix B – Monitoring Well Abandonment Logs Appendix C – Solid Waste Disposal Receipts Appendix D – Laboratory Reports – Used Oil Area August 2012 Project No. 76127.000, Phase 0004 i Removal Action Report US Forest Service, Blue River Administration Site Blue River, Oregon 1.0 INTRODUCTION PBS Engineering and Environmental Inc. (PBS) performed a Removal Action (RA) at the Blue River Administration Site near the community of Blue River (Figure 1). The RA included the removal and appropriate management of impacted media at the former Wood Post and the Used Oil Areas. In addition, on-site monitoring wells were decommissioned as part of the RA. The procedures of the RA are specified in the Removal Action Work Plan (Work Plan). The Work Plan is intended to be used in conjunction with the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) and the Site Health and Safety Plan (HASP). This report describes the RA procedures and findings used to complete the RA. This includes the removal of soils in the Wood Post Area containing pentachlorophenol (PCP) and dioxins and furans, and removal of soils in the Used Oil Area containing used oil-derived petroleum contaminated soil (PCS) near the southwest corner of the Upper Blue River Warehouse building. The Used Oil Area is located about 500 feet to the east-southeast of the Wood Post Area on FS Road 2620-130 (Figure 2). The RA utilized the RA Work Plan (PBS, April 2012) to achieve the cleanup objectives and goals as indicated in Abbreviated Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis: Blue River Wood Post Site, Willamette National Forest, Oregon, August 2005, and Final Report: Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Addendum, Blue River Wood Post Site, Willamette National Forest, August 15, 2006 (Cascade Earth Sciences, 2006), and the Addendum to the Abbreviated Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis, Blue River Wood Post Site, Willamette National Forest, September 8, 2011 (BB&A Environmental, Inc.). 2.0 SITE LOCATION AND SETTING 2.1 Location The Site is located within the southwest ¼ of Section 21, Township 16 South, Range 4, East of the Willamette Meridian, approximately 40 miles east of Springfield, near the community of Blue River, Oregon (Figure 1). The Site is situated on Forest Service Road (FR) 2620-130 at mile post 0.2. Vacant USFS housing is located southwest of the Site across FR 2620-130. 2.2 Physiographic Setting The Site is in the western physiographic province of the Cascade Mountain Range in the Willamette National Forest (WNF) at an approximate elevation of 1100 feet above mean sea level (MSL). The area terrain consists of valleys, ridges, and mountains. The Site is situated on a south-facing slope above a valley formed by the McKenzie River. The general topography of the area slopes to the south at an approximate average 12 percent slope. However, both the Wood Post Area and the Used Oil Areas are relatively flat. The Site is bordered by FR 2620-130 on the north; undeveloped land and a USFS warehouse facility to the east; undeveloped land to the south; and undeveloped land and FR 2620-130 to the west (Figure 2). The former post treatment area is located in a clearing that gently slopes to the south and is surrounded by large old growth firs and hemlocks. The ground is vegetated with ground cover plants and shrubs. The clearing measures roughly 70 feet north-south and 70 feet east-west, encompassing approximately 4,900 square feet. August 2012 Project No. 76127.000, Phase 0004 1 Removal Action Report US Forest Service, Blue River Administration Site Blue River, Oregon 3.0 PREVIOUS SITE STUDIES 3.1 Assessment and Evaluation of Remedial Options In March and April of 2005, Cascade Environmental Services (CES) conducted a site assessment at the former wood post treatment area. The highest concentrations of PCP and dioxins/furans as 2,3,7,8-TCDD (tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) adjusted total equivalence factor (TEF) are generally limited to a relatively small area of approximately 800 square feet, and to surface soil less than 24 inches in depth. Subsurface soil contamination was only detected in samples from the hand-augered boring in the southern portion of the Wood Post Area and both PCP and dioxins/furans as TEF decreased significantly in concentration with depth. PCP was detected up to 25 feet in all four directions from the center of the Wood Post Area (Figure 3). Results also indicated that PCP contamination does not appear to be migrating off-site via surface runoff. Groundwater flow direction mirrors topography and flows to the southwest towards the location of BR-MW-1. No pentachlorophenol was detected above method reporting limits in groundwater samples and dioxins/furans as TEF were detected at concentrations similar to background. CES performed a streamlined human and ecological risk assessment and determined that an exposure scenario for future workers or campers would not be exposed to an unacceptable risk considering the existing concentrations in soil (CES, 2005). However, since the USFS plans to eventually sell the property, a more conservative residential exposure scenario was evaluated. Under that scenario, the levels of PCP and dioxins and furans exceeded acceptable long-term risk values. After considering various remedial alternatives, the USFS selected a removal action consisting of excavation and off-site disposal of impacted soil as the preferred remedy. The overall objective of the removal action is to allow for unlimited future uses of the property without any institutional or engineering controls. An approximate 9-cubic-yard, contaminated waste pile (soil, concrete, and debris) was created during the exploration of the former concrete base near the center of the Wood Post Area. This waste pile has been encapsulated in plastic visqueen within the Wood Post Area until the implementation of the RA. 3.2 Waste Determination A considerable amount of effort was made to properly characterize the waste from the wood post area for disposal purposes. A revised waste determination was prepared by BB&A and submitted to DEQ for approval (BB&A, 2011). The Oregon DEQ agreed that the soil removed from the Wood Post Area was not a hazardous waste and could be managed as a solid waste at a Subtitle D landfill. Waste profiles were completed
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