~ws I Tax tribunal • Grosse POinte Farms homeowners L------er;::::r/7' may see their homeowner's Insurance bills actually drop this year Page 3A • The Michigan KOI and Pond Clubs presented their annual pond tour In ,I w~lc~m,~,!~b~!,I~(I~~\:::l~judge. t~ defi~e Harper Woods on Saturday, July 12 A beautiful array of nine ponds were '''':1' ' ~ l'ANSE :---1) what IS publIC' showcased Page 9A " I ~\I r'"..,,,r I CR~~SE, __ !I 3 • Teachers Linda Kelly and Natalie Parsons along with assistant Lisa Boyd J~ompOl.\TE :~!lli2 Decision to determine whether are mstructlng a summer school class SOulr-l I • for first-graders called First Class Rudimentary language and anthmetlc -.J POInteparks will continued skills are Introduced via fun and cre- ative exercises Page 9A to be taxed - and how much • Board of Education members Lisa By Bonnie Caprara Wood Vreede and Joan Richardson Staff Wnter took the oath of office on Monday, July How publIc ISpublIc? The state tax 14 The board also elected new officers That defimtlon IS expect- for the 2003.04 school year Page 11A ed to be determIned wlthm commission is tak- • University Liggett School kinder- the month by a state tax tn- garten teacher Lisa Cornell Will study bunal]udge ing a "wait and educational philosophies regarding gift- Tax tnbunal Judge ed children, thanks to a $4,500 grant MIchael StImpson IS conSid- see" approach prOVided by the school Page 11A erIng whether the POInte while awaiting • Katie Pas::;amanl, a senior at parks are publIc In that they Grosse Pomte North High School, are open to all reSidents of a Stimpson's deci- attended a leadership conference In city or pnvate In the respect Washington, DC, thiS summer Page 1'1" to I" K ,n n Hurn they are not open to all resI- sion on the City 11A dents of the state case before taxing • With the discovery of emerald ash Babe Ruth sisters score! If the parks are Indeed borers m Grosse POinte Shores, the As the 13-year-old Grosse Pointe South Babe Ruth All-Star State conSidered publIc by the resident -only InvaSive, tree-killing msect has been Tournament ballplayers whacked their way to a 6-5 victory over state, then the Pomtes wIll confirmed throughout the Pomtes L'~se Creuse North on Sunday. July 13, at Kerby Field in Grosse be able to offer such amem- parks in other Page 1B POlUteFarms. their little sisters and friends kept score. From left. ties as sWimmIng, boatIng • Bob Schappe of Grosse POinte are Farms residents Gretchen Shirar. sister of first base player P.T. and tenms at no or low cost communities. See Park and hiS son, Scott, Will both sail In Shirar: their sister, Ingrid Shirar (kneeling); Charlotte Socia. sis- to ItS reSIdents If not, then related editorial, their 25th Bacardl Bayview Mackmac ter of Grosse Pointe Farms/City 12-year-Id All Star the Pomtes wIll have to pay. Race thiS weekend, earnmg Old Goat" p~tcher/catcher Will Socia; and Kelsey Horn, sister of pOSSIbly more than they Page 6A status Page 1C pItcher/catcher Topher Horn. Inspired by sisterly devotion - and have In the past, to afford the flow of free pops from the concession stand - the crew did an theIr reSidents such exclu- upstanding job during all three tournament games, including the sIvltIes 6-1 State Championship victory over L'Anse Creuse North on For the past three years, III said, "There are two Monday. July 14. the CIty of Grosse Pomte, mam pomts to beconsidered Grosse Pomte Farms, First, legal restnctlOns on Grosse Pomte Park and the property make It unmar- Thursday, July 17 Grosse Pomte Shores have ketable Accordmg to the The Alma Smith QUintet performs m The smell been paYIngstate and coun- CItycharter, It would reqUIre thiS week's MUSICon the Plaza concert, ty taxes on their lakefront a vote of the people to sell sponsored In part by the Grosse POinte parks Last year, the the property No one would News. at the comer of St Clair and of summer MichIgan Tax CommISSIon vote to sell the park filed a complamt agamst the Secondly, a substantIal por- Kercheval m the Village at 7 p m bon of the park was con- In case of Inclement weather, the Roses, below. CIty. Farms and Park clwm- attract us visually and Ing theIr parks' valuatIOlis veyed to the CIty WIth the cnncprt Will be held In the r...~",or", were too low stIpulatIOn that It be used ab Elementary School gym with their fragrance. according to Grosse Suits were not filed a park" Pointe News garden agamst Grosse POInte Furthermore. Kennedy Monday, July 21 columnist Kathleen Shores or Grosse POInte SaId, "The value of the park Peabody. Woods Last September. the IS .aIready reflected m the The City of Grosse POinte City Shores settled a suit It filed reSIdentIal assessments of CounCil meets at the City'S mUniCipal The scent of laven- agamst the tax commiSSIOn our property owners" bUilding at 7 30 P m der (at the right) and In whIch ItStax bIll was low- In Wmter 2003, the CIty other essential oils ered from $38,000 to paId $29 on state and county The Grosse POinte Woods City made from herbs and $10,000 The Woods pays a taxes on ItS parks. whIch It CounCil meets at the Woods' city hall at flowers can be mood- fee to St ClaIr Shores. assessed at $444 730pm altering. where ItS lakefront park IS ASSIstant Attorney located General Ro"s Bishop saId See Peabody's col- In ItS response. the City the tax commISSIOnIStakmg Tuesday, July 22 umn, "Down to claImed exemptIOn from a "walt and see" approach Steve Ollnek of the DetrOit Port Earth." about select- those taxes The tax tn- while awaItmg StImpson's Authonty Will be the featured speaker of ing herbs and Bowers bunal deCIded to hear the deCISIOn the Grosse Pomte Senior Men's Club for their fragrance. CIty'S case first and hold Currently, the state has luncheon at the Grosse Pomte War It's on page 7B. complaInts agamst the only leVIed taxes on reSI- Memonal beginning at 11 a m Farms' Pier Park and the dent-only parks III the City, For more information, call (313) 881- Park's Patterson and Farms, Park and Shores 5592 Wmdmlll Pomte parks m Bishop saId the tax commis- • abeyance SIOnISawaltmg the deCISIOn The Lakefront SWimming ASSOCiation If the tnbunal deCIdesthe on the CIty case before tax- Championship Finals Will be held at parks should be taxed, CIty mg reSIdent-only parks III Neff Memonal Park m the City of attorney Charles Kennedy other commumtIes Grosse Pomte Prellmlnanes Will begin at 9 a m The finals Will be held on Wednesday, July 23, at 5 30 P m ThiS year's meet IS hosted by Grosse POinte Shores • An armed forces support group meets In the Lake Room of Grosse POinte War MemOrial at 7 30 P m AdmiSSion IS free Call (313) 881- 7511 for more Information Opinion . 6A Obituaries . .8A Harper Woods. ....... ..9A Schools . 11A Autos , ..12A Business. 14A Entertainment 7B ClaSSified ads .......... 4C .. July 17, 2003 2A News Grosse Pointe News 50 years ago this week T YOU! The City of Grosse Pointe Woods In conjunction with the Grosse Pointe Public School System, The Grosse Pointe Business and Professional Association of l\lack Avenue, Lochmoor Club, St. John Health System, Mark "Doc" Andrews, and Pete Thomas Thank the following businesses and individuals for their contributions to the 2003 Grosse Pointe Woods Fireworks SPONSORS Atlanta Bread Company-Store 142 City of Grosse Pointe Park Comerica New diving platform proves popular Although it was late Monday afternoon when this picture was taken. the Edmund t. Ahee Jewelry Company Standing Room Only sign was stiU out at the new diving board installed recently at Grosse Pointe Park's beach. Perfect weather has made lakefront Farmer Jack Food Emporium parks in the Grosse Pointes the chief gathering places for thousands of res- GMACFinancial Services idents. young and old. (Photo by Santee. From the July 16. 1953 Grosse Pointe News.) Grosse Pointe Business and Professional Assoc. of Mack Ave. The Grosse Pointe News yesterday's headlines Grosse Pointe Public School System 50 years ago this week purses and wallets man's car wntamed a loaded In a case m the Park, the plstol, hollow-pOInt ammu- • The commumty's Office Lochmoor Chrysler-Plymouth Jeep, Inc. burglar took a ladder from a mtlOn and spent casmgs lit- of CIVIlIan Defense prepares house and used It to clImb terIng the floorboards Lochmoor Club to Implement a defense plan mto a second-floor \'oIndc)\\ • Grosse Pomte North should there be a bombing of another dwellmg HIgh School students LIsa Mr. C's Car Wash attack or major dIsaster Gavan and LI;,a Krebs wm Among other thmgs, the National Coney Island, Inc. 10 years ago this week ScholastIC Art Awards m plan would alert medIcal photography from the personnel to help treat • HIS name IS Latlssmus Alhance for Young Artlsts & Pointe Medical Equipment, Inc. DorSI and he loves to munch wounded, schools to send Wflters Inc , based m Ne\'o Radar Industries children to basement shel- on romame lettuce and bd"k m the afternoon sun York ters Gavan and Krebs are two Latlssmus IS a 3 1/2-foot Robert D. Ihrie & Deborah F. O'Brien • The ThIrd Annual of 49 students natIOnWide to emerald green Iguana He's Flshmg Rodeo Will be held wm awards Attorneys at Law been mlssmg SInce July 4 at Grosse Pomte Farms PIer • A piece of MichIgan hIS- Park next month, but pre- from a City of Grosse Pomte Sine & MonaghanlGMC Real Estate famIly hvmg m the tory finds a home on the hmmary competitIOn among grounds of the Grosse Pomte & youngsters m the Park, CIty Lakeland and Umverslty St.
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