MET PRESS RUM /Ll^RAGB DAILT CIRCULATION for the month of Jnly, 1928 FUNDRAISING Hartford Flyer Killed; NEW YORK PLANES BEING WATCBQ) Plane Crashes A t Field BY CANDIDATE SEARCH 3 STATES \ Hartford, Aug. 29.— Fred E.^Harry Copeland and Inspector wmirEST Boot, pilot for the L. & H. Aircraft Georige Prainaitis, of the State Air Company, was fatally injured today Service, went to Boot’s aid and took him unconscious from the wreck­ Hoover Shoulders Responsi­ when a monocoupe plane he was op­ FOR LOST FLYERS age. When they took him to the Papers largely Repnblican erating from Brainard Field crash­ hospital Boot appeared to have bility to Prevent Scandal ed after a flat spin from a height of been fatally hurt but later attefid- about 150 feet. ants there announced he might live In Farm Belt Sn Large HOGKTHEGEMS Boot received a fractured skull, but that his condition was critical. M. M. Merrill, Manager- of In Campaign Finances; two broken legs and internal in­ A plane similar to the one Boot Advertising Budget Mnst TO FOIL YEGGS juries. He died in Hartford hospi­ was flying fell at Poitier Field', Curtiss Field and Com­ tal just before 1 o’clock this after­ Providence, about a month ago and Novel Scheme of Parisians Confers With Treasurer. noon. caused the death of Osmond M. Be Planned. The crash came quickly. Lieut. Mather, of Hartford. When They Leave City on a Vacation. panion Missmg Since Washington, Aug. 29.— Herbert SMALL WELSH TOWN St. Louis; Mo., Aug. 29.;— "A Paris, Aug. 29.— ^The Kel- They le ft Buffalo Monday Hoover today shouldered responsi­ MOTHER AND BABE HAS BIGGEST NAME. million dollars to carry the .middle- logg-Briand anti-war pact has bility, in part at least, for the pre­ west,” was the Democratic pro­ nothing on the pact between vention of scandals in the raising LLANFAIRPWLLGWYNGL- municipal pawn-brokers and Afternoon— M a n y Ma­ LGOGERCHWRYNDOBWLLIT- gram, for the great agricultural and spending of $4,000,000 in his fiatdwellers to outlaw the sec­ KILLED IN WRECK YSILIOGOGOGOOGOCH, Wales, belt as national managers wound ond story man. campaign for the presidency by Aug. 29.— This tiny village, up today their three-day confer­ While it Is merely a ’’gen­ chines Join in Search. summoning J. R. Nutt of Cleve­ nestling on the island of Angel- ence here with Smith-Roblnson tleman’s agreement,” the sey off Wales, boasts a claim to land, national party treasurer, and warriors from ten states of the pp- anti-second story main pact is fame— the longest name of any being strictly observed. In Curtiss, Field, N. Y., Aug. 29.— •V' Jeremiah Milbank, eastern treasur­ Husband Held by Police; ptr Mississippi valley battleground. town in the world. practice it works out like this: Ten airplanes took the air here to­ er, before him for a report on their Natives aeclare there is none John J, Raskob, Democratic na­ When the Parisian family day, led by C. S, (Casey) Jones, activities. Said He Was Forced Off to dispute the claim, but even tional chairman, outlined the party leaves for the country estate, president of the Curtiss Flying The Republican nominee is de­ they hesitate to use the com­ program today as he prepared to gold and silverware are taken plete appelation, and have ab­ to any of a thousand pawn-” Service, to begin a search for M. clared by many of his aides to be Road at Milford. depart with, his chief lieutenants extremely anxious to avoid anything breviated it to Llanfair. brokers and unceremoniously M. Merlll, manager of the service, for Hot Springs, Arkansas, for the “ hocked.” In the pawn-brok­ tbit might bring about a repetition who was last heard from when he^ of the charges made against the Re­ notification ceremonies Thursday- er’s vaults it is safe from the left Buffalo at 4:10 p. m. Monday, publican national committee follow­ Milford, Aug. 29.— Mrs. James evening of Senator Joseph T. Rob­ activities of the night prowl­ ing gentry. in Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh’s ing the Harding campaign, which Fazzino, of 148 Liberty street, inson, the vice-presidential nomi­ resulted in a Congressional investi­ ADMITS PATERN in The procedure is doubly Curtis»-Falcon. biplane bound for Middletown," aqd her nineteen nee. useful should the head of the gation. Curtiss Field. Complete Budget months old daughter Mary , were “ The national committee plans family require some extra cash Hoover is understood to have in­ crushed to death on the Milford OF EUGENIC CHILD to spend'$500,000 on the farm for vacation requirements. Jones took off In a Fairchild sisted upon a complete budgeting Turnpike at the Orange line today drive in the ten corn-belt states,” A branch manager' a of the cabin monoplabe and was imme­ of all expenditures and has urged Raskob said in summarizing the Credit Municipal, city pawn­ diately followed by three more when a car driven by her husband, brokers, says that cooperation Fairchilds, ttro- Curtiss Falcons, a Treasurer Nutt to raise his fund upset. program approved by the regional among as many people as possible. conferences here. actually exists between the Stearman, two Army planes and a Fazzino is being held in police Russian Naval Captain Says loan shops and solid bour-.^ Jnnkers. The institution of the small dona­ headquarters here pending an in­ Press Republican tion division is credited to Hoover “ There are 600 counties in these geoisie families whereas a few T h ron g Three States quest by Coroner Jafiies J. Corri­ years ago such families would personally. gan. Fazzino insists he was side- states and it is our plan to operate Before departing Jones announ^ At one time it was reported that He Is Father of Mrs. organizations in all of them. Re­ have considered it a disgrace ed that they would fly in a wide swiped by a passing car, forced off ports here indicate that a majority No, that isn’t a filling station for motor boats that you see In the to have dealings with "uncle.” Hoover would insist upon the cam­ the shoulder of the road highway fan formaUon over the course paign budget being limited to $3,- of the newspapers'throughout the top picture, but a view along one of the streets of Rosendale, N. Y., as and upset. Burnham’s Rahy. usually taken by planes flying from 000,000 the approximate amount agricultural section are normally ^ e flood waters were receding in Rondout Creek, in the Catskills. Some Mystery. Buffalo to New York. ’This course spent in the Coolidge campaign. Republican in policy. We shall When a cloudburst sent a twelve-foot wall of water down the little val­ will take them through northern National committee heads, however, Mystery attaches to the case. therefore take other means to ley three persons were killed,- and damage was done to the extent of $250,000 IN GEMS Some time previously a girl walk­ New York, Aug. 29.— Captain New Jersey, northern Pennsyl­ after completing a tentative budget reach the voters with Governor $1,000,000. Lower photo shows rescuers headed by Father M. vania and southwestern New York. declared that it would be necessary ing on the highway was struck by Marc Michailovitch Medvedeff, Smith’s vigorous advocacy of equal­ 0 Reilly, left, of Kingston, who saved 27 boy campers from a tree where a hit-and-run driver and taken to they had clung all night. Each plane is carrying two ob­ to set the goal a million dollars twenty-six, a former officer in the ity for agriculture.” GONE IN 3 THEFTS servers who \^ill watch the ground higher. a hospital in New Haven where her Seldom- if ever has a Democratic condition was reported as serious. Russian Navy and a man of power­ through powerful glasses as the Raskob’s Charges campaign been so thoroughly or­ planes move along. The charges of John J. Raskob, Fazzino disclaims knowledge of the ful physique, admitted today that ganized in the middle-west, accord­ case. His car, acording to police, Each plane is equipped to drop Democratic national treasurer, that he is the father of the famous ing to Raskob. As evidence of the SAVANTS WATCH CLOSELY a note to any town or farm in the bear no marks of this accident. Woman’s Necklace Stolmi the Republicans were seeking a “ eugenic baby” born to Mrs. Grace intensity of the farm drive he cited ;:vent the Merrill plane is located ie “ slush fund” were not takeU seri­ Neither does it show signs of hav­ telegraphic reports from district ously among Hoover’s advisers to­ ing bean struck by another car. Mailhouse Burnham in the Lying- a spot where it is not possible to leaders in 34 of the 40 Congres­ While Dining; Salesman’s land. day, Although Treasurer Nutt de­ Man Not Hurt. in-Hospital on January 10 last. sional districts in the territory in PROGRESS OF THE TALKIES Grave fears were entertained for clared that “ things are coming Residents in the district heard Identity of the fathe - of the this conference. The budget ap­ along fine” there have been persis­ the crash and went to the aid of proved calls for an average outlay Jewels Taken From Anto. the safety of the two missing- flyers baby, a girl, which Mrs. Burnham because they knew- every foot of tent reports that collections are the victims. Fazzino was not .hurt. named Vera, meaning “ truth” , had of a little less than $1,Q00 -for slow in coming in. His wife and child were terribly, each county in the region; the way between Buffalo and Cur­ been carefully concealed ever since.
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