Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013:023 r' OCTOBER, 1965 Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013:023 WHILE in the Marine Corps. ARTHUR won an exp er I marksmanship medal now worn on Robbie's charm bracelet THE WARREN family look at the top eliminator trophy which Arthur won in a 50-lap race driving a modified car Arthur Warren • • • 8port.9man BY KAY GIBBS ASEBALL, boxing and racing are just a few of from his Marine Corps days. He joined the Marine B the sports Arthur Warren has tried in hi s life­ Corps in March, 1944, where he spent 14 months time. " I always liked to give anything one try." in the Pacific. As a member of the Second Marine Arthur confesses. Division, he was one of the first troop to occupy Arthur, foreman in the Trailer Division, admits Japan. that it is the challenge as well as the enjoyment Some of his Marine Corps training in boxing th at prompts him to participate in a new sport. prompted him to take up this sport following his Arthur's baseball days date back to when the di scharge from the service. In 1947 and 1948, Ar­ Lufkin "Angels," a professional team, played in thur fought in the Golden Gloves bouts in Lufkin. 1948. Although the "Angels" existed for only a Golden Gloves officials watched a person work out year, he recalls the exciting games played with and assigned them a local partner for a match. other Texas League teams. Arthur boxed only locally. During hi s boxing days From 1946 to 1950, Arthur was a member of the of 1948, Arthur came to work at th e Foundry. Foundry-sponsored baseball team. Arthur remem­ bers those games as pretty exciting too. He played th e position of catcher while on the Foundry team. Later, Arthur participated in softball when Luf­ kin had many softball teams in a league. He played for several different Lufkin teams. In 1962, he was selected to play with the Lufkin All Stars team at th e Shreveport All-Stars City Tournament. Many of Arthur's later sports interests stemmed WARREN girls turn the pages of a scrapbook containing their father's press notices. Left to right: KELLEY, 5. DIANE, 13. and ELAINE. 11. They are their Dad's biggest fans 2 Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013:023 As a catcher, Arthur played with Lufkin's professional ball team as well as with Foundry-sponsored soft b all teams and he will readily point out th at the " real fi sher­ man" in the family is hi s wife, Robbie. Robbie enjoys deep sea fi shing and is quite successful. She Unlimited regularly schedules trips to the Gulf Coast with several friends for a day of deep sea fi shing. Ar­ Football was anoth er sport Arthur enjoyed while thur enjoys eating th e red snappers she brings back he wa s in th e service. He played th e middle line for th e freezer. backer position on th e starting lineup for the Ma­ Arthur's real fans, besides hi s wife, are thei r r ine Co rps team where he was stationed . This was three daughters. The Warren girls are Diane, 13, one sport that Arthur would have liked to pursue Elaine, 11, and Kelley, 5. further. He is still a great follower of football. A main hobby for Arthur has been racing. He Arthur di stinguished himself in th e Marine Corps started racing modified cars in 1959, and continued as an excellent marksman. He was awarded a medal until 1962. He has not raced actively since that of expert marksmanship for hi s record shooting of time, but hopes to take it up again. "I've fooled 311 bull's eye out of a possible perfect score of with cars most of my life," he says. He has " nearly 340. Using a 30-caliber rifle, he shot at ranges of always owned a car" and has been the chief me­ 250, 350 and 500 yards. His record had been chanic when it needed repairs. beaten only once before. Mrs. Warren wears the Evidence of hi s racing ability are the great num­ silver medal on her charm bracelet. ber of trophi es he has received. His largest trophy Arthur ad mits that he is no hunter or fi sherman, is a top eliminator trophy which he won in 1960 in a trophy dash. This 50-lap race featured the top ten high point men for th e year. Arthur has raced two different cars on this track, both under th e number "BA." He still holds th e track record of 15.5 seconds. The car he built is still racing. From th e catcher's mitt to th e boxing glove, from th e football to th e racing car, Arthur considers it all " just fun." And it takes a big man like Arthur to excel in so many things. PARTICIPATING in severa l s ports, ARTHUR h a s many trophies won in auto ra cing here in Lufkin 3 Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013:023 Shop Talk Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. BARNEY RowE on the arrival of Vin­ cent Ray, born September 26, at 7 :30 p.m. The new b oy w e i g h e d seven pounds and 13 ounces. Barney is em­ ployed in the Assembly and Shipping Department, first shift. We extend our sympathy to J. T. W INT HROP, Utility Maintenance, and CHARLES WINTHROP, W eldin g and Structural Shop, who lost th eir mother. Mrs. Ada Winthrop, on October 2. Mrs. Winthrop was also th e grand­ mother of six Lufkin Foundry em­ ployees and the mother-in-law of a Foundry employee. BucK BARHI NGTO~ . Trailer Di,·ision foreman, is the proud owner of a new 1966 Chevrolet pick-up truck. THE McMULLENS ... fa ther and son receive Order of the Arrow We were sorry to hea r of the death the Evening Lions Club, which spon­ see th e wo lf at first so she took Lim e of LARRY DovER's father. Larry works so rs th e P ost, chose Julius. The initia­ out to look at a new calf. It was th en in the Trailer Division. first shift. tion took place at Camp Pirtle over that she spotted th e wolf at the edge the week-end. At th e completion of of th e pas tu re. She raised her 30-30 Congratulations to Mr. a nd Mrs. the qualifying test both Jimmy and riA e and with a deadly a im shot the CULLEN REYNOLDS on the arrival of Julius were awa rded th e sash of the wolf in th e hea d. After th e dog gaYe a new baby boy. Cullen is employed Order of th e Arrow. the wol r a good shake. she assum ed in the Machine Shop, first shift. he was dead, so she dragged him to It isn't th e an·rage housewife who th e truck and tossed him in th e back. P. J . LOWERY has been off follow­ will kil l a wolf by 7:00 a.m., although When she got in th e truck a nd looked ing surgery. We hope he will soon be Mrs. Edward Junior Childers passes back, th e wolf feebly raised his head. back at work with the boys in the this sort of thing off ve ry lightly. It So, she did the sensible thing- she Assembly and Shipping Department. seems that the Childers have been got out, climbed in th e back, a nd shot plagued by h owlin g wolves lately. the wolf again . He di ed thi s time. But \Ve are sorry to hear about the Early the morning of September 21, it wa s a ll in a day's work for Mrs. death of WILLIE KI MBLE's grand­ Mrs. Childers heard a wolf howling in Doyce Childers who th en took time mother. Willie works in the Foundry their nearby pasture. So, she got her out to pose with the now deceased Department, second shift. faithful dog, got in th e pick-up truck wolf. EDWARD J. works in th e Weld ­ and drove over to investi gate. She didn't in g Shop. We would like to extend our sym­ pathy to I. V. CHRISTOPHER who re­ ·---~ cently lost his wife. I. V. is employed in the Foundry Department, first shift. We hope 0. J . BLAYWCK wi ll soon be back followin g an illness. 0. ]. is employed in the Trailer Division, first hi ft. Jimmy McMullen and hi s fath er, Julius McMullen, wen' recently ini­ ciated into th e Order of th e Arrow. a National Brotherhood of Scout Honor Campers. Jimmy is th e so n of ACACIA and Julius McMullen. Acacia is em­ ployed in the Accounting Department. Jimmy is a member of Explorer Scout Post 136, and his dad is Explorer Adviso r of this post. The Explorer MACHINE SHOP employees g et their immunization a g ainst flu. Left to right: A. A. Post selectrd Jimmy to attend, and NATIONS. THOMAS BONE. p a rtia lly hidden. BILLY GARDNER. KENNETH BURNETTE 4 Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013:023 We hope that L.
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