CoRRECTE{) Camp Incident CA-BTU-016737 INCIDENT ACTION PLAN OPERATIONAL PERIOD 11/10/2018 0700 to �11/11/2018 0700 .. ' ..". !' .._·"' ,:... .J� ;; •· ·v.. I ., '• ;, ,, • ,1 ;. r. .-,)·(-:. ; � . -. ..,\ �,. ... ' '-'" '!'I . , .;>:� ; •' . ' . .· � ,. INCIDENT OBJECTIVES (ICS 202) 1. Incident Name: Operational Period: Date From: 11/10/2018 Date To: 11/11/2018 Camp Incident 12. Time From: 0700 Time To: 0700 3. Objective(s): Management Objectives -Provide for and maintain public and firefighter safety by utilizing the incident safety analysis process. -Protectall criticalinfrastru ctureto include communication towers, water systems, natural gas, railroad and highways. -It is the Unified Incident Commander's Leader's Intent to ensure transparent, timely and accurate communication at all leveis of the incident. •Be financially responsible for all management and fire suppression tactics. -Foster and enhance community and political relationships. -All management actions and efforts will be focused on serving,safeguarding and protectingthe citizens and natural resources of Butte County. controlQbJectjyes -Keep the fire East of Hwy 99 to Cohasset Rd. -Keep the fireSouth of Kanaka Creek -Keep the fire West of Oroville Quincy Hwy -Keep the fire North of Hwy 149 and Hwy 149 and Hwy 99· GeneralSituational Awareness: Steep-and ruggedterrain, criticallydry and receptive fuelbeds, activearea forfire history and droughtstr essedtrees. 5. Site SafetyPlan Required? Yes D No 0 Approved SiteSafety Plan(s) Locatedat: 6. Incident Action Plan 0 ICS203 0 ICS215A D Phone List D Fire Suppression Repair Plan 0 ICS204 0 ICS220 D Training Message D 0 /CS 205 0 IncidentMap 0 TravelMap D 0 ICS 206 0 V'kather Forecast O DemobPlan □ 0 ICS208 0 fire Behavior 0 Finance Message 0 ICS214 7. Prepared By: Chris Burch Position/Title: PSC Signature: l' -, B. Approved by Incident Commander: Dave Russell Signature: �)''' ICS 202 1 ORGANIZATIONASSIGNMENT LIST (ICS 203) 1. Incident Name: Operational Period: Date From: 11/10/2018 Date To: 1111112018 Camp Incident 12. limeFrom: 0700 Time To: 0700 •l - 3.,ln'tri:i�'iJtComifuiij ,c1�.f1s}anct comina'nci ·s,:aff: )$.1;"'1� • • ,;,��•-'eki:;t: i. OperatiC!nS�po••i,.,��i&l,;JlJ 1L /-, "�/:.� ,/· t,:\;;'l• ! 't;' •.;{11 � - ICIUC's Todd D<>rum, BSO Ben,Derek PPO Eric Reinbold Chief Mark Brown, Josh Bischof (D Deputy Dave Russell Deputy BiR Weiser, Monty Smith (1) SafetyOfficer Jack Picclnlnl, Doug Ferro (1) NightOps Mark Higgins I InformationOfficer Steve Kaufmann, Bill Murphy (T) Staging Area COLLEGE SpencerMcGlinger 1 1 f: � � J��4 Liaison Officer Mitch Villapando ', �'l!<>i:.'gr'.;'·�Brarii:h ;1r.�-•;ti&1�t,:.];_i{� �i-licks-��-,.� -�: :�1. ��i:JI : Division/Group A Dyer �TClG .s,moiv� Division/Group B Steve.Simons ...';A�r-J p.....,i::;{<.._ i1-1t�iieif,cy,'1QrgffilµtiJ;n•iffep���tai;i�:l::i(if\�W-11��� Division/Group D Rklk-MeASOn- (S'E..ff F'C\!;;Ot'\ Agency/Organization Name Division/Group CHP CfiffMorrison Division/Group St!te Parks Aaron Wright !�€if/if'�B�fi� ,\4m.'i!'i,.it�!l;t�..,'.�� J:l�iiNo.���l��ikw�"'�'° OES Cindi Dunsmoor Division/Group E l'l'SA- B�,�� ttAitl . -' SPI Steve Roberts Division/Group F �n.ft) -Yi,-T I \/�J lC. PG&E Rob Cone Division/Group G J:BA.. RON M r \�h(;o CalOES Kit Baley Division/Group J CCC Logan Forbes Division/Group ButteCo EOC MeganJessee f.-J.���Br.ilic6," �--w;;��f��t; sh1firt��iie1.i!Jii��f�.��;}¾�Jxm� Paradies EOC ColetteCurlis Division/Group H Mike Hildebrand BIA Greg Perry Division/Group K Shane Galvez BIA George Violante Division/Group N Gen9Neefy I Alan W.M5/e,{T) Division/Group Division/Group . �-�-" . .. .. ••'51 -�st�, "',ll).-� • t:� ·�- 1#F-11A...-"1',;, �!A1Jnin11�i;i(on;,11.R1i1 ;'f\"1(1·=".:,ry �.1.�--��1;;,"'l.�- ' '. (, � j-�� Division/Group p TBA Chief Chris Burch Division/Group Q TBA Deputy Jason Martin • ·• •Division/Group ·R ,, TBA Resource Unit CobyDyche, Ron KarlenBrian ffi Toroslan (T) Division/Group SituationUnit Denny O'Neil .. Division/Group ' "' .. �1 �Yl•j �i•'!Jh1.T..-:u».HP1� DocumentationUnit �-�ell� "� t�f�•�f�J�� � � DemobilizationUnit Chris Lynch Division/Group s TBA GISS Dan Dresselhaus Division/Group T TBA FBAN limChavez; JonathanPar\gbum (f) Division/Group IMET Alex Hoon DivislonlGrQup TrainingTech Spec Dennis Marlin Staging Area ��11Dll.S{.J:5ra{J�,.-.• ' � .·-·� ,i,J�-�-- . i,:_�;<!Y!.?,�t;:,��t�p7 ,,, . �' ··� �,�i AirSupport Grp Sup Greg Bradshaw,lim Pertlns Chief MattReich HelibaseManager JCCoUins SupplyUnit MathewBrandt '" -� FacUitiesUnit Shawn Burris,Travis Heard ti1[F)_iiarJ��f;t\fil'Ji'ii�i>.ffiS�..... � ., , Ground SupportUriit Conor Stapleton, Mike Esparza Chief GeorgeHuang . Ordering Mike HeyFron Deputy M\lrisZaver Hired-EquipmentTech lim Bingham limeUnit ShaneBeck, Greg Tunzi(f) CommunicationsUnit Tom Webb Procurement Unit Jo,e Flagg MedicalUnit DarienNelson Comp/ClaimsUnit Colatney Forsythe Motel Tech Spec Dawn Muschetto CostUnit Rob Jenkins A � �repared_!!y: Name: Chris Burch Pos!fion/Trtle: Sig�ture: 1·,n _j PSC ICS203 lDatemme: 11/9/2018 2300 hours 2 ORGANIZATION ASSIGNMENT LIST (ICS 203A) 2. C>peratlonal Perlcxl: Date Frc,m: 11/10/2018 Date To: 11/11/2018 1.- Incident- Name: - Camp Incident TimeFrom: 0700 Time To: 0700 I ,, :t_ > 1t:o-pe'rat1s:!n se<;fion:tz-,;i;k•�.ti- ,;J/�:� , ·, �:·:.:h' i •. 1,•: ,,.� ,;,. -� , .. .-,:,,,� J.ts��ir..i--.. t��-l: .,{.'' ., . · .,v.t,·J:;. -· -:r. , ..,,.,. ' Chief Mark Brown,Josh Bischof(T) Deputy Bill Weiser,Monty Smith (T) Staging Area STIRLING Staging Area PARADISE 8,/1 LoPe7. it,-t•"'••·· ,, ; r .• � ,,_, -�le.A',, �,.P�6 ��� .folL -· :· • I :':fi�L. -���era.Q'm' • ' -· � ·-·.�.. � J"I :.__ ;.':;._� ��- Division/Group u Diana Totten Division/Group Division/Group y. JamesAllen Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group S\�,; HAW\UN "i Division/Group !:"''l!i>rl..H.,,...- j ,,.. ' �Nt)�....,_.:._"'-t irJ _:, · ~)ari� .. ni�CT � - "·-=�.: -�� . ...,� Division/Group Division/Group Divli;lon!Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group .. Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group (111.S Bos,7JN Division/Group "'" . r.= �i..r�-'6 �1t1ra11cli • •.: Iii - �t.;-0�·1•�\._'li.... �'\a�'i�::::=- �•'-•-� -�· �� B9.,0_ 1.;'-1 l!N'..�� f�'.�: . - Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group · ·01vlslon/Group Division/Group Division/Gro!lp Olvision/GroUD Division/Group Division/Group • Division/Group �ill__ • Divisiori/Group • __ ,i_ g)'. 1=�'P�'Jmi�f! �:�$...,@n_c_n ;,-,. - �!!'-��],� ·,···•Division/Group Rescue Group 1 I Division/Group ••Division/Group Division/Group " Division/Group Division/Group ' ·, ·,,Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Di.vision/Group ' ' , , �Cl), � - � uah.cl'!� �t.'JJ'-� . Division/Group .• Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group �I -� �/,;l-t,llio,;!' ..� � �- � Division/Group , Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group /I 1 Prepared By: jChris Burch I Position/TIiie:PSC ISlgnalure: lll-,J : - ·-·---·•-· ··- I . - . ICS203A I 0atetrime: 'l 11/9/2018i2300 hours 3 Fire Weather Forecast • FORECAST NO: 2 NAME OF FIRE: Camp PREDICTION FOR: DAY/NIGHT SHIFT UNIT: CA-BTU SHIFT DATE: November 10-11, 2018 SIGNED: Alex Hoon TIME/DATE ISSUED: November 9, 2018 2000 PDT Incident Meteorologist WEATHER DISCUSSION: ... RED FLAG WARNING 10PM TONIGHT THROUGH MONDAY MORN/ Light winds are expected during the day today with dryconditions. Poor mixing today will keep poor visibility through the day, especially for the lower elevations of the fire area. Another strong northeast wind event is expected over the next couple days with very dry conditions, poor recovery, and strong winds over the Camp Fire. Northeast winds will increase this evening after 2000, with the peak of the wind even from midnight to around 7am Sunday morning. Lighter winds are expected Saturday afternoon, with increasing northeast winds once again Sunday night. Very dry conditions and poor humidity recovery continues through the weekend and into next week, although with lighter winds. WEATHER FORECAST FOR SATURDAY: . .. LIGHT WINDS DURING THE DA Y... POOR MIXING ... WEATHER: Sunny with heavy smoke. Smoke inversion remaining over fire. are.a through the day. MAX TEMPERATURES: 55�65°F. LITTLE CHANGE MIN HUMIDITY: 12-17%. UP 5% 20-FOOT WIND: SLOPENALLEY - Northeast 5 to 10· in-the··morning; then'becoming-l:Jpslope·to,3·to B·mph· · · inJhe afternoon. RIDGETOP- Northeast 10 mph with gusts to 15 mph in the morning, then Becoming West 5-1O mph in the afternoon. MIXING HEIGHl': 1000 ft AGL in the afternoon. TRANSPORT WINDS: North 5 mph . SATURDAY NIGHT: ... CRITICAL DOWNSLOPE WINDS INCREASING AFTER 2000... WEATHER: Clear with smoke jnversion. MIN TEMPERATURES: 45-50°F. LITTLE CHANGE MAX HUMIDITY: 15-20% DOWN 10% 20-FOOT WIND: SLOPENALLEY - Calm, then increasing after 2000 to Northeast 15 to 20 mph. Gusts up to 30 mph. RIDGETOP - West 5-10 mph, then Northeast 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 50 mph after 2000. EXTENDEDFORECAST: ... GUSTYWINDS CONTINUE INTO MONDAY MORNING... SUNDAY AND MONDAY: Sunny. Max temps ... 55-65°F. Min RH 6-11%. Northeast 10 to 20 mph. Gusts 30- 45 mph into Sunday morning. Lighter winds during the afternoon. Gusts up to 30 mph again Sunday night. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY: Sunny. Max temps ... 57-67°F.. Min RH 10-15%. Light updrainage winds during the afternoon. Northeast 5 to 1O mph overnightiand into the morning hours. FIRE BEHAVIOR FORECAST FORECAST NUMBER: 2 TYPE OF FIRE: Wildland Fire FIRE NAME: Camp OPERATIONAL PERIOD: 24hr 11/10 (0700-0700) DATE ISSUED: 11/9 TIME ISSUED: 1830 UNIT: BTU SIGNED: Jon3th� Pangb':[n£BAN (T) - - _ rY--y _/ INPUTS WEATHER SUMMARY **Red Flag for Hot and Dry with Increased winds Sat-Mon** See Weather Forecast in IAP. OUTPUTS GENERAL: **Possibility of Wind and Plume Dominated Fire Behavior** Expect varying windows for direct attack versus indirect; as related to flame lengths and rates of speed, based upon forecast wind and smoke coverage.
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