The Catholic Vol. XVI, No. IX, October 2010 A Tool for Evangelization, Catechesis and Apologetics I did not come to be served, but to serve. Matthew 20:28 Catholic schools provide an opportunity for both faith and reason By Fr. Michael Miller human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart 2010 Catholic schools every- a desire to know the truth—in a word, to know Fund-Raising where have just finished Himself—so that, by knowing and loving their Marathons, which God, men and women may also come to the goal: $50,000 raise a portion of the funds fullness of truth about themselves” (Introduc- that they need to operate. At tion). first the goals may seem This is the reason we have Catholic very high and difficult to at- schools: to reinforce this truth and teach our tain, carrying with it the nat- children about it each and every day in their ural question of “why all the most formative years. This may seem like a effort?” They are attained very high goal yet, like the annual Marathon, Fr. Miller by working together, and by working together, it can be reached. The understood by realizing that they are needed parents, the pastor, the principal, the teachers, for a greater purpose than simply learning other staff and volunteers, and the students about the things we can know by reason. This themselves must work together to accomplish is an important key to understanding life. It so great a goal. Our goal is Heaven: eternal may seem that the Church sets her sights too holiness and life. We cannot reach that by our- high. She asks us to believe that there is selves. We must help each other in practical something beyond the visible world; a reason and spiritual ways. Practically: by raising the and a purpose to life—a call to be saints—to real money needed to run a school and parish; discern and live out our vocation to holiness, spiritually: by teaching the truths of the faith, thereby bringing the light of the Gospel into which includes praying for one another. the world. That is the purpose of a Catholic Those prayers have a real effect even if we school: to teach our children from the very be- cannot see them. The prayers of children are ginning that faith and reason belong together. precious in the eyes of God, and they are a de- Photo by Dr.Photo by Bonnabeau Raymond Reason shows us that there is a God, and St. Joseph is the patron of the universal (Catholic) liberate part of each school day. Regularly, the that we can know very much about Him, but it Church and the family, both of which transmit and students are brought to the highest prayer pos- also shows us that there is even more that we educate young people in natural and supernatural sible: the Holy Mass. cannot know, that He needs to tell us. To put truths. This statue is outside St. Joseph Hospital in I have always been very grateful to every- it very simply, reason shows us that we need St. Paul, Minnesota. one who works so hard to keep our Catholic faith. In 1998, Pope John Paul II wrote one of the help of reason, and at the summit of its schools alive and well; and I think it is essen- MPLS. MN his most important encyclicals, called “Fides searching reason acknowledges that it cannot tial that every school must continually strive NON-PROFIT et Ratio” (Faith and Reason). In it he said, do without what faith presents” (n.42). “Faith to achieve its greatest potential academically ORGANIZATION PERMIT NO. 3452 U.S. POSTAGE PAID U.S. POSTAGE “Faith asks that its object be understood with and reason are like two wings on which the Catholic Schools continued page 6 George Weigel: biography John Henry Cardinal Newman of Pope John Paul II expanded has been declared “blessed” By John Sondag by Pope Benedict XVI [Editor’s Note: George By Fr. James Reidy Weigel is the Distinguished Se- nior Fellow of the Ethics and [Editor’s Note: Fr. Public Policy Center and the James Reidy, Ph.D., author of Witness to Hope, a bi- a regular columnist ography of Pope John Paul II. for “The Catholic He has recently authored a se- Servant,” attended quel to that biography, entitled the beatification of The End and the Beginning. John Henry Cardinal “The Catholic Servant” was Newman in England able to interview George in September, when Weigel when he spoke at the Pope Benedict XVI University of St. Thomas about visited the United Pope John Paul II, a presenta- Kingdom.] tion sponsored by that universi- Hattenberger Jake Photo by John Henry ty’s Catholic Studies Program.] Pope Benedict XVI Cardinal New- Cardinal Newman man’s beatification “Catholic Servant”: How did began rather dismally with a light rain falling on the many thousands you get started on the second gathered early on the morning of September 19, 2010, in a field and volume of the Pope’s history? on the slope of a hill in a park outside of the city of Birmingham, George Weigel: I had al- England. But it seems that Heaven’s stage manages things just right ways intended to finish the job sometimes, so as Pope Benedict arrived for the ceremony, the sun be- I began with Witness to Hope, gan to break through the clouds. It was shining fully at the beginning George Weigel Weigel continued page 9 Cardinal Newman continued page 11 TheThe CatholicCatholic ServantServant Fund-RaisingFund-Raising GoalGoal forfor 2010:2010: $50,000 $50,000 The Catholic Servant Box 24142 P.O. Minneapolis, MN 55424 PleasePlease helphelp supportsupport ““TheThe CatholicCatholic ServantServant”” throughthrough giftsgifts andand fundraisersfundraisers Page 2 The Catholic Servant October, 2010 Bringing the Faith into the home How we can break through the clouds of uncertainty and see more clearly By Niki Kalpakgian ing happen in our daily life: A ment it was to perceive that there is an appeal to an un- with the Emperor’s new phrase uttered doesn’t seem beauty that had been envelop- changing truth. Without this clothes. Folding quite right, but what was par- ing us the whole time. And foundation, ideologies run It seems that the closer we laundry the ticularly wrong with it? In the with the simultaneous advent rampant, logic appeals to the get to the top of that mountain, other day, midst of an argument the logic of the sun, we were filled with masses to support pet projects the more clarity we receive and something doesn’t flow, but where exactly warmth and sense of grandeur and the lukewarm nature of the better we can see. The same struck me as to refute the claim? Something at the same time. “niceness” takes the place of is true in the life of a Christian: odd but I feels wrong in the depths of us On earth, clarity comes honest dialog. When the uni- the closer we are to the Truth couldn’t put about supporting a person or through the person of Christ, versal appeal to truth is lacking (God) the greater our clarity in my finger on movement, but the precise rea- Who is Truth. And in Heaven then the ideology of the day, the situations of life. it. Was my son we can’t articulate. Often there is perfect sight (“face to the splendor of the moment and son’s jacket the end results of what we are face”) with God. So it seems the fading appeal of power can Kalpakgian really such unsure of seem harmless, so we that situations, difficulties, and lead people astray. But, in the Niki Kalpakgian is a free- dark beige? Shrugging my second-guess our hesitations. suffering can best be under- end, someone has to cry out lance writer living in Gaming, shoulders I figured it must be. But how can we help break stood in the light of Christ. Just like the boy in the tale of the Austria, with her husband and But wait; did that pair of paja- through the clouds of uncer- as I was confused and unsure Emperor’s New Clothes: “But two boys. mas always have such a bluish tainty? There is absolute truth when first folding that laundry, he hasn’t got anything on!” It tinge? Again, I figured I must (Christ), but how can we see it then understanding came when takes courage to face the harsh This article was funded by the be wrong; they were recently more clearly in daily life? I understood the cause. reality of truth; but the empti- St. Joseph the Worker Chair of bought and I just hadn’t looked I’m reminded of a recent But, the struggle for knowl- ness of faulty logic is experi- Writing sponsored by an anony- that closely. It wasn’t until I hike I took with my husband. edge precedes the light. Just as enced in the end. mous patron. brought out the pair of jeans Arising early, we hit the trail the first part of that early morn- The adage that you can fool from the pile that the truth hit by 6:45 A.M. and started as- ing hike was through the others but you can’t fool your- me. Yes, those are new dark cending the mountain. Our des- clouds and a steep uphill climb, self proves true in the end. Or, jeans. Of course, they bled dark tination: Dachstein glacier in so we too must wrestle with re- more appropriately, it might be blue onto all the lighter colored the western portion of Austria.
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